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The Heart of the Falcon: The Guardian Maidens Book 3

Page 28

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  She wrapped her body around mine luxuriously and said, “Good morning Daddy.”

  I said quietly, “Good morning Baby Doll.”

  She said, “Let’s go back to sleep.”

  We slept together for a while longer, again very peacefully, but not so soundly that I didn’t feel her move against me now and then. This wasn’t the little teen girl from several days ago. This was a lovely woman, innocent and new, but as old as Dawn and ready for a lover and a husband. And now, unlike a few days ago, I was ready for her as well.

  When we woke up again, we hugged and stretched, and Nova propped herself up on her elbows and looked at me in the morning light now coming through the windows.

  I smiled and said, “I’m so happy to see you. How do you feel?”

  She when she spoke, it was strange, but beautiful. Her voice was somehow graceful. That seemed strange to me, but it was as if her voice were a beautiful woman of its own, dancing and moving sensuously.

  She said, “I feel wonderful. How do you feel?”

  I said, “I feel wonderful.”

  She said, “Then let me see.”

  She ran her hand up and down my chest, then to my legs and groin. She brushed across my penis and fondled the area between my legs, but the way that she did it was surprisingly slow and erotic and unhurried. I had expected that she would be either shy and hesitant, or more likely, bold and eager, but this was neither. This was careful and deliberate, gentle and soothing. The past few days, April had been bubbly and girlish. Now that she was changing and taking on the role of Nova, she was much more mature and even subtle in her manner. I hoped that it wasn’t a permanent change and that the bouncy girl that she was would reappear at the right times.

  She cooed, “You do feel wonderful. And I feel wonderful. The days are hard, but the mornings with you are what I look forward to. Daddy can we do something?”

  I said, “Baby Doll, this morning I feel like you should get to do anything you want to.”

  She smiled and stroked me slowly and said, “For my birthday. That’s nice. But that’s not what I meant. I meant can we agree on something. Oh, you do have a nice penis. I never had the time to really feel it like this before. I like it. But what I want is for us to never talk about April and Nova like they are separate people anymore. We will if the neighbors bring it up, but only them. I am April. I am Nova. I never went away, and I never came from a faraway village. I was a girl when you met me, and I grew up and here I am. All the rest is a story. We will call me Nova so that we never call me April by mistake, but it’s all a story. I sucked on your penis yesterday and I’m going to do it again this morning. Not April and not Nova, just me and my husband and master, who I call Daddy, because it’s fun to do so.”

  I said, “I never was your father, was I? You were Alice’s little girl, but she didn’t give birth to you, and when I made her my mate, I didn’t become your father in the same way that I am with Jack and Tanya.”

  She smiled and said, “If that makes you feel comfortable. But for a few days, you were the best and only real father that I had ever known. And I loved you that way. But when I was told that I had a choice, I chose a better relationship. I was 27 when you met me. I was 27 when I sat on your lap at the cafe and asked you to buy me a new dress. I am the village orphan who crawled into your lap and then into your bed and scared the peanuts out of you. I am the girl that you fell in love with and felt was forbidden fruit, even though you didn’t know what fruit I was. You didn’t lust after me and I didn’t lust after you, not until we were suddenly free to do so. Say that you were never my father or say whatever makes you feel comfortable, but I don’t need to say anything. I loved you when I met you. I love you differently now.”

  Nova slid across my chest on top of me and sat up with her knees to each side of my hips. She settled down with a wiggle and faced me with her hands on her thighs. Nova’s breasts were even fuller than the day before and now her nipples, though much smaller than Sheena’s, and just the size of the end of my little finger, were erect and lovely. I seemed to focus on breasts and nipples. Well, except in the case of Brenda where my focus was on her beautiful behind. Then again, maybe it didn’t matter, because the truth was that I focused on whatever I was looking at at the time. Right now, I was looking at Nova’s front, and she was lovely.

  As Nova settled her weight on top of me, she closed her eyes and I felt her move so that the shaft of my penis lay along the cleft of her slit. She took what I thought sounded like a satisfied breath and rocked very slowly and very slightly from side to side, rolling back and forth on the round post beneath her crotch. It looked to me like she was done talking for a while and I turned out to be right.

  This morning was different than the past few days. Today I was going to let the girl do whatever she wanted, unless I thought that it would harm her in some way. I wasn’t going to stop her. She was an adult now, even if she had no experience as one, and as long as her choices wouldn’t hurt her, I was going to let her go as far or as little as she chose to. I was surprised at that moment when she seemed to shudder and nearly lose her balance as she had a small orgasm.

  She whispered sensuously, “It’s my birthday.”

  Nova began experimenting with a back and forth motion now, rocking along the length of my shaft rather than rolling from side to side. It started as very tiny movements that never even changed the skin in contact between us, but soon she was sliding herself several inches up and back, gliding her clit along the base of my cock and then seven inches or so forward as she pressed me as far into her sex as she could without actual penetration. She went slowly but firmly and experienced another climax or two in the following minutes. Becoming bolder, or maybe just more aroused, her movements changed to where she was rotating her sensitive opening in circles, up and down and side to side, grinding with increasing pressure and building urgency.

  After another more intense orgasm, she slowed almost to a stop and took a long deep breath. When she let it out, she slid forward to the point where the tip of my hardness lay at the very bottom of her slit and tilting her hips downward, I felt myself moved to an angle that put me at her very gates. It was warm and wet, and I forced myself to resist the urge to push into her. I wanted to, but I resisted.

  Nova wasn’t resisting anything as she rocked herself backward and I waited to enter her.

  I said, “Sweetie, be careful and go slowly. Some women have a little pain the first time because there is a barrier of virginity there. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  Nova still had her eyes closed as she pushed herself more firmly against me and in my mind, I heard her say silently and very clearly, “Ronin, I have a hymen. But I have been learning what it is to be an elf-woman for several days and I know some things because I know them. And one thing that I have known about us is that Elf-women are different in several things and one of those things is that though my vagina is tight, and your penis is large, my hymen will give way with very little discomfort. I could slam down upon your post and explode in orgasmic ecstasy as you pierced me; or I can take my time and climax with every inch of territory conquered. I want the memory of your arrival and having you move into my house, not of you crashing against my fences. But either way, what I am feeling cannot be called pain. Lover, you and I, and the others of the House of Ronin, are stronger in elveness than anyone in your clan or Shaheena’s. We may not have been when you left home, but you have released new abilities in us and so have I. It has been a long time since there has ever been what we are becoming.”

  As Nova pushed me inch by inch into her body, she shuddered in pleasure as each new depth was attained. It took a few minutes, but eventually, she had me most of the way into her virgin body. Whatever hymen she might have had was passed and penetrated long before this. But now, as another inch of me was still exposed between our bodies, I felt the tip of my penis press against the end of her tunnel.

  I said softly, “Sweetie, it’s…” but she stopped me and said, “S

  Nova pressed even more firmly, and very slowly. Then, for the first time, she reversed direction and very slowly raised herself up, withdrawing me from her body. She was plenty wet and lubricated, but still she went deliberately slow. She raised up just half the length of me and then pushed downward, driving me deep inside once again. Then up and then down. She went a little faster with each stroke, but never very fast. And on each stroke, she took me farther than the time before until finally we attained her goal and I was fully enveloped in her feminine warmth.

  She started rocking again, sliding me in and out more easily as her breathing increased with her arousal. Now that she was into a rhythm, I let my hands touch her legs and travel up her sides and back down a few times before eventually rising to her breasts and beginning to fondle them tenderly. When she felt my hands cup the palms over the top of her ‘baby tits’ she moaned and forced herself down onto me and climaxed.

  She growled lovingly and said, “Oh yes! Oh my yes! That’s wonderful.”

  We went on mostly in silence, Nova on top of me, taking her time, loving me, exploring her new freedom to make love, exploring the place where our bodies merged. I knew that there was much more to be explored eventually but for now this was what she was enjoying, and it went on and on. Nova’s lovemaking felt wonderful and though it was slow, and I was in no hurry, every minute did bring me closer to feeling that I needed the release of climax as well.

  Finally, I said, “Nova my love, you feel so wonderful, and I love you so much. My body is beginning to call out for release of my passion.”

  Nova opened her eyes and grinned and said, “Oh Daddy! Do you want to give me your banana stuff and make me gushy on the inside?”

  She said it in the girlie way that I had heard for the past few days, not as the sexual tiger that had been riding me all morning.

  She giggled and said, “I got to ride my unicorn and had so much fun, but it will be even more fun if you think I’m sexy and you can grunt and buck and let me be the lady unicorn. Do it. Do it for me and let me feel it. Here, hurry!”

  Nova began bouncing on me faster and faster, and after a minute she leaned over me and grabbed both of my nipples and pinched them hard. She threw herself down on my chest and shoved her tongue into my mouth and kissed me, licking as far back in my mouth as she could reach. I did in fact grunt loudly as I thrust my hips upward against her and ejaculated hard and long, filling my pretty new wife for her first time. We had been at it slow and steady for a long time and I didn’t realize how much pent up arousal was waiting to be released. And when it did release, it went on for longer than I was used to.

  As I climaxed, Nova rode me, kissing me and squeezing me with her vagina. It was fabulous. Her first time had certainly been a happy one. I estimated that she must have climaxed at least a dozen times. None of those were screaming and thundering, but they seemed to satisfy her plenty.

  As I began to calm down and relax from my orgasm, while I was still experiencing occasional spasms, Nova slid off of my penis and moved downward on the bed between my legs. I wasn’t paying attention yet, but as she sucked me into her mouth, and then with seemingly no effort pushed me all the way in so that my pelvis touched her lips, I gasped and arched my back at the incredible feel of it. She pulled back and bobbed on me for a moment, licking and sucking me until she felt that she was done. She crawled back up and lay on my shoulder.

  I said, “Nova, that was wonderful. I loved it. I have never been made love to in quite that way before. Sweetie, do you have any questions?”

  She said, “No. I did it right. I know that. I could tell because I watched you with my eyes closed. Our ribbons got stronger and you liked it. I liked it too. It was way better than anything. I acted like a woman too. It was fun. I’m going to be tired. I love you. I’m not going to faint now though.”

  I said, “Do you want to sleep here for a little while?”

  She said, “Um, it is my birthday. A good sleep in your bed with you would be really special. Thank you for being my husband now. I felt more loved than ever.”

  I said, “How is it going with your changes? Are they all done?”

  She said, “Not quite. They get easier though. It’s almost done. But only the ones that I put there myself somehow. No, I don’t know how or when. But I can see that it was me that made me stay a little girl. But Alice said that I was a toddler when she found me. Maybe I did it later, after she found me. Maybe because of Ichabod. Oh…oh…oh…Ronin.”

  I said, “Nova, were you afraid of Ichabod?”

  She held me tighter and said, “I think maybe I was. Oh…I think I was. I forgot after I changed, I think. Ronin, I think that I was afraid that if I grew up that he would make me be his mate. I didn’t know that I wasn’t his daughter, but he did.”

  I said, “Let’s see. I think that Alice was 22 when she went with Ichabod. Then you would have been about 11, or maybe older, we don’t know.”

  She said, “And if I was afraid of how he treated Alice and Brenda, I would have decided to stay a little girl forever so that he wouldn’t make me be his mate. That’s what happened.”

  I said tenderly, “Nova, did he ever hurt you? Did he try to take advantage of you or anything?”

  She said, “I don’t think so. I don’t remember anything like that. You are thinking about what you would do to him if he hurt me, aren’t you? My Love, don’t. I don’t think that he did. I think that I didn’t understand what a man and his mates were meant to be because of how he treated Brenda and Alice, not that he hurt me. I think that I must have decided that if that’s what it meant to grow up and be a woman, then I would never grow up. But when I met you, and saw what it is supposed to be, like Jack and Tanya said last night, it all looked so very different and I wanted it very badly. And now I have you. You don’t have to track Ichabod across the gates of death to kill him again. If he is dead.”

  I said, “He’s not. He abandoned you. He stole from you and abandoned you. Then, when the trouble was over, he tried to come back and move back in.”

  She raised up and said, “He did? What happened?”

  I said, “Brenda and Alice and I told him that he was already dead and that they were my mates not his and that you were my children not his, and that if he insisted on staying, that since he was already dead, no one would know the difference if Brenda had her way and split his head open with a shovel and dropped him in the river. There was a bit more to it than that, but in the end, I scared him so badly that he ran away and won’t ever come back.”

  She settled against my shoulder again and said, “Good. We won’t blame him for what I did to myself. We will only blame him for what he did to us. Ronin, I love you. Thank you for bringing me here. For bringing Nova here and freeing me from my curse and my prison. You really do that for us. You saved Dawn when she was already dead. You freed Shaheena from her curse. You saved Stacy from her loneliness. You saved Brenda and Alice from a life with no love. And you freed me from a prison and a curse that I would be a little girl forever. Oh, and you saved Valeera from being a farmer’s wife, and you saved Harmony from never being mated because no man was brave enough to have her. You truly are our hero.”

  I said, “Do you want to know a secret?”

  She smiled and said, “Yes!”

  I said, “Do you promise not to tell?”

  She said, “Of course!”

  I said, “You can’t tell anyone. Alice is going to have a baby.”

  Nova sat up and cried, “What? When? Oh, that’s marvelous!”

  I said, “Well, we don’t know when, but soon we hope. She has had changes too and she had things like you did that kept her from having a child, and we untied that knot and she has stopped taking the mating potion.”

  Nova climbed back on top of me and laid her body on me and said, “Oh that’s so good. I am so happy for her. Well for us. It will be so good. And is Stacy going to have a baby finally?”

  I said, “I think that she will
. But for now, only Alice and I have talked about it.”

  Nova said, “It’s a lot of work. I remember when Tanya and Jack were born. It was hard. But we have so much more help now and a good husband besides. And Tanya can help too. We have three Home-Wives and Tanya. And Val is a healer, so she can help take care of all of us. Oh, it will be easy his time. Well as easy as it can be. I want to be an Adventure-Wife for a while before I have a baby though. This is good news.”

  Chapter 30 - Preparations

  Nova and I slept for another hour, just resting together in our new love and new relationship. When it was time, we got up and went to breakfast with the rest of the family.

  After eating, I wanted to have a family meeting and discuss what we were going to be doing. My feeling was that we were going to be preparing for the next few days. Preparing for several things. The house wasn’t completed yet. There was more work to do on some of the bedrooms and we needed an office suite across the street for business and to keep the Adventuring separated from the home life. Jack needed a ‘boys-only’ room.

  There were preparations to make before we went back to the Kobold cave too. First and foremost, I wanted a new name for it now. After some discussion, we decided that it would be called simply “Under Hill”. And before we went deeper into Under Hill, I wanted better armor. Sheena had been deeper and in more danger many times in her life, but I wanted better preparations and better protections than she had ever had. Already, just being a team was much safer than she had ever been, but I wanted more. The Kobold leathers would make very good armor and Dawn and Sheena knew how to make the leather into much better armor than I had ever owned.


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