How You See Me
Page 16
I’m writing this letter to you, but you’ll never read it. I’ve run out of readers.
I’m sure they’ll arrest me in the morning and I only owe one person an apology. I have only done one thing wrong.
I’m sorry, Dad.
With thanks to all those who read and encouraged me through early drafts, in particular David Hill, Elspeth Latimer, Hayley Webster, Tom Corbett, Sarah Butler and Alice Kuipers. Thanks are due to Writers’ Centre Norwich for their support and care. Also, to the Literary Consultancy and their Free Read scheme. And Syd Moore, Colette Bailey and all at METAL Southend, who gave me fresh perspective and helped me find the right ending.
This novel found publication through the Myriad Writer’s Retreat Competition. I must thank Candida Lacey and Pam McIlroy (aka Pamreader) for belief in the book and their continued kindness to its author. To all at Myriad Editions for their tireless work and support, but, most of all, thanks to Holly Ainley, editor and friend, for reading it and reading it and always believing in it.
Finally, thank you to my family: to Mum, Heidi and John, to whom this book is dedicated, for saving me and loving me and reading pages even when you really didn’t want to. And to David, Mary and Alice, the loves of my life, for showing me a happiness I didn’t know existed when I started this book.
About the Author
S.E. Craythorne lives and works in rural Norfolk. She holds an MA in Creative Writing from the University of East Anglia and her poetry and prose have been published in various literary journals. How You See Me is her first novel.
First edition published in 2015
This ebook edition published in 2015 by
Myriad Editions
59 Lansdowne Place
Brighton BN3 1FL
Copyright © S.E. Craythorne 2015
The moral right of the author has been asserted
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser
A CIP catalogue record for this book
is available from the British Library
ISBN (pbk): 978-1-908434-56-2
ISBN (ebk): 978-1-908434-57-9
Designed and typeset in Palatino
by Linda McQueen, London
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