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EVES: (Carsonbrothers, #2)

Page 21

by Dyble, S R

  "You do know you don't need our permission to move in with your boyfriend, don't you?"

  "She knows that," my grandma answered him and they began conversing between the two of them.

  "Hello?" I tried bringing their attention back again, rubbing my head.

  "Eves, Hunny, all we want is for you to be happy and secure. If that's with Kit and he makes you happy then we're happy for you, Flower."

  It made me smile how my grandma had called me Flower. She hadn't called me that since I was a little girl.

  "Thank you," I smiled, feeling a huge sense of relief.

  "So, you go tell that kid that you've got our blessing, as long as he takes care of you," my grandad said.

  "We're not getting married, grandad," I chuckled.

  "Not yet," he answered and I rolled my eyes.

  "Okay Hunny, we have to go now but we love you. Take care of yourself and baby."

  I couldn't stop smiling and I nodded as if they could see me.

  "Thank you, and I love you both too."

  * * *

  I heard the house security system beep not long after that, notifying me of someone entering the house.

  "Eves?" I heard Kit call after me.

  "I'm in here," I called back.

  I watched the kitchen doorway and frowned at him once he filled it, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

  "What?" I asked, wondering why the hell he looked so giddy. I glanced at the floor and to his feet.

  Was he jogging in place?

  Then I stared at his legs as he bobbed up and down like he was preparing for a boxing match.

  "I've got to show you something."

  "From your jog?" I asked, still staring at him.

  "No, it's a surprise."

  I gulped then, getting off of the kitchen stool to approach him.


  He nodded and got a hold of my hands.

  "What's the surprise?"

  "It's outside," he said biting his lip. He looked so god-damn hot when he did that.

  Focus Eve.

  "Okay?" I drawled after him, eyeing him in question.

  "Come on," he said and I allowed him to take me to the front door where I slid my shoes on.

  "I thought you said it was outside?"

  "It is."

  "So, why are you taking me to your car?"

  "Because it's outside but we have to drive there."

  "Okay, this isn't weird at all…" I said sarcastically as I got into his car.

  I didn't get much chance to question him in the car because we literally just drove around the Beck and to the other side. I sat in the car dumbfounded as he got out and came around the car.

  "Have you lost your mind? Why didn't we just walk?"

  "That would have taken too long," he said, taking my hand and leading me out of the car.

  I watched as he clicked the button on his car keys to lock his car, swift as ever. I wondered if he'd found something pretty at this side of the Beck, and I waited for him to take me to the pathway leading further down. It was a lot of fuss over it though, if that was the case. Instead, he led me towards the houses that sat on the side of the Beck. To the one that did have a for sale sign outside. Now it had a sold sign in its place.

  "What the—"

  I didn't get a chance to question. Kit led me inside and I stared at the hallway before he led me into the living room. I remembered Kit saying that this place needed a lot of work but it looked brand new. It looked perfect.

  "So?" I asked, totally in shock.

  I was at a loss wondering where the estate agent was when I left Kit to go and look in the kitchen.

  "Go look upstairs," he said looking nervous and I frowned at him before doing as he said.

  After looking in the main bedroom, I really didn't get it. What work needed doing? Unless the landlord had recently renovated it…

  "You want to buy this place to rent out?" I asked Kit in total shock. It's not something we'd discussed.

  Kit looked down and then back up at me, rubbing his head as he did.

  "I bought it for us," he answered and I blinked just staring at him.

  At first, I just mumbled, my words not making any sense.

  "I know how much you loved this place, you said enough times."

  "You..." I stopped again, placing my hands over my mouth.

  He'd bought this.

  I gave myself a second to let it sink in, but it didn't. It wasn't sinking in at all.

  "My brother's think I'm crazy for buying it without asking you first. I'm hoping they're wrong."

  I blinked again a few times.

  I looked at him. "They're definitely right."

  Kit nodded his head and his lips became tight as realisation hit.

  "You are crazy," I added as I opened another door.

  It gave him some hope and then I stared at the fully furnished baby nursery that I'd walked into. A crib, a rocking chair, wardrobes and a changing table filled the space but the walls were plain like the rest of the house.

  "I kept the walls plain, for you." He said and I looked at him.

  "Apart from our bedroom. I painted that pastel green."

  That was why he'd asked me what my favourite colour was?

  "For me?" I asked, staring at the nursery, feeling myself choking up.

  "So you can decorate it however you like," he said looking even more defeated.

  I could tell he was seriously doubting himself now. I stood welling up just at the sight of this and all that he had done for me. For our family. It caught him off guard when turning his head. I caught his mouth with my lips and kissed him hard, wrapping my arms around his neck. It took him a second to catch on before he began kissing me back, then he wrapped his arms around my back.

  "You're happy?" he asked.

  "Of course I'm happy, this is so perfect!" I beamed, kissing him again.

  His face lit up as he held me, the look on his face resembling a kid so excited and proud of what they had accomplished.

  "Thank you! God, I love you so much." I said between kisses.

  * * *

  Everything Kit had done for me already had completely floored me, but there was still more to show me.

  How could there be more?

  We hadn't been into the third bedroom yet.

  "You ready?" Kit asked, holding the handle and smiling at me.

  I nodded, a huge grin to my face.

  "Okay," he held my hand and led me into the room. The first thing I saw was the huge backdrop, built up against the wall. Then in another corner was a huge fluffy bean bag like the sort I'd seen other photographers use in photoshoots. There were other props like baskets, baby blocks, and a huge tub full of a load more.

  "Lilly had to help with those. I'm not good with photo props," he said and I stared at him, completely and utterly gobsmacked.

  "You said you wanted to start your own photography business. Now you can."

  My eyes were filled with tears.

  "You can change it however you want. We just set it up like this for now."


  "Myself and my brother's…"

  "I thought they called you crazy for doing this?"

  "They did. They never said they wouldn't help me, though... The place was a wreck when I first bought it, we've been busy re-plastering, painting, laying carpets…"

  That explained why they were all missing at work every time I'd asked, and why I'd found plaster in Kit's hair and smeared across his body. I had to hold my chest because I couldn't contain myself any longer and right on cue we both heard the front door open and Eric shouted "Anyone home?" followed by Nick saying, "Is it safe to enter?"

  "Up here!" Kit yelled and I tried to compose myself as each of Kit's brothers piled into the room.

  I looked at each of them as concern laid over each of their faces.

  "I told you this was a bad idea!" Jason said, lifting his hand and coming towards me. A few months ago, I wouldn't have expected Jason t
o be the one to try and comfort me but somehow we'd gotten closer. I had no idea how that happened but I had to hold him off so I could compose myself.

  "I'm fine," I said.

  "I just can't believe—" I choked on my words and Kit placed his hand further over my back, gently rubbing up and down.

  "I just can't believe you've all done this for me," I eventually said.

  They each smiled and came towards me, offering me a hug at the same time and I had to laugh as four big built men tried to cram themselves into one hug with me.

  "Naw!" Nick made a big fuss, ruffling Eric's hair in the process. They made me laugh, but their brotherly behaviour always did. Kit stood back with his arms crossed and as I looked at him he had a huge smile on his face and shook his head at his brothers.

  "Don't go crushing my bird, you big fools. Get off of her!" he eventually said playfully.

  "Right, I reckon we should hold a party to celebrate," Jason said.

  "No. Not after the last one," Kit said, and I had to agree.

  "No disrespect but that was Lilly's party, not ours."

  "Is throwing a party a good idea after everything that's happened?" Nick asked.

  "With a house full of off-duty masked Delta men? Yeah, I think it'll probably be the safest place to be…" Jason replied.

  "You wanna throw a party to celebrate me finally leaving you?" Kit asked.

  "Actually," Jason moved his stance, "I was gonna suggest celebrating the fact you're only moving across the road and not too far away from us, but that works too."

  "Plus, the fact that you've managed to keep Eve long enough to buy her a house."

  I bit my lip and smiled at their brotherly banter.

  "But, again, whatever works for you," Jason added.

  We each chuckled and Kit pulled Jason into a hug, making sure to ruffle his head once he had him in a chokehold.

  "You sure you wanna do this?"

  "It's just a party, Kit," I answered as the music turned on downstairs.

  "Yeah, and look how the last one ended."

  I nodded, being reminded of Lilly and why she couldn't come tonight. It was probably for the best. Her being near Nick never did go well. Instead, she was attending one of her client's weddings. It had been two days since Kit had shown me the house and the day before Lilly had taken a tour of it with me. Despite helping Kit with my photography gear she hadn't seen the house.

  Our house.

  It still hadn't sunk in that we had our own house. It didn't sit fantastically that I was living in a house that I'd paid absolutely nothing towards but I planned to change that as early as possible.

  "If it gets too much at all, we leave okay?" Kit asked, brushing his hand against my bump. I nodded and ran my hands down my dress. I'd gone with a one-shoulder dress. The bottom of the dress ended just before my knees and it was all a weightless offish cream colour. Without Lilly here to do my hair, I settled on a side plait but left my side fringe and a few loose strands hanging. Once my makeup was complete, I met Kit back in the bedroom and admired how hot he looked. He'd kept it pretty casual in jeans and a black t-shirt but he still looked so bloody good.

  "I'd better keep a hold on you tonight, in case someone tries to take you away," I commented.

  "I was just thinking the same thing, Blondie," he answered and I scoffed.

  Kit challenged me once I'd scoffed, raising his eyebrows at me as he came closer.

  "I'm lucky pretty much all of the guys here are from Delta... Saying that, some people here won't be so no mentioning it."

  I nodded, knowing that already.

  "Did you invite Niomi?" he asked and I nodded.

  I hadn't seen Niomi since we'd finished college and I couldn't believe it had been so long.

  "She's coming," I answered.

  I felt a strange sensation in my stomach then and wondered If I had trapped wind. I frowned and lowered my hand to where I'd felt it.

  "What?" Kit asked, looking concerned.

  "Nothing," I said, not sure what it was.

  "Did you feel a kick?" he asked and I just stared at him as he got onto his knees and knelt before me.

  "Okay, so this is your first party, buddy," he started and I couldn't help but beam at him.

  "I want you on your best behaviour and don't stay up too late."

  Once he stood up I kissed his grinning face and shook my head laughing. He led me downstairs afterwards and held me close as people started making their way into the house, being granted entry by Jason, who stood at the front door like a bouncer. In confusion, I stared at the coffee table where presents had started to pile up.

  "Housewarming gifts, I reckon," Kit smiled.


  Jason had been serious about this being a party to celebrate our new home. Shortly after the coffee table was pushed aside to make a make-shift dance floor and it reminded me of the first time that Kit had brought me here to a party. That time, there had been a stripping game being held in the living room. As I looked around, I spotted each of Kit's brothers, holding a beer and chatting to a group of people.

  "You wanna dance?" Kit said into my ear but before I had a chance to answer he'd taken our drinks and placed them on the side.

  He led me to where others were dancing and I stood shocked at the beautiful woman dressed in a skimpy dress strutting her stuff. Kit didn't seem to pay her any attention and I wanted to pat him on the back for remaining so cool. I wouldn't have blamed him for looking. She was showing all of her best... assets. I realised then that the girl was Tricia's assistant. The girl that currently manned the front desk at Delta. Instead of looking, he only brought me closer so we could dance.

  "You know I can't dance," I said as he came up behind me and kissed my bare shoulder.

  "I know you're lying. I saw you dancing at your Aunt's wedding."

  "You did?" I asked, feeling his lips against my shoulder as he moved behind me.

  I began shifting my hips then as Kit kept his face against my shoulder and gently held his arm around my waist. In the darkness of the room, I allowed my eyes to close, savouring his touch against the music.

  When my arse brushed against Kit's crotch I felt his grip tighten then he moved us so that he was facing me opposed to being behind. I smiled knowing the brush had turned him on and I put my arms around his neck. Whilst kissing me, we both felt someone shifting by and we watched as Eric brought our attention to him turning the music off. The lights were turned on and shortly after he shouted for everyone to be quiet. He was making his way through the house and he stood against the fireplace in the living room, holding his beer in hand.

  "I just wanted to say a few words," he said smiling at us both as Nick came up beside me. Jax took a seat on the couch and Jason moved to the single sofa chair where he pulled a lass onto his lap. I rolled my eyes, knowing that she was his lay for the night.

  That lad worked fast.

  "Firstly, thank you all for coming. We're here to celebrate my bro' and Eves buying their first home together."

  Kit smiled at me, making me blush as everyone nearby smiled at us. Just then, the doorbell rang and we all waited as Jax went to open the door. Niomi came into the room, looking uncomfortable as everyone stared at her.

  "Woah, who the fuck is that?" I heard someone say close by and my theories as to who it was were confirmed when I saw Jesse eyeing Niomi up. She beamed at me and mouthed sorry for being late.

  "So, yeah—" Eric continued and we all brought our attention back to him. "What I wanted to say was that I'm truly happy for you guys, you deserve all the happiness in the world and we love you."

  I was nearly crying by the end of his speech and he lifted his beer to hold a toast as I wiped my face. Everyone lifted their glasses and bottles and toasted to us. Jax lifted his bottle to me when he saw me looking and I smiled, trying not to let my hormones get the better of me.

  "You okay, Blondie?" Kit spoke into my ear from where he stood behind me and I nodded, wiping my eyes clean. When Eri
c came over to us, Kit moved aside so he could hug his brother and Jason took his opportunity to get up and turn the music back on.

  It allowed us alone time to each hug each other because everyone went back to the party as Jason held onto me and then kissed my cheek.

  Then, Nick, Jax and Eric did the same and I wanted to hug them all longer. It felt real. Like I'd somehow gained four brothers. I loved them all, even though one of them had somehow broken my best friend’s heart. It was a strange feeling. As much as I loved Nick, I wanted to punch him for making Lilly the way she was. I wondered if it was something I'd always have to deal with—her avoiding Nick and Nick watching her every move. I thought about it hard as I hugged him and over his shoulder, I saw a familiar shade of blonde until Maddie turned her head so I could see her fully.

  "What the actual fuck?" I spoke to myself as Nick let me go to see who it was that I was staring at.

  I was about to charge that way when I felt Kit's hand holding me back.

  "What is she doing here?" I asked him.

  "One of the guys must have brought her here, I never invited her."

  As we stood there staring at her, Maddie stared back and eventually pushed her way through people until she stood in front of us.

  "I'm sorry that I came," was not what I was expecting to hear.

  She looked bothered, even awkward, it was the first time I'd seen her anything but confident.

  "I came to talk to you both, if you'll allow me?"

  "No. I think you should go," Kit said from beside me and I saw it hit Maddie like a bullet to the chest. Despite what she may have done to us, I knew she loved Kit. I could see it in the way she flinched at his harsh tone.

  "Kit," I stopped him from going any further and he looked at me in shock.

  I nodded my head at him and looked back at Maddie.

  She offered me a smile but I was in no way ready to give her one back.

  "I came to apologise," she started and I stood listening.

  "Let's just say I'm a bit fucked up," she admitted and it made me wonder what her story was.

  "I'll understand if you never want to see me again, but I had to say sorry."

  I was in total shock, and by the looks of it, so was Kit.


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