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Stepbrother UnSEALed

Page 2

by Nicole Snow

  Yeah, he's been rude, but I haven't exactly been an angel. Clearing my throat, I step up to him again, gently reaching for his shoulder.

  He stands up, a fresh change of clothes in his hands, turning to look at me when he feels my touch. “What?”

  “Hey, I didn't mean to just brush you off. I'm not as rude as I seem. You probably think I'm a snob, but if you want, we've got an open bar and some music tonight. It's no big deal if you want to hang around and have a few drinks. This isn't like an invite-only thing.”

  He quirks an eyebrow, moving his eyes up and down my curves. “Yeah? You're serious?”

  I nod. I'm not sure what's pumping my heart harder – the awkward guilt, or seeing how hard his tattooed muscles flex when he drops his pants and boxers, ready to roll them on.

  “Sounds a helluva lot more fun than being slapped by a party girl. Turn around while I get dressed. Unless, you know, you wanna rake those little nails across somewhere else on my body.”

  I'm not sure what's pounding more hot blood as I spin around. My nipples are like hot, wild buds beneath my tank top, but the heat in my cheeks is almost enough to burn me alive.

  I lead Mystery Man to the small private bar and watch as he orders a dark beer and another martini for me.

  “So, what the hell were you doing out there diving this late at night?” I stare at the neat white button down shirt he's changed into. It clings perfectly to his slab of a chest.

  “Work. Fitness. Pleasure too. You'd be amazed at all the things you can see along this stretch of beach. This place is pretty damned pristine by Bay Area standards.”

  I sip my martini, unable to keep my eyes off just how sculpted he really. He sounds too smart to be a beach bum bodybuilder like Marnie's new fling. Only one possibility comes to mind.

  “Are you Navy, or something?”

  “Yeah, you can say that,” he says with a wink, taking a long pull from his beer. “I didn't really come here to talk about business. Listen to that music.”

  He holds up a finger, and I sit up straight, listening to the booming speakers. There are only a few couples left swinging drunkenly around the fire, occasionally collapsing into the sand underfoot with bawdy laughter.

  “I didn't get your name,” he says, standing up and darting his eyes over my top.

  I try not to flush. “Cordelia. Everybody calls me Delia.”

  “Fuck, for real? I've never heard that name outside the Johnny Cash song.” He snorts, and then smiles. “Love it. Does Delia like to dance dirty?”

  I'm stunned. Is he seriously asking me to dance? Nobody's done that since high school prom, and the skinny geek I danced with there didn't have anything on this god.

  He gestures toward the open fire, polishing off his drink. Before I can answer, he slams his empty glass down with a clink, and grabs my wrist.

  “Come on, babe. This is supposed to be a party.” He pulls me along, picking me up with one arm under mine, carrying me across the sand toward the dance around the fire. “My name's Chris, by the way.”

  I'd say 'pleased to meet you,' but I'm yelling instead when she swings me completely over his shoulder and flings me around, before pushing my bare feet into the sand with ease. Right where he wants me. It's hard to keep up, and he does most of the work.

  I catch flashes of his eyes on me, checking to make sure I'm not going to freak out and walk away. Once his hands wrap tight around my waist, jerking me close to his chest, it's not even a possibility.

  “Too rough for you?” he asks, pushing his hot breath into my ear.

  My brow furrows. I'm tired of being the boring good girl at all these parties. I want to act out, and the perfect opportunity just landed in my lap – or is it up my skirt?

  My panties feel like they're about to melt, but I force my hips to grind into him, wrapping my arms around his thick neck.

  “No. Show me what you can do.”

  His green eyes light up and he grins. “I knew you'd be fun, Delia. I'm gonna move fast, swift, hard. I'll take you every goddamned place I see you begging for in your dark little eyes. I'm in control. I've got you.”

  Everything about him screamed powerful before. But once he's moving me effortlessly across the sand, around the fire, tangling our shadows together like rich black waves, I know it's true.

  Something visceral tells me I'm clinging to a real man, an alpha male with an edge to him that's so sharp I want him to cut me to pieces.

  Chris handles me with strength and elegance. Total control. Everything he promised.

  He flings me through the air and rips me back, dangerously close to his heat, his temptation, before tearing me away again.

  He makes me want. I'm dying to feel his mouth on mine, his hands on my hips, his strength between my legs. His power wants to conquer, and I want to submit.

  His hands are everywhere – long enough to tease, but never lingering so long it wins him another slap across the face.

  I'm glad I slowed down on the drinks. Some of the strange tango movements he leads me through are so quick, so vibrant, they'd upset my stomach if I'd had a little more. So would the swarms of butterflies he's stirring up from head to toe.

  Mostly, I'm drunk on the adrenaline, the hellfire coursing through my blood, filling all my tender parts with crazy admiration, wanton desire, ruthless excitement.

  Obsession, in a word. Crazy fucking need.

  We dance for what seems like ten minutes, and I'm breathless by the end. Toward the last spin, his hands sweep across my ass, grab it hard, and pull me into him. My legs part automatically. I'm only against him for a second, but I swear I feel something hard and wild in his jeans, something electrifying.

  The current hits and makes my whole body tingle. My head spins as he finally settles me in the sand for good, still holding me close.

  There's a clapping noise. I look up, and realize some of the drunken partiers are applauding us. Chris waves, brushing it off like it's nothing. It doesn't take them more than a few seconds to go back to their private revelry.

  “Wow. Holy shit. Where'd you learn to do that?” I gasp, trying to recover precious oxygen.

  “A man learns a few things when he's been around the world like I have. Tonight, I only care about this beach.”

  The way he's looking at me makes me feel like it's not just the beach. There's a hunger in his eyes, a feral look I've only seen on my short-term boyfriends a few times before. The big difference is, for the first time in my life, I'm sure I'm beaming back the same desire.

  “You're a bigger party girl than I thought, Delia.” He pushes his chin against my shoulder, moves his lip to my ear, and growls. “You move like a fucking angel, when I make you. Will your lips twist like they were made to kiss me, or am I gonna have to lead them too?”

  Oh, God. God! He doesn't waste any time. His hips grind against me, giving me another rough, wonderful feel of that huge, angry hardness he's sporting beneath his denim.

  My hand slides down between us, checking if I'm completely soaked through my shorts. Not quite, but there's definitely a heat; a raw, wet craving so bad it makes me want to rip my clothes off.

  I have to taste him. Craning my head, I pucker up, moving in for a kiss.

  He preempts me, driving his firm, strong lips against mine first. Bastard.

  Wonderful, arrogant bastard.

  Masculine warmth floods my mouth. Chris takes my mouth in a heartbeat, blitzes my lips. His kiss is intense, decisive, and so is the way he parts my lips, shoving his hot tongue into my mouth.

  I can't hold back the moan that washes over me. It comes from deep in my belly, pulses into his mouth, like I'm sharing the horny fire deep inside me.

  His breath quickens. His chest bows up, pushes against mine, giving my buds the perfect friction.

  So much for regaining my breath. By the time he breaks the kiss, I'm panting, struggling not to pass out from the wild thunder in my blood, plus the surreal realization that I want to fuck this strange badass.

  “You like my taste, baby?” His eyes burn me down as I nod shyly. I can't deny it.

  He smiles before he leans in again, stamping his mad lips up my throat, working his way to my ear. “Good. I want to feel your hungry little lips wrapped around every fucking inch of my cock. Now.”

  He's got me by the wrist again, and we're heading for the bar, but we pull past it. It's like my feet have turned into dumbbells, and I trip all over myself, trying to keep up with him.

  Hell, trying to decide if I'm really going to go all the way and get my V-card punched by this wild animal tonight.

  I don't have long to decide. My body does it for me when he slams me against the wall, covering my mouth with his again, picking up where we left off.

  Except now we're truly alone and secluded, behind my dad's beach bar. His kisses crash over me again and again, as sure and powerful as the dark waves lapping the shore behind us. He palms my breast, pinching my nipple, and I almost come on the spot.

  “Christ. Chris!” Mom would slap me across the face if she heard me confusing Jesus with the bad boy at my throat.

  Her efforts to fill me with more than a lukewarm faith never went very far. But I'm feeling heavenly now with his stubble on my skin, his lips, his rough hands all over my body. He holds me down, pushes between my legs, and starts to dry hump me.

  I've gotten hot and heavy with a few guys before, even if I haven't gone all the way. Making out has nothing on this, and his delicious friction stabs deep. The bulge in his pants rakes through my shorts just right, pushing the fabric over my clit.

  Help. Me.

  My arms pinch tight around his neck. Chris growls, filling my mouth with his energy on the next kiss. His tongue flicks in and out of my mouth, deep and possessive, almost like he's fucking my mouth with his tongue.

  His hips haven't stopped speeding up. They're frenzied, hellbent on burying me, crashing into me again and again.

  I'm so damned close it hurts, ready to go careening over the edge, straight into my first climax at a man's touch.

  He seems to sense it too. He breaks the kiss, beams his hot green eyes into mine, and gives me an ice cold look that seems way too serious for any ordinary lover. It's more like the sort of face you'd see on a cop ordering somebody to hit the ground, hands behind their backs.

  “Fucking come for me, babe. I want to hear you whimper in my ear. I need to hear you come undone.” His hips punch mine harder, rougher, longer and meaner strokes. “Come!”

  And I do.

  My orgasm roars up like a huge wave and almost rips me in two. I can't even stop to wonder if I'm hurting him, tearing at his neck with my desperate nails, because the pleasure shaking my body engulfs me. My head hits the brick behind me as he continues to grind me against the wall.

  Snarling, he shoves one hand down my waistband, pushes his fingers against my mound. My hips buck wildly against his calloused fingers until he finds my clit, and then I'm blasted into a whole new universe of ecstasy.

  My thighs clench hard around his hand. I want those fingers deep inside me, a prelude to feeling the magnificent cock swollen in his pants pounding into me.

  My hips rock wild as he rubs through my wetness. I push my lips against his shoulder, stifling the screams exploding up my throat, all I can do not to cry out across the hot summer beach.

  “Babe? You okay?” That sexy stubble on his cheek brushes mine.

  I open my eyes. It feels like my knees collapsed and he's holding me up by both hips, angling me against the wall, awake and safe in his strong arms.

  “Yeah. I've never had it so good,” I tell him, running my tongue across my lips.

  I've never had it at all.

  A nervous spark shoots through me, cutting through the tingling desire. Something holds me back from telling this wolf of a man that I'm a virgin.

  What the hell would he think? There were only two possibilities. He'd either turn around and run, or else rip me away from the wall, push me into the sand, and fuck me so hard I'd shatter.

  I'm not ready for that. I'm nervous, lost in the butterflies soaring through my stomach, sapping all the confidence I had earlier.

  Maybe if we just take it slow, I'll work my way into it. He doesn't need to know anything, right?

  “My turn,” he growls. “You kiss like a little maniac, Delia. I fucking love it. Now, it's time to find out how hard you can suck my cock.”

  His hands move to his hips. He backs up a step, and I watch him tearing at his belt. That massive bulge in his jeans is about to get a whole lot closer, stronger, real.

  Shit. Sweet baby Jesus.

  My heart pounds. My eyes fall to his crotch and they don't let up, and I notice I'm holding my breath, trying to stop myself from soaking what's left of my panties as I think about what he's about to reveal in all its hard, naked glory.

  Then there's a sound like someone shredding the quiet night, and a burning rub in my pocket. I jump, realizing too late it's just my phone vibrating.

  Ugh. Worst timing in the world.

  Sighing, I pull it out, tap the screen, and see a message from my dad.


  Chris stops, gives me a knowing grin. The look in his eyes isn't so patient, though. He looks like he wants to rip the phone out of my hands and smash it on the nearest rock, obliterating the distraction so I can get down on my knees, open his pants, and –

  “Sorry. Just a second.” I type back furiously, tell my father I'll be home in another hour, maybe less.

  I smile at Chris, ready to tuck the phone away and find my courage. Then another message blows up my screen.


  My brow furrows. Daddy's always been Mr. Responsibility, uptight and overprotective. It's sweet that he worries about me, but he's also terrified of rattling her.

  He won't do anything to upset the Hollywood bombshell I never wanted for a stepmother. And as much as I hate to admit it, he's right. Evie gets bitchy, moody, and throws tantrums like a sixteen year old girl.

  I've seen it happen with the servants. I know my father secretly fears her turning on him.

  I look at Chris again, my smile gone. My heart sinks, and whatever confidence I had before is completely gone. This is no way to learn how to pleasure a man for the first time, bleeding guilt over busting dad's dreams about his fresh new happy family.

  “I'm really sorry,” I say, stepping forward and stroking his arm. “There's an issue at home. I need to get going. Can we take a rain check?”

  I bite my lip like some scared little romance heroine. Especially when he comes marching up, wraps an arm around my waist, and jerks me so hard against his chest I feel our heat collide.

  “You're damned lucky I'm staying in town for the next week, babe.” His arrogant lips brush over mine. Softly at first, before his kiss deepens.

  Rough. Aggressive. Domineering.

  He wants me so fucking bad. And I want him. The fire in my pussy reignites, and I pinch my thighs together, trying to stop the wetness leaking out of me. His hands wrap around my backside, find my ass, and squeeze.

  I moan, shimmer, dangerously close to coming all over again. I'm so turned on it's obscene, and I can't figure out if it's because he's just so hot, or because I'm the most inexperienced girl on this beach.

  “Give me the phone,” he orders, not even waiting for me as he pushes his hand into my pocket.

  Before I can say anything, he's got it, fumbling with the screen.

  “Hey! What're you doing?”

  “Putting in my digits as soon as you unlock this fucking thing. Here. Pull up your contacts.” He shoves it into my hand and folds his arms, waiting.

  I feel like I'm fetching my insurance info for a cop. For a second, I think about bullshitting him, typing in nonsense that isn't whate
ver number he tells me.

  That's the smart thing to do, hands down. Get out while the going's good. Chalk tonight up to a few drinks and a lot of pent up emotion.

  If I just lie, I won't be tempted. I won't have to deal with his bossy, dirty mouth. But crap, then I'd miss finding out what else that mouth can do to me, what he feels like when I'm full of him, experiencing every inch of my body cracking apart as he owns me in ways I've never imagined.

  I don't want to imagine anymore. I don't want to be the good girl, and this strange bad boy showed up just in time to offer me a way out.

  “Get those fingers moving. Four-one-eight, nine-zero-seven...”

  He rattles off his number. God help me, I put in every digit, holding it up when he's finished so he can see me saving it. I can always delete it later if I chicken out – or just go tumbling headfirst into the greatest storm I've ever known.

  Next time, there won't be any distractions. He won't let it happen, and neither will I.

  “Let's go. I'll walk you to your car,” he says, grabbing my hand and pulling me along.

  I can't stop savoring his heat the whole walk back, up the high concrete steps leading over the cliffs, and then toward dad's private parking lot. Several partiers are crashing for the night in their cars, and at least one truck is creaking and rocking, barely hiding the panting, grunting moans and laughs from the couple inside it.

  “It was nice meeting you,” I say, kicking myself for not saying more. “We'll text tomorrow.”

  “Yeah, we fucking better, or I'll be trespassing here a helluva a lot more.” He reaches through my open driver's window and grabs my hair, catching my long dark locks and giving them a stern pull.

  It should freak me out, but it only hurts a little. It hurts so good.

  “Everything they're doing over there,” he says, pointing to the pickup several spaces over where I heard the couple having sex. “I'm gonna do to you in spades. If you come so hard just feeling my hips and my hands rubbing you to heaven, you'll lose your damned mind when my mouth's on your clit.”

  Shit. He pulls me forward, just enough to lower his face, pulsing more hot breath into my ear. “Get home. Rest up. Have a nice, peaceful night. Then clear your calendar tomorrow. We're gonna fuck the whole night. I need to hear everything you muffled on this beach. I need to make you scream, baby girl, and you will once you've had my cock. You'll scream when it's teasing you, fucking you, and then you'll beg me for more.”


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