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The Heart of the Falcon: The Guardian Maidens Book 3

Page 22

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  Brenda said softly, “As wifely as possible, given that the children will be there. I understand. Alice, we can let her be at ease, can’t we? Only Jack will be any issue, and he has seen a naked woman often enough, hasn’t he? You and I at least. He is young, and he might comment about her breasts because of how direct he is, but he would see more if we were swimming together, so there’s no harm is there? As long as we dress her for comfort and not for sex?”

  Alice said, “I think we have to. Ronin undress her. Shaheena, we’re here for you.”

  I moved to Shaheena and had her stand upright and began by unlacing her vest. When it was off her chest, I knelt down and pulled off her boots, then her gloves, then her skirt. After that, I undid her leggings and helped her step out of them. That left her in her blouse, and I stopped,

  She moaned and said, “All of it. It has to be you that does it. All of it.”

  I unbuttoned a few buttons at the front of her blouse and then pulled it over her head, leaving her completely nude. Stacy was back, holding a white gown in her arms, and all three women stood and stared at Shaheena with their mouths open. This time it was Alice who broke the silence.

  Alice whispered, “By the heavens, what happened?”

  Brenda said very quietly, “I can’t imagine. Ronin, what is this?”

  I looked at Shaheena now that she stood undressed before me and saw what had the others so entranced. Shaheena’s body was even more spectacular than it had been the last time I had seen her, just a few hours ago. It was almost entirely her breasts. They were huge. No, maybe not bigger than they had been, but shaped even more perfectly. Her nipples and areola though were definitely like nothing any of us had ever beheld before. The nipples were indeed the size of small cherries! And very dark pink in color. They stood out from their hosts at least the thickness of my thumb and were even bigger around. They were almost purple against Shaheena’s white skin. And the areola were more pronounced than any I had seen on any of the girls so far. They were perhaps just three times the diameter of her nipples, but they stood out from her breasts like little puffy saucers with tiny purple teacups in the center. What I had done to her body in the grass had definitely had a dramatic effect on her already.

  Stacy said, “We’re going to help you Dear. First a shower.”

  Shaheena gasped at me and said, “Tell Brenda! About dinner and where I will sit and what I will eat. Go away!” and she stared at me in a way that told me to do exactly what she said.

  Shaheena was like a woman possessed. I took Brenda by the arm and started to go down the stairs, but she stopped me and led me in another direction.

  She said, “You are home now. I will undress you and get you a lounging tunic. And you can tell me what needs to be done at supper.”

  As I walked away with Brenda, I heard Alice say, “Stacy, I have never seen a woman’s juices run down her legs like this. Is she um, ill?”

  Stacy said, “No, she is in love. We have a special Elf-princess here and she obviously has special um, talents. Come on my love, let’s help you with a shower.”

  Brenda took me into a bedroom and started to undress me.

  I said, “I missed you today. I’m happy to be with you now. I’m going to need you tonight for something special. Something with Shaheena.”

  Brenda sighed and said, “Something about her breasts obviously. Is she able to make milk like I do? That would be wonderful.”

  She lifted my shirt off of me and I said, “I think so, but she hasn’t yet. I want you to help me show her how. When I call you tonight, bring a large bowl and an empty water pitcher, and a mug. I am going to ask you to show me how you and Alice get milk into a glass. And I am going to want to suckle you. I have been thinking about it all day. Brenda, I’m always thinking about coming home to you and how you will find a wonderful way to comfort me before I sleep.”

  She smiled and got my pants off my legs and I was naked as she said, “Oh my love, I am always thinking of how I can comfort and refresh you. What is happening at dinner? What do I need to do?”

  I laid out the plan for her, and she smiled at several points.

  She said, “Ronin, that sounds so loving. I know that some women would be stupid and feel differently, but that sounds wonderful to me. I have an idea. Can I ask you for a present for our house?”

  I pulled down the tunic that she had for me and said, “Of course. What do you want?”

  She said, “I want a new tradition. There are eight of us. Let one of us sit beside you and eat from your plate each night at dinner. As a treat for us.”

  I said, “Would you all enjoy that? I thought that it would be this one time, just because of what Shaheena is going through emotionally today.”

  Brenda held me close and purred, “Oh no. I know that we will all want it. Oh, now I might start having my juices flowing under my dress. My King, stay here and relax. Let me go and start dinner and get things ready. I think that you should stay here alone until we send for you. And if you aren’t lonely, I think that all of us will be busy for a little while, unless you need one of us for company.”

  I said, “No, actually, being alone for a while will be very nice.”

  She kissed me and said, “It will be about an hour. Do you want anything?”

  I told her no, and she smiled and left me. I looked around the room that I was in and realized that this was the room that they had said that they were fixing up for me, to be my bedroom.

  Chapter 23 - Preparing for Dinner and Changes

  The bedroom was nice. I assumed that it wasn’t finished yet, but it was ready to be lived in. There was a large bed that would certainly accommodate at least three adults, a desk and chair, a sofa, and two comfortable arm chairs. The room was on a corner of the house overlooking the courtyard and had two wings with large windows at the center. As you entered the room, the bed was off to the left in an alcove. The doorway entered onto a small living room with the sofa and chairs, but also a small table with three chairs for eating or discussions. A second door, next to the bed led to a bathroom that was shared with another bedroom on the other side.

  I went to the bed and laid down on my back and rested, breathing deliberately and evenly to refocus myself. This evening was as much of an Adventure as going into any monster’s lair and I needed to be ready. It wasn’t going to be dangerous, but it was going to be sensitive and I needed to handle all of it just right. There would be 11 people involved, two of them children, one of them a girl transitioning very quickly into a woman. Two were women who were so different than they had been even a day ago that they were like entirely new people, and all of us were adjusting to changing roles, responsibilities, and relationships.

  I lay on my back and breathed without thinking about all of that for a while. I let myself relax and I took time to feel what was going on in my body. Where was my tension? Was there soreness or pain? Was my heart, stomach, and abdomen feeling comfortable? I let go of insecurities and any amount of anxiety that I could find. There had been some of both related to Shaheena, but I set it aside. She was an adult, much older than I was. All of the women were, except for April. Even Harmony was in her thirties. None of us had to be responsible for the actions or feelings of the others. I was responsible for their care and how I treated them, but they were responsible for their own actions and how they felt about their lives. I would lead, but we all did what we chose.

  After about an hour or so, I reached out to April. I needed to talk to her about our plans for her this evening. I wasn’t sure that she and I had used the Elven speech before, but I was confident that she would be able to learn it very quickly, even from a distance without me sitting down with her and explaining it first. I could see her not far away when I looked for her form.

  I said, “April, are you there?”

  I heard her say in my head, “Daddy? Is that you? How wonderful. How can you talk to me? Oh, it’s an Elf thing!”

  I said, “Yes Sweetie. I’m surprised that you can do it
so quickly. And so clearly.”

  She said, “I’ve been untying my knots all day. It’s getting easier. This is fun. Where are you?”

  I said, “You can find me if you look for me. I need to talk to you, but I want to do it where I can see you. Will you come here and talk to me before dinner?”

  She said, “Of course. Where?”

  I said, “Use your Elven sight and find me. But bring some things with you. Bring two dresses and a little bag like you were going on a short trip. You aren’t going anywhere but bring a bag as if you were. And a pair of scissors. Can you do that?”

  She said, “I’ll come as soon as I find you. Like hide and seek, but easier. I love you, Daddy. I’ll be right there. You might not recognize me.”

  I waited for several minutes and then April burst through the door without knocking. She looked about the room quickly and when she spotted me, she ran and threw herself on the bed on top of me.

  She hugged me and said, “I found you! I win! Give me my prize!” and she started to pull up my tunic.

  I grinned and started to protest, but she slapped me away playfully and said, “No, I win. I get to do what I want. But only what we did before because you gave me boundaries. I get to kiss your penis and you don’t get to stop me. That’s fair.”

  April grinned at me and quickly took my penis into her mouth and sucked me for just a second and then let me go.

  She said, “See? And I never saw it when it wasn’t hard and stiff before. It’s kind of soft right now. I know about that, but I like it a lot. But if I touch it, it will get hard and then we won’t be able to go down to dinner right away. Well, unless…you are ready for me to do it.”

  I said, “Please, Sweetie, not right now. I need to talk to you about tonight. But Baby Doll, you’re naked again.”

  She said, “It’s optional, remember? But I brought dresses like you told me to. Don’t I look nice now?”

  She sat up and I saw that she did indeed look very nice. I think that she must have been taller, and her breasts had certainly filled out even more than they were this morning. This morning they were the size of a third of a grapefruit. Now they were well over half and rounded back in toward her chest at the bottom.

  I said, “You look amazing. Do you feel good?”

  She said, “I feel amazing! Feel me!”

  I hesitated, but finally did smile and reached out and cupped one of her breasts and felt the wonderful weight of it.

  She said, “Oh, do more than that! I’m a woman now. Stop being afraid.”

  I said, “Baby Doll, that’s what I want to talk about and why you brought the dress and scissors. If you’re ready, tonight we are going to have you be a woman from now on. Sweetie, I need to give you a new name.”

  She squealed and bounced and said, “Oh good! What is it?”

  Without answering that just yet, I said, “We need you to be a new person. Everybody in the village knows the 15-year-old girl April and they can’t know that you are part Elf and really 27. So, we are going to send April away to be an apprentice with relatives far away and we are going to have the new 27-year-old woman named Nova come and take her place. Nova is from my old village and she was supposed to be my mate, but I had to go prove myself as an adventurer before her family would let her come. You are Nova now.”

  The girl sat quietly for a moment but smiled warmly as she thought over what I was saying.

  She put her hand on my chest and said slowly, “So, tonight, at dinner, April wears a dress and she tells everyone goodbye and she takes her bag and…”

  I said, “And she leaves, and we all tell her we love her. And a few minutes later, A girl named Nova, with a haircut just a little different, and wearing a different dress knocks on the door and we welcome her to a new life as part of our house.”

  She smiled and said, “And when people in the village see the new girl, she is Nova and from your home village and she came to be with you. After that she’s your wife, which happens tonight, right?”

  I said, “Well, maybe. Soon at least. If Nova is ready, and if we aren’t too tired. But I want Nova’s first night with me to be happy and fun, and not a strain on us or rushed before it is time. If I’m too tired, or if Nova says that she has just arrived and needs time to adjust, or if she is tired from her journey, then we will wait. Or if she has some other reason.”

  April frowned at me and I said quickly, “But, if she’s very certain, if she looks very deeply inside herself and feels that her body and her emotions are ready, then she won’t have to wait. But she has to very very honest and not more eager than she should be. She has been waiting for me for a long time and we have been attracted to each other since she was a child, but she may still need to adjust to being my wife.”

  April raised an eyebrow and said very solemnly, “Ah, I see. Well, if Nova is smart and truly in love, she would have thought these things through before she decided to come here. If she were hesitant or unsure, she should have stayed with her kinsmen a bit longer. I think that if she knocks at your door that you should trust that she feels that she is ready and has already considered if her body and mind are truly ready for her prince’s love. I have heard that she is 27 and that today is her birthday.”

  I said, “Is her birthday today?”

  She said, “Yes. Coincidentally, she arrives on her birthday. My birthday was on a different day, but this girl Nova is having her birthday tonight when she comes to your house. I would like to meet her. I think that I will look for her on the road as I leave and tell her what I know about our family. When she comes, expect that she will know all of your names and some of your background already. If I talk to her and she isn’t ready, I will encourage her to stay at the inn until she is. But I have a feeling that she will be here just a little while after I say goodbye.”

  I said, “April, are you OK with this?”

  She said, “Daddy, you have been a wonderful father to me and Jack and Tanya. But more than that, you have shown me what I should look for in a husband. I promise you, the man I mate with will be very much like you, and not like Ichabod the Goblin. You taught me well. I will go and be an apprentice with relatives and I will be happy, and I will hardly miss you at all because I know that it is best, and that April has to go away so that Nova can come here. Neither of us can be happy unless we do it this way.”

  I said, “Will Nova call me Daddy do you think?”

  She smiled again and said, “Oh, she sure will. I told you that I would find her on the road and have a talk with her. But I want you to do one thing for me, since I’m leaving. Promise me that you will call her Baby Doll when she calls you Daddy. And let her do the things that we do, even if she isn’t ready for more. Don’t make her start over.”

  I smiled myself and said, “That’s a deal. If she calls me Daddy, I will call her Baby Tits.”

  April grinned and said, “Baby Tits?”

  I said, “Oh, I um, I meant Baby Doll. Um, that other name was um, from something else. I slipped.”

  She said, “I think she’ll like that. Both of those names. What does Nova mean?”

  I said, “It means New. Like a bright star that was just born in the night sky.”

  April said, “So she is a Baby Doll and she has Baby Tits. I don’t want to kiss you anymore. Except to say goodbye and thank you.”

  I said, “You don’t?”

  She said, “No. You taught me everything I need to know for now. Nova will want to kiss you when she comes. I got to kiss you before. You called me from far away tonight. I am talking to Nova that way now and she says that she loves you and she is very grateful to me for making a place for her to live. What about Grandpa Gerald and Grandma Jean?”

  I said, “They will know our secret. So will Jack and Tanya. But nobody else but our house.”

  She lay down on my shoulder and draped herself across me and said, when we play the game, can I do it? Can I explain it and tell them that I am going to be happy and everything?”

  I a
greed that she could certainly be the one to tell everyone and a minute later, she smiled and got up and left to get ready. I felt a little sad. She didn’t seem sad at all, but I felt like I was going to miss her. It was silly in a way, but unless Nova was very much like April, I would miss her. But I probably didn’t have to worry. She hadn’t really changed, we were just changing her name, not her personality. She would still be who she had been.

  Shortly after April left, Val entered the room to take me down to dinner. She was wearing a nice semi-sheer gown that went half way down her calves, and she looked beautiful. She smiled and told me that she was looking forward to the surprises that seemed to be arranged for dinner. She didn’t know quite what they were, but apparently Shaheena had something to tell us after her transformation today.

  She led me down the stairs, holding my hand, apparently in a very happy mood. When I asked about it, she said that it was like an adventure. She knew that something was happening, and she didn’t know what it would be, but she felt safe and happy and thrilled to be part of it and that she couldn’t wait to find out what kind of treasure we were about to uncover.

  I said, “Val, tonight, I have a lot to do, and I’m not going to be able to make love with everyone that I would like to.”

  She said, “You mean me? Oh, you sweetie. That’s so thoughtful. You call me or come to me when you want me. But it’s funny. If you make love to Shaheena, it feels like you are making love to me too.”

  I said, “Did you ever watch?”

  She said, “Well, like several nights ago when we were in the same room together?”

  I said, “No, I mean in our Elven ways when we look for each other. Val, if you want to, if I’m not with you, but with another of our mates, I don’t mind if you watch us make love from the other room, I guess.”

  She grinned and said, “Oh! I wonder what that would be like. Ronin, would you know that I was there? What if I sent feelings to you and the other, and was kind of part of it? If I was careful?”


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