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Soul Mate (The Mating Series)

Page 24

by S. Swan

  “I don’t think you have to worry about that.” I laughed.

  “Cho may like another woman, but it won’t stop him from hitting on you,” Jimmy said. “Cho is a dog.”

  “Not sweet Cho.” I mocked. “He’d never do that.” Cho seemed like a player, but I didn’t think he’d hit on me.

  “Trust me. The only reason he hasn’t tried to bed you is because you’re mine. If you were with anyone else, Cho would have tried and probably succeeded.” Fat chance! Cho wasn’t my type. He was too aggressive. Cho probably got even more aggressive with his lady friends.

  “Your brother doesn’t have a chance with me.” I laughed.

  “He likes a challenge. It’s the lawyer in him. He likes to divide and conquer…literally. Now get ready.”

  “I’m going,” I said. I jumped out of the tub and began to dress.

  “Watch out for Jimmy’s brother,” Mom said. “He’s interested in you, and he’s not the kind of guy who takes no for answer.”

  “You know an awful lot about Jimmy’s family. I can handle Cho.” I eyed Mom; she was spending too much time with Uncle Yung. “Cho has a girlfriend, and he’s way too old for me anyway.”

  I wore my black jeans, with a red silky blouse and knee high boots. I tried not to look too good, but I wanted to look mature. I didn’t want to look like Cho’s little sister or worse his daughter. I straightened my long hair and let it hang loose. My hair looked a lot longer when it was straight. I pulled the top up in a silver barrette. I put on a little make up, but sparingly.

  “You’re such a beautiful girl.” Mom said watching me.

  “I’m not. I’m awkward. I have to wonder why Jimmy is with me.”

  “Cassie, you’ve never been able to see how beautiful you are. That’s part of your allure. You have no idea you’re attractive. Women who know they’re beautiful are a turn off to men.”

  “I will take your word for it,” I said placating. I never felt beautiful. I always felt awkward around Jimmy. I didn’t feel like I deserved him. Jimmy was so magnificent and I felt so plain.


  Cho paced as I entered the condo. Obviously, Jimmy dressed him. Cho only wore dress shirts buttoned up to the collar. Even when he wore jeans, he insisted on a button up shirt. Now he wore a tight t-shirt of a black, shiny material. It was Jimmy’s. I liked the shirt on Jimmy, but it fit Cho tight. It gave a nice effect. Cho weighed more that Jimmy, but not fat. The tight short sleeves accented Cho’s developed biceps. He wore Jimmy’s jeans too, which were also tight. The jeans looked better on him. Cho had a really nice butt. He should dress like this for his girlfriend. He reminded me of one of those stocky bouncers from the movie Roadhouse. He looked like the Asian Patrick Swayze.

  The only thing out of place was Cho’s shoes. Jimmy would have worn some type of Italian leather loafer. Cho wore shoes that looked like a black penny loafer. It made me think of 1950’s greaser. All he needed was Jimmy’s leather jacket and white socks. Cho’s hair was strategically made to look messy. The style looked great on him. Jimmy worked hard to make his brother look younger and trendy.

  When Cho saw me he stopped pacing. “Wow! What a knock out.” He whistled.

  “You look nice too,” I said.

  “Ha! I look like a douche.” Cho laughed. “Can you believe what Jimmy did to me?”

  “I think you look nice,” I said. “Except the shoes.”

  “Yeah, Jimmy’s feet are smaller than mine. I tried to tell him that I was too big for his clothes too, but he wouldn’t listen.”

  “What do you think?” Jimmy said, walking in from the kitchen. He stood shirtless. No matter how nice Cho looked, he couldn’t top Jimmy six pack abs. For a second, I considered staying home and ravaging his body. “You’re going out,” Jimmy said, reading my mind. “You can be with me later.”

  I made an innocent face. “I didn’t say anything.”

  “You don’t have to.” Jimmy pointed to his head. “I know what you’re thinking.” He narrowed his eyes at me.

  “Fine.” I pouted. “I’ll go out and have a nice time for you.”

  “Man, you make it sound like a punishment,” Cho said.

  “It’s not,” I said. I kissed Cho on the cheek, leaving red lipstick. I made a face at Jimmy.

  Jimmy’s nostrils flared. “Keep your hands off of her.”

  “I have no intentions of seducing your girlfriend,” Cho said. “I’m doing this as a favor to you.”

  “You make it sound like I’m your friend’s ugly little sister.”

  “Not ugly,” Cho said, eyeing me. “Not ugly at all.”

  “Hey, keep your eyes off her too,” Jimmy said.

  Cho shielded his eyes from me, and offered the other arm. “Shall we go?”

  I linked my arm in his. “Let’s go,” I said. “Jimmy, are you sure you’ll be alright?”

  “I’m fine.” Jimmy insisted. “Don’t have her out past midnight.”

  Cho walked me to the elevator, still covering his eyes. Jimmy watched us from the front door. Once the elevator doors closed, Cho examined me. I teetered nervously. Cho knew he made me uncomfortable and loved it. He smirked. “You do look nice,” he said. “I mean it. Jimmy’s a lucky guy.”

  I smiled. “I’m a lucky girl. Did you see his body?”

  “I usually don’t check out my brother.”

  “Let me tell you, from a female stand point, Jimmy’s hot.” I looked Cho up and down. “You’re not so bad yourself. Your parents did good with you boys.” Cho hadn’t been a boy in about twenty years, but stroking his ego wouldn’t hurt.

  “You should see our sister. She’s gorgeous.”

  “I would love to meet Jin someday.”

  “You’ll meet her…maybe at your wedding,” Cho said. We both knew it was a fantasy.

  “I doubt Jimmy and I will ever get married.”

  “He’s crazy about you.” Cho flashed a cocky smile. “He could do worse.” I glared at Cho. “I hope all this shit blows over, and you guys can be happy together.” Cho held the elevator door open for me. “I can’t wait to have little antichrist nieces and nephews from you guys.”

  “What about you?” I asked. “Do you ever want to get married and have kids?” Cho was still young enough to have a family.

  “I’d love to have kids, but I don’t think I’ll ever get married again.” Jimmy insisted on us taking the BMW. House arrest made him generous with his car. Cho clicked the key fob to the BMW. When we got to the car, I expected Cho to open my car door. He didn’t.

  “Your divorce was pretty bad, wasn’t it?” I said, getting in the car.

  “It wasn’t the divorce. It was the marriage and the fact that she already had my replacement lined up. I don’t know if I will get over that hurt.”

  “Is that why you’re so quiet about your lady friend?” I asked.

  “No, it’s complicated. My parents know hers. We’re not at the point where we want people to know. Her dad is as bad as my mother.”

  “Cho, you’re a grown man. You shouldn’t be afraid of your mother.”

  “I’m not afraid of my mother, but Mom has an agenda. It is not worth getting into a fight right now,” Cho said.

  “Someone gave me some good advice once,” I said. “If you love someone you should fight for them.” I winked at Cho.

  “That was advice for you and Jimmy, not for me.”

  “You don’t follow your own advice?” I asked, crossing my arms.

  “I didn’t say that, but right now it’s not love, it’s just sex…wonderful sex. If the situation changes then I’ll fight, but I’m not ready to yet.” Cho backed out.

  “You have feelings for her, don’t you?”

  “I do and spending time with you love birds has made me think. I might want more, maybe a relationship, but not marriage.”

  “Will you ever get married again?”

  “I don’t know. Right now, no” Cho said. I could see him contemplating in the dark of the car. “Maybe s
omeday, if the right woman comes along.”

  I fished. “Would this woman be the right woman?”

  “The conditions are favorable.” Cho gave a crooked smile. He pulled on to St. Claire. “We have the same interests, and she’s pretty good in bed.”

  “What more could you ask for?” I asked. “We can go pick out rings if you want.”

  “Not so fast. I have to be in love, and she has to love me too,” Cho said, stopping at a light.

  “Does she?”

  “We’ve never said the words to each other.”

  “You should tell her first,” I said.

  “I’m not an easy guy to love.” That is an understatement. “What if she doesn’t feel the same? Then I just screwed up a perfectly beautiful sex life,” Cho said. “You’re young Cassie, I’m thirty-nine I don’t have women begging to fuck me.”

  “Is sex more important?” I asked. “From what I hear you have no problems getting women.”

  “I’d prefer getting it on a regular basis than act too soon and get cut off.”

  “I’m sure it will all work out, what’s not to love?”

  “I don’t have Jimmy’s sparkling personality,” Cho said. “I can’t charm people like he can.”

  “He didn’t charm me,” I said. “Most of the time Jimmy’s a pain in the ass.”

  “You know him better than most,” Cho said. “We both have a dark side, but trust me, mine’s darker.”

  “You’re a control freak and anal retentive,” I said.

  Cho scoffed. “Anal retentive?”

  “Oh and you chain smoke.”

  “What else?” Cho asked, glaring at me. “…since you’re pointing out my faults.”

  “Let’s see, you have obvious trust issues and I bet you’re overbearing and dominant.”

  “Thank you Dr. Cassie,” Cho said, “for pointing out stuff I already know.”

  “Those qualities aren’t all bad. I can tell you’re overbearing, but only because you care so much, and you’re also loyal. I’m sure some women like being dominated.”

  “Do you?” Cho asked, seductively.

  I huffed. “No.”

  “Have you ever tried it?”

  “No!” I thought about it. Jimmy was loving and caring. “I like tenderness. Jimmy is attentive and loving in bed. I like that,” I said.

  “You’re too naïve to know any better.” Cho gave me a sultry stare. “You might like it, but you probably wouldn’t. You seem too stubborn.”

  “I’m an only child. Of course I’m stubborn. I don’t like being told what to do.”

  “Jimmy likes that about you,” Cho said. “You’re both spoiled rotten brats, but you tend to balance each other.”

  “Yin and Yang,” I said.


  “I’m a Yang looking for my Yin,” Cho said. He kept staring at me. “But I’m overbearing and dominant, as you pointed out.”

  “We wouldn’t get along.” I said flatly. I felt uncomfortable. Cho enjoyed it. He liked skirting around the edges of inappropriate discussion.

  “Yeah, I know, but I find myself wanting to get you under control,” Cho said. “There have been times I wanted to take your spoiled little ass, bend you over my knee, and spank you like a child.”

  “Really?” I asked. I’m not that bad, am I? “When?”

  “When you spoke to that cop when I told you not to.” Cho ticked off a finger. “At your apartment when you copped an attitude over staying at the condo. Oh and today when you stormed out like a little brat.” Cho laughed. “However, I loved it when faced down Jimmy over going to the funeral. The look in your eyes when you told him to get out of your way, well it was downright sexy. You have balls Kiddo. Jimmy needs a woman like you.” Even though, Cho just called me a spoiled brat, he put a funny spin on things. I began to relax.

  We pulled up to the Palomino Club. It was a very expensive and trendy restaurant. I became excited when I saw where we were having dinner. “I hope you like this place,” Cho said.

  “I’ve never been here.”

  “Jimmy has never taken you here?” Cho asked in disbelief.


  “I’m going to have a talk with my brother. He always takes me here when I’m in town. They have the best food. He needs to take you to nice places, not out for pizza.”

  “I like pizza.” Jimmy and I rarely went out to eat. We always ordered take out or ate at my apartment. I wondered if I embarrassed Jimmy. It made me feel bad.

  “Did I say something wrong?” Cho asked. “I didn’t mean to.”

  “It’s just…well…” I squirmed. “Do you think Jimmy is embarrassed of me?” I asked.

  “Embarrassed of you?” Cho laughed. “He loves having a girl as pretty as you on his arm.”

  “Jimmy always wants to eat in at my place.”

  “Jimmy is comfortable with you. He doesn’t need to impress you. Trust me, he thinks you’re quite a catch, and isn’t embarrassed of you.” I beamed at Cho. “I’ll tell him he needs to take you out more.”

  The Palomino club looked amazing. Cho walked me through the restaurant like a princess. Several women eyed him as we walked by. He looked nice. He had as expensive tastes as Jimmy, especially when it came to food. There was no question Cho liked to eat and liked being seen with me.

  When the waiter came to our table, Cho ordered a bottle of wine. The waiter acted impressed with Cho’s selection. I had no idea what kind of wine he ordered. The waiter came back with a dark green bottle. The man uncorked the bottle and gave him the cork to smell. He waved the cork under his nose and nodded in agreement. Then the waiter poured a small amount into his glass. Cho sipped it and swished it around in his mouth like mouth wash. He sat the glass down on the table and covered it with his hand. “That’s not 1972 vintage. Either give me the shit I ordered or I’m leaving.” Cho snarled. He grabbed the bottle and showed the label to the waiter. “See.” The bottle read 1978.

  “Honest mistake, Sir. I will get the correct bottle.” The waiter said and scurried away.

  “What was that about?” I asked.

  “I’m somewhat of a wine connoisseur. I know Napa 1972 very well,” Cho said. “Honest mistake, bull shit. He hoped I wouldn’t know the difference between a wonderful wine and a shitty wine. I’m sure not many in Indiana do, but in Chicago, a place that tried that shit would be bankrupt in a month.”

  “How did you know?” I asked. My knowledge of wine was null. Cho piqued my interest.

  “In 1972 the winery used oak barrels. There’s a hint of smoky taste. They tried a cheaper barrel for a few years and the wine suffered for it.”

  Cho was quietly fuming over the attempted bait and switch. “I wouldn’t have known the difference,” I said.

  “When I’m paying three hundred dollars a bottle, I better damn well know the difference,” he said.

  “Cho, that’s a lot for a bottle of wine.” No one has spent that much on me, not even Jimmy. I felt special.

  “That’s cheap for a really good wine.” Cho lined up his silverware. Anal retentive. “I wanted you to try it.”

  “Three hundred dollars is over half my rent,” I said. “It’s too much for me to try a nice wine.”

  “Why?” he asked. “I want to have a good evening.”

  “Not a three hundred dollar bottle of wine evening,” I said.

  “Kiddo, you’re worth it.” Cho patted my hand. His temper cooled. “You deserve more for dealing with all that’s going on, and Jimmy’s mood swings,” he said. “And for getting me out. I was sick of that fucking game too.” He flashed a dimpled smile.

  The restaurant manager came to our table with the right bottle of wine. He begged for forgiveness and poured us each a glass. Cho graciously accepted his apology and tasted the wine. “Much better,” he said. I started to take a drink of my very expensive wine. “Stop!”

  He startled me. “Why?” I asked.

  “You don’t gulp wine like it is soda pop,” Cho said. “Cl
ose your eyes.” I did. “Now take a drink and hold it in your mouth for a while.” I complied. “Now swallow it and tell me what you taste.”

  “Wine,” I said, sarcastically.

  “Keep your eyes closed. Do it again, savor it, and tell me what you taste.” I followed Cho’s instructions. I tasted something spicy. It was a bitter wine, but it had a hint of cloves and a smoky taste.

  “I taste fall,” I said. It reminded me of apple cider and bon fires. It made me think of burning leaves and cold weather. It amazed me how I could taste all the different ingredients inside the overwhelming bitter grape.

  “You have a good pallet,” Cho said. I pleased him. It made me smile to please him. He had such a dominant presence that when I was around him, I felt the need to please him. It was like being around my father. “Even Jimmy can’t figure out why I like this specific wine. It reminds me of autumn too. It’s my favorite time of year.” Mine too.

  I opened my eyes. “I don’t usually like wine.”

  Cho laughed. “It’s because you’re young and you haven’t ruined your taste buds yet.”


  “Stick out your tongue,” Cho said. I did, reluctantly. He stuck his finger in a packet of sugar, and placed the sugar crystals at the end of my tongue. “Here the taste buds pick up sweet tastes.” He passed his finger over my bottom lip. I nervously shifted in the booth. “They’re at the tip of your tongue. Over time you damage these taste buds by biting and burning your tongue. As you lose your taste buds you won’t taste the sweet as much” Cho poured salt into his hand and then put it along the sides of my tongue. “When sweet is gone you enjoy salty, here on the sides.” I swallowed. Cho was testing me. He wanted to see my reaction. I blushed. Cho made me feel guilty. There was something about the way he talked and touched me. He enjoyed making me feel that way. He stuck his finger in the wine and dropped a little on the back of my tongue. “Here are the bitter taste buds. When you’ve destroyed all of the other taste buds, you’ll appreciate the bitter.”

  “Interesting,” I said.

  He handed me the glass of wine. “Now take a drink and swish it around your mouth notice how each type of taste bud picks out the different flavors.” I did. I held the wine at the tip of my tongue. “Cloves,” Cho said. I nodded. I moved the wine to the sides of my tongue. “Smoky wood. It’s kind of salty right?” I nodded again. I placed the wine in the middle of my tongue. “Bitter red grapes,” Cho said.


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