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Tangled Pieces

Page 1

by Lizzie James

  Tangled Pieces

  Lizzie James

  Copyright © 2019 Lizzie James

  This book is a work of fiction, names of characters, some places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual events, places or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, transmitted or stored in a database in any form, without the prior permission of the publisher.

  This book shall not be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent.

  Published by Lizzie James 2019

  Edited by Eleanor Lloyd-Jones at Schmidt Author Services

  Formatted by Rachael Tonks at Affordable Formatting

  Cover Design by Kathryn Dee at KatDeezigns

  All Rights Reserved

  Wendy Porter

  Thank you for always being a part of this journey with me.

  I will never be able to describe how much I appreciate and love you.

  You’re a true friend and here’s to all of our crazy adventures still to come!



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13


  Also by Lizzie James


  “I think Nathan should go, Father.” I turned around from my gazing at the skyscrapers. “I think it would be a good experience for him.” I looked at him sitting by the door. He’d been a pain in my ass since he’d joined us at the office. When he was in college, he’d been so much easier to deal with. Having him here just gave me one more thing to worry about.

  “Why?” Father asked.

  I mentally rolled my eyes. I knew Nathan had always been the favourite in this family, but it was pitiful how devastated Dad looked at the thought of sending his precious little boy away. It had been different when it was me, obviously. The way I saw it, if I’d had to earn my stripes then that fucker would earn his.

  “He's not an idiot, Dad. You’re starting to sound like you don’t trust him.”

  He shook his head at me and I grinned, knowing that I had won.

  “I can do it, sir, ” Nathan said, butting in. “ I won’t let you down.”

  “I know you won’t, son.” He smiled at Nathan and it was enough to wipe the smirk off my face. The fucker could do no wrong in Daddy’s eyes.

  “So, now that’s sorted, I’ll leave the two of you alone to discuss what’s expected and I will just...”

  I was only a few feet from the door when his voice stopped my escape.

  “Hold up. I’m not finished.”

  I sighed and turned around, but before I could ask what else he wanted, he took a file off his desk and held it out to me.

  “This is for you. You can read it on your way.”

  “I thought Nathan was going to go.” I stepped forward, unable to wipe the frown from my expression, taking the file off him. “What the hell?!” I snapped. “You’re sending me to Australia?”

  “Yes.” He nodded his head. “There’s a company there that wants to sell their shares to us. The owner wants to retire to spend more time with his daughters and he wants out.”

  Looking over the financial figures, I could tell this was a company with a high-profit margin. Why wasn’t he passing it on to his children? I bet they were pissed at him. I’d kill the old man if he did that to me.

  “I want that company added to the Walker portfolio. By any means necessary. You understand me?”

  So that’s why I was being sent instead of Saint Nathan.

  “Yes, sir.” I nodded and turned around, taking the message for what it was.

  By any means necessary.

  Walking into my room, I sighed when I saw I had a visitor—a very fuckable visitor, I might add.

  “What can I do for you, Sophie?” I placed the file on the desk before reaching up to loosen my tie. “You here for me or Nathan?”

  “Nathan.” She reached up to tuck her hair behind her ear. “I told you before.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” I waved my hand dismissively. “No fucking me when he’s in the office. I remember.”

  “He’s taking me out tonight.” She looked too keyed up. “It’s a business meeting but I won’t give up.”

  Fuck, she was pathetic. I hadn’t realised how much before. “So why are you waiting in my office?” I looked up at her and watched as she took the seat behind my desk.

  She smiled at me, her luscious red lips stretching across her face. “Am I bothering you?” She slowly lifted her leg and placed it over her other one. Her dress lifted a little, exposing her creamy skin to my eyes. For someone who didn’t want to fuck me when her precious boy was around, she certainly didn’t mind teasing the fuck out of me.

  “Don’t be a tease, Sophie.” I chuckled at her before grabbing the file and flicking through it.

  “What’s that?” She leaned forward, trying to get a peek.

  I pulled it closer, hiding the information from her. “None of your business.” I grinned at her. “Not unless you want to rethink our deal regarding fucking me with Nathan only next door?” I cocked an eyebrow at her, already knowing her answer.

  Sophie was an excellent business-woman, but she still had a long way to go before she'd be up to my level.

  She glared at me before standing up. “I had better be going to be honest. I don’t want to keep Nathan waiting.” She shook her head at me before standing up and walking out of my office.

  She really had a very fine ass. Especially when she walked like that.

  Walking through the lobby, I came to a stop when I saw my second asshole of the day.

  “Chase!” I called his name before walking over to him. “How are things? How is your sister? Is she enjoying living in Paris?”

  His eyes narrowed at my questions and I wanted to smack myself. Considering he hated me to the same level that I hated Nathan, I really should not be asking about Paris. There’s no fucking reason why I should know anything about where his sister had run off to.

  Chloe Johnson was a firecracker and one I was definitely looking forward to seeing again. She and her brother had always been at our house when we were little. She’d been a wild one then and she hadn’t changed over the years. I thought she would always be around until the day she ran away to Paris to attend college.

  “She's fine. Excuse me.” He walked past me, not bothering to hide how eager he was to escape me.

  As I said, the Johnsons and the Walkers used to be close. That was, of course, before their father became a first-grade prick and ended any happy memories of our families together. Since then, we’d been at each other’s throats. No wonder Chloe fucked off to another country.

  Guess it was my turn now.

  I grabbed a taxi back to my apartment and went straight to my bedroom. Packing a bag I made sure to put some casual clothing in.

  Not every day I was sent to Australia.

  Forty-eight hours later, I was standing outside the airport in Sydney. Climbing into the taxi, I quickly directed him to the Shangri-La Hotel, determined to get some sleep. I had a meeting at nine am the following morning and I had to be on top of it. I could not leave here without those shares.

  Room service was quicker here than London, and after inhaling the steak and salad, I was knocked out.

  After a quick taxi to the offices of Porter Enterprises the following morning, I stared up at the glass structure. It was a beautif
ul building and one that definitely boasted of money. Walker Enterprises was a taller skyscraper, of course, but this was also impressive.

  I still didn’t fully understand why the hell this person wanted to sell it off instead of passing it down to the family. It wasn’t really any of my business. I’d be leaving this building with these shares in an hour one way or another, but I still felt bad for them.

  I couldn’t deny that Father had sent the right man. Nathan wouldn’t have been able to close this deal. He was too sensitive for this. He had a long way to climb before he’d be able to handle a job like this.

  Shaking my head, I walked to the reception counter and smirked when I saw the beautiful and bronzed beauty sitting behind the desk. My eyes trailed down to the peek of her cleavage that was on display before looking back up to her face.

  “Hello.” I smiled at her, trying to appear charming. “I have an appointment with the Head of Porter Enterprises.” I handed my business card over.

  She quickly took it, smiling at me while twirling a lock of hair around her finger. Her ass would look magnificent with her bent over my knee while I spanked it.

  “Mr. Walker,” a female voice said from over my shoulder, disturbing me from my fantasies of the beautiful receptionist.

  I turned around and smiled in greeting. If I thought the receptionist was sexy, then this woman was born to be fucked.

  She had beautiful long brown hair that fell in curves and was in the sexiest pinstripe skirt that showed off her luscious legs. She was wearing a blouse that did fuck all to hide what a rocking body she no doubt had underneath.

  “Hello.” I held my hand out to her. “You have me at a disadvantage.”

  She gave me a small smile before she placed her hand in mine. “My name is Kate.” She shook my hand before letting go. “I’m afraid to say that I have some sad news. Mr. Porter will, unfortunately, have to cancel his appointment with you today. He has asked me to rearrange for Monday at the same time.”

  Fucking hell. I hated being fucked around with meetings.

  “He has asked me to supply you with a vehicle and if you’d like me to arrange a tour guide for you to go and see some of the beautiful sights that Sydney has to offer, we are happy to do that. At our expense of course.”

  “You available?” I asked, getting straight to the point.

  She laughed at me, not appearing surprised at my bluntness. “I’m afraid not.” She smiled and handed me a business card with the company’s logo and contact info on.

  “How come?” I asked, eager to hear why I was being shut down. I wasn’t being cocky but not many women turned me down.

  She took a step away but stopped upon hearing my question. “To be quite honest, Mr. Walker. I don’t think you could handle me.”

  Well, fuck me sideways. Blunt as ever.

  She gave me a wicked smirk before walking away.

  I’m man enough to admit that I watched her ass walk away from me the whole way. Now that’s one ass I was determined to have over my knee.

  Sitting in a booth in one of the bars, I nursed a glass of scotch, ignoring the list of missed calls on my phone. All from Nathan, of course. It was such an asshole thing to admit but I was ignoring them for a reason: he had to learn how to fly on his own. I wasn’t going to be there to save his ass every time.

  I had come out tonight after walking around seeing some of the sights that Sydney had to offer. If I hadn’t loved London so much, I’d have considered moving. The weather was gorgeous and the people seemed really friendly.

  I had come here hoping to get a bit of action but from the moment she walked in, my thoughts were gone. If I’d thought she looked fuckable in her work attire earlier, then watching her reflection dance in the mirror in nothing but her sparkly dress and heels was enough to make me come in my pants.

  Kate looked like an angel destined for sinning and I was determined to be the devil she lost her wings for.

  Knocking back the scotch, I placed it down on the table not too gently and made my way across the dancefloor to where she was. I wasn’t blind. I knew I had several sets of eyes on me from more than one woman in here but none of them really interested me. There was only one woman I wanted beneath me tonight and I wasn’t leaving here without her.


  I loved working at Porter Enterprises. I had been here ever since I had finished college five years ago. I had started as an intern in the Marketing department and had quickly been promoted to the top floor. I was now a Business Asset Manager and worked with the main man himself.

  Obviously, I wasn’t everyone’s favourite person because of that. Some had been here longer than me and some probably thought it was unfair that a new person jumped ahead. It used to bother me, but I was raised with a strict set of beliefs: if you want something, you go for it—no matter the risk. Life was all about the jumps. If you had nothing worth reaching for, then how would you ever expect to reach the stars.

  Sitting at my desk, I chuckled when my phone beeped again.

  “Get your cute butt ready for tonight! No cancellations. The girls are hitting the clubs!”

  I didn’t even bother responding. Callie was crazy and was always trying to get me out on the town, but lately, I had been working long hours and had become married to my job. I’m sure they thought I was probably screwing someone in my office.

  My thoughts slowly trailed to the hottie from downstairs. I had never seen him here before. I definitely would have remembered him. A girl didn’t forget a man who looked like that.

  I had heard all of the rumours about Adam Walker. Womanizer. Playboy. CEO son waiting to inherit business from Daddy. A man not to be trusted. However when I met him, I didn’t expect to like what I saw. I guess I didn’t expect to like the way his eyes trailed over me. I had no plans to fall for his charms but with the way he looked at me, I didn’t see that happening.

  I grabbed my purse before closing down the computer. A night on the town with the girls sounded like just what I needed.

  After a very long shower, I was still ready for the taxi far too early. I decided to wear my silver sparkly dress and matched it with silver heels. I grabbed my jacket and turned from the mantelpiece and slipped it on.

  I froze as I turned, my thoughts stopping me in my tracks. I spun back around and stared at the photograph in the middle, at the beautifully sweet face smiling up at me. She plagued my mind so much lately. It was probably the reason why I was never here and always in work during the late evenings.

  I barely knew the angel watching me, even though she had spent so much time with me. When she left, she took so much of me with her—so much that I thought I'd never again be whole again.

  Beep! Beep!

  I jumped in surprise when the taxi’s horn sounded from outside, ripping me from my thoughts. I shook my head and turned away, grabbing my purse and running out the door.

  It was a short ride to the club strip and it seemed as though minutes later, I was paying the driver and stepping out into the warm Australian sun.

  “There she is!” Callie's excited voice shouted. “And looking as fabulous as ever!”

  I giggled, wrapping my arms around her and squeezing her tightly.

  “Was starting to think you had left the country.” She gave me an admonishing look.

  “Some of us have a career we would like to progress in.” I gave her a cheeky grin to take the bite out of my words.

  “And some of us want a drink and to get on the dancefloor,” Sarah butted in.

  We both giggled at her words.

  “Let’s get this party started!” Callie shouted before she grabbed my hand and pulled me with her into the club.

  It felt like we’d only been there an hour but as I checked the watch on my wrist, I was surprised when I saw it was already past ten pm. I hadn’t planned on staying out this late but as I danced with Callie and her friends, I realised I was thoroughly enjoying myself.

  “I’m going to get another drink!” Sarah yelle
d and dragged Callie with her.

  I turned slowly and raised my hands in the air, moving my hips to the beat. The dancefloor was packed tonight with groups of people of all ages and nationalities. I chuckled when I imagined how many people would be waking up in the wrong bed tomorrow.

  Just as I edged closer to the end of the dancefloor, I stopped in surprise when I saw a very familiar person leaning against one of the pillars.

  Adam Walker.

  He looked just as sexy as he had earlier.

  I slowly made my way to him, unable to resist. “Hello, stranger.”

  He smirked at me, his eyes slowly trailing down over my chest before he continued further down to my legs.

  “It’s rude to stare.” I clicked my fingers next to my head.

  He chuckled before he straightened up and took a step closer to me. “You’re looking very sparkly tonight, sugar.”

  “Don’t call me sugar.” I raised my eyebrow at him as he wrapped his arm around my waist. “Cocky much?”

  “Not cocky. Just confident. There’s a difference.” He pulled me closer to him before he slid his leg in between mine and moving me to the beat. “Do you want me?”

  “No!” I admonished. “This is me humouring you.”

  He laughed loudly before I felt him dip his head. He moved his lips to my ear causing a shiver to travel up my spine.

  “Liar, liar, pants on fire!” He pulled back and looked down at me. “I’m going to kiss you and then you’re going to leave with me.”

  “And why would I want to do that?” He really was a confident man.

  “Because no one else in this room is going to fuck your little world up as much as I will.”


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