Running from the Wolf

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Running from the Wolf Page 10

by Laura Ann

  Mateo reached around and shook Derrick’s hand as well. “Good to meet you,” Mateo said.

  Derrick nodded and said, “Likewise,” in a somber tone.

  His eyes were continually straying to the surrounding foliage. Ruby felt bad that she was forcing him to protect her in such an open area.

  “Well, we gotta get going. Maybe we’ll meet up with you another time.” Ruby waved and started to back away.

  “Is everything okay?” Lucy asked, worry suddenly coating her features.

  Ruby only nodded, a small smile on her face.

  “Is this ... is this who you met online?” Lucy asked before Ruby could escape further.

  “Oh! No. Derrick and I met at Piper’s barbecue.” Ruby felt her cheeks warm up as she looked at Derrick. “That other guy didn’t work out like I said before.” She grinned. “At least there’s one success story from that stupid site, huh?” With that, she and Derek walked quickly out of the park.

  When they were out of sight of the other couple, Derrick reached over and grabbed her hand, entwining their fingers. “You did a good thing back there.” His voice was soft, but his hand was strong and Ruby enjoyed the contrast.

  Ruby shrugged. “I found all that junk this morning and knew it would get Lillith off their backs. Lucy is totally in love with that guy and she deserves to be able to have him.”

  Derrick looked down at her and winked.

  Ruby grinned in response as they continued to walk out of the park and back to their car.


  The rest of the day, Ruby paced her small cottage. She felt restless and wasn’t sure how to fix it. When she walked through the living room for the thousandth time Grams finally spoke up.

  “You need to get out of the house,” Grams said. Her needles were doing their consistent clicking and normally Ruby would have found the sound comforting, but not tonight.

  “I know,” Ruby sighed and plopped herself on the couch. “But Derrick had to go home and I’m not supposed to go out alone.”

  Grams looked over her glasses. “Then find something to do. Maybe bake some cookies? Work on the flowers outside? Take a run.”

  Ruby sat up straight, the idea of a run sounded wonderful. She hadn’t been running for several days because of Braedon and it was eating at her.

  “Don’t tempt me, Grams. I already said I’m not supposed to go out alone.”

  “I know, but surely a run close by the house would be fine. It’s not like Braedon could outrun you if he even tried. Just stick close by, run laps if you have to for heaven’s sake, but if you don’t get out of this house you’re going to drive us both crazy.” Grams gentle smile let Ruby know she was teasing, but there was some truth to her statement.

  “Fine.” Ruby stood to go get dressed, but paused and pointed her finger at her grandmother. “But if Derrick finds out and gets upset, I’m totally throwing you under the bus.”

  “Humph.” Grams sniffed and put her nose in the air. “As if that boy would ever hurt an innocent old woman.”

  “Innocent my foot,” Ruby muttered as she headed to her bedroom.

  “I heard that,” Grams called out.

  “You were meant to,” Ruby called back. With a laugh, she skipped the rest of the way down the hall and got dressed. A small part of her warned that this wasn’t a good idea, but the need to move and burn off energy overpowered the voice.

  Once in her running gear, Ruby stuffed a small bottle of pepper spray in her pocket. Better safe than sorry. Heading to the front door, she passed through the living room on the way. “‘Kay Grams, I’m out. I’ll stay close by though.”

  “Happy trails.”

  Rubby grinned. “Thanks. Lock the door behind me, huh?”

  Ruby headed out, not bothering to listen to Grams answer. She did some stretching before taking off. Ahhh ... I’ve missed this.

  With the breeze at her back and the birds as her music, Ruby gave herself over to the endorphins.

  An hour later she was starting to feel better. She had put in enough miles to take the edge off her energy and her consistent pace felt soothing and familiar. She had stuck to the trail closest to the house, looping back and forth as she added up her distance.

  Coming around a bend in the trail she came to a screeching halt. There in front of her stood Braedon. His face was shadowed and his stance was threatening. Something about the way he held himself made his wiry build look bigger and more intimidating.

  Ruby gasped for breath and tried to remain calm. “What do you want?” She demanded. Although her heart was beating faster than it was during her exercise, Ruby refused to let Braedon know he frightened her.

  Braedon tilted his head to the side and a slow grin pulled across his face. “I think we both know what I want Ruby. I’ve made that clear from the beginning.”

  Ruby shook her head and backed up a couple of steps, she felt her fingers twitch toward her pepper spray, but she held back, not wanting to let him know she had a weapon with her. “You need to leave me alone Braedon. I’m not interested in you that way.”

  The smile dropped from Braedon’s face and his eyes narrowed. “I don’t know why you’re fighting this. Women ... “ He chuckled dryly. “Always feel they have to put up a fight.” Braedon closed his eyes and shook his head. “Here I am, willing to forgive and move on and you have to make this DIFFICULT!” Braedon looked at her and shouted the last word. Spit flew from his mouth and his shoulders began heaving; fury filled his features. The woods seemed quiet when he was done, all the birds and small woodland creatures had stopped their activities and retreated to their homes. Only the sound of Braedon’s harsh breathing remained.

  Ruby fought the instinct to turn around and make a break for it. She allowed her fingers to grip the pepper spray, but she kept it hidden behind her back. “I’m not being difficult at all Braedon. I’ve been honest with you from the beginning. We can only be friends. I’m in love with someone else.” Ruby clamped her jaw shut. Shoot. I haven’t even told Derrick that.

  Braedon’s eyes widened and his brows shot up to his hairline. “In love? You think you’re in love with that, that oversized punching bag?” Braedon waved his arms wildly, his mannerisms were getting more manic the longer they talked.

  Ruby bit her lip to keep from responding to the Braedon’s insult. Stay calm. Stay calm.

  Braedon started walking towards her, shaking his head. “No.” He stated emphatically. “You’re mine. You’ve always been mine. You were mine way before he ever entered the picture and I’m not willing to share.”

  Ruby backed up, fear moving her feet as he approached. When he didn’t stop moving, she turned and sprinted down the trail. She ran as fast as she could for a couple of miles before she checked over her shoulder. Not seeing anyone she finally pulled up to a stop. Whipping her phone out of her pocket, she dialed Derrick’s number. The line was silent and she finally looked at her phone.

  “One bar!” She growled. Please, please, please ... She begged for the call to go through. Finally, she heard a clicking sound and a ring.

  “Hey, Rubes.” Derrick’s deep voice rumbled through the line, bringing tears to Ruby’s eyes.

  “He’s here,” she panted. “He’s here.”

  There was silence for a split second, then Ruby could hear shuffling and a door being shut. “I’m on my way.” Another door and then a car engine fired up.

  “I’m not home. I went for a run—”

  “Seriously? Ruby, we talked—” Derrick’s anger was palpable through the phone line.

  “I know! I know—Ahhhh!” Ruby screamed when her phone was snatched from her. Braedon had snuck up behind her and now held her with one hand around her waist and one keeping the phone out of reach.

  Ruby clawed at his arm, drawing blood as she worked to get him to release her.

  “She’s in good hands now, oof!” Braedon grunted as Ruby elbowed him in the ribs.

  She could hear Derrick yelling through the line.

  “That wasn’t very nice,” Braedon growled in her ear. He threw her phone into the woods and shifted his hold so he had her arms pinned.

  No, no, no! Ruby’s mind screamed as she twisted and turned, but nothing was breaking his hold. She froze when she felt Braedon kiss right below her ear. He ran the tip of his nose along the edge of her ear, causing nausea to well in Ruby’s stomach.

  “There now ... “ Braedon’s voice had dropped to a husky whisper. He had mistaken her stillness for compliance, instead of shock. “I’m the one you want, see? We will be perfect for each other.”

  In her frozen state, Ruby had a moment to realize her left hand was near the pocket with the pepper spray. She had stuffed it back in when she had started to run and she was grateful her mind had been working back then. Slowly, while Braedon whispered in her ear she slipped her hand into the opening and grasped the container. With a flick of her finger, she had it ready to go.

  Biting her lip to hold in the vomit wanting to escape at Braedon’s touch, she swapped the tube to her right hand so she could angle it over her shoulder. When she felt Braedon’s tongue trace down her neck, she knew she couldn’t wait any longer.

  With a shout for courage, she turned her head and closed her eyes spraying in the direction of his face. Moments later she found herself falling. Braedon had shoved her to the ground and was now screaming and coughing.

  Up! Up! Up! Ruby yelled at herself. As Braedon fought for breath, she jumped to her feet and took off. Ruby had never run so hard in her life. Putting every bit of adrenaline that was running through her system to work, she ran.

  After a few moments, her mind calmed enough for clearer thoughts to emerge. I need to get home, but I’m running in the wrong direction. Think, Ruby. Think. Forcing herself to concentrate as she ran, she ran through the map of the trails in her head. Figuring out the quickest route she could think of, she began taking turns and shortcuts that would get her back to the house.

  As she moved, she was constantly trying to listen for sounds behind her. Every twig that snapped and movement in the woods had her gasping and pushing harder. Derrick. The house. I have to get back to the house. To Derrick. Ruby prayed that Derrick had come running like he said and if she could just get back to the house, she would be safe.

  By the time the house came into view, Ruby was drenched in sweat and her heart felt like it would pound right out of her chest. Gulping in air, she slowed as she reached in the property line, Ruby mouthed some words of thanks that she had made it back.

  Derrick’s truck wasn’t in the driveway yet and Ruby prayed he would hurry. As she approached the house, her steps slowed. Her gut churned and a warning light went off in her mind. Pausing, she studied the house. Nothing looked out of place, but the very air didn’t feel right.

  Ruby found herself glancing back and forth between the woods and the house, unsure which option was best. For some reason, she couldn’t quite bring herself to go inside.

  Could Braedon have beat me back? She searched for a car, but she didn’t know what he drove. Several cars were parked on the side of the street, but it was impossible to tell which house they were there for.

  Grams is in there. What if Braedon hurt her? Knowing she had to do something, Ruby forced her legs into compliance and walked up the front porch steps. Her hands trembled as she grasped the front door knob. It felt warm against her cold, clammy fingers and she had a little trouble turning the knob.

  The door squeaked slightly, causing Ruby to wince. He knows I’m here now. “Grams?” Ruby’s voice was breathy and vulnerable; she cleared her throat and tried again. “Grams?”

  A few heart-pounding moments of silence rang through the house. Taking a couple more steps Ruby trained her to ears to pick out any unusual sounds. Please say she isn’t hurt. Please just be napping. “Grams, where are you?”

  “I’m in here.” Instead of Gram’s soothing soprano, a grating tenor voice answered Ruby’s question.

  Ruby’s breathing picked back up and her limbs felt numb with fear. GRAMS! Her fear for herself fell to the wayside as Ruby stumbled into the living room only to find a scene from her nightmares. Braedon stood next to Grams recliner, petting Gram’s head as if she were a small kitten.

  Duct tape covered the elderly woman’s mouth and hands, her head was tilted to the side and her eyes were closed. She appeared to be sleeping, but Ruby couldn’t trust what she saw.

  “What did you do to her?” Ruby’s voice was frantic and she searched for signs of life, finally relaxing slightly as she noticed Gram’s chest rising and falling. She’s alive.

  “Tsk. Tsk. Ruby dear. I didn’t hurt her. But we couldn’t have her interfering with our plans. In fact, we need to hurry or your boyfriend will be in the same boat.” Braedon’s eyes were puffy and bloodshot, only adding to the intimidating picture he created. Narrowing his eyes at Ruby, a cruel smirk pulled at his lips. “You wouldn’t want anything to happen to either of them, would you?”

  Ruby shook her head. “N-no,” she whispered. How do I get out of this? Where is Derrick?

  “Good girl. That’s what I like to hear. Now, come with me and I will leave dear, old Grandma and your boyfriend alone.” He stepped toward Ruby and held his hand out, palm up as if he was simply inviting her for a stroll.

  Nausea once again rolled through her. Stall. Derrick has to be on his way. Stall.

  When she didn’t take Braedon’s hand right away, his calm facade began to fade. Brows bunched over squinted eyes and one side of his lip began to curl. “Don’t make me do it, Ruby. This all depends on you.” Stepping behind Grams he took hold of her hair and lifted her head up with one hand. When he began to reach to her neck with his other hand Ruby couldn’t stand it any longer.

  “STOP! Stop.” She reached an arm towards him. “I’ll go with you, just don’t hurt her. Please,” she added at the end, hoping to calm him down.

  A smug look of triumph crossed Braedon’s face and his chest puffed up like a peacock. “Much better.” Stepping away from the recliner, he smoothed his hands down the front of his t-shirt. “Let’s go.” He stalked toward her and Ruby forced herself not to move when he came within touching distance.

  Grabbing onto her upper arm, he pulled her behind him toward the front of the house.

  Digging in her heels, Ruby pulled backward. “Ow! You’re hurting me!” She cried. Tears caused her vision to be blurry, but she could see Braedon spin around and face her, never letting up on his grip.

  “I’m hurting you?” Spittle flew in her face at his enraged words. “I’m the victim here Ruby! ME!” He grabbed both her shoulders and shook her violently. “If you had only done what I told you to, we could have avoided this whole mess. But instead, you had to be difficult, forcing me to do things. Forcing me to make you see that no one else can have you.”

  Ruby’s head was still spinning from being shaken so hard, but she still felt her heart stutter when she saw movement from the front doorway behind Braedon. Ruby kept her gaze locked with Braedon’s purposefully not tipping him off to the person entering the house behind him.

  Derrick! Her heart soared when she recognized the large frame of the man she loved in her periphery. His slow movements let her know he was trying to sneak up on Braedon and she frantically searched her brain for a way to help him.

  “Y-you’re right,” Ruby blurted, cutting off Braedon’s rant.

  He narrowed his eyes as if he didn’t believe her.

  “I, uh, I was being difficult. I know I’ve hurt you.” Ruby hung her head in a mock apology.

  Braedon huffed and began to turn around.

  “I never noticed what big eyes you have!” Ruby winced internally. That’s all you could come up with?

  But it was enough to make Braedon stop again. “What?” He tilted his head to the side and studied Ruby.

  “Your eyes. A person could get lost in them.” Ruby worked to keep her tone even, she could feel Derrick getting closer and she was determined to help keep him as sa
fe as possible.

  Braedon’s face softened. “There’s only one person I want to get lost in them.” He stepped toe to toe with Ruby and let go of her upper arm with one hand so he could cup her cheek.

  Fighting the tremors and desire to yank away from his touch, Ruby worked to keep the conversation going. “Plus, your-your smile. You have nice teeth and your smile is really ... nice.”

  Braedon let a full smile cross his face and leaned in towards Ruby as if he was going to kiss her. “I smile—” His voice was cut off as Derrick grabbed him from behind.

  Slamming Braedon to the ground, Derrick pinned the smaller man with a knee to his back. Braedon’s limbs flailed and he managed to strike an elbow to Derrick’s thigh. Grunting from the pain of his injury being struck, Derrick quickly grabbed Braedon’s arms and bent them upwards, locking them in place so Braedon couldn’t move.

  Just as Braedon began shouting obscenities, sirens could be heard in the distance and Ruby realized it was almost over. The thought must have hit her legs as well, because she found herself sliding to the floor, feeling like she had lost all control of her body.

  “Ruby!” Derrick’s shout carried over the chaos. “Are you alright?”

  Ruby tried to nod, but her mind was unfocused and she couldn’t seem to make her voice or her muscles work.

  Several bodies suddenly rushed into the house and the noise level became unbearable. A strong buzzing began in Ruby’s ears and she lost track of what the other people were doing. Suddenly two strong arms picked her up off the floor and carried her to the couch. It took only moments before she found herself cocooned inside the warmth and strength of Derrick’s arms as he placed her on his lap.

  Reaching behind them, Derrick grabbed a blanket off the back of the couch and wrapped Ruby up, then tucked her head into his shoulder. With one hand he rubbed circles on her back and the other held her firmly against him as if he would never let her go again.

  “It’s okay now. I’ve got you. He’s done and will never hurt you again.” Derrick continued to whisper comforting words of peace and protection as Ruby slowly came back to the present.


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