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Death's Little Angels

Page 5

by Sylver Belle Garcia

  Manifestations Adults

  Ages eighteen upward

  Severe symptoms

  The exposed victim adult victim will have: hemorrhagic bleeding, lethargy, fever, delirium, seizures, coma, and death.

  Rapid cell death with immediate hardening and dark discoloration of skin.

  The main symptom after contact with the pediatric mouth are elevated fevers reaching as high as 110 Fahrenheit in adults.

  Death is imminent for the adult population. Protect all exposed skin!

  Maybe that’s why the teachers look the way they do, Drew figured. He read on.

  Manifestations Children

  Ages newborn to seventeen-years-old

  Exposed pediatric victim will have: lethargy, fever, and seizures.

  Brain cells are replaced with infected viral cells.

  Immediate death. Virus fuels the brain. Reanimates physical body.


  Studies are still pending. Protect all exposed skin! No cure as to date.

  The phone shut off. The battery went dead.

  Two phrases stuck out like a sore thumb to Drew. Don’t get bit and There is no cure.

  “Zombies?” Mater whispered to Drew and Sue Ellen. “That is something that happens in movies.”

  “Eaters,” Drew corrected quietly. “Haven’t you realized that any movie that was ever produced, had some truth to it? I mean come on, look at some of the movies that feature those crazy virus outbreaks. Or the earth over heating and then freezing. My Mee-maw warned me about the West Nile Virus and the virus with the chickens.”

  “Not chickens. The bird flu,” Sue Ellen corrected.

  “The same thing. Same species,” Drew hissed. Sue Ellen always had a quick response for everything. Sue Ellen quickly rolled her eyes.

  “And, And what about these movies with all of those natural disasters ripping into these countries. No one in there right rocks would have thought the storm of the century would have happened here in the United States but it did hit home. Right here in Wiggins. Hurricane Katrina. That happened in real life, right?”

  Sue Ellen and Mater stared at Drew nodding their heads. The realization was real. The Eaters were real. It was the truth. It was happening right now, in their school. In their class.

  “What I don’t understand is how the children…. Well us, are able to come back to life and the grown ups kill over dead within minutes and look like beef jerky afterwards,” Sue Ellen whispered.

  The trio looked over at Mrs. Kissing’s lifeless body. Her calcified blackened arm was frozen in motion. It seemed like she was trying to grasp her throat.

  “I don’t know but I suggest we worry about that later and try to get home,” Mater said as she edged up closer to Drew.

  “Well, it said it on the website… The grown ups get fried and we for some crazy reason become Eaters. Sort of like the living dead,” Drew said in a daze.

  “Cannibals,” Sue Ellen added.

  “Will you stop correcting me?” Drew said with irritation to Sue Ellen.

  “What are y’all looking at over there?” Karley softly whimpered. “Lakely, is so hot.” She continued to cradle Lakely’s head in her lap and fanned his face with her bony hand. Her thin, limp hair glistened in the fluttering light.

  Drew walked over to the remainder of the students, followed by Sue Ellen and Mater. He checked to make sure Josefina was still in place.

  “There is something that y’all need to know,” Drew solemnly said.

  He addressed his peers about the situation at hand and how their outlook seemed grim. Most of the students believed what he said but others prayed that it was a nightmare. Everybody was in unison that they wanted to get home to their respective families. Royal moved from behind some of the female students that were huddled in the back of the classroom. He made sure the coast was clear as he straightened his shirt and ran a hand over his blonde spiky hair.

  “Well, if you are bitten that means you will eventually turn into one of those things out there. Those Eaters, like Josefina!” Royal blasted.

  “And your point?” Drew challenged.

  Royal narrowed his dark blue eyes at Drew. Drew met him in height but not in weight and could easily body slam Royal if he got out of hand. He knew how much Royal disliked him. If you were a male and did not come from money or was not a star athlete you could forget about rolling in his crew.

  “My point is, if he is bitten,” Royal pointed at Lakely, “then eventually he will be snacking on us for lunch. So, we should send him on out there with the rest of those creatures!” Royal snapped.

  “How inhumane, Royal. Lakely, is his name and he is your best friend. Remember, you turd?” Sue Ellen barked.

  “Use to be. What use is he now with half is hand and neck missing?” Royal snapped at Sue Ellen. He whined like an injured animal.

  “Hey, hey. Royal you need to chill out and lower your voice before you bring more of those Eaters over here,” Mater warned.

  Drew raised his hands in a non-threatening way. “Nobody is throwing nobody out of here. There has to be a better way.”

  Royal stepped back clenching his jaw and gazed out the classroom window at the Eaters wandering about out in the rainy weather. Lakely started coughing and seizing. His body convulsed rigorously like he was being electrocuted. He foamed saliva as dark blood trickled from his mouth, eyes, and ears. His body became rigid as his jerking came to a halt.

  “Oh my God! Oh my God! What do we do?” Karley yelled with a pained expression written all over her face.

  Drew brought his hand to his head. He did not know CPR. No one did. They all had come to school on what was supposed to be a normal regular day. Most of them were kids from the country and was accustomed to hunting. Not fighting zombies that the media was referring to as Eaters or saving the living from dying. Lakely lay there lifeless as the kids slowly huddled over his listless body.

  “Do you think he is?” Mater asked looking up at Drew.

  Drew shrugged his shoulders and knelt down to see if he could feel a heart beat on Lakely. The rhythm that Drew felt through Lakely’s chest was there but very faint as if it were threatening to die out at any minute. A loud commotion startled everyone in the classroom. It was coming from outside of the door. Drew stood up and observed that the few waving hands of the Eaters that stuck out through the makeshift barricade disappeared one by one. The sounds that came next were not those of the Eaters, which were horrid moans and gurgles. This sound was sweet like music to Drew’s ears. It was the voice of the unaffected. Humans. His peers.

  Chapter 4

  Ring around the rosy

  A pocket full of posies

  Ashes, ashes, we all fall dead

  Lets make the streets flow full of red

  “Anybody in there?” A male geeky voice yelled from behind the door.

  Drew moved closer to the blockade careful not to get close to Josefina. The closer he got to her the more violently she flailed her arms. The blood that drooled out of her mouth looked like prune juice but only thicker.

  “Who is it?” Drew shouted.

  “It’s Beetle. Brandon Beasley! Hurry up, let us in quick!”

  Just great the school nerd, Drew thought mindlessly. Brandon had acquired the name Beetle in elementary school. He was extremely intelligent and resembled a bug with his deep bowl hair cut, braces, and wide eyeglass frames. He spoke with a lisp and graced the air or anything else that got in the way with spittle.

  “How do we know your not one of those Eaters out there?”

  “Do you think someone with a brain that is fried like a scrambled egg could hold a conversation? Now let us in! Please! We are sitting platyrhynchos out here!” Beetle’s squeaky voice shrieked.

  Drew rushed to the barricade and pulled the desk from the door. Sue Ellen and Mater joined in slinging desk towards the side of the classroom. They were all careful not touch the tiny barrier that held Josefina pinned in. Once all of the desks were cleared a group of
students rushed in led by Brandon Beasley also known as Beetle.

  “Thanks!” Beetle said as he pushed up his glasses. “You might want to secure that,” he directed at Drew pointing to the door.

  Beetle was in a group of seven students, which consisted of Billy Duncan, a black boy who ran track for Stoney Central Middle School, Steven Blane, who led the group of gothic kids at the school, and Ashley Chandler, the captain of the middle school cheerleading squad. Two other cheerleaders, Jenny Carson and Claire Reed, accompanied the group. The one that freaked Drew out the most was Kaleb Caine. Kaleb also played on the football team but never started at any of the games. Drew never understood the relationship Kaleb had with pretty boy Royal Carter. Those two did not mix. They were like oil and water. Kaleb narrowed his eyes at Drew.

  Drew noticed that the group was covered in bloodstains and other foreign matter. Ashley had makeup smeared all over her face. Black teardrops stained her cheeks. The cheerleaders had backpacks in their possession that was covered in dark stains. Drew figured they must have used those to protect themselves from the Eaters.

  Billy Duncan was known to be the fastest kid in the school. The all American track star. He was a huge flirt with all of the girls and well liked. He had pretty dark skin that was as smooth and velvety as cocoa. Drew observed a blood coated fire extinguisher in Billy’s hand. But what really caught Drew’s attention was what Kaleb was carrying…. A broom handle that had been sharpened on both ends. He carried it like a spear. Kaleb reminded Drew of a savage hunter.

  After the door was blocked again, the students stared at each other for what seemed like eternity. Ashley, the blonde cheerleader, noticed Royal in the corner and immediately ran to him plastering kisses on his cheek. Tarynn shook her head out of disgust.

  “Please, do not fear them which can kill the body, but are not able to kill your soul. Only fear him, which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Mathew 10:28.” Tarynn stood wide-eyed as she stepped out of the shadows clenching her bible close to her bosom.

  “Our world. Our earth as we know it. It is going to hell. It’s been prophesized.”

  Everyone turned to look at Tarynn; her fiery hair glistened like a torch. She turned and eyed everyone in the room. Her green eyes were bright and wide. Steven Blane, the gothic kid, snickered under his breath. He rolled his dark eyes at Tarynn.

  “If you know so much miss holy guacamole then you would know that the world is going to be destroyed by fire not by the cannibalistic dead,” Steven snapped flipping his ebony black shoulder length hair. He turned to glare at Drew and the other students in the classroom. He turned his nose up at Josefina even pointing at her as if she could hear him.

  “You don’t know it yet but you all sold your souls to the devil, death’s little angels. And he, death, has come to claim us all,” Steven said as he stared down at the floor and held his hands up in the air like the letter V.

  Tarynn stood firm and walked towards Steven waving her bible. “And in these days shall men seek death, and shall not find it for they shall want to die. Death will flee from them…. Revelation 9:6. That goes for you! Steven Satan in disguise Blane!” Tarynn firmly said.

  Drew walked over and placed his hand on Tarynn’s shoulder. “Thanks for the bible study lessons Tarynn and the encouraging words. But lets keep our voice low or we will draw the Eaters back to the door, okay?”

  Tarynn nodded her head in agreement all the while never taking her eyes off Steven. Steven walked over to Kaleb and whispered something in his ear. The two held a menacing look on their faces as they laughed quietly.

  Drew looked around the refugees as they all huddled together. “Where are all of the teachers?”

  “Either dead or they left us here,” Beetle said. “I didn’t see anyone no where. Just these guys.” Beetle pointed a thumb at the students that came along with him.

  “Dead? All of the teachers?” Drew asked.

  “Yea. The ones I seen looked like over fried bacon.”

  “How’d you guys get over here? Were y’all all together?” Drew asked looking at Beetle.

  “Actually, it was just Billy and I in lab, when it happened. We sort of picked up everyone else along the way. I knew something wasn’t right this morning when that kid….um what his name?” Beetle glanced at Billy for help.

  “Kai Jones,” Billy said in a broken voice. He was currently in a transfixed state as he started at Josefina. They were once an item. Josefina was his first girlfriend. Now she flailed her arms and clenched her jaws at him like a rabid animal.

  “Yea, Kai Jones. He seemed very sick on the bus this morning. It was him that started this mess I betcha,” Beetle said as he squinted up his nose.

  Flying debris hit up against the window startling everyone. More Eaters were shuffling about outside.

  “We don’t have long before they notice that we are in here,” Drew nodded towards the window. “My guess is since you guys cleared the door, we make a run for it.”

  “They can smell us as well,” Beetle replied.

  “Smell our filthy souls…” Steven muttered. Most of the students ignored his comment. Others just stared.

  “I had a chance to break into the computer lab before the generators kicked on,” Beetle licked his lips and whispered, “From what the CDC says, we are in some deep feces.”

  “What?” Sue Ellen interrupted.

  “Yea, what is a CDC?” Drew inquired.

  “What are feces?” Sue Ellen asked.

  “Are you sure you belong in eighth grade?” Beetle directed at Sue Ellen.

  “Just as much as you, pig lips. Turd face,” Sue Ellen spat.

  “Turd is the ebonic version of feces….” Beetle smartly said as he turned his attention towards Drew. Sue Ellen mumbled something inaudible under her breath.

  “It is the Centers for Disease Control. It’s located somewhere in Atlanta. The center basically develops vaccines for the flu, controls disease outbreaks, does research. That sort of thing,” Beetle shook his head.

  “Never heard of it,” Drew said.

  “Figured you didn’t,” Beetle said. He laughed nervously, once he noticed the square look on Drew’s face.

  Drew dismissed the comment. “Doesn’t look like this C or DC has anything under control. Not here in Wiggins, Mississippi. Or the Gulf Coast for that fact,” Drew said remembering the website he had just browsed earlier.

  “Do any of you have weapons?” Beetle asked in squeaky voice.

  “I have my pocket knife,” Drew said as he scanned the room. Everybody stared at him in a disapproving manner. “I mean c’mon. You guys know I hunt. Aren’t y’all thankful that I broke the rules? This knife has saved us so far and nobody has said anything.” Drew patted his pocket. He was so glad that he did not forget to leave his safety tool at home.

  “How do we kill them? The Eaters? Does anybody know? Mrs. Westwood’s cell phone cut off before we had a chance to find out,” Mater said.

  The new group of students took note of Mrs. Westwood and Mrs. Kissing’s mummified corpses. A movement was noted in Mrs. Westwood’s belly.

  “That is what happens when this virus is introduce into the molecular, genetic makeup of an older human species. I can guarantee you that baby is an Eater.” Gasps were heard across the room. “And oh don’t worry, the baby can’t get out of there. It would be like breaking through a brick wall,” Beetle said as he studied the teacher’s remains.

  “Are you sure about that?” Mater asked.

  “No. Just an educated guess,” Beetle replied as Mater sighed out loudly. He gulped slowly as he glanced out the window. Eaters shuffled amongst each other unknowing where the next destination would be.

  “Is it really a virus?” Drew asked.

  “According to the CDC’s website it is a virus and we all know there is no cure for viruses. All you can do is prevent yourself from contracting it,” Beetle said.

  “In other words, don’t get bit,” Drew grimly replied.

nbsp; “How. Do. We. Kill. Them?” Sue Ellen enunciated each word carefully.

  Before anyone could answer Karley screamed out in pure terror. The moans came first followed by Lakely going berserk gnashing his teeth in attempt to clamp down on the rail thin girl’s face. His eyes were glazed over and stuck in position from the previous seizure. Black veins coursed through his face like a windy road. He lifted his nose and sniffed out his prey. Karley continued to yell as she tried to get away. Each time Lakely’s mouth would get close to her face she would kick him in the stomach but he kept coming back for her enraged by hunger. The strength he possessed was amazingly strong. The students scampered throughout the room too terrified to help Karley. They had basically left her to her doom.

  Before Drew had a chance to pull his pocketknife, Kaleb stepped up with his sharpened broom handle and impaled Lakely at the base of his plagued brain. Kaleb smiled widely as he slowly twisted the lethal weapon into the boy’s diseased skull. Lakely dropped like a heavy anchor. He stopped moaning. There was no movement. His once vibrant body lay lifeless without a soul and the rabid virus.

  Without delay, Kaleb went over to Josefina whose moaning grew louder and her hands waved even faster. She snapped her jaws like she wanted a big kiss. Kaleb stood still and studied the lively corpse for a moment. A sly grin crept over his face. He took the broom handle and toyed with Josefina for a moment before placing the stick in her mouth and methodically pushing it through. Josefina’s body jerked once before falling over onto the desks that had once held her prisoner. It had been a long time since the classroom was silent.

  “You wanted ta know how to kill em’?” Kaleb sarcastically said in a deep southern accent. “Through their rotten brain!”

  Drew was astonished at what took place. He could not believe how cold and calculating Kaleb was in executing Lakely and Josefina. He knew that they both needed to be eliminated for their safety but it appeared as if Kaleb enjoyed killing them. What was worse was it seemed like Royal and Steven enjoyed witnessing the extermination. Drew looked out the classroom window and observed more of the Eaters congregating near the window. They looked like hunting dogs sniffing out a squirrel.


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