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The Billionaire's Unwanted Virgin

Page 12

by Doris O'Connor

  "It's okay. I'm okay now," she whispered in between gasps, as his thumb found her clit and rubbed, and she rocked herself against his fingers. He ignored her and withdrew completely, spinning her around in the process. Gathering her arms he pinned her wrists with one hand high above her head, and pushed her against the glass until her breasts were flattened. The heat of his naked torso warmed her back, and she gasped when he yanked her head back by her hair, his voice an urgent whisper in her ear.

  "Look across and see how beautiful you are. All mine to do with as I see fit." He kicked her legs apart, and the breeze skittering across her heated core pitched her arousal higher still, as did the view of herself in the full length mirror she could see in their bedroom. Her flickering reflection showed a woman in the full flush of arousal. With her head tossed back, and her mouth open, her skin carried a rosy hue, the glistening evidence of her need for the dark man behind her clearly visible on the top of her thighs. Lakota towered over her, emphasizing her helplessness, and she closed her eyes to savor the moment.

  This time he yanked her hair so hard her scalp tingled.

  "I said look at us, little Alice. I want you to watch, as I feed my cock into your greedy pussy, and plant myself so deep inside of you, you'll see stars. Would you like that?"

  "Yes, God, yes, please…"

  The rest of her plea was left unsaid, as he released her wrists, lifted her leg, and pushed his cock slowly into her cunt. Another tug to her hair reminded her to watch, and all the breath left her lungs at the erotic sight of seeing his thick shaft disappear into her swollen nether lips. A fresh wave of her juices aided his slow glide into her until he was seated so deep, his balls rested on her ass, and Alice was filled. His heavy breath into her sweat-damp neck, as he ordered her to hold her leg up, sent shivers of need down her body, and then he began to move. The angle meant every thrust scraped against her G-spot, and Alice panted her need for him to go faster, deeper. Their gazes locked in the mirror, and tears clouded her vision at the depths of emotion swirling in his midnight eyes. Their free hands clasped together against the door, his other hand still buried in the ends of her hair where he held her up around her waist, and every thrust bumped her breasts into the pane of glass, the slight pain adding to the moment. He pummeled into her in ever more forceful thrusts, the closer she hurtled towards her climax, until they came together with her screaming his name and him grunting his release into her neck.

  "Fuck, Alice. You're mine, and I'm not ever letting you go."

  Chapter Eleven

  "Do you really mean that?"

  Still clasped tight inside her body, with her walls milking the last few spasms of his cock emotions once again threatened to overwhelm Lakota. He seemed to be in a permanent state of emotional melt-down around his little Alice. And she was his. The need to claim her, to mark her consumed him. He pulled out of her and swept her up in his arms, loving the trusting way she snuggled into him with a small sigh.

  "I'll show you much I mean it."

  In a few long legged strides he had them inside and Alice placed in the middle of the bed. He kissed her long and hard, and she melted against him, the scent of her sweet musk filling his nostrils, and hardening his dick in record time.

  She noticed, of course, and he felt her smile in the kisses she dropped on his jaw when he retreated.

  "You're ready for round two already?"

  "First things first. Do you trust me, baby?"

  She blinked at the endearment he hadn't meant to utter, and he could see the answer in her beautiful eyes before she nodded.

  "You know I do. I trust you with my life."

  Warmth spread through his veins at the smile that accompanied those words, and he couldn't help but grin like the besotted fool he was. Somehow, and he'd be buggered if he knew how, his sweet little, innocent Alice had smashed through all of his defenses, turning him inside out, until he had no place to hide.

  "Shut your eyes for me, then."

  She frowned but complied immediately. A shudder went through her when he dropped a kiss on her lips and lifted her head to secure a blindfold around her eyes.

  "I'm going to blindfold you and tie you to the bed, my sweet. I don't want to hurt you, and if you move I might. Do you hear me?"

  "Yes." The one word was delivered on a soft exhale, and he made short work of securing her arms and legs, until she lay spread-eagled in front of him.

  "You're so fucking beautiful, all laid out like that for me. I wish you could see what you look like. Shall I tell you what I see, my sweet little Alice?"

  "Ye-es." Again that soft exhale that made his balls grow tight in need.

  "I see my woman all soft, and round, wet and waiting for me. Your skin is flushed, your nipples hard, and your little panty breaths are such a fucking turn on, not to mention that secret part of you. Open, swollen, your little bud is just asking for my mouth. Would you like my kiss there, my sweet, so I can drink your nectar and taste your need for me?"

  "Yes… yes, please. Anything, you want, just please do something."

  He chuckled, and she bucked as much as she could with the little movement her silken bonds allowed. No harsh handcuffs for his little Alice's skin. No, the only marks would be the one made by his hands. He ran his index fingers through her soaked slit and blew against the bundle of nerves at the top of her lips.

  Again she groaned, a sound so full of feminine need it was truly beautiful to hear. More of her juices coated her thighs, and he swirled his fingers through the evidence of her arousal mixed in with the last of his seed still trickling out of the clasp of her body.

  A primitive need to plant more of that seed deep inside her womb took hold of him at that moment, and for just one glorious second he could see her lush body swollen with his child. A vision so primal it took his breath away, until he shook his head.

  They had never discussed kids. Not in the endless sheets of prenuptial arrangements they had both signed, though he was sure there was a clause in there somewhere covering the eventuality of any unwanted pregnancy.

  Percy left nothing to chance, after all. But would a pregnancy be unwanted? He'd trusted her when she said she was on the pill, so why did he now almost wish she wasn't? He ran a hand through his hair and suppressed a groan. What the fuck was wrong with him?

  He'd bound her to him with the ridiculous terms of their arrangement, and he had no idea how she really felt about him. That her body desired him, of that there was no doubt. Could there ever be more between them? Was the trust she exhibited in her submission to him enough to build a relationship on?

  Would she want to stay with him once the arranged time was over? His little Alice was a romantic. Would she settle for a life with what little he had to offer, knowing full well that he was incapable of ever saying the words every woman wanted to hear?

  "Lakota?" Her uncertain whisper shook him out his maudlin thoughts. This was here, and this was now. He would live in the moment and worry about all that later. Right now he had his woman where he wanted her.

  "I'm here, my sweet. Relax."

  She drew in a breath and another, in a visible effort to calm her nerves, and he bent down and kissed her again.

  "Remember those candles you admired on that stall in Colombo, my sweet?"

  She stilled completely and her breaths grew choppier, and he smiled.

  "I see that you do… Now, feel their kiss, and fly for me."

  He'd gone hard as nails in the middle of the crowded market at her innocent reaction to his whispered comment that these were far more than scented candles. He'd bought them on impulse, waiting for the right moment to introduce them. He knew her well enough by now to know how far he could push her, and he wanted to give her the pleasure this play brought.

  She flinched at the first drop of wax hit her just below the collarbone, and he swiped the drop away, watching her closely for her reaction. Again and again he repeated the process, until she arched into the touch of the wax on her skin.

p; He drew patterns around her breasts, leaving the wax to settle, and letting the flame burn a little hotter each time. Her breathing changed to the slow, deep state of relaxed awareness he wanted her to be in as he scribed what was in his heart on her quivering tummy.

  By the time he was done his dick was just about ready to explode, and Alice was so wet, the covers were stained under her ass. He smiled to himself at the face of housekeeping in the morning and poured one last heavy drop of wax over her hugely distended clit at the same time as he thrust his cock into the tight clasp of her body, with a growled, "Come for me, baby."


  Alice came so hard and so fast she could barely catch her breath. The sensation of the hot wax dripping over her most sensitive flesh coupled with the feel of him sliding deep into her core, his weight pinning her in place proved too much.

  She was dimly aware of Lakota reaching his own pinnacle in record time, and then she was free. Released from her bonds and held securely in his arms, she blinked to get her eyes to focus.

  Her body was covered in multi-colored patters of wax, and he'd traced a word into her lower abdomen—Mine.

  Alice bit back her tears, and Lakota's hands settled over her fingers tracing the word. She looked at him, and she held her breath at the emotion she glimpsed in his eyes, before he masked it.

  "I will run you a bath, and you can soak it off. I'm not going near that beautiful skin of yours with a knife."

  "Do we have to take it off?"

  He grew very still at her husky question, and his voice was hoarse when he finally answered.

  "I don't want you getting sore. This is your first time. We don't know how your skin will react."

  Alice smiled at the protectiveness and concern behind those words.

  "I seem to be having a lot of firsts around you, Mr. Kemnay."

  He laughed and drew her closer against him.

  "All good ones, I hope, Mrs. Kemnay?" he asked.

  She twirled her hand round his chest hair in answer, and tugged, making him hiss.

  "You know the answer to that, and I don't think your ego needs any more stroking, but I'm curious about one thing. Where did you learn to do that?"

  Lakota's deep belly laugh rumbled through her, and she said a silent prayer of thanks to hear him laugh. She hadn't heard that laugh for a few days now, ever since that fateful phone call and their subsequent rush home.

  "Remember that wealthy widow I was telling you about?" At her nod he continued. "She liked her kink. I received quite the education for one so young. Some of it stuck. Others less so, but I realized very early on that I needed to be in charge. I've never quite allowed myself to be so me until you came along. Though if we're going to do anything heavier I'm going to have to give you a safe word. You tempt me too much to push you that little bit too hard. There's a fine line between pleasure and pain, my sweet. I don't want us to cross it."

  She pushed away from him to be able to see his face, and he wrapped his hands in her hair and smiled—a toe-curling sinful smile—that made her want to jump him again in an instant.

  "And if I want to cross it, what then?"

  He grew serious and studied her from under hooded lids.

  "Baby steps, my sweet. Baby steps. I will not be rushed on this, and bratty little Alices need to be punished."

  She grinned in answer and got on all fours, wiggling her butt at him.

  "Well, Sir, what are you waiting for?"

  He growled in answer, and the slap when it came stung, really stung.


  She glared at him over her shoulder, and he laughed.

  "You should know by now that I don't do what you expect me to. Now be a good girl and wait here, whilst I draw you that bath. No arguing, or I will have to think of a suitable punishment involving a feather duster."

  "You wouldn't…"He simply grinned and slapped her ass again, gentler this time, before he got off the bed and disappeared into their en-suite. The sound of running water confirmed that he was indeed running her bath, as promised. Alice settled back down against the covers and looked down at the marks on her body with a small sigh. Surely, all this must mean that he cared for her a little?

  No man could be that focused on giving a woman pleasure, and not feel something for that woman, could he? Damn it, she would have to ask Sara. If anyone would know the answer to that if would be her experienced friend. She didn’t even know that they were back in the country yet. Or maybe she did know. Alice recalled the flashbulbs going off with a sinking heart.

  She had almost forgotten that here in London, their marriage had caused more than a ripple in the pond. The newspapers had hounded Lakota before she'd come on the scene, and now they would be even more ruthless. They had been at the hospital, too, she remembered now.

  "Why the frown, my sweet?" Lakota's deep voice shook her out of her thoughts.

  "Nothing much. I was just thinking that our honeymoon is over. Now we're back, and there is so much to sort out."

  He, too, grew thoughtful, and the bed depressed as he sat down next to her.

  "I know, but we'll sort it."

  "Starting with your father? Because, you know, I really do think he means it. He wants to get to know you. This could be like a fresh start for all of you, if you let him. Will you at least try?"

  Instead of answering her, he picked her up, and in a few short seconds she was settled deep in the bath, with him sat behind her.

  "Yes, I'll try, if only to shut you up, woman. Now shush, before I gag you, and let me get this stuff of you."

  He grabbed a sponge from the side of the bath and proceeded to wash her. By the time they finally made it out again, the first streaks of sunrise were just about visible above Hyde Park, and they fell into an exhausted slumber in each other's arms, having stripped the bed of the soiled covers and dumped them outside the door for housekeeping to find.

  Lakota had winked at her, when he hung up the “do not disturb” sign.

  "I'm not quite ready to leave our honeymoon behind yet, Alice."

  Chapter Twelve

  Despite Lakota's best intentions life had other ideas. The next morning saw them in a hive of activity, not helped by the papers being full of their pictures, just like Alice had feared. Lakota himself was needed at Langton Enterprises, now that he'd decided to keep the company on, which left Alice at a loose end. She spent her time with Beth and her mum, and had an interesting heart-to-heart with Sara, when she'd voiced her concerns about the state of her marriage.

  "Girl, sometimes you're just too dim for words. The man worships the ground you walk on, anyone can see that. Seriously, I don’t get you. From what you tell me, the sex is phenomenal. Well, you don't have to tell me, it’s written all over your face. You've got that glow girl, ya know. The I've been fucked any which way since last Friday look. I'm quite jealous, actually. The man is a hunk, and a filthy rich one at that. So what if he doesn't say he loves you. He treats you right, that's all that matters, and if you ask me he's halfway in love with you already. He's just too stubborn to admit it to himself. And you're so far gone it's quite funny."

  "I'm not." Alice had tried to protest, but Sara had just laughed at her.

  "Pull the other one. It's got bells on it. If you don't love the man then why did you turn green in front of my eyes when you saw the pictures with him and that Lady Horsley bitch as you called her, rather aptly I think. I certainly don’t like the look of her. Too bad he has to deal with her on a daily basis. But he's a big boy…" Sara had dissolved into hysterical fits of giggles at that, until Alice had had to join in. "So, anyway, he can handle himself with the likes of her. She had her greedy little hooks in his brother, didn't she? Word has it that she had set her cap at Lakota, and when he wasn't interested she moved in on his younger brother. That boy never did have any sense. Sadly, he was a good looking fellow. Wouldn't have minded wrangling an introduction, if he was still around."

  Sara had nudged her and laughed at Alice's outraged hiss to
keep her voice down. They'd been attracting far too much attention as it was, and for once it wasn't Sara that drew the eyes, but Alice. Sara had taken her on a shopping spree, stating that the new wife of the great Lakota could not spend her days running around in her usual jeans and tees. The designer dresses she'd come home with showed off every one of Alice's curves, and damn that Sara she had been right again.

  Far from being annoyed at the outrageous amount they had spent, Lakota had looked at her as though he was going to eat her, and the minute Sara had left, had done just that. Several times, in fact. Alice giggled now recalling how she hadn't been able to walk properly the next day. She had been hopelessly teased by Sara, who had dropped hints about dresses having worked their magic all day long in front of Beth and her mum, until Alice had wanted the ground to swallow her up.

  Today was Beth's birthday, and she had been allowed to come home from the hospital. Lakota had spared no expenses in giving the little girl a birthday party to remember, and Alice couldn't recall when she had last seen her niece so happy.

  The entertainer and all of Beth's classmates turning up hadn't been the only surprise of the day. At his request Lord and Lady Langton had also joined in with the celebrations. Whilst it would take a lot longer than a few weeks to heal the rifts between father and son, they had reached an uneasy truce, and Vivienne had surprised everyone by her willingness to get down on her knees and get involved with the children.


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