Lifestyle Mastery Boxed Set
Page 33
The universe has your best interests at heart and it is looking out for you. Be the kind of person you want to measure up to and the opportunity you desire has a high probability of appearing.
Trust yourself.
and the pathways each new encounter presents. The most difficult part of this process is being able to trust yourself. People are afraid of making mistakes, of being lied to or cheated, and so a golden opportunity might be misperceived as a threat and disregarded.
But if you have a clear understanding of what your own intentions are and you know the direction in which you want to go, the laws of the universe will respond by providing you with the right opportunity.
Trust who you are, trust what you want and, most of all, trust that it is being delivered to you through your relationships
Meet new people and expand on your relationships.
Meeting new people is one of the best ways to expand good fortune in life. By connecting and forming lasting bonds, you become rich in friendship, both personal and business. This creates new bridges of opportunity.
The more people you meet and connect with, the larger and richer your world grows. This brings more chances for opportunity to grow. With each new relationship you forge, your social presence is expanded.
With the reach of the Internet and high-powered social networks, never has there been more opportunity to meet new people. Take advantage of this and start to connect with those who add value to your life. Share your richness of life with them. In business or friendship, the quality of your relationships brings an unlimited wealth of abundance.
Every new friendship expands your global circle. Making new business contacts puts you in touch with people from various business cultures and backgrounds. Every new contact adds to a wealth of possibilities. Every new bond expands your chances for attracting opportunities and engaging in new friendships across the globe.
Learn something new.
Picking up new skills is a great way to expand upon your opportunity. If you are looking to start something new, it can be very difficult. You may have gone as far as you can in your current position because the skills and knowledge you have are outdated. If you want to expand new pathways, one of the best ways to do this is to create a new set of skills. Get educated in something different. Make yourself more marketable.
I know people who have created entirely new careers by learning another language, taking advanced computer courses, or getting an MBA. Once they had the skills, they were in a position to seek opportunity needed to advance beyond what they were accustomed to. These opportunities are available to anyone, but first we have to boost our knowledge or advance our skills to make an approachable offer.
Take that first step.
Decide what you want and make a list of the opportunities available to you. There are some things you can do right now to begin working on your plans for the future. If you wait for someday, there will be no more room for excuses.
You have to take advantage of the time you have left. Plan your day by putting together a list of action items for this week. Take a look at the opportunity that each of your actions could create.
Ask yourself, “Am I waiting for the perfect opportunity while the most important opportunities are passing me by? Is the window of opportunity going to close, or can it wait?”
There are some things that can or must wait, and there are those rare opportunities that must be snatched up before they are gone forever. Decide what your real talent is and work toward fulfilling those passions.
You have to be aware of what’s calling to you right now. Is it something that requires your immediate action? If you find something you really want, don’t let it slip away.
Seize that one critical moment. Get busy and get moving. Don’t let a good thing go because you fear making the wrong decision. The graveyard of lost dreams is full of the sad stories about those who failed to act.
Adopting a Model
for Success
“There is no use whatsoever trying to help people who do not help themselves. You cannot push anyone up a ladder unless he is willing to climb himself.”
— Andrew Carnegie
When we adopt the habits, techniques, and specific actions of successful achievers, we can create a similar model for success. By modeling the traits of successful people in sports, arts, music, or keynote speakers, you will experience a massive shift in the course your life is taking.
In essence, you become just like the people you spend the most time with. This includes modeling the strategies of others to push ahead and take your life to the next level.
Consider these questions:
If you could adopt the traits, values, and characteristics of the person you admire and respect the most for just one day, who would it be?
Would you model an influential politician, a motivational speaker, or a wise spiritual leader? Would it be a celebrity? How about a business entrepreneur?
What are the principles and values you admire the most in the people you desire to emulate? Is it their adherence to self-discipline? Is it an unwavering dedication to a noble cause? Is it a strong commitment to achieving excellence? Is it their kindness and generosity?
Is your ideal role model changing the way you perceive the world? Does he or she inspire and motivate others?
What unique traits do they possess that you would like to develop?
Do their actions, choices, and personal beliefs reflect the way you want to start living your life?
If you take the time to think carefully about your answers to these questions, you should have a good idea of who you desire to emulate. Now think about the specific areas of your life that you would need to develop to get you there.
By seeking someone to become your coach, mentor or guide, someone who has similar goals, you can walk the journey together to experience the joys of living.
The need to adopt a model for success in our lives has never been greater. When you choose a mentor or role model, by modeling the traits that make them high-level achievers, the same core dynamics and opportunity that builds their success becomes readily available to you.
Setting Personal Standards
When you adopt a model for success, you are setting the standards by which you want to succeed. These standards define you and everything you want to represent. Your most suitable role model will be the person who represents your best interests. Everything they say and do should be a reflection of the way you desire to think, act, and behave.
Change begins with a desire to transition ourselves from one state to another, and from one mindset to another. Having a good role model can result in their habits becoming your habits, their thoughts influencing your thoughts.
Most importantly, the positive values and traits of your role models could become your own if you listen, observe, and adopt similar behaviors. Recruiting the right mentor will create a lasting and binding relationship, filled with positive energy, personal empowerment, and a life of greater fulfillment and satisfaction.
You may be thinking, “But why would I want to become just like someone else? I’m happy with who I am.”
The goal is not to turn yourself into a carbon copy of another person. Your uniqueness plays a vital role in defining you as an individual. But, when we model the way successful people think and behave, we start to transform our own lives.
The values and principles you adopt from your role model can be added to your personality to enhance your character, enabling you to evolve in the next stage of your journey. Your values and characteristics define your character. They become a part of you as you train yourself to think, do, and behave differently.
When we do things differently with intention, real change is converted into powerful results. Instead of living by default, we switch this over to a life driven by intentional choices. When this is followed by taking massive action, you find yourself doing the things you once only imagined.
today’s world, you can seek out models for success just about everywhere. Your role models could be people in your schools, places of business or those who live right in our communities. They could be teachers and parents, police and firefighters, business entrepreneurs and restaurant owners, living right in your community.
They don’t have to be famous or rich or have any kind of celebrity status. They could be ordinary people with extraordinary gifts who want to share what they have with you, your family, and the global community.
Six Qualities of a Good
Role Model
“We should be inspired by people... who show that human beings can be kind, brave, generous, beautiful, strong-even in the most difficult circumstances.”
— Rachel Corrie
A good role model should meet certain criteria. The principles and values you look for in a mentor depend heavily on the context of your vision and objectives. In other words, the role model you are drawn to may be someone who walked a similar path, maybe in the same industry as you, or shares a set of beliefs that are similar to yours. All leaders share similar core qualities.
A good role model inspires others to reach their full potential.
A good role model is an influential force in this world. They are positive thinkers. The actions and words they live by encourage others to do the same. The strength of these positive words and actions are passed down through generations.
When people are passionate and inspired, they feel compelled to teach others what they know.
Today, there is a movement of people who are looking beyond just gathering material goods or making more money. They want to experience life at a deeper level through a deeper satisfaction in their jobs, building stronger personal relationships, and expanding on spiritual knowledge and personal development. A role model or mentor who delivers effective encouragement goes a long way in making people feel appreciated.
A good role model overcomes obstacles and difficulties.
Positive role models face their fears and overcome problems and obstacles by working out the best solutions. Today’s commercialism and advertising are influencing people to take the easy way out to become happy and successful.
By adopting and integrating the same values that are upheld by a good role model, you can learn that success is only possible when you have confronted your fears. Learning to cope with and overcome difficult challenges is a critical step to building lasting confidence.
Once you commit to making positive changes in your own life, you become more courageous and share this with others. Transitioning from self-serving ideas puts you in a position to be of greater service to others. A good role model shows you that being of service to other people is the highest point of living.
You can help by providing advice, solutions, or simply listening to problems and hardships. You may not be able to fix their problems, but you can certainly relieve their pain by being there and making yourself available.
Role models are global volunteers.
The best role models are those who volunteer out of service and volunteerism. Such role models could be celebrities and spiritual leaders, teachers and parents, political leaders and social workers. You can find such role models right in your own town, in the news, in books, and even in your immediate family.
Regardless of where you encounter them, read their stories and study what they do. Listen to their words of wisdom, confidence, and the message they convey. Subsequently, seek to support your own global concerns by getting involved. You can make a difference.
A role model is a visual creator and leader.
The greatest leaders in this world have a vision for the future and that vision is shared by anyone who embraces it as their own.
For example, if you are a parent and you serve as one of the role models for your children, you’re creating a vision for them. A spiritual leader is concerned with the future of his disciples. The president of a country develops a vision for the nation. CEOs have a vision for their business. Teachers instruct students how to build a vision for the future they want to create.
What is your vision? Is there a leader or role model whose vision you are paying attention to? Visionaries are masters at creating the future by teaching others the best actions they can take to support one another.
A role model lives by a set of well-defined principles and values.
A person is defined by their principles and values. Successful people are aware of the values that drive them. They are also committed to a set of principles that define their actions.
Strong leaders have a set of principles and values that act as the foundation of all their actions. Your principles and values are the rules and guidelines that form the basis for all your actions.
A role model creates leaders.
One of the key characteristics of role models and leaders is the ability to create other role models and leaders. When you adopt the values and characteristics of a well-defined leader, you take on the responsibility of becoming a leader yourself. You then have a responsibility to pass on what you have learned to future generations.
It is the role of great leaders to teach others how to lead and not just follow. A role model wants you to think for yourself and come to your own conclusions. Embracing your own confidence and making key decisions are signs that you are moving on and growing.
Adopting a Role Model
for Success
“Setting an example is not the main means of influencing others; it is the only means.”
— Albert Einstein
In addition to the core qualities of role models previously mentioned, here are five basic guidelines for seeking out your models.
Identify the type of model you want to emulate.
Write down the areas of your life you want to improve, expand, and develop. Then make a list of potential role models that could help you move toward more success.
Gathering as much knowledge as possible about the characteristics of a role model will provide you with powerful insight into their core beliefs and personal values. Write down the values and principles that your ideal role model lives by. Then seek to integrate these principles into your life.
An example might be:
Cultivated vision
Considerate and thoughtful
Choose a role model who has gained the level of success you want to achieve.
Several years ago, I made a list of role models I wanted to emulate based on their contributions to the world, values, and consistent habits and actions that defined who they are. Not all of these people were accessible to me, but I could learn about them by reading their books, listening to their tapes or podcasts, or following their daily blogs, while implementing methods they used.
We have a strong tendency to become like people we observe and emulate, so ensure you select people who are successful at the same things you want to do. Adopt their behaviors and learn to think like they do. When you do this, you will be taking the first steps toward personal transformation.
Identify the role models that fit your area of interest.
Identify at least three people who have achieved success in the same field. Is it in business, spirituality, or entertainment? Write down how you plan to gain access to their knowledge. Can you contact them?
Remember, a role model is not necessarily someone you have to meet and converse with personally. If you wish to adopt a role model for financial success, you could select a person who is an expert in this field and read their books or attend one of their seminars. Anyone who has achieved the level of success you endeavor to achieve qualifies as a model for success.
There is no limit to the number of people you can adopt as role models. I have a wide range of interests. Other than people who have the same set of principles as me, I model different individuals for financial organi
zation, project management, self-discipline, and personal development.
I don’t think there is any one person who can serve as a role model for all our interests. It is an effective strategy to adopt several role models to gain confidence and achieve success in every area of your life.
Identify the character traits of your role model.
Briefly describe all the character traits of your role model. Write down the reasons why this person is a solid choice for ensuring your success. Why are these character traits important to you?
From the list of character traits, identify traits and values you consider most important and strive to seek out role models who take actions according to these values. It is essential that you select a role model who has the character values you desire to adopt. A list of character traits is provided subsequently in this chapter.
Identify with your role model’s impact on the community, country, and world.
Does the role model represent a certain group, set of ideals, or values that you admire? One way to seek out an effective role model is to consider their relationship with the world. Is this person well-respected or popular? Are they an influential figure with many followers?
Most leaders influence the world around them. Study their level of influence and decide if you would also like to have the same influence. Is this person a strong leader in your community? Does this role model influence world events? How has this person influenced you? How will you use this knowledge to influence others?
Creating a Character Traits List
Below is a list of core values to enable you to select your model for success. Choose the traits that are most important to you. I would recommend you select at least three values that you want to integrate into your life.
Subsequently, start looking for those values in the people you respect and admire. Adopt that person as a role model for both personal self-development and improving the quality of your life