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Wife Shared with Dirty Old Men (First Cuckolding Book 7)

Page 11

by Matt Coolomon

  She giddy-upped her pony and left him behind again. It was getting on late afternoon by the time she’d had enough riding, and she found her two old admirers waiting at the stables.

  “Um…. I need to get changed before we go,” she said sweetly. “It’s too hot to wear jeans when I don’t need to.”

  “It’s clean and private in the store room there, love,” Carlos offered.

  Natalie got her shoulder bag from the car and hurried to the small dark room that was cool with the lovely aroma of oiled leather. She wriggled out of her jeans and pulled on a short floral print skirt. The thought of Carlos again playing with her legs as they drove had her edged in excitement. He had such coarse hands and thick fingers. What if he wanted to rub her that way again and there was only her panties stopping him?

  She hoped he would.

  “Ooh, now, that’s very pretty,” he announced as she approached smiling and blushing. She felt every bit the virgin schoolgirl.

  Both brothers watched her legs as she got in the open back door of the 4WD. Her skirt was to mid-thigh but had hiked up a bit. She swayed her legs to the side, plucking at her hem but not pulling the fabric lower.

  “Do you want to drive back?” Petro asked Carlos.

  Carlos grinned. “No. It’s your car – you drive.”

  Natalie’s blush deepened at the obvious connotation in that blunt exchange between the two old men. She was definitely going to be played with on the way home.

  Carlos laid his arm across the back of his seat, and as soon as the car started moving his hand closed over Natalie’s bare knee. Petro’s eyes rolled in their sockets as he gawked back over his shoulder.

  “Yeah – that’s a very pretty little skirt,” Carlos said, rubbing upward and testing the softness of the fabric. “It’s nice and cool?” he asked.

  “Uh huh….” Natalie uttered.


  Petro adjusted the rearview mirror, angling it down to Natalie’s breasts. The seat obscured any view lower than that. He had to watch the narrow, rocky track but managed to keep one eye on what his brother was up to.

  Nothing much happened until after the last gate, then he saw Carlos’ hand close over the young wife’s tit. She squeaked as she sucked in a breath and pressed her chest forward. Carlos felt her up good. He worked one boob and then the other, making her moan and wriggle around. He had her nipples sticking out, almost poking through her little white top.

  When Carlos had finished with her tits and resumed rubbing her legs, Petro slowed right down. He didn’t want to get back to the main road too quickly, and he wanted to watch. He slowed to a crawl and turned back to see his brother feeling up under the girl’s skirt.

  “This will do here,” Carlos said to him. “Pull up under the tree there.”

  Petro did as he was told and parked under a sprawling shade tree. It was cool. The highway was about a mile in the distance. They could see cars, but it was too far for anyone to be able to see what they were doing there.

  “I’ve got a couple of condoms in my wallet, love. Are you still okay with what we said before?” He felt up under the young wife’s skirt, making her writhe and squirm her slender body. “It’s okay if we fuck you again now, love?”


  “Uh huh….” Natalie uttered. There was a thick finger inside of her. She was about to orgasm on it.

  It was removed then her door was opened. “Just lie back there, love.” It seemed Carlos was going first.

  She lay back for him. He tugged her panties down and pulled them from her ankles. Her legs rested open, one bent up against the back of the seat, the other straight with her foot resting against the open door. Carlos folded her skirt up over her belly, exposing her pussy to him and his brother. He had his fly undone and was working open a foil packet to get at the condom.

  “You don’t need to use one,” Natalie said. “You’ve both already cum inside of me once. I don’t mind if you want to do it again now.”

  Carlos grinned. “Yeah?”

  “Yes,” Natalie said, her blush firing up as she couldn’t help smiling. “It’s fine if you want to.”

  Carlos had on white underpants. He lifted the waistband over the head of his cock. It was firming as Natalie watched it. It was long and thick and angrily roped in veins. “Oh my….” she said under her breath, although the old man heard her and winked.

  “Not bad for an old boy, eh?” he teased her, proudly giving it a squeeze, and it seemed even bigger when he released it and levered it down and into position. “You’re nice and wet, love.”

  “Uh huh,” Natalie uttered again. She then gripped the car seat beneath her as the monster penis was inserted. It took four strokes for Carlos to fully penetrate her, each one drawing more of her lubricating fluids to coat the thick shaft, allowing the next insertion to slide in deeper.

  Once the older man’s cock was fully imbedded inside of her, he gripped the back and front seats with his gorilla hands and started fucking her. Natalie peered up at his face and the face of his brother, who was watching from over the front seat. She kept hold of the seat beneath her. Her head was bumping against the armrest on the car door. Carlos lifted her top and exposed her tits. They were being jolted and were wobbling about.

  Natalie’s orgasm thumped through her belly with incredible force. It had been teased along for hours earlier that afternoon, and then brought on with all the fondling and anticipation, and finally it was piqued and exploded upon the force of the huge cock being forced deep into her. The old man waited while it pulsed through her. He remained firmly pressed against her sex with his cock fully embedded. He was watching her face, and when she caught a breath and smiled lightly, he resumed fucking her.

  He resumed, but without the control he’d had up until that point. He was quickly losing it, and he began pounding harder and harder, until his face contorted and the veins in his neck almost popped. His heavy body was then taut, and with a final thrust he gripped Natalie’s hips and jammed his cock as far into her as he could, and he cried out as his climax hit and his old balls burst forth a huge ejaculate that Natalie willingly accepted into her belly.

  She stroked his short curly hair as he kissed her breasts. His penis receded quickly and oozed out of her. She waited while he regained composure and finally lifted his heavy body from squashing her into the car seat. He kissed her lips, and she closed her eyes and kissed him back.

  “Thank you, love. That was beautiful.”

  Natalie just smiled in reply. Carlos then edged back from between her legs and Petro took his place. His cock was perhaps a little thicker than that of Carlos. Natalie was already stretched open, though, and she was of course extremely slick.

  She found her thoughts drifting to her husband as Petro fucked her. She felt guilt. She needed to tell him about this. As soon as he got back from fishing she would confess and tell him everything. Natalie closed her eyes as she held the head of the old man who was squashing her into the car seat and ejaculating inside of her.


  “How long are you staying, love?” Carlos asked, dropping Natalie at her cottage.

  “We go home tomorrow morning,” she replied, wringing her hands together in front and smiling at the two of them.

  Carlos grinned cheekily. “So, maybe you’ll come stay again sometime – give us another fuck? You enjoyed it didn’t you?”

  “Umm…. Maybe to the first question and yes to the second one.”

  They consulted with each other. Carlos cocked an eyebrow. “So that’s a maybe to another fuck?”

  “Uh huh,” Natalie grinned. “That’s a definite maybe!”

  She turned and left them with a teasing smile back over her shoulder. The cottage was in darkness. She had cooked dinner by the time her husband arrived home. She hurried to the shower before he came inside, not looking forward to facing him.

  She washed off the scent of the other men well enough, but there was still what they had deposited inside of her.

“Hi, honey – that smells good.” Brian was looking in the oven.

  Natalie served the meal and kept up with Brian’s pointless chattering throughout. She was distracted by what she need to do. After eating they cleared away the dishes and readied the kitchen for their departure in the morning. They took glasses of wine outside onto the deck looking out at the moonlit waves.

  “Um, Brian….” Natalie cuddled close. They were in a love seat.

  “Yes, honey?”

  “Um…. Something happened with the old landlord guy.”

  “Oh, yeah?” Brian was grinning.

  Natalie smiled through a blush. “Yes – that…. He’s definitely been perving on me all the time we’ve been here…. Is that okay, without you being around to watch?”

  “Yeah – I sort of knew. I saw how sexy you’ve been dressing and figured you were teasing men…. It’s my own fault for neglecting you these past few days, but the fishing was great, and I don’t the chance very often.”

  “Oh, that’s fine. I didn’t mind you going off fishing.” Natalie kissed her husband’s cheek. “But – um – something else happened with that old guy.”

  Brian turned. “Shit! Really? What happened?”

  “IT happened, Brian. I was teasing him and went to his house, and he um…. Well, he fucked me.”

  “Oh, shit!” Brian cuddled Natalie close, stroking her hair. Then he turned and looked at her again. “You’re okay, though. He didn’t hurt you?”

  “No – I’m fine…. You’re not angry?”

  “No – I’m not angry. Of course not, honey. I’ve been all about the sexy teasing as much as you have. I should have been here with you. It’s my own fault.”

  Natalie cuddled close again. “It’s not anyone’s fault. It’s not like something bad happened.”

  “Well, no – I suppose….” He stroked Natalie’s hair softly and kissed her head. “Except I missed out, didn’t I?”

  “You sure did!”

  He chuckled. “Well, what did I miss out on?”

  “What – you want details?”

  “I don’t know – maybe.”

  “Well, I’ll tell you when we’re in bed – in case you want to do something afterwards.”

  Brian kissed the top of her head again. “I’m pretty sure I’ll want to, honey.”

  “Good. Except, not tonight, okay? I’m a little bit sore.” Natalie paused anxiously before adding, “Because there are actually two old guy over there – brothers. And they both fucked me….”

  “Both of them?”

  “Uh huh – a couple of times today – once each this morning and again this afternoon.”

  Brian was quiet for a moment. Natalie’s heart thumped.

  He kissed her head again. “Okay – well, we leave in the morning, so that’s cool….” He stroked her hair from her face. “Did they use anything, honey? Did they cum in you?”

  “Uh huh…. They both came in me. But I think I should be safe again.”

  “Yeah – what did that website say? It said two weeks before your period is when the egg is released. When’s that?”

  Natalie did a quick calculation. “It should be about six or seven days from now. It’s eight days since my last period started, so another six days makes fourteen.”

  “Okay – good – and sperm only lives up to five days, right?”

  “Uh huh, and even at five days the chances are very low. It’s mostly closer to ovulation when the risk is high.”

  “Alright – that’s cool, then. But you’re sore, honey. Is it okay?”

  “Yeah, it’s fine. They were both really huge. I’m not used to having one that big inside me…. I’ll be fine by tomorrow. It’s not that bad.”

  “Okay, that’s good.” Brian cuddled Natalie close and held her, stroking her hair for ages. He was very quiet. They were just watching the waves. He kissed her hair once more. “So, in the morning we could catch the later ferry…. What about you go and say goodbye to the old guys and let them fuck you again before we leave?”

  “Do you think I should?” Natalie uttered, her blush consuming her.

  “Yeah – but this time I’ll know about it when it’s happening, which will be really intense. Even though I won’t be able to watch – they probably wouldn’t try anything if I was there.”

  “No, I don’t think they would…. It would be better if I went alone.”

  Brian kissed her hair again. “And tomorrow will still be a long time before your egg, right? I think we could let them cum inside you again, don’t you?”

  “Uh huh…. If you want,” Natalie said, peering up at her husband.


  Brian waited sitting on the front step of the bungalow the next morning. He had their bags packed. It was only a short walk to the ferry. He checked his watch. There was still over half an hour. Natalie had been gone for about 45 minutes.

  He walked to the end of the deck and checked around the corner again. The door of the old landlord’s house was open now. That was different to last time he had looked. He stayed spying around the edge of the bungalow for a few minutes, and Natalie finally appeared stepping down from the house, closing the screen door behind her.

  She was raking and fixing her hair as she approached, her little pink stretch cotton beach dress clinging to her tits and showing the little bump of her mons. Brian showed himself. She was smiling as she met his gaze.

  “So?” he asked, taking her hand and pulling her around the front of the bungalow, out of site of the old man’s house.

  She stumbled after him, giggling. “So, what, Brian?”

  “You know what!” He glanced down at her crotch. “Did they?”

  “Yes.” She bit her lip. “Yes, they did.”

  “Both of them?”

  “Uh huh…. They both fucked me and came inside me.” She placed a hand on her belly. “Very deep inside me. So, I shouldn’t drip too much on the way home, I hope. It feels like they left me kind of stretched open a little bit,” she explained, feeling her pussy.

  Brian adjusted his erection to the side.

  She watched him, giggling. “I’ll tell you all about it later, okay?”

  “Definitely! We have to hurry now. Are you okay? You don’t need the bathroom or anything?”

  “I’m fine.” She plucked at her dress and patted her hair down.

  They rushed and just caught the ferry. It took an hour to get to the mainland. Brian spent the time cuddling up behind his wife and touching her belly, thinking about sperm being able to live for five days inside of a woman. The timing to Natalie’s ovulation was not the biggest factor captivating him – rather the fact she was standing there, and later sitting beside him in their car, full of other men’s cum.

  That night she shared a fully detailed account of what had happened with the two old men on island. Brian fucked her once about halfway through and again after she had finished.


  Natalie was absolutely glowing when she woke the next morning. Brian was already up. She used the bathroom and pulled on her new favorite house frock. She folded the elastic band over once above her breasts and checked in the mirror to see her panties were nicely displayed. She had chosen soft cotton ones – checkered pink and white.

  She took her coffee out onto the balcony where Brian was sitting in the sun. Mr. Taylor was reading his paper down below. She met his smile as she stood by the rail showing the old man her body.

  “Morning, Natalie,” he called out.

  She blushed and turned to look down at him. “Hi, Mr. Taylor.”

  “Did you get that memo about the inspections next week?”

  “Yes – we got it. We’ll be ready.” Natalie rested her mug on the balcony rail and reached up to fix her hair and give the old man a better look. She could feel the sunlight against her belly and the breeze against the underside of her breasts. Mr. Taylor watched her unashamedly. He adjusted his glasses, looking up through them. Natalie met his eyes and blushed, biting her grin.
  “Is your husband home, love?”

  “Yes, he’s inside,” Natalie said. Brian was sitting back far enough to not be visible from below. “Should I get him for you?”

  “No – that’s fine. I’m going to be setting up a new wash area for cars. I’ll let him know when I see him around.”

  There was a man with binoculars across the courtyard on the top level. Natalie glimpsed him in his open kitchen window. She remained out on the balcony letting Mr. Taylor look while she had her coffee then went inside and opened the curtains and window on the spare bedroom, which was on that side of the building. She saw the man was still there, but she didn’t do anything for him yet, not wanting it to be too obvious.

  Brian was in the kitchen. “There’s a guy with binoculars over there,” she told him. “I might undress for him – what do you think?”

  “What guy?”

  “The one on the top floor – left side.”

  Brian peeped out. “Yeah – I see him. He’s on his balcony. He hasn’t got binoculars.”

  “No – he wouldn’t do it outside. I saw him watching from his kitchen.”

  “Oh…. What are you going to do?”

  “I don’t know. Just let him look at me, I guess.”

  Brian followed and leaned in the doorway. Natalie stripped the spare bed and kept watch until the man went inside and appeared in his kitchen window again. She turned to Brian. “Okay – he’s looking now,” she said, grinning cheekily. “Are you ready?”

  Brian nodded.

  Natalie took a comb from the dresser and tugged her frock down to her waist. She smiled one last time at her husband and faced the open window. She was in the sunlight and would have been perfectly visible. She could see the binoculars. She started combing her hair.

  Brian groaned. “Damn, that’s sexy, baby.”

  Natalie remained there at the window topless for a good while. She got on her exercise bike, still in the sun, facing the window. She peddled there topless for the man spying, her frock discarded on the bed. She strolled around the apartment in panties most of the morning and saw him watching constantly.


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