Running from the Wolf

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Running from the Wolf Page 9

by Laura Ann

  “It’s not me I’m worried about,” Ruby sniffed.

  “I know. That’s just one of the things I love about you, your selflessness.”

  Love! Did he mean it? Ruby waited on baited breath to see if Derrick would clarify his statement, but he only continued to hold her and soothe her, pressing kisses to her head and rubbing her arms.

  Derrick leaned back. “Feeling better?” His golden stare was intense and Ruby nearly melted under his gaze.

  “If I say yes, will you continue to hold me?”

  Derrick let out a small chuckle and tucked her back under his chin. “I’ll hold you as long as you want. You just say the word.”

  Ruby felt a small smile pull at her lips. It was at that moment that she realized her heart was gone. I love him. I never want him to leave, I wish I could stay in his arms forever. She allowed herself to soak in the warmth of her thoughts, hopeful that Derrick felt the same way.

  A COUPLE DAYS LATER, Ruby pulled into the restaurant parking lot. She was meeting Lucy for lunch. Ruby was nervous since her purpose was actually to try and trick Lucy into confessing to a problem between her and Mateo. Not to mention it was the first time Ruby had left the house since the incident with the broken car window.

  The police had taken all the information, including a copy of the email and said they would be in touch.

  Derrick was still at The Center but Ruby knew he would be waiting for her to call as soon as she was done so that he would know she was okay.

  Glancing around the area, she darted into the restaurant as quickly as possible, nervous about staying out in the open. Once seated, she took her phone out and got the recording device ready to go. She planned to tape record their conversation so she could send the file to Mateo.

  Several months ago, Ruby had convinced Lucy to join the dating service with her. At the time, Ruby had high hopes of finding someone to connect with. In fact, she had just started emailing back and forth with Braedon when Lucy joined.

  And we can clearly see how that turned out. Ruby scowled as her mind ran through the problems she was having. It appeared that Lucy wasn’t doing much better. Mateo believed Lucy was the girl he met on the dating site, but when he went to surprise her in person, he met a different teacher with the same initials, who claimed to be the one he was writing to.

  Mateo, however, was falling in love with Lucy and both Ruby and Mateo believed Lucy was falling in love with Mateo, but for some unknown reason, Lucy refused to clear up the misunderstanding. Which is what brought Ruby to the restaurant for lunch. If she won’t confide the truth to Mateo, maybe she will admit the truth to a friend.

  Ruby stood and waved when Lucy walked in. With a smile and a hug, they sat and settled in.

  An hour and a half later, Ruby said goodbye to Lucy. Dang, I think her story is even worse than mine. After Lucy drove off, Ruby pulled out her phone and texted Mateo.

  Got it. It’s crazy, you gotta hear this.

  It took only moments for him to answer back.

  Where do you want to meet?

  Right now?


  Okay, the park?

  Lucy goes there. Can’t risk it.


  Be there in ten.

  With another uneasy glance around the parking lot, Ruby jumped in her vehicle and drove straight to the library.


  Does your man know that you’re cheating on him? Maybe I should let him see what I had to watch today. That will send him running faster than anything else.


  Ruby felt her gut churning again and prayed she wouldn’t be sick. Braedon’s emails were getting bolder and he seemed to enjoy mocking her at every turn. She and Derrick were getting ready to watch a movie together and she had decided to check her email while he finished fixing them some popcorn.

  They had decided to meet at Derrick’s apartment so that Ruby could report on Lucy’s problem and so they could have a little alone time.

  As much as I love Grams, she knows how to kill a mood faster than a bucket of ice.

  Reading the email once more, Ruby realized there was an attachment. Hovering over the download button, she hesitated.

  “All ready?” Derrick’s deep voice penetrated the silence and caused Ruby to jump. Derrick’s brows formed a deep V. “What’s wrong? You look like you’re going to be sick.”

  “I decided to check my emails while I waited for you.”

  Derrick’s eyes widened. “Did you get another one from Braedon?”

  She nodded but didn’t speak.

  Setting down the bowl of popcorn and bottles of water, Derrick slid in next to Ruby, one arm around her shoulders.

  Ruby felt some of her tension melt at his gesture and she was once again grateful for his presence.

  “Oh ho ho. Looks like for once, the guy doesn’t know what’s going on.” He glanced at Ruby, his gold eyes looked hard at granite. “Probably safer to keep it that way. Let him think you can’t make up your mind. It will take away one specific target and force him to spread his attention.”

  “There’s an attachment.” Ruby’s voice was a hoarse whisper and she cleared her throat, not liking how vulnerable she sounded.

  “Want me to look at it without you?” Derrick’s voice held concern and his face showed sympathy.

  Ruby pursed her lips and shook her head slightly. “I want to know what we’re dealing with. Being in the dark is worse than knowing.”

  “Alrighty then. Pull it up, sweetheart.”

  Ruby took a deep breath and clicked download. The picture that popped up was a bit grainy, but the subjects were still discernible. There sat Ruby in profile across the table from Mateo. Both were leaning into the center of the table and it appeared as if they were having an intimate conversation.

  Two emotions hit Ruby at the same time. First, she felt violated. Although she knew Braedon had been watching her, having a visual knowledge made it hit closer to home. The sensation left her feeling sticky and unclean. But another emotion overrode it momentarily when she panicked that Derrick would read more into the photo than there really was.

  “I promise we weren’t doing anything but talking,” Ruby set the computer on the coffee table and tucked her knee so she could turn sideways on the couch. “We were simply discussing his problem with Lucy and how to solve it. I don’t have any—”

  Derrick cut off her rant with a short, but firm kiss. His large, warm hands cupped her face and held her in place as he spoke. “It’s okay Ruby. I know you don’t have feelings for Mateo. Don’t let Braedon get in your head. I’m not the least bit threatened by you helping your friend.” He gave her another kiss then let go of her and leaned back.

  Putting his elbow on the back of the couch, he leaned his head on his fist. “He’s obviously keeping really close tabs on you. He must simply follow you all day long, which means he either has a flexible job, or he doesn’t work at all.” Derrick rubbed his jaw, his eyes unfocused as his mind ran through the situation.

  Ruby had completely melted at his sweet words and kisses, but as he spoke of the problem again, she felt her muscles tense and the dirty feeling of being violated came back in full force. She felt herself start to shake and soon her teeth were chattering.

  Her movement caught Derrick’s attention and he immediately pulled her into his lap so he could completely surround her with his body.

  “H-h-he’s been wa-watching me,” Ruby managed to stutter out.

  “I know ... I know.” Derrick held her as she shook.

  “Do you think he’s,” Ruby swallowed, trying to moisten her mouth. “Do you think he’s watching me in my house? At night?”

  She could feel Derrick’s muscles tense and a tic started pulsing in his jaw. He took a few moments to respond to her. “We’ll get him, sweetheart. Very soon this will all be over. He’s starting to panic, that’s why he sent that last email. He feels he’s losing control of the situation so he’s trying to m
ake you panic too.”

  Derrick’s warmth and the feeling of protection that radiated out of him had started to help the tremors subside. Nodding in agreement with Derrick, she didn’t bring up the fact that he didn’t answer the question.

  “Very soon.” Derrick kissed her temple, then settled into a more comfortable position on the couch. “Grab that bowl, will ya?”

  As Ruby reached for the popcorn, Derrick grabbed the remote. When she tried to slide off his lap he grabbed his hips. “Nope. This is the best seat in the house and I want you to have it.” He winked at her.

  Ruby laughed lightly and settled back into him. Thank you, Lord for a man who works so hard to calm my worries. She shifted and wiggled until she had gotten her position just right. “Hmm ... you’re right. This is the best seat in the house. How generous of you to give it up.”

  Derrick shrugged and grinned. “It’s not entirely without its rewards for myself as well.” His left arm was cradled around Ruby while his right arm held the remote. Keeping his eyes on the television, he leaned his mouth to the left just an inch to plant a soft kiss on her forehead. Keeping his lips there, he caressed her silky skin. “You smell good.”

  Ruby giggled, nuzzling into his chest. She felt like a small kitten all curled up and content in his lap. It was a new sensation for her. I love this. She mused. Grabbing a few pieces of popcorn, she reached over her shoulder and pressed them to Derrick’s mouth.

  A smirk curled the ends of his lips before he opened and let her feed him the snack.

  DERRICK SIGHED IN CONTENTMENT as he felt Ruby’s slow breathing against his arm and chest. She had fallen asleep halfway through the movie and he wasn’t about to wake her. Having her in his arms was both marvelous and painful.

  He wanted to keep her there forever but knew it was too soon for such thoughts. Even if your heart is long gone. His arms tightened at the thought. This was the woman he planned to spend the rest of his days with, but he was nervous about telling her. I know she likes me, but does she love me?

  He gave a small shake of his head. Now isn’t the time to worry about that. Now is the time to worry about a certain stalker. Derrick clenched his jaw and he could feel his teeth grind as he thought of the pervert getting off on watching the woman in his arms.

  Once again he vowed to protect her and bring this horrible episode to an end as soon as possible. Problem was, he wasn’t sure how to do it. The police were keeping an eye on things, but because they had no hard evidence that Braedon had actually damaged Derrick’s car, there wasn’t much they could do.

  If I could just get my hands on the creep for a moment ... Derrick tilted his chin and lightly kissed the top of Ruby’s head. One way or another, we will fix this.


  Ruby squinted as she tilted her up towards the sunlight in order to talk to Derrick. “But I have to go! Mateo asked me to look at Lillith’s social media account and I found some info that will bring their drama to an end once and for all!” She put her hands on her hips and huffed.

  Derrick was standing on a ladder outside the front door as he installed a security camera to the eaves of the house.

  “Can’t you just send Mateo the information? Surely he can handle this himself?” Derrick could feel his patience running thin. The camera was already giving him trouble and now Ruby wanted to drop everything and go running off to save someone else.

  “Nobody is answering their phones!” Ruby threw up her arms. “I know that Mateo was planning to surprised Lucy at the park today and he’s probably already there.”

  “Well then, why do you need to go? Didn’t he solve the issue last night when he got Lillith to break up with him?”

  “We hope, but who knows what she’ll do for sure. I just don’t want the plan to backfire in any way.” Ruby’s shoulders dropped and her chin tilted to her chest.

  “I can understand your concern but I don’t understand why it has to happen today. Either send someone the information or wait until you see them to give it to them. Surely a couple of days won’t hurt anybody.” Derrick growled the last words as he wrenched on a piece of metal that was supposed to support the camera. The darn thing refused to twist the way it was supposed to.

  “I don’t know. I just feel it, ya know? Haven’t you ever just had a gut feeling that something is super urgent?” Ruby put her hand up to shade her eyes from the sun as she looked at Derrick.

  He could feel the penetration of her cool blue eyes and his tension melted at her words. Yes, I have. He had to admit to himself. Being in the military meant he had followed his gut more times than he cared to admit and it had rarely steered him wrong. “Yeah. I guess I have. But can it wait five more minutes while I torque this into place?”

  “Five minutes. Then we have to run.” Ruby bounced on the toes of her feet.

  “I’m pretty sure I couldn’t keep up with you,” Derrick groused as he tightened another screw.

  Ruby let out a light laugh. “I’m sure you’d be fine. But seriously, I just feel like we’ve got to go.”

  “Fine, fine.” Derrick climbed down. “I think I’ve got it anyway. Let’s go.”

  They hopped in Derrick’s car and rushed over to the park. Once there, Ruby took off in the direction of the pond and Derrick did his best to keep up.

  RUBY SLOWED UP AS PEOPLE came into view. She had headed directly towards Lucy’s favorite bench and it looked like Ruby’s intuition had paid off. She could make out three people, but her heart clenched when she realized it looked like they were arguing. Lillith Gresham appeared to be confronting Lucy and Mateo and by the look on Lucy’s face, things weren’t going well.

  Ruby hurried to get into listening range; Derrick right behind her.

  “Exactly what I said I would do.” Lillith sniffed. “I’m going to take the job Principal Grimm promised me and it just so happens that fourth grade is my favorite level.” With a sneer, she turned and began walking back towards the street.

  “Hold up there, Ms. Gresham,” Ruby shouted as she got closer. She changed her walk to one of nonchalance, hoping to look confident in her manner as she crashed their little party.

  “I think you’re going to want to hear what I have to say.” Plopping herself down on the bench, Ruby crossed one leg over the other and pulled out her phone. After pressing a few buttons, she looked around. “Doesn’t everyone want to hear?” She waved her arms. “Come on, gather round crew.”

  Lillith narrowed her eyes and cautiously stepped in Ruby’s direction, stopping several feet away.

  Mateo turned Lucy out of his arms, then put an arm over her shoulders and tucked her into his side.

  Derrick stood behind the bench like a bodyguard, his arms folded and his attention wandering to the trees and shrubbery surrounding them.

  “I quote, ‘teaching summer school this year. Ugh. Work never ends.’” Ruby scrolled down, then started again. “I hate teaching here, the staff is so boring and nobody knows how to dress properly.”

  Ruby could feel Lucy’s stare. Her brows were scrunched and a frown marred her light lips. A movement out of the corner of Ruby’s eye caught her attention, as Lillith tried to snatch her phone.

  Before Ruby could react, Derrick stepped in, grabbing Lillith’s wrist. “I don’t think so,” he said; his tone dark and hard.

  Pinching her lips, Lillith yanked her arm back. “You have no right to read those,” she snapped.

  “You put them on social media. The whole world has the right to read them.” Ruby wiggled her phone at Lillith before going back to the screen. “Looks like my lucky day! Met a hot guy who happened to be looking for someone else. Now I’ve got his attention. Winky face.” Ruby scrolled a bit more. ‘Ah, here is my personal favorite. Again, I quote, ‘Tossed my boyfriend to the curb last night. He can no longer take care of my needs. Guess he can go back to the pathetic girl he was looking for in the first place.’ Or how about, ‘Have decided to work at this school full time. Now, how to get one of the other teacher’s out
? The principal is out of town for a while. Plenty of time to cause a scandal ... for somebody else. Lol.’ “

  “You can’t be serious!” Lucy said. Her face was pale and she appeared to be trembling. “How could you do something like that? You lied to Mateo, to me ... to everybody! What’s wrong with you?” Lucy’s face was scrunched in disgust and she shook her head back and forth.

  Lillith straightened her shoulders and threw her hair over her shoulders. “It’s not that big of a deal. People do it all the time.”

  “Trying to create a problem to get someone fired is done all the time?” Lucy’s voice had risen and she started to walk towards Lillith.

  Mateo pulled her back and rubbed his hands down her arms. Leaning in, he whispered something indiscernible in her ear.

  Lucy calmed at his words. “You’re right,” she murmured before looking over her shoulder and giving him a weak smile. Facing Lillith again, she dismissed her. “If I never see you again, it will be too soon.”

  “Oh, look.” Ruby piped up with fake excitement. “I can screenshot all these posts so that no one can deny they existed and decide to cause trouble. What a neat feature!”

  Lillith growled; her lip curling at the edge before turning and stomping down the sidewalk.

  Once she was gone, Lucy turned and wrapped her arms around Mateo’s middle, hugging him tightly. He returned the gesture, planting a kiss on the top of her head.

  “Well, Lumberjack, I think our work here is done.” Ruby jumped up from the bench and went to stand beside her companion.

  Pulling out of Mateo’s embrace, Lucy walked over to Ruby and grabbed her in a hug. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “Anytime,” Ruby whispered back as they embraced. Standing straight she said, “oh yeah.” She jerked a thumb over her shoulder. “This is Derrick Woodsman. He’s the director of The Center. The one Rory and Steven volunteer at.”

  “Hello,” Lucy said, then stuck out her hand.“I’m sorry about all the drama you had to witness today. I promise we aren’t usually quite so crazy.”


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