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Page 10

by Weber, Tawny

  “I think the project will be fine. We’re going to discuss a number of other things instead.”

  Gia’s heart sank into her toes and her throat closed up so tight she was afraid she’d suffocate. Black spots danced in front of her eyes as panic took hold.

  It was his tone of voice, jovial on the surface with an underlying thread of fury, that told her the game was over.

  Knowing it was ridiculous to keep trying to pretend she didn’t know what he meant, Gia shrugged. There was no way she was going to come out of this conversation without looking pathetic and desperate.

  Why add stupid to the mix?

  “What do you want me to say?” she asked. “I’m sorry? I am. I’m sorry about the entire Las Vegas debacle.”

  “Are you?”

  Well, she was sorry that she’d left him. And that the weekend had shown her that Luke was more than a hot body and a wild sexual fantasy. She was sorry that her heart was aching and miserable and that she went to bed at night crying because the two of them together was an impossible dream.

  She was sorry about enough that she felt justified in giving an emphatic nod.

  Which seemed to be all Luke needed to hear.

  “So here’s the thing,” he said, coming around from behind his desk. Gia hurried across the room, wanting to stay out of reach. Not that she was worried about what he’d do to her. She was more concerned she couldn’t keep her hands off of him.

  “We have some unfinished business,” he continued. “I’m not a fan of loose ends. So we’re going to settle it all here. Now. This weekend.”

  “I’d rather not,” she said, her smile more a shaking of the corner of her lips than a look of cheer. “Let’s just call it an oops and write it off as a bunch of bad decisions.”

  His eyes wicked with delight, Luke shook his head.

  And, damn him, he was stalking her. He’d been all the way over there by the door just a minute ago and now he was close enough to touch. So close she could smell him, heady and inviting.

  Not caring that she looked like a chicken, Gia hurried to the other side of the room.

  He followed her.

  Again, stopping just a foot or so away. Close enough that she could reach out and touch him if she wanted. Close enough that he could grab her and pull her tight against his body at any second.

  Gia almost whimpered at that image, a part of her wishing he’d stay away and quit tempting her. And another part wishing twice as hard that he’d hurry up with the grabbing.

  “I don’t think we’re going to write this off. After all, fair’s fair. I figure Vegas was your little fantasy. This–” he gestured to the office “–is mine.”

  “What?” Gia shook her head, trying to clear the buzzing from her ears. There was no way she’d understood him right.

  “You had your turn. Now I’m taking mine.”

  His expression was so satisfied all he needed to do was lick his lips to complete the cat-about-to-nosh-on-a-mouse image.

  Gia freaked.

  Taking his?

  As in, taking her?

  Excitement shimmied, glittery and bright, through her system. Her nipples tightened and heat swirled low in her belly. It was as if someone had flipped her passion switch. Every damned thing was turned on now.


  “Not that I’m against equal-opportunity fantasy fulfillment, but I don’t think this is a good idea,” she told him, pretending she wasn’t forcing herself not to jump on him, wrap her legs around his waist and say “Let’s ride, cowboy.”

  He wanted her. That thought kept tangling in her mind with images of his naked body, remembered sensations of the last time he’d been inside her and a running list of three dozen more things she wanted to do to him.

  He wanted her.

  Before Vegas she’d have figured this was a joke. Guys like Luke didn’t go for average, run-of-the-mill girls like her. They went for Vanna.

  And she’d finally accepted that she was Vanna.

  She was sexy and clever. She was entertaining and challenging, pushing Luke and letting him push her so they both tried harder.

  At work.

  In bed.

  And, as terrifying as it was, emotionally.

  But was she the only one who felt it?

  “Is this some kind of game? Revenge for Vegas?”

  His eyes wide, Luke laughed and gave her a questioning look. “Revenge for what? We had a great time. That was some of the best sex of my life.”

  She shot him a narrow-eyed look.

  He looked as if he meant every word he’d said. His eyes were hot as they cruised over her body, his smile mellow, as though he had all the time in the world to enjoy the view.

  But he sounded hurt.

  She knew him well enough now to catch that. To realize that he’d been just as invested that weekend as she had.

  Gia took a deep breath. She’d been so wrapped up in her own fears, in her own need to keep from getting hurt, that she hadn’t once considered his feelings.

  “I’m sorry,” she murmured.

  His smile faded. For just a second, he looked vulnerable. Little-boy sweet, as if he needed a hug. Then, stepping a few feet away, he shrugged.

  “What have you got to be sorry for? Other than leaving without saying goodbye, of course.” In a typical guy move, he brushed that off as if it hadn’t meant a thing. But Gia knew better. If it didn’t matter, he wouldn’t have brought it up.

  “I hurt you.” Calling up all of her nerve, Gia forced herself to walk across the room. She stopped a foot away from Luke, unable to move closer. Not because she was afraid of him but because she was seriously worried that if she got within touching distance, she’d throw herself into his arms and beg him to forget everything and do her on the desk.

  “I’m sorry.”

  The look he gave her sent shivers down her spine. Scared, sexy shivers. For the second time that day, she wanted to run. Because she knew what those shivers promised. She knew how incredible it’d feel. How sweet it’d be afterward, wrapped tight against his body while he murmured soft endearments into her hair.

  Gia’s feet twitched, but she stayed put.

  Because those shivers, those feelings, were worth whatever price she was about to pay.

  “How sorry?” he asked, his words as quiet as his look was intense. He stepped closer. Close enough that Gia had to angle her head back to keep her gaze on his. Close enough that his scent filled her senses. Close enough for her to reach out and trail her fingers over his chest.

  Her hand was halfway there when she realized what she was doing. With a wince, Gia curled her fingers into her palm and lowered her arm to her side.

  “What do you mean, how sorry?”

  “I mean, how sorry are you? And the more important question, what are you willing to do to make it up to me?”

  What was she willing to do?

  She’d hurt him.

  She’d used their weekend of sex—amazing as it was—to make herself happy without thought to his feelings.

  “To make it up to you?” she repeated quietly. “I’m willing to do anything.”

  “Anything, hmm? That could be interesting.”

  He could think of a whole lot of anythings he’d like her to do to him. And from the look on her face, Gia had a few in mind, too.

  Luke watched the heat flare in her big blue eyes. The color might be different, but their shape was the same. So was the depth of emotions there. As if her entire heart were wide open for his viewing pleasure.

  How had he not seen it? The resemblance between the woman in front of him and his Vegas fantasy was beyond obvious. Brown contacts and red extensions didn’t change her look. The full bottom lip still pouted, as if waiting for him to taste. Her curvy body might be wrapped in jeans and a peasanty type of blouse, but the shape was the same. Rounded, welcoming and gorgeous.

  Finally, he let his gaze drop to her feet.

  She wore sandals with skinny little straps that crossed
over her deliciously manicured toes.

  They weren’t the same shoes as she’d worn in Vegas.

  But they were still sexy as hell.

  And they were still red.

  Yeah. He was an idiot.

  “I can’t believe I didn’t realize who you were sooner,” he murmured.

  “Well, I was doing everything I possibly could to make sure you didn’t,” she pointed out with a careless shrug. The move did intriguing things to her blouse, the cotton sliding over her full breasts as if it was scraping her nipples. Whether it was the fabric or, his ego hoped, proximity to him, those nipples were temptingly hard.

  His fingers itched to touch her. His mouth watered to taste her.

  Not yet.

  But soon, he promised himself.

  “You know, I’d think most women would be pissed.”

  “Pissed?” A tiny line creased her brow as Gia shook her head in confusion. “Why?”

  “At not being recognized.”

  “But I just said I was trying to keep that from you. I was in disguise in Vegas. That weekend I looked nothing like I normally do. And I spent any time we were together on the project trying to avoid you just in case. Not that I expected you to put the two of us together. I mean, Vegas Vanna and I are about as different as night and day.”

  Were they, really? Which was the real disguise, he wondered. He was sure she’d say the Vegas fantasy, but he’d bet that was as much the real her as the brilliant techie who’d rocked the project and the vulnerably sweet woman who’d apologized because her actions had hurt him.

  Most women he knew would be blowing off his feelings with a shrug and a reminder that he’d had strings-free sex, so he should get over himself. And if they had a clue that he was hurt over being left naked and horny, they’d call him a sad little girl.

  Not Gia.

  She got it.

  She got him.

  She was fascinating.

  The last of Luke’s anger drained away.

  All that was left were his feelings for Gia. A complicated, confusing mess of feelings.

  For a guy who prided himself on having a solid handle on his own personal wants and needs, those feelings being all messed up should have been frustrating.

  But there was something so tempting, so intriguing, about figuring them out. With her help, that was.

  His eyes locked on hers, he reached up to slide the ends of her hair between his fingers. It was so soft, like silk. Real. With depths and highlights that the red extensions hadn’t even hinted at. Kinda like Gia herself. While he still had fantasies about that long red hair trailing over his naked skin, he couldn’t wait to feel her real hair against his chin while cuddling her close.

  He’d never imagined the after-sex being as tempting as the mind-blowing explosion that was the actual sex.

  “You know,” he murmured slowly. “I’d sort of figured this weekend was my revenge. I’d drag you in here, guilt you into having wild sex my way. On the desk, against the wall, maybe a little computer-cam kink.”

  Her eyes grew huge. Not as huge as the bulge pressing against his zipper but big all the same. Desire and just a hint of worry were clear in her pale blue gaze.

  “That sounds, well, pretty tempting,” she said, sounding a little breathless. A soft flush washed the delicate skin of her chest. A sign, he remembered, of arousal. Good. He wanted her just as turned on as he was.

  Then she visibly swallowed, as if steeling her nerves. She wet her lips, and while she didn’t move away, she seemed to pull back a little.

  “If I’ve learned one thing from all of this, it’s that fantasies come at a price. Don’t you think revenge will, too?”

  What price had she paid for her fantasy?

  And how long would it take him to find out?

  First things, first, though.

  And first, he wanted her.


  Beneath him. Above him. Her moans surrounding him.

  After that they could get to sharing all those juicy secrets.

  “Whatever the price, I’m ready to pay,” he decided.

  More than ready, as a matter of fact.

  Chapter Ten

  A Girlz Guide Top Tip:

  When life hands you an opportunity,

  work it like it’s a stripper pole.

  Gia stared into Luke’s eyes. It was like drowning in desire. Excitement tangled with nerves in her belly. She wanted him. She wanted him like crazy. But this was more. Bigger.

  And not just big like the crazy-huge bulge in his jeans, although her mouth was watering at the sight of his erection, her body tingling at the memory of the magic he could make with his pants off.

  In Vegas everything about their time together had been coated with the glitter of fantasy. It had been like a moment out of time, from her behavior to her looks to their lovemaking.

  But this was real.

  She glanced toward the door.

  This came with a price.

  As if reading her mind, Luke released his hold on her hair and slowly, reluctantly, stepped away. Only a few inches, but she still shivered at the chill, missing his body against hers.

  “You know what? In Vegas you gave me the choice to play the fantasy game or to walk away. It’s only fair that I give you the same option.”

  She wanted to scream. Don’t make me choose. Choosing to play meant she was completely on board here. That she was willingly, actively participating instead of being swept off her feet. She wanted to be overwhelmed by desire, overtaken by passion. She wanted him to toss her on the desk, rip her clothes off and drive them both wild with pleasure.

  That way she didn’t have to be responsible for her feelings, or for the repercussions on her life or her job.

  “I thought you wanted to pay me back for Vegas,” she said, her words quiet and hesitant. “I’m not sure giving me an option to avoid payback is in the standard revenge handbook.”

  “Letting you choose is about the hardest damned thing I’ve ever done,” he admitted. His eyes were so intense, the emotions swirling there so strong, that Gia felt as if she were drowning. “But as hot as the office sex-slave fantasy is, knowing you want me is even hotter.”

  “You know I want you.”

  “You left me.”

  Gia’s heart melted.

  “I left because this was more than I’d bargained for,” she confessed. “That weekend was more than hot sex and wild orgasms. What we shared, how you made me feel…It scared me.”

  Luke nodded. Then, with a long searching look, he walked over to the door and set his hand on the knob.

  “Do you want to leave?”

  Gia swallowed hard.

  She should.

  She should scurry out of this office, making sure that Mr. Landin, Matt the male slut and everyone left in the building saw her leaving. That’d protect her reputation.

  She should tell Luke it’d been fun and that she appreciated the good time, but she had to go. Then she should run like hell and not look back. That’d protect her heart.

  This had all started out as a good time. As a hot fantasy she could look back on, a story to share with her friends that proved she was adventurous and sexy, too.

  She’d put it together so carefully, making sure the risk was minimal.

  But now?

  Now she was ready to risk everything to be with Luke.

  Her fingers shaking, her nerves jangling so hard she swore her hair was quivering, Gia took a deep breath. Then, her eyes locked on Luke’s, she crossed her hands in front of her to wrap her fingers around the hem of her blouse.

  And tugged it off.

  As the fabric cleared her head, she heard the snick of a lock, telling her he’d ensured their privacy. Before she’d shaken her hair out of her eyes, his hands were on her body.

  This time it was like falling into a dream. Their clothes seemed to disappear, their bodies sliding hot and welcoming against each other.

  Their kisses were soft. Sweet, even. />
  Gia’s mind screamed a warning. If she hadn’t completely fallen for him already, this sweet and gentle lovemaking would shove her right over the edge.

  The hazy delight of his kisses made it easy for her to ignore those screams, though.

  Gia’s hands swept over his muscles, cupping, caressing. His fingers skimmed her aching nipples, light as air, before sliding over her hips and down to the welcoming wetness between her thighs.

  Eyes closed, she was faintly aware of Luke lifting her. Then of hard, cold wood beneath her back. She didn’t open her eyes, though. Instead, she slid her hands into his hair, holding Luke’s mouth to hers as he slid into her quivering body.

  Slowly, oh so deliciously slowly, he moved.

  In and out.

  His mouth never left hers as the pressure built.

  Gia wrapped her legs around his waist, her feet crossing at the small of his back. Holding tight, she met each thrust with a slow, soft moan.

  Again he slid in and out.

  So slow. So hard.

  Her breath sped up.

  Her heart trembled, racing faster with each thrust.

  His tongue swept deeper into her mouth, entwining with hers. Sucking.

  Gia exploded, stars flashing behind her eyes. She barely remembered at the last second not to scream in delight. Instead, her climax was echoed in whimpers as Luke thrust again, harder this time.


  Twice more.

  His body stiffened, but the worship of his kiss continued.

  The sweetness of it made Gia come again.

  This time the stars were gentle flickers before going dark.

  She didn’t know how long she laid there, Luke’s body warm and comforting over hers. It was only when she realized she had imprints in her butt that she shifted, trying to dislodge a pen and letter opener from her right cheek.

  Office supplies.

  Because they were at work.

  Reality came crashing back in, dispelling the sexual haze like sunrise scattering the fog.

  She’d willingly stripped herself naked.

  She’d anted up for the game.


  “Now what?” she asked, terrified of the answer but needing to know. She’d played this game once already. This time she knew better. This time she needed to be smart. She had to protect her heart.


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