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Steel Assassin

Page 16

by Geoffrey Saign

  Her chest heaved. “What if the police don’t catch the man who has Harry?”

  That worried him too. “Then our best bet is to go after Diego, the other name Garcia gave us, and find out if he sent the killer. If so, we can take Diego and trade him for Harry. The Colombian might still be planning to release our photos to the cartel, but if I’m right that his family is helping him, and his daughter is in the trunk with Harry, he has a strong reason to bargain with us.”

  “We were supposed to be hiking today with my brothers. Now one’s dead and Clay is a mess. I could hear it in his voice.”

  He said gently, “Clay is a marine. He’s tough. He’s just concerned about his family. In time he’ll be okay. I don’t think either of your brothers would have accepted being kept out of the search for Harry.” He paused. “I have to call Jeffries, then the Colombian.”

  The colonel listened in silence while Steel filled him in.

  “I need to talk to Clay,” Jeffries said curtly. “Give me his number.”

  Christie did, and asked, “Will the military be active in this now? Can you help us?”

  “And answer questions about why Special Ops were operating in Colorado?” Jeffries sounded bitter. “I would love to help, but we’re completely out now. We can’t lose any more people or clean up another mess like this.”

  Steel said, “I’m calling the kidnapper next. Any news on family connections to Marita?”

  “DEA found an uncle who she had some contact with in the past. The guy has three sons and a daughter. His name is Carlos Aguilar. Colombian Special Forces. And he subsequently trained people at their famous School of Lanceros. He’s currently living in Mexico and has an export business. He hasn’t applied for a visa or entry permit so if he’s here it’s under an alias too. I’ll text photos and names of his family now.”

  The photos and names came through, and Steel showed them to Christie.

  Jeffries continued. “You owe me, Steel. I want intel on the ISIS operatives, and I want to know if Diego’s assassin killed my soldiers. If so, I want him and Diego dead.

  Steel’s neck grew hot. He didn’t owe Jeffries anything, but he kept that to himself. “If we get info on ISIS and the assassin, I’ll pass it along. In return I need supplies.”

  “Let me know when and where. Now I have to organize a coverup.” Jeffries hung up.

  Steel turned to Christie. “Carlos Aguilar fits. I’m guessing we saw two of his sons when they first abducted us, and the other son and daughter have Harry. It’s too much of a coincidence. If Carlos was a trainer at the School of Lanceros, he’s one of the best.” It felt good to put a name to the Colombian. Now more than ever he wanted the man dead.

  “He’s the reason Dale is dead and Harry is stuck with a killer.” Christie said it with venom.

  “I want to kill him too. But we have to talk to him.”

  She punched the number.

  The Colombian answered. “You didn’t do what I requested for Vincente and his men. I checked. You never cut them up. They didn’t suffer, so Harry will.”

  “Screw you, Carlos Aguilar.” Christie’s face was livid. “We know who you are, your connection to Marita, and about your family.” There was silence, and she continued. “One of my brothers died while trying to rescue Harry and I’m holding you personally responsible.”

  There was a slight pause, and then, “Who shot your brother?”

  Steel put a hand gently on Christie’s forearm, his voice matter-of-fact. “Carlos, I have some more bad news for you. A cartel killer found your children with Harry and killed your son. Christie’s brothers saw no sign of your daughter where your son was killed so it’s likely the killer has Isabella along with Harry.”

  “You’re lying.”

  “Christie’s brothers found your dead son and his blue pickup dumped over a cliff on the mountain. They tried to rescue Harry, but the cartel killer shot them up. One brother died, the other is injured. For the moment I’m guessing your daughter may be alive.”

  There was a long silence. “Forgive me if I don’t believe you.” Carlos hung up.

  Christie pursed her lips, her eyebrows hunched.

  Steel sat back. “He’ll verify whatever he can. It’s what I would do. He’ll try to call his children. When they don’t answer he’ll start to worry that we’re telling the truth.”

  “How would he verify our story?”

  Steel thought about it. “I’m guessing he might have left another of his sons behind in Colorado to either kill Harry before the hand-off or make sure the hand-off occurred without a problem if he went through with it. It could take a while.”

  “Can you hold me?” Christie stared at the dash.

  Steel reached over and put his arms around her.

  “I just need some quiet,” she whispered.

  He sat with her, not saying anything, but fearing that their relationship had taken a blow it couldn’t recover from.


  Carlos called back in an hour. “I’m aware of the roadblocks around Estes, and people have died. That is all.”

  Steel had to calm himself before he spoke again. “You’re a pro. Your daughter isn’t answering her phone. Neither is your son. That’s no coincidence. If you don’t work with us, your daughter is as good as dead.”

  There was a long pause, then, “What do you want?”

  “I have a plan. Do you want to hear it?”

  “I’m listening.”

  “Garcia gave us one more name. Diego. I’m guessing you already know him. We capture him together and exchange him for Harry and your daughter. Then we kill all of them so our families are not running and hiding from the cartel for the rest of their lives. This means you end your vendetta against us or I will hunt you down and kill you, and the DEA will release photos of your children to the cartel.” Steel didn’t mean the last part, but he had to say it.

  Christie glanced at him but didn’t speak.

  Carlos was quiet again for a few moments. “You think my daughter is still alive?”

  “Yes. And I think it’s highly likely the killer will escape the police in Colorado and bring Harry and your daughter to Diego. You can’t take Diego by yourself, and your remaining two sons aren’t qualified—especially the younger one. You need us. We need each other. Unfortunately my trust in you is zero at this point. You lied about releasing Harry. But I believe if you want to save your daughter and your family, you’ll be willing to compromise.”

  “If we work together, then no more secrets. Nada. Comprende?”

  “Agreed.” Steel didn't care what lies he told the Colombian.

  “I want to know why your military got involved.”

  Steel had expected that question. “They were tracking the Alvarez cartel. They learned that whoever took over after Gustavo Alvarez was still meeting with splinter ISIS terrorists to hit the U.S.”

  “Why can’t your military help?”

  “Our military was trying to find Harry. The cartel hit man killed four of their Special Ops soldiers. Our government doesn’t know about the military effort to find Harry, and they won’t find out about it. They definitely won’t let the military intervene further. If we get any special branches involved, like the FBI or CIA, I think Harry and your daughter will end up dead.” He saw Christie’s lips purse.

  “The son I lost is Juan. How did the cartel find my children so fast?”

  “I asked the same question. It makes no sense.” Steel allowed anger into his voice. “You knew about Diego, didn’t you?”

  Carlos didn’t hesitate. “Yes. He is the most senior member of the Alvarez cartel. Gustavo Alvarez was his nephew.”

  Steel remembered Gustavo’s words, that his family would seek retribution for his death. It drove another needle of guilt into him for Dale’s death. “How come you weren’t going to send us after him?”r />
  “I wanted to kill him myself.” Carlos paused. “Diego’s assassin is Angel and he is legendary. They call him El Lobo—the wolf—because once he’s sent to track someone to kill, he never fails. He and Diego were both part of Marita’s torture and death.”

  Steel heard anger and fear in Carlos’ voice. Christie’s face tightened.

  Carlos continued. “Diego is very controlling and will demand that Angel bring Isabella and Harry to him untouched.”

  “That works in our favor,” said Steel. “It gives us time.”

  “All right,” said Carlos. “We move forward. I will let the vendetta against you die with Vincente. Diego has a meeting tomorrow at nine a.m. I never knew what it was for or who with, but it must be with ISIS.”

  “Where?” Christie asked curtly.

  “Diego is staying at the Wynn Las Vegas under the name of Roberto López.”

  Steel spoke up, already knowing the answer to his question. “Do you think Diego will risk meeting Angel in Vegas with two captives?”

  “No, Diego is too cautious for that. Most likely he will meet Angel somewhere out in the desert. I still want to take care of Diego myself, but I won’t involve myself or my family with your ISIS problem. We should rendezvous in Vegas tomorrow morning. I’ll contact you.” Carlos hung up.

  Steel looked at Christie. “I don’t like any of it. And I still don’t trust Carlos. I think he learned these guys were helping ISIS and felt good about it. Now he’s trying to separate himself from that.”

  Christie bit her lip. “I still want to kill him. But I agree with you, for now we need his help. What about Clay? He’ll never forgive me if I don’t tell him and something happens to Harry.”

  “Yeah. Call him. Fill him in on everything. If he wants to get involved, have him meet us in Vegas in the morning. He can fly in from Denver.”

  Christie called Clay. Steel closed his eyes, listening to her voice. Anger and sadness. It tortured him. When she finished, she handed the phone to him wordlessly and stared out the window.

  Steel sent a text to Jeffries for a time and place to meet in Vegas. Finished, he glanced at Christie. “How are your ribs?”

  “Pretty sore.”

  “You could have a cracked rib.” He wished he could take her pain away.

  “I could use some TLC,” she said quietly.

  “You’re going to get it. Let’s get some dry clothes, first aid, and then drive to Vegas.”

  He massaged her hand with his. “I think the cartel was coming for me out of revenge for Gustavo Alvarez. That’s why they found Harry so fast. They were already planning to kill us before Carlos started all this. This is all my fault.”

  “It’s the killer’s fault, not yours.”

  He didn’t respond.

  “I’m scared, Jack.”

  “I know.”

  “Not for myself.” Her voice softened. “I’m scared I’m going to lose another brother and that our lives won’t be the same.” A tear rolled down her face.

  “I’ll do whatever it takes to protect your family. I promise.” Even as he said those words he wasn’t sure he could deliver. He had to find a way. Whatever it took.

  If Christie lost Harry, their relationship might not survive it. He wasn’t sure they would survive the loss of Dale. His whole life and world was crumbling around him and the best he could do was to ensure that Christie and her brothers survived his mess. He vowed to make that happen.

  Her voice trembled, her face lined with fatigue and sadness. “I’m terrified that I’m angry enough to change into someone I don’t respect anymore.”

  “I will always admire and love you, no matter what.”

  She looked at him. “We had to talk Clay into this hiking trip. He’s a homebody and doesn’t like being away from Meera and his boys. He insisted on doing all the trip planning and that we only do safe hikes. He didn’t want anyone to get injured. Instead of family fun, he had to watch his brother die.”

  “I’m so sorry, honey.” Wondering if Clay or her family would ever be able to forgive him, he felt another piece of their relationship falling apart.

  She pulled on his shirt until he leaned over and held her again. Her voice was a whisper, her head on his shoulder. “I never got a chance to say goodbye to Dale, to hug him one more time. I’ll never see his smile again.”

  Anger and sadness welled up inside him. Anger at himself for bringing this to her life, and sadness for her. He wanted to take it all away from her, but all he had were words. “Dale was a hero.”

  She cried quietly.


  Carlos had to remain calm. Otherwise anger and sadness would overwhelm him and he would put more of his family in danger.

  He felt numb. His son Mario had verified what he could in Colorado, enough to support what Steel had said. There was no logical reason that both Juan and Isabella would not answer phone calls from him and Mario. He had to accept it. Juan was dead because of his vendetta. In addition, Juan’s children were now fatherless and his son’s wife without a husband. If he also lost Isabella, it would crush his heart.

  Inside the cartels there was always someone who was greedy or desperate for money. Thus, long ago—after spending a hundred thousand for information from a few people inside the Alvarez cartel—he had learned that Diego was one of Marita’s killers. With another similar investment he had also learned about Diego’s meeting with ISIS.

  Originally he had planned to kill Diego after the cartel boss met with ISIS. He wanted ISIS to strike back at the U.S. But now he couldn’t risk playing that game. Isabella’s life was on the line.

  Ironically he had not known about Diego’s plan to avenge his nephew Gustavo Alvarez. If he had, he would have waited before doing anything on his own. Instead for nearly a year he had made plans, while waiting for Diego and his men to travel north so he could set his own vendetta into motion.

  The best he could hope for now was to kill Diego, save his daughter, and walk away with his two sons. Steel might live, but he couldn’t risk any more of his family.

  And if Diego survived their attempt to kill him, they were all as good as dead anyway. He wanted desperately to kill Diego and Angel, but a seed of fear filled his belly. He had heard of Angel’s reputation.

  Worst of all, how could he face his children now?

  He had driven out of Sequoia National Park hours ago, after finding Vincente and his men dead. Mario was in Colorado, waiting instructions, while Pedro was tracking Diego in Las Vegas. Mario would grieve for Juan but accept it. However Pedro had been close to Juan and would want revenge even more than himself. It made him question how much of the need for revenge his son had learned from him.

  A single tear escaped his eye. Juan. He would never see his son’s smile again, never hold him, never talk to him. His thirst for revenge had harmed the very people he was committed to protect.

  Another tear rolled down his cheek for Isabella. She had seen her brother executed. She was the light of their family. Even with her temper, she had always been the healer and peacemaker in their family.

  Deep down he had known she never wanted to help with his revenge, but he had been so blinded by hate that he had ignored her pleas to put aside vengeance. And when she could not convince him to let it go, he had just as easily accepted her demands to join him. She couldn’t bear to see all of them risking their lives and not be part of it. Yet without her, the tender heart of his family would be gone.

  Suddenly he was glad to have Steel’s help. The man was one of the best, as was Christie. The way they had taken out Vincente and his men was impressive and spontaneous. They knew how to improvise.

  His window was down and he heard several crows cawing in the distance. Perhaps mocking him for his reckless stupidity.

  What have you done to your family, you fool?


  Steel drove all the way to Las Vegas, where they purchased some fresh clothing. Designer jeans, a blue blouse for Christie, and a black short-sleeved shirt for him. Along with first aid supplies, pain relievers, socks, tennis shoes, and food.

  They found a cheap hotel and showered, and he rebandaged Christie’s back wound. Afterward they collapsed on the bed and slept for a few hours, rising early to eat a breakfast of fruit, nuts, and jerky inside the room.

  Steel gazed at her, seeing the bruise on her ribs before she pulled on her blouse. There was also a bruise on her left cheekbone. He let it go. If she had a broken rib she would have trouble moving and breathing so it was probably just bruised.

  Still it upset him to see her hurt. “You look good. How do you feel?”

  “I’m tired, but otherwise I’m all right.” She gave him a small smile. “It was nice to wake up in your arms.”

  “I look forward to more of that when we’re done with all this.” He returned her smile but didn’t feel it inside.

  She pushed some nuts around on her plate with her fingers. “I keep seeing Dale. In my dreams, in my thoughts. I remember one time when Clay and I got into a fight, and Dale jumped between us, laughing. He kept laughing until we started laughing. He was the light side of our family.”

  A single tear escaped her eye and she wiped it away. “I wonder when we’ll have the funeral.”

  Her pain wrenched his gut. He gently put a hand on her shoulder. “He was a wonderful brother and I’m so sorry he’s gone, Christie.”

  Her chest heaved. “I want them to pay, Jack. All of them.”

  “We end it today.” The horrible possibility of someone else in her family dying in the coming hours flashed through him. He wanted to keep her and Clay out of the approaching fight, but they would never agree to it.

  After Christie finished eating, she spoke in a hard voice. “Today we rescue Harry.”

  He felt pressure over the low odds of saving Harry but kept it to himself. “Tell me what happened with Vincente’s men.”


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