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The Billionaire's Unwanted Virgin

Page 9

by Doris O'Connor

  Alice giggled, happiness suffusing her from her head to her toes. Maybe they could make this marriage work after all. She sank back into the bubbles and hummed her favorite tune.


  Lakota listened to the off key humming sounds coming from the bath room and grinned. Who'd have thought his little Alice would be so receptive, or that their needs would mesh so perfectly together. Innocent she clearly had been, but she was also incredibly passionate and responsive, and he realized with a start, made him feel giddy with excitement at the day ahead. He couldn't wait to see her face when she realized where they were going on their honeymoon.

  He owned half of the luxurious resort in Sri Lanka, and as such they had the most luxurious and private villa at Wadduwa. His balls grew tight, and his cock hardened anew at the thought of having nothing but pleasure to worry about for the duration of their honeymoon. He had plenty of trips planned, but if last night was any indication they would hardly leave the complex, let alone their villa.

  He smirked at the thought, and Forrester smiled at him as he rolled the breakfast trolley onto the terrace.

  "It is a beautiful morning, Sir."

  "It certainly is, Forrester. Tell me are all the arrangements in place, like I asked?"

  Forrester inclined his head and proceeded to lay the table.

  "Yes, Sir. You and Mrs. Kemnay are booked on a first class flight at four PM, which should get you to Bandaranayake International for nine AM their time."

  "Perfect, thank you, Forrester." He smiled at the faithful retainer and was rewarded with another bow and a smile over his shoulder. Even without that alert he would have known Alice had stepped onto the terrace. Her scent called to him seconds before she wrapped her arms round his middle, and the heat of her body soaked into his back.

  "Morning, Forrester. Are you expecting to feed the ten thousand?" She giggled into his back, and Lakota interlaced his fingers with hers and pulled her around and in front of him. Clad in the same Dorchester supplied luxury robe as his, she'd left her wet tresses to tumble down her back to dry naturally, and he rested his chin on her head. The faint scent of roses wafted into his nostrils as she sagged against him with a little content sigh.

  Forrester's smile deepened, and he pulled out a chair for Alice to sit down.

  "I am merely following Mr. Kemnay's instructions, m'lady. Coffee?"

  "Oh, yes please." Alice eagerly left the cocoon of his arms and sat down. She couldn't quite hide her wince, and Forrester frowned. An almost imperceptible movement of one eyebrow but Lakota noticed it nonetheless, and he fancied he saw a hint of disapproval in the older man's eyes when he glanced his way.

  Lakota hid his grin. Clearly Alice had managed to get under Forrester's skin, too, but Lakota would be damned if he allowed a butler to make him feel guilty about that wince. She had been with him every step of the way last night and this morning.

  "Thank you, Forrester, that will be all. We'll manage from here."

  The butler finished pouring Alice's coffee, smiled at her, and bowed his head.

  "As you wish, Sir. Your car will be ready from midday."

  "Car?" Alice asked. She wrapped her hands round her coffee cup, lifted it up and inhaled deeply with such a look of bliss on her face, that Lakota couldn't tear his gaze away from her.

  "What? So I like coffee." She stuck her tongue out at him, and he poured himself his own cup, grateful for the chance to keep his hands busy to stop himself from the sudden impulse to throw her over his shoulder and drag her back to bed. As tempting as that thought was, they didn't have the time.

  He simply smiled at her and handed her the basket of freshly prepared croissants.

  "I could get so used to this, you know." She licked the butter off her fingers, and Lakota's cock rose to the occasion again. So much for being in a more comfortable state around her once they were married. He was beginning to think he would be in a permanent state of half-mast at least around her. He hadn't been this horny and unable to control his dick since his teenage years, which should probably worry him a great deal, but seeing Alice enjoy her breakfast with such enthusiasm didn't leave any room for worry.

  "Forrester said car." She mumbled the words around mouthful of foods, and Lakota laughed. The just departing housekeeping threw him an odd look. Had it really been that long since he simply laughed? It must have been because she bowed and made a hasty exit, muttering to herself in Spanish.

  He got the gist of her mutterings loud and clear though. Something along the lines of it being an almighty miracle to see him happy.

  "Lakota, are you even listening to me?" Alice threw a croissant at him and giggled when she hit him right on the nose. Bits of pastry fell around him like confetti, and he sneezed, pitching his wife into gales of laughter.

  He tried his best to glare at her, but failed miserably.

  "Sorry, but at least I got your attention now. What is he going on about? What car?"

  Lakota stood up and opened his robe to shake off the offending crumbs. He smirked at Alice's sharp intake of breath and the way her cheeks heated, before she hastily looked away.

  "Like what you see, sweet little Alice?"

  "You know I do, so stop trying to distract me. Where are we going?"

  "Curiosity killed the cat, my sweet. I told you that before. It's a surprise."

  Alice sulked, and he laughed again.

  "How will I know what to pack, if I don't know where I'm going?"

  "It's all taken care of, my sweet, and besides, we're on our honeymoon. I intend to keep you in as little clothing as possible."

  Lakota took great satisfaction in seeing his sassy little wife turn a nice shade of beetroot, as her coffee went down the wrong way.


  Alice sank into the air conditioned plush interior of their chauffeured car with a sigh of relief. Despite wearing not much else but a skimpy summer dress, the short walk in the Sri Lankan sun had left her covered in perspiration. It was about ten AM here, and already the heat was stifling. She hid her yawn, and Lakota's low chuckle in her ear sent shivers of awareness down her spine. The heat of his chino clad thigh branded hers, and she bit her lip when he placed his large hand on her upper thigh, perilously close to her throbbing center.

  She threw him a glance from under her lashes, and whilst she couldn't see his eyes, hidden as they were by his aviator sunglasses, his wicked smile gave him away.

  "Lakota." Her urgent whisper made that smile of his deepen, and Alice held her breath when he trailed his hand higher until his fingertips just brushed against her core.

  She pointedly looked towards their driver, who was weaving through the steadily building traffic with effortless ease, even if she had to shut her eyes a few times.

  "Relax. He’ll get us there in one piece." Lakota's hot breath feathered across her damp neck and left tingles of awareness in its wake. He took her earlobe between his teeth and bit down slightly at the same time as his fingers slipped under the elastic of her thong. She tensed, and he kissed her. The kiss was a thorough exploration of firm lips and slow measured thrusts of his tongue until she clung to his shoulders and ground herself against his questing digits. He groaned into her mouth, and her internal muscles clenched around his fingers.

  "Lakota, we shouldn't."

  "Oh yes, we should. I want you so fucking much. This trip has been torture, so far."

  The car lurched suddenly as their driver slammed on the breaks to avoid a wooden lorry crossing into their lane, and Lakota withdrew his fingers with an exaggerated sigh.

  "I am so sorry," their driver said. "Traffic is particularly bad today."

  "Just get us there in one piece, will you?" Lakota winked at her and licked his glistening fingers with great care.

  "Bastard." She whispered the words and glared at him, and Lakota laughed.

  "We'll finish this the minute I get you alone in our villa."

  Alice's skin tightened in need at the silken promise behind those words. In truth she l
onged to be alone with him. When it was just the two of them, life was simple. Lakota laughed and teased her, and the differences in their life styles didn't matter one iota. Out in public, Alice couldn't help but feel inadequate. Men and women fawned at her husband, bringing out his cynical side, and Alice couldn't blame him. The trappings of his wealth were nice, but he seemed to be surrounded by very few genuine people. Percy was the remarkable exception.

  He had met them with their luggage and passports at Heathrow Airport, and he'd handed Lakota a thick manila file, entitled Langton Enterprises.

  Lakota had been thoroughly engrossed in the contents of that file for the first half of their long haul flight.

  It had given Alice plenty of time to study his features, and when he had finally packed the file away, and smiled at her, she'd had to ask.

  "How did you get that scar?"

  His expression had grown forbidding, and his knuckles had turned white, where he was holding onto the armrests of the chair.

  "Why do you want to know?"

  The snarled words had made her feel uneasy, but she had ploughed on nonetheless.

  "Is it that unusual that I want to know more about the man I married? That scar looks as though it has a story behind it. Please tell me what it is."

  He'd grown so still, she couldn't be sure he was even breathing, and just when she'd thought he was going to ignore her question he'd finally mumbled his reply.

  "I got into a fight. The other guy smashed a beer bottle in my face. Hardly that big a story." He hadn't looked at her when he'd spoken, and she'd narrowed her eyes and simply waited, until he'd run an agitated hand through his hair.

  "And?" She'd smiled at him, and he'd sighed.

  "You're not going to let this go, are you?"

  "Nope. Come on, Lakota, I'm not stupid. I doubt anyone would get close enough to hit you, let alone attack you with a beer bottle, unless you were distracted. So what happened? Jealous husband was it, caught you in flagrante?"

  She'd been rewarded with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.

  "Hardly, sweet little Alice. If you must know, I was looking for Zeb. His girlfriend at the time had called me in a panic. They'd had an argument, and she was worried that he'd do something stupid. Stupid was Zeb's specialty, after all." He'd glanced at her and had shaken his head in remembrance. "He shouldn't even have been served any alcohol. He was only fourteen for fuck's sake, but he was tall for his age, and he could charm the birds from the trees, so…" He'd smiled grimly, and she'd taken his hand in hers and squeezed.

  "Anyway, by the time I tracked him down he was drunk, and he'd managed to piss off this group of bikers. They'd already roughed him up pretty badly, so I did the only thing I could. Charged in there and threw my weight around. It got pretty nasty. One of the guys let loose with a beer bottle and would have sliced Zeb with it, so I got in the way."

  "You took it for him?"

  Lakota shrugged his shoulders.

  "He was my baby brother. I had to protect him. It's no big deal. In the end it didn't make any difference. He still managed to kill himself with his recklessness."

  He'd looked so sad that Alice had had to blink her tears away.

  "Zeb's accident wasn't your fault, Lakota."

  "Wasn't it? I gave him too much freedom, and look where it led to."

  "Lakota, we can't live their life for them, no matter how much we'd like to." She hadn't been able to hide the catch in her own voice, and with that uncanny ability to read her, he'd tipped her chin up, and searched her face.

  "That sounds as though you're talking from experience, little Alice."

  It had been her turn to shrug her shoulders and not quite to meet his eyes, and the grip on her chin had grown painful.


  She'd responded to the terse command and looked at him, and he'd smiled. A smile full of quiet understanding.

  "Beth's mum?" he'd asked.

  Alice had nodded, and he'd released her with a sigh.

  "I know the story on paper, but tell me your version, my sweet."

  "Not much to tell. Mary fell in with the wrong crowd when she turned into a teenager. She was beautiful and reckless, and had Beth when she was just fourteen. It broke Mum and Dad's heart when they found out, but they still stood by her, and not once did they blame me, even though I was supposed to be looking out for her. I didn't do a very good job of that. I knew her new boyfriend was trouble, but she pleaded with me to keep quiet, and I could never resist her when she did that. She was my baby sister you know…"

  Lakota had nodded and dropped a kiss on her nose.

  "Fuck yeah, I know that only too well. So what happened? I know she left once Beth was diagnosed with cancer. Have you heard from her since?"

  "No, and there's more to it than that. You see she was using when she was pregnant. Beth was born addicted to crack. It wasn't pretty. Anyway, we got her clean, and she was getting her act together, well as much as Mary was ever going to get her act together, and then Beth fell ill. Mary took it hard. She convinced herself that it was her fault, that she had caused it due to her drug habit. I tried to reason with her, to tell her it wasn't so, but she was paranoid. And then when Daddy died, it was the last straw for her. She just took off. We haven’t seen or heard from her since."

  "I'm sorry." The sincere words delivered in his deep baritone had settled deep in her heart, and she hadn't been able to stop the tears from falling.

  Lakota had pulled her close and kissed the tears away. What started off as tenderness had quickly turned passionate until the cabin crew's repeated throat clearing had reminded them where they were.

  "Your refreshments. May I remind you that we will dim the lights soon to enable people to sleep? Your cooperation in keeping quiet would be greatly appreciated. May I also remind you that the airline does not allow passengers to partake in sexual acts whilst on the plane?"

  Her little speech had been delivered with the perfectly practiced polite smile, and Alice had wanted the ground to swallow her up.

  Lakota had simply laughed and drawn Alice close for another heart stopping kiss, before telling her to get some rest.

  Alice smiled now remembering those happenings. Lakota had done his best to keep his hands off her after that reprimand, but clearly all bets were now off.

  She wished the driver would hurry up and get them to their destination already. When he did, half an hour later, Alice did feel as though she had stepped through the looking glass.

  Jamal, their assigned butler, greeted them on arrival, and once they'd signed in he showed them to their very own little slice of paradise.

  Their beach pavilion was nestled among tall palm trees and afforded perfect views at the Indian Ocean. From the stepping stones across the goldfish pond to their secluded courtyard with their personal splash pool, the ice cold bottle of champagne waiting for them in its cooler, the air-conditioned interior and the elegant furnishings the place spoke of sophisticated elegance, and Alice was rather grateful for Lakota carrying her across the threshold. She wasn't at all sure her legs would have worked at that moment, especially when he kissed her again with so much passion she wouldn't have been surprised if her knickers had gone up in flames.

  Jamal grinned and bowed and left them alone, and Alice clung to Lakota's shoulders as he took the stairs three at a time and flung her on the four poster bed with enough force to make her bounce.

  "Now, Mrs. Kemnay, where were we?"

  Chapter Eight

  Alice squinted at her phone display and sighed. It had been hours since Lakota had stormed out of their villa, as though the hounds of hell were after him. Whatever that early morning phone call had been about, it hadn't been good news, that much was clear.

  After six glorious days and passion filled nights it seemed real life was intruding on their idyll, and Lakota was reverting back to his forbidding, and closed off self from their first meeting. Perhaps it was inevitable. Alice had fallen in love with Sri Lanka, almost as much as she suspec
ted she was starting to fall for her husband. At least his teasing, sexy as hell, and carefree version he had been since they'd foot in the resort. This Lakota she could fall head over heels for, if she wasn't careful, and that would be the stupidest thing ever.

  Here, they'd lived in a bubble, and the obligatory phone call to check on Beth's progress every morning had been the only check on reality Lakota had allowed. He'd kept her hostage in the villa for the first three days of their stay, and Alice blushed just remembering how they had christened every surface humanly possible to have sex on or against, and a few she wouldn't have thought possible.

  At least now she knew what all the fuss was about. Lakota just needed to glance her way, and she was wet, and as he insisted she not wear any underwear under the skimpy dresses she had found in her suitcase, anytime, anywhere, seemed to be the motto for this honeymoon.

  Who knew chaste old her, who'd never been that bothered about masturbating even, would turn into such a hussy. She squirmed on the sun bed, arousal pooling low in her belly, recalling Lakota's reaction when she had called herself that in front of him.

  He'd dumped her over his knee, and proceeded to spank her soundly, until she had breathlessly promised him to never think of herself like that again.

  "You're a beautiful woman, sweet little Alice, and you're my wife. Nothing we do makes you into a hussy, is that clear?" He'd swatted her one last time with enough force to send her halfway off his lap, and she'd felt her juices run down the inside of her thigh. Never had she been this aroused before, so on the verge of coming, the sweet burn from her ass, radiating to her clit and making her weak with need.

  "Not even getting so turned on by being spanked that I'll explode if you don't fuck me soon?" She'd somehow managed to get the words out past her parched lips, and he'd yanked her head up by her hair and kissed her.

  When he'd finally let them come up for air, his growled words had sent her tumbling over the edge.

  "That just makes me so goddamn hard, I'm going to fuck you senseless, my love."

  The sex that had followed had been the hottest yet, and somehow they had connected on a much deeper level than before.


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