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UN-WANTED (The UN Series Book 1)

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by Elaine Glass


  A Mountain Ville M/M Romance Written by, Elaine Glass

  Copyright Acknowledgement Copy write 2019 by Elaine Glass All right reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any matter whatsoever without the express written permission of the Author except for the use of brief quotations for book review or promotion for the Author.

  This book is a work of fiction, Names, Characters, Places, businesses, events, locales, clothing, actions and incidents are either the product of the Authors imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or real-life events is purely coincidental.

  Cover Designer: Ana J. Phoenix

  About Author My Name is Elaine Glass I grew up in small town, When I was growing up, I was taught by my Grand Mother to love everyone regardless of color, Nationality, straight Gay or BI. She taught me to Love everyone.

  That statement meant to love everyone not to pick and choose.

  Growing up poor we did not have much but we did have Love and friendship. My family had rainbow holidays I liked to call them our home was filled with all types of people from all walks of life and we loved and supported one another. I hope my books encourages others to do the same.

  Acknowledgements I would like to Thank my wonderful friends Heather and Katrina for their encouragements. You wonderful ladies pushed and bullied me into following my dreams, for that I will always be thankful. I love you.

  Liam East was a small-town guy working hard to support himself, after being raised in Foster Care after being surrendered by his family as a toddler until he aged out. He Was lucky enough to find a Group of likeminded friends to keep him from being all alone in the world. But even with his group of misfits he still fills unwanted. Liam still dreams of the day he would find Love with Mr. Right. Has he found this in a local Bar owner?

  Rick Cooper Is a 39-year-old single bar owner who prides himself on seeing and hearing everything that goes on in his bar. This keeps trouble to a minable but when overhearing a conversation of a group of friends he wonders if a little trouble wouldn’t be a good thing. Seeing couples come and go from his establishment Makes him wonder what it would be like to have someone to spend his life with and to go home to at the end of the night. Liam may be the one to fill his lonely nights.

  Table of contents Chapter One: Liam

  Chapter Two: Rick

  Chapter Three: Liam

  Chapter Four: Liam

  Chapter Five: Rick

  Chapter Six: Liam/Rick

  Chapter seven: Liam

  Chapter Eight: Rick

  Chapter Nine: Liam

  Chapter Ten: Rick

  Chapter Eleven: Liam

  Chapter Twelve: Rick

  Chapter Thirteen: Liam

  Chapter Fourteen: Liam

  Chapter Fifteen: Rick

  Chapter Sixteen: Liam

  Chapter Seventeen: Rick/Liam

  Prologue The church was quiet at this time of day Pastor Stevens was tired and ready to retire to his small house that was attached to the side of the church’s property.

  The fun day that the church held was successful. Himself and the Deacons of the church had recruited several possible new members. Time would tell if the families would start coming regularly and choose to join the church permanently.

  Walking through the church to insure all the lights was off, doors locked Pastor Steven’s walked into the sanctuary. Looking down each row of pews to insure there were no, coats or bags left behind. He heard a small noise looking around he found a small boy crying alone on a pew. Walking up to the boy to see where his parents was, he saw a note pinned to the boy’s shirt. Talking sweetly to the little tyke he unpinned the note. While reading the note, he knew no one would come back for this precious little child, they didn’t want him and left him there.

  Dear preacher,

  I seen in the paper where your church was a safe haven for kids That people didn’t want and I wouldn’t get into trouble or go to jail for leaving him here. I already got one kid older than this one I can’t take care of very good but he will be able to work soon and he don’t need watching when I’m not home. I was kicked out of the half-way house right when I got pregnant the second time so this is al I can do to help us, maybe he will have a better life this way his name is Liam East I had him at home so he has no birth certificate or social security number yall will have to do all that. He is two will be three on Nov, 21st.Please take care of him.

  Chapter one Liam Liam moaned as he slapped at the alarm that was beeping. UGHH I don’t want to adult today! Why couldn’t I have been born rich? I’m so sick of having to get up at the ass crack of dawn to go to work to make a living.

  The alarm clock still blaring on his wooden night stand that he picked up off the side of the road. Liam groans louder as he throws his duvet off him for Fucks sake shut the hell up clock I’m up! As he sits up turning the clock off. Standing up he walks out of his tiny bed room into the hallway of his mobile home to go to the bathroom to relieve himself and to get ready for work.

  Muttering to himself along the way Stupid mornings. Stupid Job, Stupid Bills I need to find me a rich sugar daddy, where I wouldn’t have to do this shit every day!

  Flushing the toilet and stepping over to the sink to brush his teeth Liam peered into the mirror at his brown wavy hair he kept cut and styled neat. He rubbed his hazel eyes that looked greenish/blue in certain light.

  A little on the thin side weighing One seventy at five foot ten. A heart shaped face. Being surrendered to the State as a small child growing up in foster homes and not knowing his biological family. He didn’t know who he got his genes and features from but not being born with some sort of outrageous growth on the end of his nose or something he was grateful.

  After showering, He packed his lunch, Liam threw on his backpack locked up his trailer got on his crotch rocket making his way through the streets of Mountainville which was named after the mountains the small city sat at the bottom of. The small city of Mountain Ville was surrounded by Farm Land and dirt roads leading up the mountain. Being a national forest, they were plenty of hiking trails, waterfalls and other outdoor activities to do.

  Riding his Bike back and forth to the Factory where he worked as an assembler was a good way to see the beautiful view. Especially when the weather was but other times it sucked.

  I had been caught in all types of weather and he really wanted to buy another vehicle one with a roof for when Mother Nature went off her meds. He pulled into the parking lot Fifteen minutes before it was time to clock in, because who would want to get there any earlier to have to spend even more time there than necessary.

  Getting off the bike sorting through his finances in his head Liam was headed for the turn style to get into the plant when he saw his buddy Mark walking up beside him How’s it going Liam?

  Same ole shit just a different day Man.

  Yeah, I know that feeling well let’s get in here and get this shit over with for today. Its Friday and its payday! Hey, don’t forget tonight we are all meeting up at Rick’s place Mark called out as he walked off to go to the other side of the building to his work station.

  As I walked into the Break room to put up my bag, I heard his boss yelling out alright folks, get going the morning meeting starts in five minutes don’t be late we got a schedule to meet so get to work. I rolled my eyes

  thinking God I wish I was rich! Ted was a good enough boss but that was just it. He was the boss that had to remind you every morning about a meeting that you had to attend like you wouldn’t know after the hump teen dozen times you stood through it, that you had to be there. You couldn’t fault the man for
doing his job or could you?

  After a craptastic day of everything that could go wrong, did go wrong, it was time to go home thank goodness I was a sweaty, sticky Hot mess That was ready for a shower and a night out with his friends. The local bar Ricks Place that they started hanging out at was just what I needed after the long work week I get to stare at Rick the hot bar owner. That man could be on a cover of a magazine! I thinks I am doomed to always be single. Thinking back to the few guys that I have hung out, or hooked up with over the years I would not call them relationships.

  Making my way through traffic and down the streets of mountainville, I pulled in front of my trailer, dismounting looking at my old worn black and white home with the old timey roll out windows. I bought it for fifteen hundred dollars. The place needed a lot of work when I purchased it, I replaced all the floors, it needed new paneling throughout. The fact no one else wanted it made me buy it as soon as I laid eyes on it. I never had anyone who wanted to be there or stick around for me my whole life that had made this little place seem like the right choice. Only having to pay a hundred dollars lot rent every month didn’t hurt either.

  Sighing as the warm sprayed over my body relaxing all of the tense muscles, washing my face and working the lather onto my shoulders and stomach.

  Thinking of tonight’s Plans my mind jumps to Rick the bar owner thinking of his broad shoulders and those Blue jeans he wore that I would love to slid down his thighs inch by inch.

  Just thinking about what I would discover when those jeans finally lay on the floor. I felt my cock getting hard plumping up, until It was so hard that it ached. Moving my hand down to grip my shaft. I was average length and thick. Sliding my other hand down to grip my sack, I leaned against the shower wall as I worked my hand from root to tip. Holy fuck that felt good. Working my hand faster I imagined that Rick was here with me in the shower. Ricks hands gripping me, jerking my cock, slapping sounds filled the bathroom. Twisting his hand up the shaft as he ran his thumb over the tip. His hand still squeezing his balls rolling them in his hand, pressure building.

  My chest rising and falling, my breath getting faster this was going to be quick. It had been too long since I had any kind of release, I felt the familiar tingling at the base of my spine starting to shoot up the back, and Out of my dick, ugghhh I gasps as my dick started shooting its load onto my hand and stomach. With legs feeling like Jell-O I stood there catching my breath. Cleaning myself up, rinsing the cum off my body. I stepped out of the shower to dry off. I had to get ready for the tonight out with my group of crazy ass friends, who knew what would happen tonight.

  When the six of them got together, they always had a good time. His friends knew him better than anyone else. He met Mark, James and Andrew in in high school. Zach and Nick came along after Graduation, they have been there for each other through good times and bad.

  Chapter two


  Its Friday night one of the busiest nights of the week all types of people from all walks of life shows up in his bar to let loose dance, drink and eat the food that was offered from the small bar menu. Rick Had worked hard to get is bar started ten years ago he borrowed money from the bank to buy out the old owner who wanted to move onto something different. Ten years Later he had managed to pay off his loans and he was still in business doing good for himself.

  The Bar was on the main strip of city in that was surrounded by other businesses. The inside was rough cut wood decorated by metal signs; A long bar was along the right wall when walking into the bar a small kitchen was to the rear of the bar walled off from the rest of the place.

  Pool tables was on the far-left wall a small dance floor was on the back wall. Tables and booths were scattered about where people could sit and enjoy their night.

  I was helping at the bar tonight due to the crowd, here you go one Double Jack and Coke sitting the drink in front of the man who tall medium build shaved head he wore a leather vest , wearing boots he had seen him ride up on his Harley a little while ago Rick prided himself of knowing everything that went on in his bar and watching the people that came in for signs of trouble was a big of that but this guy didn’t look like trouble so he moved to wipe and stack glasses until he was needed .

  The sound of laughter washed over him as the doors swung open it was the group of friends that came in regularly. They were six of them but

  the one guy with short brown hair, a body that was made for touching and that ass he had on him made me want to do dirty things to him.

  The group sat themselves at a table just a few feet from the bar, I walked around the bar with order pad in hand.” Welcome to Ricks place what can I get for you all tonight?” I asked while looking at the sexy guy that has starred in more of my jack off fantasies then I would l care to admit.

  Damn he needed to get laid he was thinking as the man spoke up.

  Umm Yeah, I would like to get the double cheeseburger all the way with fries and a large beer to go with that.

  When the last man ordered he said I will have what Liam is having the double cheese burger plate with a large beer please. Alright guys I’ll put your order in. Walking back to place the order, I was thinking Liam he finally had a name to go with the hot guys image in his head. He pinned the ticket up and went to filling their beer order.

  He was setting the beer on the table in front of them when Liam went to grab his beer and their fingers brushed together it took all Rick had not to moan at the innocent touch. Shaking my head as I walked off to check their food order. I was giving myself a pep talk to keep myself from going over there, pulling the guy up from the table and molesting him in front everybody. I managed to deliver the food without incident and moved back behind the bar, I had to stay busy or I would make a fool out of myself.

  Staying busy was the easy part on a Friday night but I still made a point to stay on the side of the bar closest to the group, so I could listen in on the interesting conversation that was taking place. I learn that the man that I had been lusting after was in fact single and looking for love.

  Rick wondered if he could convince Liam to go out with him. At six feet tall one hundred eighty-five pounds, dark brown hair and beard. Tattoos scattered across his body. He kept himself in good shape, in his humble opinion he was damn good looking.

  Looking around the bar seeing if everything was running smoothly with his staff and customers, he noticed a drunk guy had started to make his way around the bar talking to different people. Rick had a bad feeling about this. He would watch and see if this guy was going to be a problem.

  He didn’t tolerate people harassing his patrons, that was bad business, People came to a bar to have a good time but they were some people who drunk over their limit. That was when he had to step in.

  Umm excuse me Rick?

  Looking over he sees Liam standing there. Can we get another round of beers over at our table please? He said while nibbling on his plump bottom lip.

  I stood there Staring at those lips MMMMM I would love to kiss or bite that bottom lip along with anything else he wanted me to bite. Blinking to pull himself out of his thoughts. Ughh yea no problem six large drafts coming right up. Rick smiled at the hazel eyed beauty who was blushing.

  I wonder in what other ways I can make him blush.

  Chapter Three


  We have our beers and food in hand when I look around the table at my group of friends Mark, Zach, Nick, James, and Andrew was digging into their food with a gusto after a long work day everyone was hungry. We didn’t say much as we were eating but I heard more than one sigh coming from around the table. After washing down a bite of burger I spoke up well how has everybody’s week been?

  I get a bunch of grunts, groans and eyerolls. James spoke up I got to meet the mayor’s wife and fix her hair this week she came into the shop with green hair after an incident with a home dye kit and a swimming pool.

  Other than that, nothing has changed, still single, With no prospects in sight.

  Mark spoke up same here, I got a new trainee, it does not look promising I don’t think the kid will stay no bills, no kids, no partner and no responsibility in life so no reason to stay.

  Listening to everyone talk about their week and lack of love life. I huffed I’m sick of being single. I’m tired of going home to an empty house, I’m sick of casual hook up and wham Bam thankyou Sam’s. If we keep this up, we’re are all going to become old cat men that no one wants to be around. I don’t even like cats!

  Looking up as I say this, I catch the eye of the bar owner Good Greif that man is sex on a stick I would climb him like a monkey in a tree if I could.

  I never seen him out in town with anyone so I don’t know if he is straight or not but I would do my best to turn him queer if I ever got the chance.

  I drained my beer and noticed we all needed refills. I went up to the bar

  getting the attention of the bar tender Rick, He turned to look at me and I ask for another round of beers. Feeling his gaze roam all over me made my face and other parts of my body heat up. The man was looking at me like a wolf looks at a steak as he listened to my request.

  The beers were brought out. Reaching out to give Mark his beer Rick laid his hand on my shoulder. The warmth of his hand moved through my body downward I felt it in my cock. I had to bite my lip to keep from moaning aloud. Thank goodness I was sitting at a table where I could hide my instant hard on. I stammered my thanks while he was walking off. I look up and all eyes at my table were on me with matching smirks.

  What the hell are yall looking at?

  Andrew spoke up mmm-hmm its like that is it?


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