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Feral Passions - Complete

Page 25

by Kate Douglas

  He circled her clit with his tongue, pinching her nipples harder, stretching and twisting them until she cried out, “More!” and arched her back, lifting herself. He loved that she was gasping her arousal, pressing herself against his mouth, actually begging for more. He curled the tip of his tongue against her inner walls, stroked the entrance to her sheath, probing, tasting.

  He knew she was close, but she needed more. He hated turning loose of her nipples, but he had to so he could grab a condom out of his pocket. He sheathed himself and moved over her, his feet on the floor, her body at the perfect height and angle for him.

  She lay there, watching him, panting, eyes wide, lips parted. He separated the damp folds between her legs, stroked the engorged head of his dick between them until he was slick with her fluids. He was big and thick, and he worried about hurting her, but she watched him with a look of pure anticipation.

  “Is this okay, Dar? Are you ready for me?”

  A smile split her face. “Hell, yes. Now, Lawz. Okay?”

  “Oh, yeah.”

  Her legs came up, she wrapped them around his waist as he drove forward into her tight sheath.


  One word, hissed rather than spoken. Her eyes were closed, her body shivering as he filled her. She was so tight, holding him in a silky clasp that rippled along his length. Once he discovered how deep he could go, that yes, she could take all of him in pleasure, not pain, he dropped all restraint.

  He thrust forward, plunged deep and hard—she wrapped her legs tighter, locked her heels at the small of his back, gave as much as she took.

  He wasn’t going to come alone, though it took everything he had to hold on. Reaching down between them, he found her clit and swirled his thumb over the sensitive nub. She gasped and sucked in a deep breath and then another.

  He was there, so close to the edge, so caught up in the most amazing sexual experience of his life when her body tightened, when he felt the powerful grasp of her inner muscles, the rhythmic clenching along the full length of his cock.

  And just like that, so simple after all, she pulled him with her over the edge.


  Jules glanced down at her hand clasped so firmly in Armando’s and experienced a sense of wonder. A large, very powerful man was holding her hand, and she wasn’t freaking out. Andrew hadn’t been all that big—barely six feet tall—but Armando made him seem like a child. Close to six and a half feet tall and muscular enough to convince Jules he could snap her like a twig should he choose, she actually felt comforted by his presence, the sense that she trusted him in a way she’d never trusted Andrew.

  “Tonight was fun,” she said, thinking of the laughter, the fact that the four of them had fallen into their often silly, sometimes biting humor that never failed to lift her spirits, and the guys hadn’t missed a cue. The shared laughter among her girlfriends was something she’d always been able to count on. Even when things had been horrible right after Andrew had hit her. She never felt comfortable telling her friends; the guilt and shame were too much to handle. Still, they’d been able to make her laugh.

  “Your friends are terrific women.” Armando gently squeezed her hand. “I love the fact that you’ve been friends since you were children. We often hear that women don’t get along that well in groups.”

  She laughed. “Oh, we’ve had our moments, but our friendship is stronger than some of the petty things that we can find to bitch about. We can count on each other when times are tough. One of us is always talking someone down off the ledge.”

  They’d reached her cabin, the porch light a tiny beacon in the darkness. It threw shadows across the small front deck, but the light was warm and welcoming. Jules wondered if she was ready to invite a man inside. Specifically, this man.

  Armando walked her up the steps and paused at the door. He turned and gently pulled her into his embrace and rested his chin on top of her head. “I’ve had a most pleasant evening. I truly enjoy your company, Jules. I hope we’ll be able to spend more time together while you’re here.”

  She loved the way it felt to be held in his arms. Safe, not at all threatening. And obviously he wasn’t going to pressure her for sex. That was good. She probably would have gone along with him if he’d wanted, but pausing like this was a good thing. It was better to wait. Better to take the time to get to know him first.

  She thought she’d known Andrew, but she was very, very wrong. She’d had a nagging doubt about him that never fully let her trust him. Obviously her subconscious was smarter than her working brain. It wasn’t that way with Armando. Not at all. No red flags, no areas of concern.

  She already knew she could trust him.

  He kissed her so sweetly. “Before I go, I need to tell you that you might have a visitor later. The wolves have grown very comfortable with our guests, so if you hear someone scratching at your door, feel free to invite him in. I think they just like the chance to sleep on comfortable beds, but all you have to do is tell him to go away and he won’t bother you.”

  “A wolf might want to sleep in my cabin with me?” She’d never imagined anything like that, though the one that walked Elle and Dar to the lodge had certainly seemed tame. “I would absolutely love that.” She touched her fingers to the side of his face. His dark beard felt like silk beneath her fingers. “Thank you for walking me back tonight. Will you be going on the hike with us tomorrow?”

  He shook his head. “I think I’m cooking tomorrow. Trak was still putting the schedule together, so I’ll find out when I get back to the lodge. Good night, Jules. Sleep well.” He kissed her once again, turned away, and quickly disappeared into the woods.

  She stood there for a long time, thinking about him after he was gone.

  Elle loved looking at Tuck’s hands. He had such large hands, brown from the sun, and strong, but he’d said he painted, and she knew he cared for even the smallest animals. There must be a lot of gentleness in those hands. She loved the way he made her feel, not really tiny, but definitely normal. Life wasn’t always easy for a large woman, especially one who towered over most of the men she dated and generally outweighed them as well. It wasn’t like that with Dr. Kentucky Jones. He was large and strong, and he made her feel safe.

  And he was a veterinarian. She’d learned that about him tonight when they were talking about the wolves and some of what the men had to do on the preserve to keep them healthy. She’d wanted to say that had been her dream, to take her own special skills with animals and actually learn even more to help them, but she hadn’t.

  The trail opened up, and suddenly her little cabin was right in front of them, porch light shining, her sense of calm abandoning her. What would he want from her tonight? Elle bit back a laugh. She certainly knew what she wanted, and he was standing beside her, holding her hand. There was something about Tuck, the sense of so much more beneath his skin, that he could offer her an adventure unlike anything she’d ever known.

  Most of her sexual experience had been with friends, guys who were misfits like she was, guys who just wanted to get off and were tired of doing it alone. That wasn’t Tuck. He was focused, so strong and kind and well built that she imagined he never lacked for feminine companionship.

  He walked her up the steps to the front door, turned, and, still holding her hand, pulled her close. When she wrapped her arms around him, she actually felt his sigh.

  “I like holding you like this,” he said. “You fill my arms, you smell absolutely delicious, and you have burgundy hair.”

  His soft laughter left her smiling. “I’m glad you like my burgundy hair and my hand lotion, since that’s the only scent I’m wearing. I like being held by you. I’m a big girl. It’s nice to have a man large enough to make me feel cosseted.”

  He nuzzled her hair. “It’s not hand lotion I’m referring to. It’s your natural scent, the one that tickles my nose and makes me want to growl. I must say, though, that I like that word. Cosseted. Cared for and protected. So many women toda
y want to stand on their own. They aren’t willing to let a guy go all manly on them and act protective.”

  She loved the dry comments he came up with. “You’re welcome to go all manly on me, as long as you realize that I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself, that I’m merely indulging your testosterone-driven need to prove manliness.”

  “That works. I think I’d love being indulged by you.” He cupped her face in his big hands, tilted her mouth to his, and kissed her. His beard was softer than it looked, his lips softer still as they molded hers, as his tongue carefully breached the seam between them. He tasted of chocolate and the sweet port they’d had after dinner, he smelled like forest and cool mountain air, and his strength enveloped her, his long, strong arms and broad shoulders, the solid pressure of his thighs against hers.

  And the thick length of him, so obvious in spite of his heavy denim jeans, pressed like a hot brand against her. She’d never wanted as much as she wanted Tuck, never needed the way she did now. He’d made her laugh all evening, had teased her and smiled with her, but now he made her want.

  She was tired of wanting. Breaking the kiss, she gasped for breath, raised her head, and studied him for a long moment in time. His face was flushed, his gray eyes dark and dilated, and he sucked in one breath after another before letting out a short, sharp bark of laughter. “I’m sorry, Elle. I’m usually better mannered than this. Please forgive me.”

  “No,” she said, but it was hard not to laugh at his stunned expression. “There will be no forgiving because it’s not necessary. Forget manners. I want you, Kentucky Jones. I’ve been wanting you ever since you walked me to my cabin this afternoon, kissed me, and then bailed out. I’m getting tired of wanting. It’s time to have something.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him back down. Kissed him hard and fast. “Are you, Dr. Jones, by any chance, part of the vacation package?”

  “Only yours, Ms. Marcel.” He reached around her and opened the door. Held it open for her to walk inside. He was right behind her. Elle couldn’t have wiped the grin off her face if she’d tried.

  Tuck followed Elle through the door and into the cabin, his thoughts on a conversation he’d had with Brad and Cain shortly after they’d brought Cherry back to Feral Passions for keeps, that no matter what the old-timers said, they were convinced there really was a special mate for each of them.

  He hoped they were right, because damned if he didn’t think Elle Marcel was his.

  She was absolutely majestic, her shoulders broad, breasts large, torso nipped in at the waist just enough and flaring out to the most amazing ass he’d ever seen. He wanted her naked. Just Elle on that big bed, her lush body ripe and ready for him.

  She paused in the center of the small room, turned, and smiled at him. It was a tactile thing, that smile of hers. It touched his heart, made the damned thing pound in his chest as if he’d just run a mile. His wolf wanted to howl, but he tamped the guy down. He didn’t want to blow it now. All season long, there’d been women in and out of Feral Passions, and not one of them had caught his attention. He’d been good to them, had enjoyed their company, but he hadn’t felt this powerful sense of destiny. Not with a single one.

  He stepped close, kissed Elle again. Held her in his arms and rested his chin on her head. “I want you, Elle. But I don’t want to pressure you. We hardly know each other, but …”

  “But it feels right, doesn’t it?” She leaned back and looked him in the eye. “I saw you today when you first walked up to the car, and I felt something. I can’t explain it, but it was the strangest sense that something would happen with us.” Her voice dropped an octave, low and sultry. “We can get to know each other better, if you’re interested.”

  He chuckled softly. “You have no idea how interested I am. Except I wasn’t planning on this. On you. I’m not even sure if I have protection.”

  “The fates would not be so cruel. Check your pockets. I’ll look in the bedside table.” She laughed and pulled out of his arms. “I mean, it sounds plausible, doesn’t it?” He checked his pockets, fully aware they didn’t hold what they needed, while she walked over to the bed and pulled open the drawer on the little cabinet Trak’s granddaddy had built. “What did I tell you?” Laughing, she held up an unopened box of condoms. “You guys really do take care of everything.”

  “I guess we do.” He’d have to ask Trak whose idea it was to stock the cabins with condoms, if for no other reason than to thank him. He stepped across the room and sat on the edge of the bed, tugging Elle until she was standing between his legs. “You’re sure you’re okay with this?”

  “Oh, yeah. What’s your plan?” She planted her hands on his shoulders and smiled down at him. So often women looked like children to him. Not Elle. He loved the fact she was so tall. She wore an old-fashioned-style blouse tucked into her skirt. It had a wide neckline with a tie running through it, gathering it loosely around her shoulders, baring her collarbones, the soft curves of the tops of her breasts. When she leaned closer, her breasts almost spilled out of her bra. He cupped them in his hands, fascinated by their weight, the smooth chocolate of her skin. There was so much of her he wanted to touch, but he wanted to see everything first. He tugged on her blouse, slipped his hands beneath the hem, lifted it carefully over her head, and set it aside. He reached around her and unhooked her bra. She sort of shimmied her arms—which made her breasts do amazing things—and he helped her slip the straps over her shoulders.

  He concentrated on the sleek, satiny fabric of her bra instead of her breasts. It wasn’t until he set her blouse and bra aside that he turned and kissed her full lips and then turned his attention to her breasts.

  They were well worth the wait. He sat there, almost afraid to touch, just staring for a moment. They were large and full, but they didn’t sag at all. Instead, with him sitting on the edge of the bed, Elle stood between his thighs, her breasts displayed proudly at eye level for him, their areolas much darker than her sleek skin, her nipples tightly budded, inviting him to touch.

  He cupped them reverently in his palms and reveled in their solid weight. She was a big woman, voluptuous and sensual, with curves in all the right places, a fullness to her that reminded him of a fertility goddess, ripe with promise. Holding her breasts, he rubbed her taut nipples with his thumbs, dragging a soft moan from her lips and adding more pressure against the button fly of his jeans.

  He leaned close and drew her nipple into his mouth, tonguing and sucking the right one and then the left, drawing each to an even tighter peak. Her heart pounded, loud enough to hear, strong enough to feel against his lips. He smelled the rich scent of her arousal, felt the tiny shivers racing over her skin, and he didn’t want to wait any longer.

  Kissing along the upper curve of her breast, over her collarbones to the soft skin behind her ear, he licked and nibbled and finally whispered, “I want you, Elle. Now. Are you with me?”

  She laughed, a ragged, needy, full-throated sound that had him grinning like a fool.

  “With you? Dr. Jones, at the rate you’re going, I’ll be finishing without you. Take off your clothes. Please? And I promise to do the same.”

  “Let me help.” He slipped her skirt down over her thighs, taking her satiny panties with it, and she was every bit as wonderful as he’d imagined. Broad shoulders and full breasts, a waist that nipped in before flaring to full, womanly hips and thighs. A softly rounded belly, firm skin, soft and eminently touchable. Hers was a woman’s body in the full flower of her prime, and Tuck knew: Elle was the one.

  If only he could convince her.

  She grabbed the hem of his T-shirt and tugged it up and over his head. Ran her warm palms over his chest and slipped quickly to the top button on his jeans. It was hard for her to undo them with him sitting like this, especially with the hardest dick he’d had in years trying its damnedest to get free, so he planted his hands on her hips and stood.

  Laughing, she carefully undid the top three buttons. Her eyes went wide wh
en she realized he wasn’t wearing underwear, but he couldn’t tell her it was just one more thing to worry about when he wanted to shift. Let her think what she might, at least there could be no doubt in her mind that he wanted her. Desperately.

  He helped her with the final buttons, slid his pants down over the solid curve of his dick, and stepped out of the pants and his mocs. Most of the guys chose moccasins over boots, again for the practicality of shifting. They were easy to get off.

  Handy when you were standing in front of an aroused, exquisitely naked woman.

  Elle looked him up and down, eyes sparkling, lips twitching, view lingering down. Finally, she raised her head, smiling broadly, and stroked her hands across his chest. “I have to say it,” she said, and she laughed. “You, Dr. Jones, are a big boy. All over.”

  “And you, Ms. Elle, are not a tiny woman. And for that I am overwhelmingly grateful. It tells me that the gods are happy with me—to think they’ve sent someone as ideal as you are for me.” He wrapped his arms around her and held her close, finally experiencing the fullness of her breasts against his chest, the soft swell of her belly against his, her long, strong legs, almost as long as his. It was a revelation, this sense of meeting a woman as a physical equal, a woman who made him laugh and most definitely turned him on.

  Then, without warning her, he slipped his arms beneath her legs and back and lifted her against his chest. She laughed out loud—no ladylike shriek from this woman—and she was still laughing when he carefully deposited her on the bed.

  She lay there smiling broadly, arms raised in an invitation that had him over her in seconds. “I can’t believe you did that.” She pulled his head down and kissed him. “You could have totally blown it, you know—dropping the big girl on the floor would have been a real mood killer.”

  “The sexy woman on the bed who is exactly the right size for me is much too precious to drop.” He reached for a condom and knelt between her legs, sheathing himself. She spread her knees for him, but instead of thrusting into her, he scooted back, leaned close, and tasted her.


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