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Warrior (First to Fight #1)

Page 23

by Nicole Blanchard

  Clusterfuck – when everything is messed up or going wrong.

  Chest Candy – ribbons and awards on your uniform.

  Fast movers – the really, really fast jets. Vroom. (Cole’s favorite, though I’ll have him switched to the A-10 in no time.)

  Gunner – Man guaranteed to fuck you up with whatever heavy artillery we have at hand.

  Groundhog Day – Because deployments are endless, repetitive, and would be better with a side of Bill Murray.

  Helo a.k.a. Whirly Bird – helicopter.

  JTAC – The most badass of the badasses that control combat aircraft and air support. The definition of makin’ it rain.

  Jodi – the asshole your wife / girlfriend is screwing while you’re in combat. Normally followed by a Dear John letter.

  Monica – derogatory name. A.K.A. pussy.

  MRE – Meals Ready to Eat. If you can get your hands on lasagna or chili mac, you’re gold, but stay away from the bean burritos and seafood gumbo.

  RPG – not the role playing game. The rocket propelled exploding kind. Guaranteed to fuck up your world.

  ROE – rules of engagement. When we can and cannot fuck you up.

  TBI – traumatic brain injury. Headaches for badasses.

  Dear Reader,

  I hope you enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Ben and Olivia have been rolling around in my brain for years and it is an honor to share their story with you.

  Though many hours were spent researching HLHS, single-sided deafness and PTSD, I took liberties when writing this story. Any errors presented in this text are my own.

  If you are interested in learning more about any of these topics, I’d be happy to point you in the right direction. Simply visit my website for more information and resources.

  Happy reading!


  To my husband Sean. Writing is often a solitary endeavor, but there are times when that isn’t true. When I felt like giving up, you were the force me that kept me going. You are my rock and I couldn’t have done any of this without you.

  Thank you to my family, my mom, my brothers, my in-laws for humoring my crazy dream.

  To my Knockouts for being beside me every step of the way. A special shout-out to Ella Stewart, Hayley Picknell, Mandy Sawyer, Melissa Fisher, and Joy Lynn for your eagle eyes. To my beta readers for their patience and enthusiasm. Thank you to Elle Vanzadnt for being there for the years it took for me to actually finish a book.

  Mia Searles, you are an amazing woman and friend. I appreciate your patience and support more than you can possibly imagine. Thank you to Alana for getting me into this crazy mess in the first place. I wouldn’t have had the courage if it weren’t for you.

  Vanessa from PREMA Romance. You are a legit goddess. You made Warrior shine. It wouldn’t be the book it is today if it weren’t for you. Your insight is priceless.

  Afton, I finally finished Warrior so that I can start on your “favorite book”. I love you!

  To all of those either dealing with or loving someone with PTSD, thank you for your courage and your strength. I hope you find peace.

  New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author Nicole Blanchard lives in Florida with her family and their menagerie of animals. She chooses each day to chase her own fairy tale even if they contain their fair share of dragons. She is married to her best friend and owns her own business.

  Nicole survives on a diet of too many books and substantial amounts of root beer and slim jims. When not reading, she’s lavishing attention on her family or inhaling every episode of The Walking Dead and The Big Bang Theory.

  You may learn more about Nicole and her work at Join her mailing list for updates by emailing with the subject MAILING LIST.

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