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Animal Instincts (Gilded Knights Series Book 3)

Page 31

by Emilia Finn

“Because if the tables were turned,” he studies me with sad eyes. Terrified eyes. “If I was Mark, I’d do damn near anything to get you back. He’s not a stupid man, Tabby. He knows what he’s lost. At this point, I’d be considering ropes and cable ties just to keep you with me.”

  “That’s not even a little bit legal,” I whimper. He’s hurting. He’s scared. And I guess, since this all began, he’s always worn his feelings on his sleeve. “This is just one of those things you’re gonna have to trust me on.”

  “You’re asking me to trust him too.”

  I scoff and push up to press a kiss to his lips. “It doesn’t matter what he says or does. I’m coming home to you.”



  Gamblers Anonymous

  I stand in Tabby’s kitchen and watch as she walks out the door. I remain silent—not because I’m mad or punishing her for going, but because I don’t want to say anything that will make her feel guilty for doing the right thing.

  I’ve done enough of that already.

  Instead, I smile for her as she slowly closes the door. Then I bring my can of Pepsi—a can she placed in my hand before walking away—across my forehead to cool me off. My heart races, and because it does, my temperature spikes.

  I watch the love of my life walk out the door to grab dinner with someone else, and I do the honorable thing and let her go.

  To love someone means to set them free. If it’s meant to be, they’ll come back. And if it’s not, then we’re all better off knowing the truth.

  “You’re about to crush that can, Doc.” Jen walks through the kitchen and stops by the fridge.

  She’s thin, loud, and enjoys looking pretty. She wears tiny shorts and a tank top that may as well not exist. She’s everything I would have run toward before meeting Tabby… and perhaps, now that I frame it that way in my mind, this is a test in itself.

  I’m trusting Tabby to get dinner with Mark. And Tabby is trusting me to have an evening with her sister.

  Neither of us will fuck up or slip up, because both of us love too deeply. We love each other. We love completely, and a night of messing that up isn’t worth losing a lifetime of what we feel.

  “You okay?” Jen asks when I say nothing in reply. She moves away from the fridge and stops in front of me. She’s tall, taller than any of the women I know, but still she tilts her head to the side and glances up to catch my eye. “You look like you’re having chest pains.”

  I chuckle, and since she mentioned it, bring a hand up to massage my heart. “I’m actually doing alright. She’s not gonna marry him.”

  “No.” Jen offers a single silver spoon, and when I accept it, she presents a tub of Belgium chocolate ice cream. “She was never gonna marry him. Wanna join me for dessert?”

  “Sure.” I take my can of soda and spoon to the living room when Jen leads the way, then plopping down on the couch, I glance up to the clock and note the time; 6.51pm.

  Dinner begins soon. Then I guess whatever is gonna happen will happen.

  “She’s gonna marry me, though.” I dig my spoon in when Jen cracks the tub open and offers the creamy dessert. “I already asked a half dozen times.”

  She snorts and works the remote to turn the TV on. “I’m surprised.” She looks to me and points at her own neutral face. “Can you tell I’m surprised?”

  “Yep. Do you think she’ll say yes?”

  “To him?” She snags the ice cream once she decides on a channel on the TV—true crime—and digs in with her spoon. “Nope.”

  “To me?”

  She snorts. “Yupppp. You just have to get the timing right.”

  “So, next weekend?”

  She barks out a loud laugh and fixes the pillows so she can get comfortable on the couch without leaning on me. She’s respecting the friendship we’re starting, but more than that, the relationship her sister and I have. “Ya know, I actually believe in you. If anyone could get my strict, routine-aholic sister to be spontaneous, it would be you. But only if I get to be maid-of-honor.”

  “Of course.” I dig into the tub for more ice cream.

  The clock ticks on the wall, ominously, loudly, and the long hand makes its way past seven.

  To save my own sanity, I point toward the television. “Who did it?”

  “Toxic corporate workplace, ditzy mail clerk. She said yes to the first guy, she didn’t say yes to the second. Assault. That horrible R-word. Things got out of hand, words were said, and tempers flared.”

  “So she killed them?”

  “Yup.” Jen smacks her lips and grins. “Sis did great, because the legal system wasn’t gonna help her.”

  My brows shoot high in surprise. “If you’re right, sis is gonna go to prison anyway. Hardly seems worth it.”

  “Ask any woman,” Jen proudly scoops a heaping spoon of ice cream into her mouth. “It was totally worth it.”

  The Real Epilogue


  “I don’t like this!” I stumble across the parking lot of Lakeside, my eyes covered with a blindfold, my hands wrapped around Beckett’s wrists as he leads me toward something… potentially my death. “Beckett!”

  “Shush and relax.” Chuckling in my ear, he presses a kiss to my temple and walks me forward. “It’s our three-month anniversary. I’m allowed to get you a surprise.”

  I roll my eyes, even under the fabric, and shake my head. “We got back from Meadow Hill’s four days ago. Calm yourself with the anniversary talks.”

  “It counts in my head,” he sniggers. “I want to spoil you, so I’m gonna spoil you, and there ain’t a damn thing you can do about it.”

  “You took notes from the murder farm and are leading me to my slaughter. Why the hell would I be pleased about that?”

  “Because I’m sexy,” he teases. “And you’re not engaged to anyone else.”

  “Which is what I said would happen all along,” I counter. But I’m smiling.

  I’m smiling a lot these days. Mark and I got dinner on Saturday night, as promised. And Beckett won his bet—sort of.

  There was an engagement ring presented at that table. But it wasn’t for me.

  And since we’re working on technicalities, Jen won her bet too… the ring was for someone of the Y chromosome variety.

  The reason Mark thought I broke up with him? He figured I’d somehow realized he cheated on me… with his work colleague and newest housemate. He didn’t want us to break up and ruin three years of friendship, so his constant calls, texts, and demands for attention were because he thought he owed me an explanation and a way to mend fences.

  But I wished him and Brantley well, then I left Pinocchio’s and came home to find my boyfriend and my sister finishing off a tub of my ice cream while watching trashy TV.

  The perfect life, really.

  “So, I know you’re sad that Jen is leaving soon,” Beckett murmurs in my ear. “And I know you really wanna live with me and not on your own.”

  “Actually, I never said that,” I argue. “In fact, I remember saying something about being excited to have alone time for the first time in years.”

  He shrugs behind me and exhales a soft laugh. “Semantics. Anyway, Jen is leaving tomorrow, but she decided she didn’t wanna drive all that way on her own.”

  “Are you offering to take her?”

  He scoffs. “No, but someone else has offered.”

  My spine snaps straight. “Was it Corey? Because no. The answer is no! I told him not to touch my sister.”

  “Not Corey,” he snickers. “Though that’s a real sore spot for you, huh? You know he’s interested.”

  “The answer is still no! And if it’s not him, then who’s driving her? Me and you?” I shake my head. “Not really ready for another road trip with you yet.”

  “Not me and you.”

  Beckett stops me, turns me a little to the left, and because I can’t see him, I startle when he presses a kiss to my lips. It’s gentle, quiet, and entirely decent—which I guess is good
, considering I was at my desk working when he came in and slipped a blindfold over my face.

  I have things to do, clients to process, phones to answer, and a dinner to plan, since my beloved sister is leaving me tomorrow. But no, my immature, unprofessional, and impulsive boss would rather screw around on work time.

  “Get ready, Tabby,” he whispers in my ear. “Someone else is gonna take your hands, and it’s not me. Don’t kick him in the nuts.”

  “Someone—” My heart stops when a pair of hands takes mine and holds on. They’re soft, but sure. Smooth, but strong. “It’s not Reginald.”

  Beckett barks out a loud laugh. “It’s not Reginald. And it’s not Mark either, before you ask.”

  “Who…” I tilt my head and try to dislodge my cover with my shoulder. “Beckett, I’m starting to panic.”

  I’m sandwiched between two men. Beckett at my back, and the mystery man at my front. Beckett’s broad chest warms me, his arms hold me in place, and when I worry I might fall into complete panicky convulsions, his fingers touch the skin of my temples and gently move the fabric up.

  “Taking it off now.”

  First, I see shoes. Brown and scuffed. Jeans with worn thighs. Hips, trim with no extra weight hanging over the sides. Tears burn my eyes as I move up to his chest. A chest I know. A chest I’ve spent most of my life near. Finally, my gaze stops on my old friend, my mentor and father-figure, Doctor Bennett, and big, fat tears spring free.

  “Oh my god,” I sob and stumble forward so he catches me in a hug.

  Bennett presses a kiss to my cheek much the same way Beckett does, with pure, selfless, adoring love, and holds me up while I weep.

  “What are you doing here?” I pull back, but only far enough to see his face. “What the hell is going on?”

  “Hey there, beautiful girl.” Bennett’s eyes glisten similarly to how mine do. “I’ve missed this face.”

  “I’m so confused.”

  I look around the parking lot of Lakeside Animal Hospital and am met with more eyes. Familiar eyes. Jen stands by the front door—the previously lipstick-smeared door—with a playful grin, and on her right, Corey frickin’ Rosa watches me with a smug grin.

  He heard what I said about him and my sister, and if Beckett is accused of being forward when it comes to women, that’s nothing on how Corey taunts me now. He would ravage Jen against the door if she gave him the go-ahead, and no matter the threats I toss down, he’s not going to care for my feelings on the matter.

  I let my gaze move around to the rest of my crowd. The parking lot is basically a Nadia’s birthday redo—the Rosa brothers, Spencer, Abby, Nadia, Idalia, little Max, and Arlo. Add in Jen and Doctor Bennett, then a woman on Jen’s other side—a Carmel-lookalike, I’m ashamed to admit—and that rounds out the audience who eagerly watches me cry for my old boss.

  “Nope.” I glance back to Bennett. “I’m still confused.”

  “I got a call from this other dude,” Bennett smirks. “Self-proclaimed second-best veterinarian in the country, and he’s talking about my girl like he thinks he gets to keep you. So I figure, as your second daddy, it’s kinda my duty to come on over and check things out.”

  “Are you… And you…” I swallow and glance over my shoulder. “Second-best?”

  Beckett chuckles. “I guess I’m forced to admit that there’s this chick, a vet with so much passion it seeps from her pores, and maybe she’s better at this than even I am.”

  “But…” I shake my head. I don’t get it. I’m still his assistant! Maybe he acknowledges my passion and education. Maybe he even let me take the lead with Graciela. But that doesn’t change things when it comes down to it. “I don’t understand.”

  “Doctor Bennett wanted to come see you,” Beckett nods toward the man on my other side. “Jen needed a ride. And Bennett needs a new assistant.”

  “He…” My stomach drops. “What?”

  “Ahem.” Doctor Bennet clears his throat and draws my gaze back around. “I got word that Rosa’s assistant might be the best thing since sliced bread.”

  Beckett snickers behind me so the air from his nose feathers my hair. “I did say that.”

  “And now I need a new assistant,” Bennett continues. He flashes a wide grin and sets my temper alight.

  “Are you serious right now?” I shove out of my little man sandwich and growl. “I’m your assistant,” I jab a finger at Beckett. “Which pisses me off. It pisses me off so much, but it is what it is. I accept it. But now you,” I point at Bennett, “what, you think demoting me from vet to admin is gonna bring me back to you? That is offensive as fuck!”

  “Offensive as fuck,” Beckett giggles. Giggles! “Dammit, man. What is wrong with you?”

  “What is wrong with you!?” I go back to pointing at Beckett. “He wouldn’t know unless you told him. In fact, I never even told him about my new job. I didn’t want him to know I’d stepped down from what I love, all so I can fetch a fuckboy his coffee.”

  “Offensive as fuck,” Beckett hisses. “Jesus. That temper, Tabby.”

  “I don’t want the job,” I snap at Bennett. “I was so excited you were here, but now you’ve gone and pissed me off.”

  “So, you’re saying I can’t come to dinner tonight?” he teases. “I was really excited for Rosa night.”

  “Yes, you can come to dinner! But no, you can’t sit next to me. I’m mad at your offensive offer.”

  “I don’t actually recall making an offer,” my old mentor laughs. He looks around at our crowd. He even looks to little Max and gets an enthusiastic thumbs-up. Glancing back to Jen, he asks, “Did anyone hear me offer her a job?”

  Jen shakes her head, and when Corey goes to touch, she slaps his hand away. “Nope. No such offer was made.”

  “You just…” Heat burns my face as I look around. “But you…” I meet Bennett’s eyes. “Huh?”

  “I said I need a new assistant. I did not say I wanted you.”

  “Oh, wow. Well… okay.” I turn to Beckett and drop my bottom lip. “Offensive and embarrassing.”

  He barks out a loud laugh. “You brought that on yourself. Also, have you met Gail?” He extends a hand toward the Carmel-lookalike standing beside Jen. “Gail, won’t you step forward?”

  “If you ask me to make dinner plans for you and Gail tonight,” I growl for my boss, “I will cut you while you sleep.”

  “No need to book anything. Gail is coming to family dinner.”

  “Family?” My eyes narrow to slits and shoot to the unsuspecting woman. “I’m about to lose my shit at you, Rosa. I thought you were surprising me with something?”

  “I’m trying!” he exclaims. “It’s not my fault you keep shouting at everyone. Bennett was supposed to be a nice surprise for you, not someone you snap at.”

  “Who are you?” I whimper when Gail stops in front of us. She’s beautiful, she’s leggy, and, damn her, she’s blonde. “Why are you here?”

  “I’m Gail Thorpe, Doctor Bennett’s former assistant.”

  Stunned, I look to Bennett. “What happened to Lia?”

  “She’s still there,” he grins. “Gail was like my assistant’s assistant. Lia has been training her since just after you left, since the place is really busy nowadays.”

  “Okay.” I bring a hand up and massage my temple. “I don’t understand all this. Why is your former second assistant here?”

  “Because I start work tomorrow,” Gail answers. “Family dinner tonight, farewell to Jen, then tomorrow, we get to work.”

  “We?” I shake my head. “We who? Me and you?”

  Gail nods.

  I turn to Beckett and snarl, “You do not need a second assistant, you ass!”

  He chuckles. “No, but I desperately need a competent first assistant. Desperately. And when I mentioned my troubles to Doctor Bennett, he mentioned how Gail was open to relocation.”

  “What the hell am I? Incompetent and invisible?”

  “Otherwise employed?” Beckett returns, then he
flashes a wolfish grin and nods toward Jen. “If you’d stop shouting at everyone for a second, you’d see.”

  “See what?”

  Jen steps aside, right into Corey’s chest, and smirks when he takes her hips and holds her up. “We’re not dating,” she laughs and slaps his hands off. “Swear.”

  “Jen!” Beckett claps his hands. “Focus.”

  “Oh yeah.” Making a show of it, my sister does the game-show hand wave toward a piece of white paper taped to the glass door. “Surprise.”

  I squint and try to read whatever is hastily written on the paper. Unable to, I take a step forward, then another. Closer. I feel like I’m a hundred years old with the way I have to move closer, closer, closer.

  Finally, the words focus in my mind, the handwriting makes sense, and a pair of hands wrap around my stomach right when ‘Rosa and Lawrence Animal Hospital’ flashes in my mind.

  “This was your surprise,” Beckett hums by my ear. “It’s why we needed a new assistant, and since Bennett gave us his, it’s the reason he’ll need a new second. And since Bennett is here, he’ll escort Jen back to her nerdy laboratory so she can get back to work.”

  “Fuck you very much,” Jen growls. “Don’t start on me about nerds.”

  “You want to share Lakeside with me?” I whimper. “Are you serious?”

  “I’ll admit, firing you as my assistant took a lot of balls,” he chuckles. “I can’t say it felt nice. But bringing you on as a vet?” He presses a kiss to my cheek. “Easiest decision I’ve ever made. This way, we both get to live our dreams, and you’ll never be tempted to look for a job elsewhere.”

  Emotion in my throat makes it impossible to breathe. My racing heart makes it impossible to catch my breath. “Are you sure? This is your practice, Beckett. It’s yours.”

  “And now it’s ours, because I know what I want for the rest of my life.”

  “What’s…” I swallow and try, I swear I try not to lose my shit in front of this crowd. “What’s under the paper?”

  “The rest of my life.” He nods for Jen to lift the sheet away, then he draws me around and presses his lips to mine.


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