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Attack Of The Bandit Cats

Page 6

by Geronimo Stilton

  14. Goose Bumps Gorge

  15. The Shadow Line Pass

  16. Penny Pincher Castle

  17. Nature Reserve Park

  18. Las Ratayas Marinas

  19. Fossil Forest

  20. Lake Lake

  21. Lake Lakelake

  22. Lake Lakelakelake

  23. Cheddar Crag

  24. Cannycat Castle

  25. Valley of the Giant


  26. Cheddar Springs

  27. Sulfurous Swamp

  28. Old Reliable Geyser

  29. Vole Vale

  30. Ravingrat Ravine

  31. Gnat Marshes

  32. Munster Highlands

  33. Mousehara Desert

  34. Oasis of the

  Sweaty Camel

  35. Cabbagehead Hill

  36. Rattytrap Jungle

  37. Rio Mosquito

  Map of Mouse Island

  Dear mouse friends,

  Thanks for reading, and farewell

  till the next book.

  It’ll be another whisker-licking-good

  adventure, and that’s a promise!


  Geronimo STilTon



  Who is Geronimo Stilton?

  That’s me! I run a newspaper, but

  my true passion is writing adven-

  ture stories. Here in New Mouse

  City, the capital of Mouse Island, my

  books are all bestsellers! My stories

  are funny, fa-mouse-ly funny. They

  are whisker-licking-good tales, and

  that’s a promise!

  AttAck of the BAndit cAts

  Captured by cats! It’s every rodent’s

  worst nightmare. It all started when

  my cousin Trap convinced me to join

  him on a quest for a legendary island

  covered in silver. We set out by hot-air

  balloon. But before you could say “hot

  cheese on toast,” we were attacked

  by a ship of pirate cats! They mouse-

  napped us and threatened to cook us

  for dinner. Would we escape with our

  lives...or end up in the soup?


  RL3 007-010




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