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This Changes Everything

Page 30

by Sally Ember, Ed.D.


  Generated by Events of January, 2013 – March, 2013

  Contact-Induced Injuries Report made to MWC InterGalactic Council

  April 27, 2013 Earth Date

  TO: Many Worlds Collective InterGalactic Council (IGC)

  FROM: MWC Council Earth Liaison: #95472

  PURSUANT TO: Fifth and Sixth Re-set, MWC - Earth (Milky Way/Sol) Public Contact and Transition


  Fifth Re-set results in thousands of deaths, comatose and psychotically injured individual humans occurring between the public announcement of the MWC’s presence and Earth’s accepted membership in the MWC, between January 3 and March 31, 2013. Only three cetaceans (killer whales) and one primate (great ape) are injured, due to human negligence and accidents that injure them; all four recover.

  Sixth Re-set results in about 575 deaths (some due to other factors that may or not be directly linked to The Transition), very few (N < 100) comas and psychotic breaks; no injuries for other species, including for cetaceans and primates; last problematic human reaction to Transition occurs April 26, 2013.

  Dr. Clara Ackerman Branon, Ph.D., remains the Chief Communicator for this sixth Re-set. Her intimate partner relationship start date with Epifanio Dang is now mid-fall, 2012 or not at all (Dang's choice); fifth Re-set start date for this relationship is late fall, 2013, or not at all (also Dang's choice).

  Other major facts about Branon remain the same across all Re-sets for this purpose. Be aware, however, that other Re-sets and involvement of the MWC in Earthers' activities, particularly granting early individual iDs for Access to MWC information stores, result in marked changes that affect Branon's intimate relationship with Dang across many timelines. Branon needs additional support for these Psi-Penalties.

  As predicted, there are seemingly unrelated alterations to the best-known Earth timeline (which many timulting Earthers view as improvements, according to Branon), as well as the prevention of human injuries and deaths in earlier time periods due to the sixth Re-set. Specifically:

  ► “The Crusades” now consists of fewer than a dozen years of warfare between European and Asian countries (1144-1156, led by Holy Roman Emperor Conrad III and by King Louis VII of France), rather than over two hundred years, as in all previous Re-sets;

  ► The numerous armed conflicts in the Middle East known to Earthers BPC [Before Public Contact] do not arise.

  Here are the key differences that cause this second major alteration in Earthers' experiences of this region:

  ► Palestine exists intact until The Transition in 2013, because Israel’s creation is established largely according to the UN Partition Plan of 1947, but with several key changes (see below).

  ► Jerusalem is established to be its own nation until 2013, much as The Vatican is in Italy. All religious groups who seek entry are granted access, but only religious leaders of all sects who choose to do so actually reside there. The inhabitants of the Primary residence rotate among the major religions' leaders as they choose. The transferals of residence occur harmoniously.

  ► The Gaza Strip does not exist as such; this land remains in Palestinian control until 2013.

  ► Warfare and armed hostilities between Israel and Palestinians and their subgroups do not occur.

  ► Palestinians have autonomy, are treated by Israelis with respect, and move freely throughout the Middle East.

  ► Israelis, without constant threat of war, do not become the protective tyrants they are known to become prior to these Re-sets.

  ► Israelis and Palestinians do not become violent toward one another.

  ► Hammas and other anti-Israeli factions do not arise as militant groups with any significant membership. When they do arise, their purposes are completely different.

  ► The governments of Middle Eastern countries do not impose their wills on other peoples and spend most of their financial capacity on re-claiming the desert, as originally planned.

  ► After The Transition, when all borders are open, all governments dissolve and all of Earth becomes one "nation," no leaders in the Middle East pose serious resistance to these changes.

  Branon claims extreme satisfaction with these "unrelated" transformations resulting from Re-set #6. Since she is the sole Earther to be aware of both versions of these histories at the time of the Re-set, there is no other to provide that feedback to the MWC.

  Direct results from this sixth Re-set also include the changes in impact that armed conflicts have for the entities, below, since the conflicts are much briefer or do not occur at all due to alterations in the invading people's attitudes, purposes and behaviors as well as marked differences in the indigenous peoples' comprehension of and responses to the invasions:

  ► indigenous peoples in Australia from the U.K. invaders;

  ► indigenous peoples in the North, South and Central American land masses from various European invaders;

  ►colonized countries and their colonizers, in Africa, the West Indies, Atlantic and Pacific islands and India.

  The causes center around the inclusion of fewer and briefer periods of violence in each culture’s origin stories and myths, particularly regarding "foreigners," concepts of "territory" and "ownership" as well as physiognomy-based racism, ethnocentrism and xenophobia. These transformations foster better communication, understanding and affiliation between newly meeting groups all over Earth, up to and including the visitors from the MWC.

  Also, disease-based deaths to indigenous peoples are vastly reduced, due to earlier knowledge and better care taken to prevent contagion. Those illnesses caused by visitors who infect original inhabitants are mitigated by the generous sharing of information, including palliative remedies and medicinal cures.

  Slavery cannot be obviated or completely prevented among humans, particularly African slavery, despite several Re-sets designed to eliminate its existence on Earth, but it, too, is established in fewer countries and exists for fewer centuries in the sixth Re-set, due to the above reasons. The “Civil War” in the USA in the 1800’s lasts only two years, with Emancipation occurring immediately after the war ends, leading more quickly to "Civil Rights" demands that are met prior to the middle of the twentieth century.

  Similar conflicts based on hostility toward perceived differences and presumptions of inferiority/superiority between "races" or tribes in Africa, Japan, China, South America, across Asia and elsewhere are eliminated or vastly reduced as well. Ethnic, racial, cultural and religious bases for conflicts and, therefore, land grabs and deaths due to these conflicts all over Earth are vastly reduced throughout Earth’s history prior to Transition due to the sixth Re-set.

  Eras of harmony far outnumber the periods of conflict in this most recent version of human history. However, since the propensity for violence and discord prevails among humans despite these improvements, the MWC maintains its original public contact date and Dr. Clara Branon as its liaison.

  CONCLUSION: Sixth Re-set is successful, despite some injuries and deaths. No future global Transition Re-sets are intended at this time.

  INJURIES REPORT accepted by the MWC IGC

  April 27, 2013 Earth Date


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