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Confessions Of Gemini

Page 5

by Logan Tyler

  “I’m about to light your backside up again because apparently, I didn’t do a good enough job of it last night. When I tell you to do something, you are to do it.”

  Sarah was helpless as she was pushed further over the couch, leaving her feet dangling off the floor. Melissa pulled back and landed a resounding swat in the middle of her bottom leaving a vivid handprint behind.

  “Ouchy! I’m sorry, baby! I’ll go do it now! I wasn’t thinking!”

  “It’s too late for that now, brat. Stay there and do not move,” Melissa told her pulling back and delivering another hard-cheeky swat which rung out around them.

  Sarah felt the blood rushing to her head as she laid waiting for her girlfriend to return. Her bottom was sore and cold. She wanted to cry. And scream maybe. This was the second spanking she’d managed to earn in as many days. Last night’s had been a big one too. The last thing she wanted was another.

  It didn’t take long for Melissa to reappear, and Sarah dreaded looking over her shoulder when she did. In Melissa’s hand was their small leather paddle. It was thick, with some kind of ribbing in the middle to keep it from bending too much, but it had a lot more give than wood. At about eight inches long and four wide; it was far from Sarah’s favorite implement.

  “Come on, Mel. I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s come over me. I’m just grumpy today.”

  “Grumpy, pouty, whiny, and disobedient,” Melissa agreed, adding her own list of undesirable behaviors.

  “Maybe I didn’t get enough sleep,” Sarah tried, wincing as Melissa rubbed the cool leather across her exposed cheeks. “Maybe I could….”

  “I’m tempted to ask for a number,” Melissa interrupted. “Maybe that’ll give you enough to think about to straighten out this behavior. Then we can practice your obedience.”

  “Ten,” Sarah spat out before she could argue.

  “With this?” Melissa countered, tapping the paddle lightly. “I don’t think that’s enough.”

  “If you don’t like my answer why did you ask?” Sarah argued.

  “Alright, ten,” Melissa said, suddenly giving Sarah ten quick and painful licks. They came so fast and so unexpected they took Sarah’s breath away.

  She hissed and wiggled as the pain heightened and then ebbed as Melissa resumed rubbing.

  “Was that enough?” Melissa asked.

  Sarah wiggled. She knew the answer and didn’t like it. Reluctantly she admitted, “No.”

  “So, we agree on something. I want you to ask me for it, Sarahbell. But first you are going to march yourself into our bedroom and think for a good while about what why you are not only going to get a hand spanking but a paddling as well.”

  “Oh, you were serious?” Sarah exclaimed.

  “When am I not serious, Sarahbell? You opened your eyes last night, and you took the deal to avoid the cane. We could have had a nice, friendly, good-girl chat, but then this morning you gave me nothing but attitude. And the pillow, really? Maybe I should renege on all that and just cane you for real.”

  Sarah paled. She hated the cane with every inch of her being. “It was just four, right?” Sarah asked not believing she was actually considering it. After Melissa’s lecture, she doubted it would be only four, but she could still try.

  “It would have been four, now the price would be higher.”

  “How high?” Sarah’s voice cracked, her hopes dashed at leniency.

  “You seem to like the number 10 an awful lot,” Melissa quipped.

  “That’s not fair!”

  Melissa shook her head. “Let’s go,” she demanded, helping Sarah to stand and then led her into the bedroom. “Corner,” she then directed.

  “Really?” Sarah whined, only to get a swat from the paddle as encouragement to obey. With a whimper, she then managed to drag herself to the most undesirable spot in the house.

  Once there, she reached back to rub her still smarting backside, only to quickly pull her hand away when Melissa cleared her throat. Shifting from foot to foot, she had to settle on clenching and unclenching her cheeks for relief instead. It wasn’t half as effective, but it was better than just staring at the place where two walls met.

  In the corner, time, as usual, seem to slow down. Sarah was convinced they’d already passed her next birthday before Melissa called out to her to turn around and join her. With a sigh, Sarah did so, frowning as she found Melissa sitting on the edge of the bed, paddle still in hand. She was tapping it against the heel of her palm, obviously preoccupied in thought, but it was a visual that Sarah didn’t need or appreciate.

  “Alright, young lady. Did you have enough time to come up with a number?”


  “Serious as a heart attack. Not only do I want you to ask me to spank you, but I want an appropriate number as well. If I choose, we’re going to forget about this and I will get the cane.”

  Sarah paled. She’d really stepped in it this time. Melissa wasn’t just annoyed she seemed almost angry. “Please don’t be mad at me,” Sarah found herself suddenly pleading. “I’m sorry, I really am. I know I’ve been naughty and giving you attitude and everything that you don’t deserve. I shouldn’t have done that, and I understand that I deserve and maybe even need you to spank me.”

  Melissa gave her a small nod. “I need you to say it, honey.”

  Sarah swallowed. She took a deep breath before finally admitting, “Melissa, will you please spank me?”

  “Almost,” Melissa nodded. “Why should I spank you, Sarah?”

  Sarah looked down at the ground. “I was naughty,” she admitted. “I woke up on the wrong side of the bed, took it out on you, and then I was disobedient when you told me to put the pillow back.”

  “And…just how many swats do you think you deserve?” Melissa prodded.

  “And,” Sarah groaned. “And I hate this part. 30? Is that enough?”

  “With the paddle, my palm, or both?”

  Sarah scrunched up her nose. “Both?”

  “Alright, 30 of each then,” Melissa decided.

  Before Sarah could protest, she found herself being pulled back over her girlfriend’s knee.

  Melissa settled Sarah’s weight carefully over her lap as she laid the paddle aside and wrapped her left arm around Sarah’s waist, holding her in place securely. She cupped one cheek then the other in turn obviously enjoying the feeling of the womanly flesh in her palm. “I’m going to make these 30 hard so you remember them tomorrow. You ready?”

  “Yes, Melissa.” Sarah nodded, peeking quickly over her shoulder.


  Beth knocked on the front door again before pressing her ear against it to listen for any noise that was coming from inside. Not hearing anything, she glanced back down at the parking spaces below her, confirming that both Melissa’s and Sarah’s cars were there. Sighing she weighted the bag of bagels she had picked up on her way over.

  She was hoping to surprise Melissa and Sarah with breakfast, but she’d somehow missed them. Maybe they’d walked across the street to the diner or even just gone for an early morning stroll. It was a beautiful morning, and unseasonably warm as well. Still, she’d brought the bagels, and there were too many not to share. She’d leave them for them regardless. Beth pulled the keys from her bag and unlocked the door.

  Swinging it open, she called out again, “Melissa? Sarah? Anyone home?” Beth then stood still in the doorway, frowning slightly when she heard nothing. It was a bit odd, but deciding that they must have walked somewhere, she made her way inside and to the kitchen.

  She deposited the bagels on the counter before muttering to herself, “I need to leave them a note.” Plucking the magnetic notepad from the fridge she spun in a circle attempting to find a pen. Spotting on the far counter, she quickly crossed the room and grabbed it.

  Just as she picked up the pen, however, she heard murmurs from the end of the hallway where the master bedroom was located. She knit her brow, wondering if maybe her sister and girlfriend were indee
d home, and then suddenly felt as if something was off. She didn’t want to walk into some sort of embarrassing moment, but then, she didn’t want to scare anyone either.

  Looking from the counter to the door to the hall, she considered what to do. Should she leave? Should she go check to see if everyone was okay? She had called into the house and gotten no answer. Maybe something was wrong. The thought of Sarah or Melissa hurt or sick decided for her.

  Beth made it a whole three steps down the hall before she was startled by a loud pop. Another quickly followed, along with a yelp of pain. Her eyes grew round as her thoughts lead to her believe those sounds only meant one thing.

  As she stood frozen in indecision, she clearly heard Melissa’s deep voice in some sort of lecture and then Sarah mumbled some sort of apology. Both curious and worried, Beth took several steps toward the bedroom when she suddenly jumped as several more loud pops echoed through the apartment.

  Swallowing hard, Beth began to form a mental picture of what was going on, and certain things started to make sense. It sounded like a spanking… but that couldn’t be, could it? Another five or six smacks echoed through the house. Beth felt her cheeks redden and she found herself tiptoeing closer to the master bedroom door. The door was open a crack, and as she caught a glimpse of her sister and Sarah, her heart skipped a beat. It was true. Melissa had Sarah pinned over her lap and was relentlessly spanking her naked backside.

  She’d heard of such relationships before, or had she just imagined them? It didn’t look like sexual play. It looked like discipline. Melissa was lecturing and spanking, hard. Sarah was whining and squirming like a naughty school girl being taken to task. Was this really the kind of relationship they had? Was this why Sarah didn’t want her to tell Melissa she’d been out of the apartment? Was she afraid that she was going to be punished? Who even punished another adult like that? It was barbaric, yet so alluring to watch.

  As Beth continued to watch, she started to feel anxious. She was suddenly ashamed and felt guilty for just staring at them like some peeping-Tom. Even as the feelings of shame grew heavier with each resounding smack, Beth’s ears tuned into Melissa’s lecture. She was fascinated, and in a strange way couldn’t get enough of what she was seeing, and hearing.

  “Good,” Melissa said in a deep voice before she raised her hand high in the air. She clapped it down solidly on Sarah's left cheek. It made Beth jump and left a visible handprint on Sarah’s bottom. Without pause, Melissa raised her palm again bringing it down four more times just as sharply as the first all in the same place.

  Beth gaped as Sarah’s only reaction was miniscule jerking of her hips as each swat connected and deep puffs of breath. She felt like her feet were glued to the floor as she was practically forced to watch the scene unfold before her. She wanted to say something, to stop it, or ask why, but she was also scared. She was frozen, unable to make a decision as her mind wheeled over the whys and ifs of what she was watching.

  Five swats now done Melissa held the inflamed cheek and massaged again issuing her first warning, “You will not be disrespectful to me, Sarah Annabelle.”

  Without giving her chance to answer Melissa moved to her right cheek swatting five times rapidly in succession. The swats rung loudly around them. Sarah’s reaction still was only the slight squirm of her hips. Melissa repeated the gesture again roughly caressing Sarah’s cheek which displayed several prominent handprints and lectured, “You will not be disobedient, Sarah Annabelle.”

  The seconds ticked by, but it was only when Melissa changed tactics and picked up a leather paddle did Beth seem to catch some common sense. She couldn’t get caught. It was unfathomable. She had to leave, now!

  Gathering her courage, she quietly backed away from the door. She needed time to process what she saw, almost as much as she needed to leave. She paused only long enough to tear the paper away from the pad she’d written on, stuffing it into her pocket and grab her bag of bagels before fleeing her sister’s home.


  “Are you going to behave for me, Sarahbell?” Melissa asked as she picked up the paddle and rubbed it gently across Sarah’s throbbing cheeks.

  Sarah moaned but nodded. “Yes, ma’am. I’m going to behave. Promise.” Her backside was on fire and right now she would have promised Melissa the world if she’d asked.

  Melissa rubbed the paddle along the lower curve of her bottom in a manner that made Sarah shiver. “I want you to focus on nothing but this paddle meeting your backside and why it’s happening, little brat.”

  “Y- yes ma’am,” Sarah stuttered out. Her tummy twisted at the tone of Melissa’s voice. It was both possessive and dominant. Melissa’s tone coupled with the sting in her backside was causing a stirring deeper in her loins as well. Despite the fact she was clearly being punished, Melissa’s dominance was sexy as hell.

  Sarah moaned, but her line of thought was quickly forgotten at the first thuddy swat which caught the lower part of her bottom with a furious sting. She gasped and closed her eyes. That was only number one!

  The second made a quick descent catching her bottom in the same spot and sending the burn of leather deeper into her cheek. Biting her lip, she stayed as still as possible.

  Three and four were in the same place yet again. By four, the heat was building to an almost unbearable level. How she hated it when Melissa swatted the same place over and over.

  “Please… Mel, not there,” Sarah begged.

  Sarah’s only answer was being pulled closer to Melissa’s body. The fifth swat landed a level harder than the others, torching her lower cheek. Sarah was so tempted to reach back, her hand coming from the floor, but at the last second, she put it back on the ground.

  “Owwie,” she couldn’t help yelping.

  Sarah felt tears bubbling in her throat. The paddle left her bottom again this time swooping up connecting to the other side now in the same fashion. They weren’t even half over! Her bottom wasn’t going to make it.

  Seven and eight followed swiftly raining down heat on her poor cheek. She attempted unsuccessfully to hold onto the carpet for dear life. Her hand came back to protect her sore bottom, but Melissa quickly caught it and pinned it to her side. She was then unable to do anything, even as Melissa rained down the ninth and tenth swat in the exact same tender place.

  “Ohhhh, I’ll be good, ma’am!” Sarah pleaded. Nonetheless, the swatting didn’t stop as five more spanks landed precisely in the center of her bottom so quickly, she could barely breathe. The heat was melting her backside, the paddle stinging so badly, it felt like getting too close to a wood stove!

  Sarah felt tears begin to run down her cheeks. She was seriously regretting her behavior. It was stupid to break her grounding. It was stupid to give Melissa attitude, and it was even more stupid to throw a fit over a pillow. She hadn’t even been that sore -- not nearly as sore as she’d be after this paddling.

  Despite her remorse, the tears didn’t seem to dissuade Melissa as the next swat landed solidly on Sarah’s tender sit-spots. Melissa continued; first the right then left, then four more quickly landed, leaving a painful reminder to behave in the future. Sarah couldn’t help kicking; the vain movement attempting to ease some of the burning as Melissa brought down the hearty twentieth swat on her sit spot. The pain was intense, which made Sarah cry even harder.


  Melissa surveyed Sarah’s red molten bottom and nodded. She was very close to being done. Again, she pulled her partner closer rearranging her from all the wriggling she had been doing. Raising the paddle high into the air she slapped down swat after hard swat, back and forth, landing each in the meaty center of a cheek. Sarah was crying desperately, babbling about being sorry. Melissa counted each swat out and at the thirtieth she stopped, putting the paddle aside.

  She found herself running her palm over warm bottom cheeks as Sarah continued to cry out over her lap. Melissa released Sarah’s arm, rubbing her back in comfort, as she gave Sarah a moment. She allowed Sarah to stay over
her lap for three or four minutes, long enough for Sarah to realize that the spanking was over and calm herself enough to move. It always took Sarah some time for her get all her frustrations out as she cried.

  “That’s my good girl. You just cry it all out. I’m right here with you, baby,” Melissa cooed gently.

  When Sarah began to struggle to stand, Melissa, grasped her waist, easily helping right her. Still crying, Sarah climbed onto Melissa lap hiding herself in her partner’s arms. Sarah pressed herself into Melissa, her breathing slowly returning to normal.

  Melissa kissed her forehead, murmuring against her skin, “You are forgiven, Sarahbell. You are forgiven.” Melissa gave her another minute before she pulled back and gazed down into Sarah’s green eyes. “I love you, Sarah Annabelle.” Melissa then bent, giving her a soft kiss, which Sarah happily returned.

  Sarah pulled away and wrapped her arms around Melissa’s neck and nuzzled into her neck. “That was a hard spanking. My bottom is throbbing.”

  “I bet it is, but you deserved every bit of that paddling, baby.” Melissa cupped her bottom and held her close marveling at the heat coming from it.

  “You wore me out,” Sarah said as she yawned into her chest and clung to her shirt.

  “I can see that.” Melissa chuckled. “I think you and I both could use a nap. I want to call my sister and try to get her to come to dinner again tonight too, and it wouldn’t do for both of us to be cranky. Besides, I think you also owe her an apology. We wouldn’t want her to worry about you.”

  Sarah, too tired to argue, crawled from Melissa’s lap and curled up over the blankets on Melissa’s side of the bed. It was only moments before her eyes were closed and she was snoring softly.

  Melissa shook her head and quickly followed her partner into bed folding herself around her pulling her close. Just before she closed her eyes, she placed one last kiss on the shell of her ear whispering, “Love you, Sarahbell. Always.”


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