Lifestyle Mastery Boxed Set
Page 14
Cooling down
Cooling down after exercise is just as important as warming up, and it is a vital part of concluding a workout. This gives the body time to make the transition from a state of rapid exertion to a state of relaxation. The process of cooling down allows the body to normalize the breathing and heart rate.
During this phase, focus on light movements, such as stretching or walking. As we discussed earlier, this is a good time for breathing exercises, too. Finally, drink a glass of water to rehydrate.
Focus on eating complex carbohydrates before a workout.
Glucose is your body’s most essential source of fuel. Your pre-workout meal should be comprised of complex carbohydrates. Ensure this is a small meal, and wait at least one hour for the food to be converted into energy to be used while training.
If you are doing moderate aerobics, just a light snack with a short waiting time before exercise is sufficient. For complex workouts, eat carbohydrates with a light protein combo, and lengthen your waiting period. Bread, vegetables, or pasta are recommended food items for a pre-workout meal.
Post-workout meal
The meal consumed after exercise is as important as the meal consumed before the workout. First, you should typically try to eat within an hour after your training, and make it proteins and carbohydrates. Avoid fats of any kind. Eating fats in this phase slows the digestion process of the carbs and proteins.
The size of this meal depends on your body weight. For more information, visit Canada’s Food Guide. It will provide you with a more detailed approach, complete with tables and a personal tracking system for recording everything you consume.
Planning Your Workout
During the next week, you are going to record the food you eat. Note how you feel after the food you consume. Are you full of energy or do you feel sluggish? Did you have a balance of vegetables today? What time did you eat dinner, and what did you eat?
By listening to your body and your stomach, you can gauge how certain foods affect you. You can keep track of what and how much you eat by using “My Food Guide Servings Tracker” in the Canadian Food Guide.
Workout Plan and Training – If you check the Internet or your local bookstore, you will find a wide resource of workout routines and schedules for just about anything you’re interested in. It really depends on how you want to exercise and what you want to do.
Another alternative is to visit your local gym and see what they have to offer. Although you can generally train for free at home without spending money, many people like the motivational atmosphere of going to a gym. You can also get a free consultation on training and dieting. Set up a workout routine that coincides with your health and fitness goals.
“Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.”
— Gail Devers
Drive Your Destiny Home
“Nothing brings me more happiness than trying to help the most vulnerable people in society. It is a goal and an essential part of my life - a kind of destiny. Whoever is in distress can call on me.
I will come running wherever they are.”
— Princess Diana
Your life is shaped by choice—not by circumstances or by the constantly changing events around us.
We can choose whether or not to believe, whether or not to act, or whether or not to live a freedom-rich lifestyle. We can choose our actions, and the actions we take define our character.
You are not defined by circumstances. But as I discussed in this book, you can create the circumstances you want. If you’re not happy, it’s your mission to change that. Do you want more love, more money, and more freedom? All of this is attainable, but it’s not easy to get if you don’t believe in your ability to achieve. You want more freedom? You have to take the right actions to attain it.
This book is about forging choices, taking action, and best of all, making a difference. Nothing can be more rewarding than believing in yourself and creating powerful alliances with those who support you, whom you can support in return.
Destiny is not a one-person mission. It is collaboration as we work together to make this world a better place.
You can have what you want, if you really want it. Then, you can get more of it by helping others get what they want.
As motivational entrepreneur Zig Ziglar once said, “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.”
Make Your Impact
A life is meant for living. We are dynamic creatures born to explore, dream, love, and contribute the best of ourselves to this life. If we are not living our dreams and crafting the life we want, then what are we here for?
Live in the moment. People get into the habit of expecting the future to be better than the present. Do you ever find yourself wanting life to hurry up so you can get to the next milestone? Do you feel impatient because you haven’t achieved what you desire yet? Do you know what you’ll do once you get there?
The only time that exists is the moment you’re in right now. Your destiny isn’t always something that’s happening several decades down the road. Your destiny is being lived right now. Take a moment to contemplate all the opportunities coming your way today.
What could you do right now to live a dynamic, fearless lifestyle?
Why wait to live? There is nothing to guarantee that you’ll be happier, richer, or healthier than you are today.
Be mindful of what you can do today. Will you take more trips? Greet more people? Make more friends? Exercise regularly? Be happier just because you can? Be less fearful and more energetic?
Live while you are here. Live with passion and look for every moment to stay awakened. Be mindful that time is limited and there is so much you can enjoy. Spread your joy with others. Show them the fruits of a life well-lived, because there are too many out there who have lost their way and they have given up on living. You can show people how to live again and embrace the limited time we are all given.
Listen to your calling. This is the voice that nobody except you can hear. If you listen, you will know your purpose, and you can find a way to make it happen. This is knowing that something in your life is acting on your behalf to bring you everything you’ve ever desired.
Be the author of your own life. We are all authors on the journey of life. You are the author of the greatest adventure on earth—your own life! Your life is a story being told every day. Each moment weaves a story of the ongoing saga of your life. It’s up to you to make it a bold and daring journey.
As the author of your own life story, you can shift things by controlling your thoughts. By making decisions and acting on your thoughts and intuitive feelings, you can apply the mystery of your imagination to create the situations you want to experience.
If you think your life is boring, think again. There’s no such thing as a boring life, only a boring storyteller. You have the mighty pen in your hand, and with it, you hold the key that unlocks the secrets to life. People who write their own scripts live the way they want to. They don’t let others do the storytelling for them.
In order to write your life the way you want, you have to know what you want. You will never have the ending you desire if you don’t decide on your goals. Although we cannot control a lot of what happens in our lives due to situations beyond our control, we can decide what we would like and work toward the desired outcome. For this to happen, your story must be told your way.
Your life is a series of chapters with endings, beginnings, and in-betweens. If you think you need a change in your life, you decide what should be changed. When you start a new chapter, this doesn’t mean the story ends.
A new one is beginning and it continues onward, unfolding in ways you never imagined before. One door closes and another opens. Finish one chapter and start the next one. Keep moving on an
d grow with each new page of your life.
Now that you have finished this book, you have everything you need to develop your own story for living an amazing life. If you are looking for a miracle, remember that you are the miracle.
A Final Word…
I just want to say thank you.
Thank you for being you and for joining me on this trip. If you stick to it, I have a lot more to show you.
Before we come to the end of this book, just know that I really appreciate you traveling with me. I hope we have the chance to meet someday. You can connect with me here on my blog at to receive weekly blog posts on how to empower your life, develop fearless confidence, and build your dreams from the ground up.
Don’t let your dreams go unanswered.
Focus on the quality of living and not the quantity. It isn’t about living longer but living better. Take risks and do what scares you. Don’t hold back on something just because your fear tells you it’s a bad idea.
Discover your real passion and commit right now to living out the rest of your days doing what you love with people you love. There is no better way to live than to share, contribute, dream, learn, grow and live your life with impact.
Why do we wait for life to start? The future you are waiting for is now, and the only one who can take intentional action toward your dreams is you.
The best time to start is today.
Live. Love. Embrace the moment. Believe in your journey.
I’ll see you again soon, on the other side.
Scott Alla
“The journey of a thousand miles begins
with one step.”
— Lao Tzu
Self-discipline, Mastery
The Discipline of Masters
Destroy Big Obstacles, Master Your Time, Capture Creative Ideas and Become the Leader
You Were Born to Be
By Scott Allan
“The more aware of your intentions and your experiences you become, the more you will be able to connect the two, and the more you will be able to create the experiences of your life consciously. This is the development of mastery. It is the creation of authentic power.”
— Gary Zukav
The Discipline of Masters
“People create their own success by learning what they need to learn and then by practicing it until they become proficient at it.”
— Brian Tracy
Are you tired of being a slave to circumstances beyond your control? Lacking discipline and need a clear direction on how to be more productive, prolific and purpose-driven? Are you blocked by obstacles that stop your progress? Want to express your creativity through prolific ideas but not sure where to begin?
In that case, you are in the right place. I know why you are here. You are tired of feeling tired and looking for answers to a better way of living.
By being disciplined in the four key areas taught in this book, you can make massive changes in your life and the lives of others.
But first, a few words on mastery.
Why We Fail to Master Life
This book is titled The Discipline of Masters because it focuses on employing discipline as a means to achieve something greater than ourselves. By putting into practice the action steps you’ll find at the end of each of these key areas, you will become more prolific in achieving your goals, become more focused, and condition your mindset to shift into a position of empowerment.
As we carve out our master vision for the life that can be, a new world of possibilities becomes available to us. You can get out of a bad marriage before it destroys you emotionally, or you can break away from a job that makes you miserable.
The path to becoming a Master of Discipline is about finding ways to suffer less by improving in the areas of life that can alleviate that suffering. You have the power of choice to turn your life into everything it could be. You also have the power to destroy your own potential through self-destructive behaviors. There are always two paths to go by.
For example, by overcoming your obstacles in life, you open up a clear pathway to become more creative. You spend less time engaged in bad habits and time-wasting activities. You complain less about others because you no longer concern yourself with the external drama going on around you.
You realize that time is your most valuable commodity and you need to treat it better than gold. Instead of wasting it, you find ways to invest in your future by taking directed action in the now.
The Discipline of Success in Four Key Areas
The Discipline of Masters focuses in on accelerating your natural drive through a combination of four themes: overcoming obstacles, time mastery, leadership and mentoring, and the organization and implementation of creative ideas.
But more than that, it helps you master the core areas of your life that impact happiness, achievement, growth and creativity. You will learn to pivot your mindset and start moving in the direction intended for you to flow.
Once you implement action in each of these core areas, you can be more creative, build greater confidence, be more productive and live the life you were born to lead.
Here is a breakdown of the book and the key benefits you will get on the inside:
Part 1: The Master of Destroying Obstacles
In this section, I will show you a step-by-step formula for tackling the four levels of self-defeat: Procrastination, fear, perfection and addiction. You will learn to break down your obstacles so they have less power over you.
It starts here with learning how to break down the big roadblocks in your way. As long as we are trapped within the model of self-defeat, we will never take charge of who we really are. Instead, we will end up with a broken, shattered existence.
Learn to master your circumstances by overcoming the roadblocks blocking you from getting to where you want to be. As we will see, you are unlimited in your potential. Now it is time to prove it.
Part 2: The Master of Time Investment
If you are wasting time, you waste your life. Learn the basics of managing your time so you get more out of your life. We waste hundreds of hours a month—excessive TV watching, games, shopping, online binging—and with this section, you can gain greater mastery over your time and your life.
By putting into practice time-management tools such as the Pomodoro technique and the 80/20 principle, you will be better equipped to manage your actions and, thus, have more time to spend on what matters most.
Part 3: The Master of Mentoring and Leadership
A mentor has a positive impact on the lives of many people. Do you have the desire to become a leader and a mentor, but you are not sure how? Do you follow the wrong people and need to become a mentor for the right people?
Mentoring is a valuable skill that allows us to help people achieve their greatest goals and aspire to reach the places they could never dream of.
As a mentor, you can help people get where they never imagined possible. Imagine working with someone and helping them to grow, explore, and, ultimately, succeed in an area of life they once dreamed of.
If you want to make an impact on the world, it begins with leading people and building a legacy that has impact. You can have influence on everyone that you connect with and be a source of inspiration for generations to come.
Part 4: The Master of Building Creative Ideas
How about all of those ideas swimming around in your head? Do you dismiss your ideas as silly or unrealistic? Your imagination is a powerhouse of wealth.
This is where a life is forged, within the reaches of your imagination, and this is where your greatest ideas can bring a dream to life. But how do you capture these ideas when they occur? How do you manage your thoughts and ideas to stay on track?
Don’t lose the good stuff because you forgot to write it down. In this section, you will learn to capture your ideas and apply creativity to make positive changes. By keeping your ideas and turning
them into a plan of action, you can develop new products or build the dream business you have always wanted. Imagine where your ideas could take you, and that is where you will end up.
Who Am I?
My name is Scott Allan, and I am a fearless confidence coach and personal development leader. For years I have been teaching people the strategies and techniques for destroying internal fears and overcoming the power of rejection that defeats them.
Since life is best served when we are chipping away at the obstacles in our lives that keep us stuck, I help thousands of people just like you to recover from the obstacles that defeat them through my books and coaching.
My mission is to provide you with the tools, life skills, and confidence to take control of your life.
I have struggled with failure and self-defeat for most of my life. Through addictions, negative behaviors, and a life of struggling to change bad habits, I have worked to overcome many obstacles on my journey toward freedom. So, just like you, I know what it is like to struggle and feel like you are spinning your wheels. I know what it is like to feel completely alone on the journey.
I know that change is not easy. If you have nobody giving you advice or guiding you along the way, it is easier to give in to the lesser path. I do not want you to give up; you deserve the best in life, and if you work on yourself just a little bit every day, you can experience the full benefits of what I am going to teach you. So, do not wait. The time to act is now.
Even if you have a strong desire to break your limitations, this will not happen until you disengage the core negativities that are keeping you stuck. Thanks to the techniques I am going to share with you in this book, you can begin to live the life that you have always dreamed of but could never quite reach.
You see, if we are not in charge of our lives, someone or something else is. If we are not making choices that empower us, we are making choices that limit us. I have made a lot of progress because of the wisdom and teachings past mentors shared with me. I want to share this wisdom with you now in The Discipline of Masters.