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Big Bad Twins

Page 103

by Tia Siren

  The last outfit was a bathing suit, a black bikini that left nothing to the imagination. Cherry smiled upon seeing David’s hard cock pressing against the fly of his shorts.

  “Like what you see?” she asked, and David nodded. “Follow me then,” she said, and she turned and left the room, swinging her ass as she walked. David was on his feet and following her without needing to be told twice.

  She went downstairs and then outside. There was a pool there, the water heated and clear, with a blue tint. She stepped into the pool and then went under. David paused by the edge and pulled his shirt, shorts, and underwear off before lowering himself into the water. He waded out to the center of the pool, where Cherry had gone under and still hadn’t surfaced.

  He felt her hands on his hips, could see her nude form under the water just as the black bikini bobbed to the surface. She took him into her mouth, still under the water, wrapping her arms around his waist and squeezing his ass.

  When she pulled away and surfaced, David grabbed her, lifting her up so he could kiss her. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and he angled his hips forward, his massive, rock-hard cock pushing into her tight pussy.

  David held her, supporting her body as she rocked back and forth on his cock. He stepped forward, over to the edge of the pool so her back would be braced against it. She leaned back, her arms on the edge of the pool, and he leaned forward, taking a nipple into his mouth, sucking on it as it hardened against his tongue. Cherry laced her fingers through his hair, her hips bucking against his pelvis so quickly that she was churning the water around them.

  Her orgasm caught her by surprise, and she called out in a long moan under the azure blue sky, her nails trailing painful lines down David’s bare back.

  “Come for me,” he said in his Russian accent.

  “I am,” she groaned as another wave of pleasure overtook her. David thrust forward as she finished, burying his cock deep inside her.

  “I want to swallow your cum,” Cherry purred, and David was happy to oblige. He pulled out of her, and she set her feet down on the bottom of the pool while he lifted himself up and onto the edge, his calves and feet still in the water.

  Cherry situated herself between his knees, his massive cock red and throbbing before her body. She cupped her breasts on either side and moved forward so his rigid member would slip between her tits. She bent her head to suck on the tip of his cock while she used her hands to lift her tits and lower them, the sensation of her slick breasts heavenly on his sensitive dick.

  Cherry fucked David with her tits while sucking his tip until she knew he was about to come, and then she moved her breasts and lowered her mouth fully over his shaft, her lips pressing against his ball sack, the head of his cock dangling down her throat. She gagged herself but didn’t stop, pulling up so that only his tip remained inside her wet mouth until she slid down again, once more taking him in her throat. She moved quickly, not wanting to be sweet and caring, instead wanting him to absolutely fuck her mouth, until finally he grunted and put his hand on the back of her head, holding her in place, choking her as his cock jumped in her mouth and he blew his hot load down her throat.

  She gasped when she pulled away, and then she started to laugh as some of his pearly white cum slid out past her lips. She slid her finger along her chin, gathering the spunk, and ate it once more.

  David left the next day. They made love that night, in the bed, the windows open, the soft breeze rolling over their naked bodies. He was gone before she woke. It was just her and the maid in the large house, and Cherry found herself growing sad as each day passed and the man didn’t return.

  Weeks passed before he came back. When he did, he was in a bad mood. He fucked her for five nights, hard and fast, filling her with his seed or forcing his cock into her mouth before he blew, even painting her tits and chin with it. She came too, of course, but he didn’t seem to care. She knew he was stressed, was in danger of losing it all. Then he left again, back to America. Back to regain control.

  Cherry was pregnant. She found out three days after he left again. She had missed her period and had sent the maid to the mainland for a test. She took it and sent the woman for another. She took that one too, and it had the same reading. She was with child.

  When David came back two weeks later, she told him as soon as she saw him. Anger flashed in his eyes. She had thought he would be excited. She had realized she loved the man, had fallen for him despite who he was, despite what he did. But when she saw that anger, she didn’t know.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” David asked, his accent thick. He hadn’t tried to sound American since they had left Chicago.

  “No,” Cherry said. “I’m sorry, okay?”

  “I thought you were on the pill,” David demanded.

  “I am.”

  “What the fuck happened?”

  “It can happen!” Cherry said. “Stop being angry.”

  “Everything I have is gone! I’m fighting for it all, trying to hold on with my fingertips,” David snarled. “Don’t you understand that?”

  “Fuck you,” Cherry said, and that was the end of the conversation. She went to bed alone that night. She woke up alone, before the sun was even out. She got out of bed and went down to the kitchen. Standing at the sink, she filled a glass with water and drank it. In the backyard was a small hut. The maid, a Greek woman in her thirties named Beth, which of course was short for something more exotic sounding, lived there. The light was on. Cherry could see through the window. There, bent over a kitchen table, was Beth, nude. David stood behind her, plowing her with his large cock. Tears swam in Cherry’s eyes, and she ran back upstairs.

  She packed what she could, finding a small bag in the back of the closet. She hurried out the front door. The ferry wouldn't come by until later that morning, but there was a small row boat tied to the dock. She got in and set out for the mainland.

  It took her hours, but she made it. The sun was beginning to rise over the horizon. She had taken money too, and she bought a room in the city. It was small and lonely, and she sat on the end of the bed and wondered what she was going to do next.

  Her cell phone rang. It was David, and she didn’t answer.

  Days passed, and he called and called. She didn’t answer or listen to the messages he left. He texted her, but she didn’t read those either.

  One day Cherry was getting lunch at a small shop near the hotel when a man took her by the arm.

  “You’re a hard woman to find,” the man snarled as she turned. He jabbed a gun into her ribs. “Don’t try anything,” the man said. He was American, and Cherry hadn’t heard anyone with that accent in days.

  She nodded to show she understood and let the man lead her out of the shop. A car was waiting nearby, and he pushed her into the backseat. Nathan was there.

  “Cherry, holy fuck, I had to come to Greece to get you,” Nathan said as the other man got behind the wheel and started driving.

  “What do you want from me?” she asked.

  “Where is David?”

  So they didn’t know where he lived. They just had found out he had a home in Greece.

  “If I tell you, will you let me go?” Cherry asked.

  Nathan grinned and nodded. “This has grown beyond you,” he said. “You have my word. I’m over that earlier stuff. So you saw what I was planning. To be honest, you made me jump forward on my time table, and everything has worked out. I’ll even give you your old job back.”

  Cherry considered it all. She didn’t know if Nathan was telling the truth, of course, but she didn’t care what happened to David, not after what she had seen.

  “I’ll take you there,” she said finally, and Nathan grinned.


  David was worried. He had been for days. He didn’t know where Cherry had gone. He had been rough on her—he knew that—but wasn’t she taking things too far? He would apologize; he would win her back. He had too. He loved her, and he wanted to be a father.

; The bell rang. Beth had the day off, so she wouldn’t be getting the door. David went and pulled it open.

  “Cherry,” he said, seeing her first, and then it dawned on him who she was with. “Nathan,” David growled, reaching for the gun he always kept on him, but Nathan already had his drawn.

  “Mind if we come in?” Nathan asked sardonically, and David stepped back. Only one other man was with Nathan, but David had no way of telling if there were others out of sight.

  “Where have you been?” David asked Cherry.

  “I saw you two,” Cherry spat. “You and Beth. You fucked her!”

  “I didn’t!” David said, and then it all dawned on him. He knew what she had seen. He could explain it to her, but he had bigger fish to fry at the moment.

  “You did!” Cherry said, her voice full of hurt.

  “Enough,” Nathan said. “I should have just killed you both right away, but I wanted you to know it was me.”

  “You little shit,” David said. Nathan laughed and lifted his gun, aiming it at Cherry.

  “You said!” Cherry said, her eyes going wide.

  “I lied,” Nathan said, and then there was a loud bang.

  Nathan crumpled to the ground, his head red and horrible, a bullet having slammed through the back of it.

  Cherry turned as another shot rang out. A man in the doorway was stalking forward, limping, a gun raised. He had killed Nathan’s driver.

  “Any more?” David asked the man while Cherry tried to take it all in. The man who had saved them looked almost identical to David. Same build, same square jaw, same color hair. It was uncanny.

  “Who is this?” Cherry asked, looking to her David. She could see the differences, looking back and forth between the two men, but at a distance they would easily pass for one another.

  “His name is Tom,” David said. “I hired him because he looks just like me. Safety precaution. He’s a double and a bodyguard. He was injured back home some months ago; I sent him her to recuperate. He and Beth have hit it off, to say the least.”

  Cherry got it then. Tom had been fucking Beth, not David. She felt stupid, and her cheeks burned with embarrassment. David stepped forward and took her hands.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “About before. I’m excited about the baby. I am. I’m excited about you. I have a lot of work to do, and it isn’t pretty work, but I wanted you to know I’m in, if you are.

  Cherry looked at David, keeping her eyes off the dead bodies at her feet. She nodded. It was a wild life and a wild world, and she didn’t know what she was getting herself into, but she knew David would always keep her safe. She kissed him.

  “I’m in,” she said as she pulled slowly away.



  The Bad Boy Billionaire: A MFM Ménage Romance


  Dana loved her business. That was an odd thing to admit to herself since she had never even used a sex toy in her life. She pleasured herself of course, but she had never felt the need to use something like one of the latex dildo’s she rang up and placed into discrete black plastic bags for her customers.

  Dana was three years out of business school, and she had known exactly the kind of business she wanted to be in. After all, sex sells. She opened The Treasure Box a month after graduating, and it hadn’t taken long for the little shop to take off. It was a squat square building with dim windows and a parking lot in the rear. Everyone liked to buy sex toys, but no one liked to be seen doing it.

  The shop started off doing well, and Dana had hired Jeff, a thirty-something stoner to help out, and so she could actually have a day or two off here and there. Lately, though, the business had been down. The internet was cutting into her profits more and more, and she had let Jeff go. He had been more disappointed that he had never managed to get her into bed, more than he was bummed about losing his job.

  Dana was attractive, and she knew it. She was lithe but curvy, with large breasts and a bubble butt. She had a flat tummy and long brown hair which she always pulled back into a simple ponytail. She didn’t put much effort into looking good, but she didn’t have to. Her lips were full and pouty, her eyes smoky and a grayish blue. She had white teeth and a perfect smile, and her voice was husky. Jeff had always said she looked like she could have been a famous actress in the forties.

  She wasn’t quite twenty-five, and she had had a string of boyfriends since highschool, but none ever amounted to much of anything. Just a bit of fun, and then they wanted something more serious, and she freaked out and ended it.

  Most guys expected her to be a sexual creature, owning a sex shop and everything, but Dana had always tended to be a little bit vanilla in bed. She had grown up in an ultra conservative household, and it had affected her. Her mother had almost fainted when she told her she was opening a shop which sold dildos and fake vaginas, and her father hadn’t talked to her for over a year. Things were better now, but her parents never asked about her business.

  It was a Thursday when she met him. Gregory Jones, tall dark and handsome. He entered The Treasure Chest alone. It was ten in the morning; Dana had just opened. No one else was there yet, and the young woman had been stocking a new shipment of cock rings near the back of the store. She had heard the bell ring, a little silver chime which hung over the doorway, and was rocked when the door opened and hit it.

  She called out to her new customer. “I’m back here, yell when you’re ready to check out.”

  There wasn’t an answer for a moment, and it made Dana nervous. She stood up and turned, just in time to see the sexiest looking man she had ever seen step around the final aisle and smile at her. He was tanned and tall, with broad shoulders and a strong jaw that made it seem as though he had missed his calling as a superhero. His hair was fair, blonde and wavy though he kept it trimmed quite short. He was wearing a suit which looked expensive to even Dana’s eye, untrained as it was in such matters.

  “Hey there,” the man said. “I could use your help.”

  “What can I do for you?” Dana asked, and she realized she was holding a cock ring package. She put it down quickly, her cheeks burning. The man seemed to take note of her sudden flash of embarrassment, his brow rising on his forehead, but he was too much of a gentleman to say anything about it.

  “Do you sell strapon dildos?”

  Dana nodded. “Sure, follow me.”

  She had to step around the man to get out of the aisle, and she brushed against him slightly, and when she did, it was as if her whole body exploded. She felt a heat, and she realized that she had just met the man, but she wanted him badly already.

  She went towards the middle of the store, down an aisle with a few strapon dildo choices.

  “Ah, thank you,” the man said.

  “Sure, I’ll be up front when you’re ready,” Dana said, and she turned to leave, but the man held up a hand.

  “Actually, I need some more help. I don’t know much about these.”

  “Wife send you in?” Dana asked.

  “Something like that,” Gregory laughed, and then he held up his hand, showing that he wore no ring. “No wife, though. Not really a girlfriend either. Just a woman, I’m afraid. I hope you don’t think I’m some sort of lecherous worm.”

  “Hey, your business is your own business, and if it means you’re buying from me, it’s good business.”

  “I’ve never had this request, I must admit,” the man said. “I’m certainly adventurous enough, but this young lady would like me to watch her… with one of her friends.”

  Dana blushed again and nodded.

  “Does sex embarrass you?” the man asked.

  “No,” Dana whispered.

  “I’m Greg,” the man said, holding his hand out. “Nice to meet you.”

  Dana shook his hand, and then, after hearing his name, she realized she knew him. Well, knew who he was at least.

  “You’re Gregory Jones,” she said, and the man nodded. She went on. “You founded Cast Me dot com.”

nbsp; was a website which had grown popular over the two years since its launch. Wannabe actors, singers, and other entertainers could pay a monthly fee to post demos on the site. Then management companies, production companies, and places like that, which had partnered with the site, could go and look for whatever they needed. More than a few new faces had been found for some big products, and everyone looking to make it big in entertainment was signing up. Greg had become a billionaire when he sold the site less than six months ago. Dana had known that Gregory Jones had grown up in her small town, but she didn’t know he ever came back.

  “You visiting?” she asked.

  “I moved home,” Greg said. “I’m just not a big city guy though we’re close enough that I can scratch certain itches when need be.”

  “Itches like seeing your new friend with another girl?”

  “Exactly,” Greg said. “I must say, though, you intrigue me more than she ever could, no matter what lewd acts she does with her friend.”

  “I intrigue you?”

  “Yes. You’re beautiful, you own a store which sells cock rings and vibrators, and yet you blush when talking about those products.”

  “I don’t normally,” Dana said, somewhat defensively.

  “I’d like to take you to dinner. This weekend?” the man asked her.

  “I don’t know,” Dana said, but she did know. She didn’t want to be some second fiddle to whatever floozy he was buying the strap-on dildo for.

  She thought he would argue, but the rich man simply reached into his jacket pocket and pulled a card out. He handed it to her, and she looked at it. It simply had his name and a phone number. The paper stock was thick, as luxurious as such a thing could be.


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