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Feral Passions - Complete

Page 51

by Kate Douglas

  She nodded. “Good. Because I am very proud of the fact that we are an ‘us.’ I love you, Traker Jakes. I love you so much, it fills me up.”

  This time his kiss found her mouth. It was much more satisfying.

  Chelo blinked away a nicely dazed expression on her lovely face. “Okay. Now, please stop interrupting me. I would like to speak with the pack as well. Your people have been so welcoming. They’ve all done whatever they could to protect me. I was not one of them, merely a stranger who disrupted their lives and brought danger to their homes. I’m not proud of my role in this, but I am so proud of your pack. There aren’t enough words to thank them all, but I need to try.”

  He took her hand and they walked into the lodge together. He paused long enough to set the revolver on the mantel over the fireplace, then glanced around the room. Everyone was still here. Even Darnell and Evan, who were holding hands and laughing about something. He imagined it had something to do with the big jar Evan was holding, filled with what looked like punch from Meg’s punch bowl. He’d heard Brad laughing about the quantity of Long Island Iced Teas he was mixing up for the ladies’ evening, and they all knew Darnell’s history with that particular drink.

  Tonight he wouldn’t mind one of those for himself.

  Their gender-separate celebrations certainly hadn’t turned out the way any of them had planned, but thank goodness the danger was over, Rube was no longer a threat, and—most important—Chelo and his pack were safe.

  The laughter and chatter died down the moment everyone realized he and Chelo had entered, so Trak led her to the spot near the buffet table where he generally held court. He grabbed a chair for Chelo from the closest table and seated her next to him, but he stood beside her, holding her hand. “Chelo’s sitting because, while she hasn’t said anything, I know that she’s a little the worse for wear after getting shoved through a plate-glass window and then tossed on the ground. I wanted to announce to all of you that Chelo and I mated last night. She is a strong alpha in her own right, and I am proud to call her mine.”

  The applause was loud, the whistles and cheers—and a few lewd comments—louder, much as he’d expected. But he was proud of his pack, too. They welcomed Chelo as if she were already one of them. When Trak looked down and saw the tears in her eyes, he squeezed her hand. “I’m going to give Chelo a chance to speak to you, but first I have a few things to say that are probably even more important than me and the fact I have finally found the perfect mate.” Gazing at her, he chuckled softly. “You have to realize, they’d all essentially given up on me. Now they can rest assured that I’m not an entirely hopeless case.”

  He raised his head and focused on them, the ones who’d been his family for so many years. His voice was thick with emotions he had no need to hide. These people knew him, in some ways, probably better than he knew himself. They had likely already sensed the depth of his feelings. He took time to think about this moment, the feelings filling him, spilling over, and making his eyes burn and his throat ache.

  Taking a deep breath, he slowly let it out and said, “I am so fucking proud of this pack. This is the first time we’ve faced a serious threat to the safety of any one of us, much less a threat against our women from an outside force.” He looked at each of them in turn, men he’d thought of as brothers over the years, and realized that yes, he really was choking up.

  He cleared his throat before continuing, well aware of the strength in this room. The love. “You can’t possibly imagine how much you guys mean to me, how much I love every single one of you and the women you’ve brought into our pack. We are a powerhouse, by virtue of our connection, each to the other. There was never any doubt in my mind that we would win tonight, but that’s because I’ve always known that, if we faced adversity, you were going to be there, every damned one of you, ready and willing to help.”

  He shook his head and focused on Cain. “I was right. You always come through. But there’s one in here, and you know who I’m talking about, who deserves a very special thanks from me, and a public apology that’s long overdue. I owe Cain a lot more than any of you might realize, and not just because he saved my life this summer, but also because my guilt for acting like a horse’s ass for the past, oh, almost seventy years is something I will always regret.”

  He waited for the soft laughter to stop. Took another deep breath and realized he was holding onto Chelo’s hand for dear life. Why was this so fucking hard to do? But he knew. It was never easy for an alpha to apologize. It really wasn’t part of their nature, but it should be. Especially now. “When Cain first came to me in 1948, he was a soldier fresh out of the army, back in the States after a long and distinguished tour of duty in Europe during World War II. Cain never told me this, but I did some research and learned that he was a recipient of a Distinguished Service Cross for gallantry in the face of enemy fire. All of us know we have never had cause to doubt his bravery or his loyalty to this pack, but at the time he was looking for a pack to call home. He was young and cocky, a trained soldier with attitude and brains, but the thing that scared me the most was that I knew immediately he was an alpha.”

  Trak glanced at Chelo, another alpha, and possibly stronger than he was as well. “The thing is, he wasn’t just any alpha. You might have noticed tonight that Cain’s a lot stronger than I am. I took him on as a member of the pack with his sworn promise not to challenge me for control. He didn’t have to make that promise, in fact, he could have challenged me then, but he didn’t. He promised and then offered to take on the position of pack enforcer, a role that needs a strong alpha.”

  Manny glanced at Cain and grinned. “Why the secrecy? I think all of us figured out that Cain was alpha years ago, but it never seemed important.”

  “Good question, and all my fault. I didn’t trust him, because I didn’t trust myself. When I broke away from my original pack to move west, I honestly didn’t know if I had it in me to manage a pack of shifters. Remember, I never challenged my alpha, so I didn’t know if I would have been strong enough to win in a traditional challenge fight. I still don’t, and that’s probably not something I should admit. But then? I was still learning my way when Cain first came to me. I knew if he challenged me the odds were he would win. He was smart, strong, and battle-hardened by war, and I didn’t trust him because I was afraid.”

  He shrugged when he looked at Cain. “I’m sorry for that, Cain. You’ve always been trustworthy, but it was my own lack of confidence, the fact I built this pack when I was very young and not entirely sure of my strength. It’s a huge responsibility and I was scared shitless a lot of the time. I handle the pack’s money, our investments, and all that keeps us solvent. I’m making decisions that have long-range implications for the health and strength of the pack, and I’m doing it without a guidebook. Along comes a sharp, powerful young alpha, one obviously stronger than me who wants to join and, ‘oh, by the way, I won’t challenge you.’ Yeah. Right.”

  He bit back his own laughter when everyone else was chuckling. “Cain’s rarely had to do any enforcing with this pack. In fact, I can’t recall a single instance where any of you have created a problem, but he’s been called on by the alphas of other packs and he’s handled some pretty dangerous situations. By doing so, he’s built a strong reputation for both himself and this pack. And for me.”

  This time he did laugh. “The other alphas see how strong Cain is and figure I’ve got to be like the Mad Max alpha on steroids. I don’t do anything to dissuade them. And please, I’d prefer that you not pass that information out beyond these walls.”

  Cain stepped forward. “What Trak didn’t say is that the reason I joined the army was due to the fact I was a rogue. We all know what it’s like to be a wolf without a pack, and I didn’t handle it well, but after I’d challenged my pack leader back in Idaho and had my ass handed to me on a platter, the army was the closest thing I could think of to fill the place of a pack. When I got out, I hung around a couple of packs in Colorado and Utah, just wa
tching them, but the vibe wasn’t right. I finally caught wind of a pack in Northern California that was still fairly new. This was my last hope. I knew as an alpha I was probably going to have to fight for a spot no matter where I went, but I have never wanted the responsibility of a pack of my own. Trak offered me exactly what I wanted—a home without bloodshed.”

  He pulled Cherry close, wrapped his arm around Brad’s neck, and hugged him. “These two. Wow … yeah, these two give me what I need. It really doesn’t get any better. So, Trak? No need to apologize. It’s all good, and I’m happy for you. Chelo, welcome to the pack. Now if you folks don’t mind, I’m going to take my mates upstairs. It’s been a pretty wild night.”

  “Not yet you don’t.” Chelo stood and she was looking at Cain. “Not before I thank you for keeping Trak safe. I want to thank everyone here for accepting me and for dealing with all the trouble I’ve brought, for protecting me at great risk to yourselves. I promise to do my best to keep your alpha happy. I know all of you will keep him safe. Good night, Cain. Good night, everyone. Please, Trak? I’m exhausted.”

  Trak tugged Chelo to her feet. “Drew? Can you or Manny make sure Growl is locked up?” He grabbed the revolver off the mantel. “You know where this goes.”

  Manny took it. “We’ll take care of this. Get some sleep. Chelo? You said the flowers for the wedding are coming in tomorrow. Do you want us to pick them up for you?”

  “Thank you, but no. I need to go in and go over the order, make sure everything’s right. And then I have a wedding to prepare for, and arrangements to make for Sunday services.”

  Evan watched while the group broke up, everyone going their separate ways. Darnell had been quiet during all the talk, and he wondered how much she really understood about Cain’s situation. She had no idea about their long life spans, but she had to be wondering. He leaned close and whispered, “Let’s lock this place up, okay? Cain and his crew went straight up to their rooms, but I want to check everything first.”

  He took her hand and they checked to make sure the stove was off, the doors closed. No point in locking them with the front window blown out. That had to be repaired before the wedding.

  So did his relationship with Nellie.

  “Let’s go,” he said. Then he grabbed her Mason jar of punch and, still holding on to Nell, walked out of the lodge and down the trail to his cabin.


  Silently, Trak and Chelo walked hand in hand to his cabin. He had no idea what she was thinking, wasn’t even certain what was tumbling around in his own brain. He hadn’t thought beyond the threat of Rube. Hadn’t really considered how his life would change, now that he had a mate. He glanced her way, caught her watching him, and almost laughed.

  He still couldn’t believe she was his. His and safe. Finally.

  Instead, she smiled and so did he, feeling unexplainably shy for some reason. They’d made love most of the night last night, exploring each other with the utmost abandon, almost as if it might be the only chance they’d ever have for that amazing intimacy. In the back of his mind he’d worried about Rube somehow taking Chelo away, and losing her, if not to her psychotic brother-in-law, then to death. His or hers, it didn’t matter. Their chance at love would have ended before anything had really begun.

  Now, though? Now they were beginning, the two of them on the threshold of an entirely new life. Chelo had survived a lifetime of pain and abuse with her spirit intact. He was amazed the cruelty she’d suffered hadn’t broken her. Instead, she was so powerful, so strong, he was awed by her strength. Without even thinking it through, he stopped in the middle of the dark wood and held both her hands in his.

  “You are an amazing woman, Consuela de los Lobos. You are better than me, stronger than me … definitely a lot prettier than me.” He kissed her quickly when she laughed. “But no one will ever love you more than me. I promise to love you until the day we die, and if there is a life beyond, I will love you into that one. You make me a better man, and I hope like hell I’m a good mate to you. We will have amazing sons, you and I. And a long life together, the two of us. I promise you a lifetime of love, and I will always honor you.”

  Her trembling hands tightened their grasp on his, and he realized her entire body shook. Her eyes sparkled with emotion—tears ready to spill—and she bit her lips as if searching for control. When she spoke, her voice was raspy with those unshed tears. “I have never truly known love, and yet I recognized it immediately the first time I saw you. I think my wolf knew her mate long before the human side understood, but I promise I will always love you, that I will stand by your side as you lead this pack, and I will forever be your lover, your helpmate, your confidante. And if we are blessed with children and our sons are anything like their father, I will be forever grateful. There is no finer man.”

  Trak pulled her into his arms and kissed her. And then, as if they hadn’t just opened their hearts and made vows more important than anything they might share before the pack, they took the final steps to the front door of Trak’s cabin and went inside.

  He closed the door and then just stood there and watched her. With her long, glossy black hair falling almost to her waist, her head turned a bit to one side so that he saw her in profile, she looked like some ethereal goddess come to bless his home.

  But wasn’t that exactly what she’d done? He’d given up hope of finding a mate, and yet the woman who was now his was more than anything he’d imagined.

  Chelo had stopped in the main room, her hands clasped in front of her, and looked about as if this were her first time inside. When she turned to Trak, her smile split her face. “Why does it feel new tonight? Almost as if I’ve never been here before.”

  He stepped up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “When you were last here, you were still afraid. Rube was a threat we knew we’d have to deal with; there was always the chance that he’d get lucky, that one of us could die. That someone in the pack would be hurt or worse. That woman, that Chelo, had lived her entire life in fear and knew no other way to be.”

  He swept her into his arms, holding her close against his chest. Laughing, she wrapped her arms around his neck. “I’m not afraid. Not anymore. You’re right. That’s why it feels new.”

  “It’s because you’re new.” He planted a heartfelt kiss on her mouth and then turned and walked up the stairs with Chelo in his arms. “You are new and fresh, and while there is no way to forget the years you were with that other pack, it’s molded you into a woman more powerful than any I’ve ever known. I can’t believe you’re mine, Chelo. Thank you for coming to me, for letting me love you.”

  “Well, I’m certainly hoping that you plan to do it again. And again. And then, after we rest a bit, again.”

  By the time he hit the top step he was running, and in mere seconds he had her in his bedroom, tumbled onto the middle of the bed while he stripped off his clothes. She crouched there on her hands and knees, laughing as he kicked off his jeans and ripped his shirt when he pulled it over his head. But when he stood before her, stripped of his clothes, chest blowing in and out with a combination of adrenaline and lust, his body and mind equally aroused, Chelo stopped laughing.

  It was terribly gratifying, the way she watched him. Eyes wide and pupils dilated, she reminded him of a fawn staring into the eyes of a wolf, though this woman was no timid fawn. He flattened his palms on the bed and raised one knee, moving closer. She watched him, the hint of a smile barely tilting her lips, the scent of her arousal coming off her in waves of heat that had him harder than he could recall.

  But something was off. Was it arousal or had something else invaded? An acrid scent he’d not noticed before. Faint, but still part of the scents his sensitive nose detected.

  He crept closer until they almost touched. Then he leaned close and realized she was trembling, that her smile was gone and her face seemed almost frozen with fear. He thought of all the years she’d been afraid for good reason, the beatings and the rapes, the h
orrible life of never knowing when her psychotic mate would want to fuck her or beat her or both.

  Trak never, ever wanted to frighten her, but he didn’t want her embarrassed that he’d recognized her fear, as she would be when she realized that no, he wasn’t going to hurt her.

  That knowledge would come, but she didn’t truly believe it yet. Not at a level that went deep enough to cancel out fear born of a lifetime of abuse. He crept a bit closer, and then he leaned close and kissed her nose and sat back on his heels. “You’re still much too covered in clothing, my love. May I help you remove it?”

  She shook herself, and he wondered where her mind had been. “No.” She sat back on her heels. “I’ll remove it myself. I saw what you did to your shirt. I don’t have a lot of clothes.”

  He glanced over his shoulder at the torn shirt lying on the floor and shrugged. “I promise to be careful.”

  “How do I know I can trust you?”

  She was teasing, but the undertone was definitely serious. She had every right to fear men. “You can always trust me, Chelo.” He flipped around until his back was against the stack of pillows covering the headboard, giving her distance he’d rather close than open. “I never have and never will hit any woman, and that includes you. No matter how angry I get, and believe me, in any longtime relationship we’re bound to have anger at times, I will never hit you or hurt you in any way. And if I do go out into the forest and sulk, I will always come back to you.”

  She crawled up his length until she was lying against him. Still fully clothed, but at least she didn’t seem as afraid anymore. He wondered where her thoughts had gone. There was that brief moment where …

  “Do you really sulk?”

  “Sometimes.” He sucked in one side of his cheek to keep from laughing. “I’ve been known to sulk on occasion. I’ve been around for over a hundred and fifty years, Chelo, and yes, I’ve been thwarted a time or two, which resulted in a bit of a sulk. But only when I had a really good reason.”


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