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This Changes Everything

Page 62

by Sally Ember, Ed.D.

  *“Janis” — *“Diana,” pair, Gj 667 Cc

  “Mick,” HD 85512 b

  “Ringo,” Kepler 22 b


  (excerpts from transcript; vid and text of entire Panel Discussion available: mwcw.CCBranondocumentation.verse/retirementpanel 12/22/40 Earth Date)

  ENLACES: Good Evening. Thank you all for being here, for visiting by holo and for listening or watching, when- and wherever you are. We appreciate your interest! We have here an exciting evening planned: for our dear Chief Communicator, Clara Branon, on the threshold of her planned retirement in about six months. Tonight we honor her almost 30 years of service to Earth and the Many Worlds Collective.

  Each guest appears at the request of either Clara or one of the MWC Delegation members, or is the top candidate from nominations garnered from the InterGalactic Council’s “Branon Retirement Panelist Nominations” Lottery, which runs from August 1 – November 30, 2040 Earth Dates.

  Let’s meet our Panelists! Please introduce yourselves.

  VEGA: Hi! I’m Jennifer Vega, an Earth-based Environmental Scientist. I travel to dozens of MWC planets for these 30 years to collaborate on “Green” technology and appropriate planetary stewardship. It’s all so amazing!

  BITAR: Good Evening. I am Hala Bitar, an Earth-based International Global Broadcaster. In 2013, I am one of the first InterGalactic VerseCast Journalists based off-planet, at the IGC MWC main building. I am also about to retire [Smiles at Clara, who returns the smile], so I consider this my party as well! [Applause]

  AALTO: Hey, All! I’m your Earth-based, resident Philosopher/ Technology Expert/ Polyglot. Really, I am a Public Intellectual and the first Earther to speak the languages of our great Visitors [Nods to Led, who bounces. Aalto then speaks in Led’s language {“Glad you could join us, my Friend!”}. [Led bounces over to Pekka Aalto, hovers a moment, then bounces back to his own place].

  SASAKI: Good Day! I work as Astrophysicist and am a former Earth Astronaut. I am one of the first to travel, and go many times to visit each of four planets the MWC Delegation represents! [Sasaki bows toward each of the MWC Delegates; each one shows traditional greeting gestures toward Naoko Sasaki in return.]

  LUFT: Hello. I am Markus Luft, Professor of Physics. I help design and explicate the MWC - Earth Physics and Astrophysics Exchanges, from 2013-2040. Since 2014, these Exchanges expand to include all types of Physical Science. Furthermore, I’m pleased to say, separate Exchanges exist since 2015 for each of these important areas: the Social Sciences, the Excellent Skills Program training, Communication and Technological Innovations, the Arts, and Cultural Collaborations.

  RUSSELL: Thank you for including me. I am a Poet. As Pekka (Aalto) mentions, I am also a Polyglot. I speak with Janis—Diana regularly [Russell turns to Janis—Diana’s holos and speaks to them {“Greetings, SisterPair!”}]. I believe the future of the arts, including text, music, movement, sculpture, 3- and 4-D[imensional] solid and holographic media are central to all of our futures, every timeline in the ‘verse. As Markus mentions, I participate annually in the Arts Exchanges, which, this year, are on Kepler 22 b! [Russell extends her right arm and hand with her smallest two fingers upraised to Ringo, who extrudes two of his orange appendages toward Alicia Elsbeth Russell and waves them.]

  ANGELINA: [Everyone puts the earbuds of their fish in and the spotlight moves to her saltwater tank which holds several other cetaceans. The dolphin rises up above the tank's rim to vocalize. We hear both her clicks, squeaks and whistles and also, human words. Images are also projected onto the vids all around the room that match the words.] Happiness. Gratitude. Podmates and others here with me all say, “Thanks.” Oceans so much cleaner; rivers and ponds, also. Air and water sweet and redolent with new life. Safe and pleasant. Visit often, Clara. We swim with you!

  MERYL: [Everyone keeps the earbuds of their fish in as the Gorilla begins to communicate in sign language and vocalizations. We hear both her grunts, gutterals and growls and, also, human words. Her signs and other gestures are also projected onto the vids all around the room that match the words] Time is now sweet; greet you all. So thankful here with Angelina, MWC members, human Earthers. Eager beginning now. Happy ending days, Clara! Us talk soon!

  LED: As the Leader of the MWC Delegation, I say to you that we are very pleased with your tenure as Earth’s Chief Communicator, Clara. This is an excellent way to honor your efforts. I am glad to be here.

  RINGO: Working with, training, and learning from you are extraordinary pleasures. I thank you [Extrudes one appendage toward Clara] and wish you well in your retirement path.

  JANIS: Diana and I are so proud to be associated with you, Clara! You are brave and funny, warm and kind. Thank you!

  DIANA: I agree with my pairpartner. Thank you, Clara, especially for visiting our pairParents at our home! This is a great honor to our family and our planet!

  MICK: Clara, with Zephyr’s [Clara’s son] help and excellent competitive prodding, you learn quickly, especially all the technology enhancements, and you help many others. I am proud to be one of your teachers. You teach me, also.

  ENLACES: Thank you. Each Panelist and Delegate provides two questions for two or more speakers’ responses. I use these questions to guide our discussion on the topic, “The Future of Earth and the Many Worlds Collective.” [Excerpts, below, include one question from each Panelist, only.]

  Let’s start with you, Clara.

  Pekka Aalto poses this question to you: “In some timelines, do you not retire or retire earlier? How do some of these play out regarding the MWC - Earth relationship? Which do you believe suits Earth best, and why?”

  BRANON: When I hear you are coming to this Panel, Pekka, I shudder to imagine what brain-cracking questions you ask [Laughter from many]. This one isn’t so bad, though. Thanks for going easy on me! [Pekka bows and salutes Clara, playfully.]

  Before any major and many minor choices occur, I explore alternates via virtual Re-set and utilizing many of the ESP training processes I grow familiar with over these decades. So, I am aware of the early retirement, later retirement, and current-date retirement options and their varying outcomes through these and my usual timulting.

  I guess it is important to state, then, that this schedule in this timeline is the one with the best outcomes, not just for me, who will be almost 87 when I retire, but for Earthers, MWC members and the new Chief Communicator as well. It just so happens that all “best outcomes” coincide in this timeline. As we all now know, that is not always the case.

  It is those times when there are alternates in which a few of the outcomes are “positive” and a few are “negative” that hard choices get made. This, however, is not a difficult choice, I am relieved to disclose. The only significant, but not decision-changing drawback to my retiring at this juncture affects me, emotionally: I will miss regular contact with my MWC friends and Espe! [Clara turns, puts her hands together and half-bows to each of the MWC Delegates and to Enlaces. Clara tears up, wipes her eyes, and laughs.] I’m such a crier! [Laughter, then applause].

  ENLACES: Thank you. Next, a question from Mick, to Luft and Sasaki: “What else do Earth Scientists need from the MWC and how may we best meet these needs?”

  LUFT: We need to keep filling in the gaps in our knowledge and we can’t rely on “God” to provide the answers, so we ask the MWC members, instead, since answers are coming from these sources. Individual Access to the MWC Resource Library is the single-most “game-changing” component in the relationship between the MWC and Earth, in my opinion, since it provides almost complete Access for each Earther who wants to utilize it, any time, from anywhere. This type of egalitarian information availability is unprecedented. Access changes education and learning for everyone. What can be Accessed, of course, is also marvelous. Just please keep putting information into that Library: I am eternally grateful!

  SASAKI: I speak more of gratitude for my many visits to many members’ homes and laboratories of MWC.
Having physical visiting Access as well as information iDs creates perfect methods for learning, I believe. Don’t tell; show. Yes. Keep showing. Please, keep visiting and inviting us to visit. The Xchanges, also; keep having. Help us make sure all who should be are invited. We have many questions, continuing, and the MWC is generous with sharing answers, questions, and coming with us to find answers. The collaboration is excellent; please continue!

  ENLACES: Thank you. Next, Vega wants to hear from Russell, Janis—Diana and Angelina on this question: “How may we manage environmental protection and concerns with artists’ media and creations on Earth and elsewhere in the MWC? What kinds of improvements in education, communication and cross-sector Xchanges are needed?”

  JANIS: I enjoy this question very much, because on our planet, artists and musicians are exalted as creators in a unique stratum, highest level of our society. Making something from nothing: that is what some of you Earthers consider the purview of your deities, yes? So, preserving what already seems to exist, protecting from harm: these are also the areas of responsibility of some of your highest-level professions, like doctors, lawyers, officials who serve the planet and its inhabitants.

  On our planet, as you know, these functions are combined into one field of duty: ProtectArts is the word you now use, since you do not have one in any Earth language that comes close. Zephyr Branon creates this word for you, yes?

  To assist all beings with changing perspectives, opening minds to brand-new concepts and ways to organize culture, one must have new language. The language-makers are the most fundamental creators on any planet. So, Earthers must continue with lexicalization efforts, needing to create language to accommodate all new experiences, ways of knowing and understanding. With new ways to communicate come more effective Xchanges of all types.

  Earthers' scientists' research on other Earth animals' cultures, particularly of whales, monkeys, and other primates as well as birds, refocuses your understandings soon APC. Keep learning, keep being open, keep asking questions.

  RUSSELL: That is a brilliant analysis, Janis! I, as a poet and linguist, thank you for making those unusual connections so efficiently and so well. I agree completely.

  In order to preserve and protect one’s environment, and all inhabitants of one’s planet, our solar system, all galaxies, the entire multiverse and all its timelines, we must comprehend the interdependence of and respect all life-affirming ideas and life itself. In order to make that understanding integral to our very beings, we need art: music, poetry, drama, multidimensional art and dance of all media and modalities, to mediate between us and all that is.

  What else is art but that which brings us to wordless experiences of rapture, sorrow, ecstasy, pain, joy, anger, bliss and the rest, which we then strive to put into languages of various types so that it can be shared again and again? Some people believe that there is no experience without words to have it and share it. “If a tree falls in the woods and no one hears it, does it make a sound?” Sounds occur, but without ears to hear, they go unreceived and unrecognized.

  I believe it is our highest duty to collaborate continually, to assist each other with recognizing, preserving and protecting our experiences. In these ways, we expand our horizons and keep them growing, deepening our understandings of what it means to be alive and be interconnected.

  DIANA: In 2012, just before we come to Clara, Earthers are in the downslide of accelerating some horrible trends. You are devaluing art and artists. You are eliminating arts and music education from public schools in some of the richest countries on your planet while making art and music seem secondary or tertiary to life. Your governments are not continuing to fund and are underfunding programs that support arts and artists, yes?

  At the same time, and this is, of course, not a coincidence, your planet’s environment is being degraded, exploited, ruined, poisoned, destroyed on land, underground, in water, in your air: nothing is safe and nothing is sacred. We time our arrival so that what can be saved is saved before it is too late.

  So, yes, Jennifer: you are correct. Those who understand these deep and ongoing interdependencies are best-suited to being the stewards of the environment and of the arts. Guilds now exist for all of these pursuits in the MWC and it is with great delight that some of your Earthers who consider themselves artists, musicians, dancers, and such, along with environmental activists are joining by the thousands. All planets and locations that sustain life require these Guilds to be strong and healthy with many members.

  Recommendations: continue filling the Guilds, keep on having the Xchanges, and persist in building your language so that all communication is being enriched and enlarged, daily. Yes.

  ANGELINA: [Rises from tank and communicates as before] BPC, no fish, almost no human hears or understands any other species. Very sad, very dangerous for us all. APC, with interspecies communication opportunities, respect heightens, understanding and all types of sharing occur: we are all enriched and saved. Planet is saved. Oceans are saved. Yes. ProtectArts includes our ocean dances, the birds’ flights, all musical sounds, everywhere. Now we know. Now we share. We care, together. We must.

  ENLACES: Thank you. This concludes Part I. Stay tuned, after Intermission, for Part II.


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