Trickle Down Tyranny
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Alter, himself a committed leftist, cites ultra-liberal political scientist Brendan Nyhan, who has declared “Obama set a record earlier this month for most days without a scandal of any president since 1977.”3
Do you realize what these nitwits are saying?
The last scandal-free president, according to these two, was Jimmy Carter.
Do you understand what we’re up against when utter fabrications like this are allowed to see the light of day?
The First Socialist Lady
Don’t believe we’ve got a petty dictator in the White House?
Barack and Michelle celebrated the halfway mark of the schoolboy president’s junior year in office with a trip to Martha’s Vineyard. The vacation, in which Michelle and Barack took separate flights, cost taxpayers tens of thousands of unnecessary dollars. Michelle ordered up a separate military jet for herself and her entourage, arriving about four hours earlier than her husband, who flew in on Air Force One along with the family dog, Bo.
This wasn’t the first time the First Lady and the First Kids had traveled separately from the president for no good reason. In December 2010, she left early for the family’s Hawaii vacation at an extra cost of $100,000 to taxpayers.4
Her Martha’s Vineyard trip capped Michelle Obama’s two-and-a-half-year, $10 million vacation spending spree that included five-star hotels, massages, and top-shelf wines and liquors. Calculations are that Michelle spent at least 42 days on vacation from the fall of 2010 to the fall of 2011. She’s been described as a “getaway junkie.”5
My listeners are on to Michelle Obama. Here’s what one of them wrote:
The one event that really did it for me was Mrs. Obama insisting on taking a separate flight . . . and all the cost that entails . . . to Martha’s Vineyard, which apparently only netted her an additional 4 hours more than if she waited and went on Air Force One with the president. If that isn’t telling the American public “Screw you, I’ll do what I want,” I don’t know what is. Of course she’s aware of the supposed austerity push going on, aren’t we all? Apparently Obama has no control whatsoever over her actions. I’ve always been curious just what she did as a hospital administrator that warranted her being given a $300,000 plus salary (by way of Valerie Jarrett) just before the election in ’08. The Chicago way, don’t you know.
The First Lady is in good company. You remember Imelda Marcos, wife of Philippines dictator Ferdinand Marcos. She set the standard for lavish spending by a dictator’s spouse by owning 3,000 pairs of shoes.
First Lady Michelle Obama is our own Imelda Marcos, keeping alive the tradition that dictators’ wives should spend the money collected from their citizens lavishly on things that demonstrate their superiority to common people but, like our foreign policy, have nothing to do with our national interest. It cost U.S. taxpayers more than half a million dollars to send Michelle and her daughters—who were listed as “senior staff” on the trip manifest—along with the first lady’s mother, niece, nephew, hairstylist, and makeup artists on an African safari that was billed as “government business.”6
Did you know that the U.S. is being sued over this secret “family outing”? The organization Judicial Watch—which has already demanded to know how Nancy Pelosi spent more than $100,000 on her own birthday bash—now wants detailed financial records and passenger manifests for the First Socialist Lady’s trip to Botswana. The government declined to hand over the information, so the organization has had to sue for it.7
About this trip, another of my listeners had this to say: “How exactly does a safari on a private preserve help poor, starving Africans? So they can see what a fat American African looks like? Is that the deal? So they can see a big jet filled with nouveau-riche poser criminals acting like potentates? Was that the plan?”
The Obamas finished off 2011 with their most expensive vacation junket yet: a Hawaii trip estimated to cost nearly $4 million, a good chunk of which will be paid for by U.S. taxpayers. The president and the First Lady traveled separately, with Michelle racking up roughly $100,000 in personnel, travel, and security expenses while the president, flying in on Air Force One at a cost of $181,757 per hour, will have spent more than $3 million by the time he completes the nine-hour round trip.8
Beyond the irresponsible use of taxpayer money, there’s the first family’s attitude toward our country. Michelle Obama revealed with five words just how great her and her husband’s lack of respect—indeed, their utter contempt—for America is. While attending a 9/11 memorial ceremony at the World Trade Center in which the American flag was folded in the traditional manner, the First Socialist Lady rolled her eyes and said to her husband, “All this over a flag?” to which Barack Obama grinned and nodded his head in agreement.9
That sarcastic contempt for everything American, everything truly democratic, carries over into her political views. She’s in favor of having schools feed our children, because the kids spend half their waking hours in schools and schools shape “the choices they’re going to make for the rest of their lives.” She’s in agreement with Marx and Engels, who favored eliminating the role of the family in raising children. Michelle argues that the government “should provide clear, actionable guidance to . . . families on how to increase physical activity, improve nutrition, and reduce screen time.”10
In other words, her supposed campaign against obesity is nothing more than an excuse to have the state take over the raising of America’s children.
The First Socialist Lady is only another in a long line of wives and paramours of dictatorial leaders, living the high life while she and her husband do everything in their power to keep their subjects from doing the same.
Are you starting to understand what’s been happening in this rogue administration?
Why Do I Call It Trickle Down Tyranny?
Anyone who knows me or listens to my radio program will tell you that I choose my words carefully. I do exhaustive research and consider all the evidence. So when I tell you that Obama is a tyrant with a relentless desire to undermine our country, I mean what I say and I know what I’m talking about.
And when you read Trickle Down Tyranny, you will, too.
You’re not going to find the evidence of Obama’s tyranny in the pages of your local newspaper or on a nightly newscast. Fox News won’t touch it. Even your favorite blogger doesn’t have this. You have to follow me into the dusty stacks of government archives, peer into the pages of overseas newspapers that don’t worship at Obama’s shrine, and go where members of the Government-Media Complex fear to tread.
One of the things the network news and print journalists have refused to recognize is that we’re heading for a dictatorship. No one understands that when you put the government in the hands of someone who’s been brainwashed into believing the leftist tripe that passes for course content in American’s colleges and universities you’re submitting yourself to a tyrant.
Tyranny starts at the top. The people don’t cause tyranny, their rulers do.
The last time the country was faced with having to rid itself of a ruler like the one currently occupying the White House was in 1776. As part of freeing themselves from the rule of the British king, America’s Founding Fathers compiled a long list of what makes a tyrant and what constitutes tyrannical abuses.
As I go through that list in 2011, I find that Obama has committed many of the abuses catalogued in the Declaration of Independence.
The only thing he hasn’t done is hire Hessian mercenaries to attack Americans in their homes and on their farms. In place of the foreign mercenaries, the Obama government now uses tax collectors, environmental regulators, zoning inspectors, and every conceivable bureaucrat to invade our homes, farms, factories, and businesses!
In other words, Barack Obama fits our founders’ definition of a tyrant.
Here is what they wrote:
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotis
m, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. . . . The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.
Like King George III, Obama, too, has become a despot, trampling on the rights of individuals and state governments.
Let’s look at some of the words of 1776 and the facts of 2011.
He has forbidden his governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.
Through his Attorney General, Eric Holder—who I consider one of the most, if not the most corrupt person in the most corrupt administration in American history—Obama has sued the state of Arizona in order to stop the implementation of that state’s immigration law, SB 1070. The law that Arizonans wrote in order to protect their border from further infiltration by Mexican drug gangs. The law that was necessary because the United States government under Obama was intentionally failing to carry out one of its most important constitutional duties—keeping our borders safe—in order to advance its subversive agenda.
He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.
The Obama equivalent of the King’s crime is this: He has created more boards and special commissions than any other president since FDR. Virtually all of their meetings are secret and the press and the public are barred. These secretive task forces—which created the health-care bill, climate-control legislation, and many other measures—do not release records of their meetings or in many cases even reveal who is attending them to the public. Yet out of them come far-reaching new laws that give the government the right to control the lives of more than 300 million Americans.
He has dissolved representative houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.
I told you in the Prologue how Obama is bypassing Congress and using executive orders to implement his policies. In another move, Obama has managed to engineer the de facto dissolution of Congress through his violation of the War Powers Act. The law requires the president to receive congressional approval for any military actions overseas that last more than 60 days. Harold Koh, the Obama appointee who is the State Department’s top legal advisor, tried to get around the law and the Constitution by contending that the then-90-day-old mission over Libya was limited to air strikes and therefore, as ABC News has noted, “does not constitute hostilities as described in the War Powers Act and therefore would not require Congressional authorization.”11
Obama’s authorizing his Energy Department to make taxpayer-guaranteed loans to solar energy companies that are virtually guaranteed to fail also bypasses congressional oversight. That’s because Congress might not be in such a hurry to have you and me guarantee that Obama’s campaign contributors don’t lose money on these nearly bankrupt companies.
The words of the Founders of our nation ring true today: In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.
As I will show you in this book, Obama is a tyrant in every sense of the word. He’s defied the will of the people as they expressed it in the resounding defeats they administered to Democrats in the 2010 midterm elections. He has ignored the pleas of the American people, shrugged off the rulings of state and federal court judges—going so far as to mock and insult the Supreme Court of the United States in his 2011 State of Union speech—and defied the attempts of Congress to shut down his illegal maneuvers.
The Obama Tyranny
In Trickle Up Poverty I explained to you that the first two years of the Obama presidency amounted to nothing less than a leftist takeover of the United States. Early in his first term, with Democratic majorities in both the House and Senate, Obama pushed through sweeping legislation to take over the banks and automakers, seized control of health care, and took command of the student-loan market, eliminating private lenders.
When he couldn’t get even his own Democratic-controlled Congress to do his bidding, Obama found ways to bypass the lawmakers and judges and secretly implemented his subversive agenda via the rapidly expanding federal bureaucracy.
Let me take you through what you’ll read in Trickle Down Tyranny so you’ll get a sense of just how dangerous this subversive administration has become in only three short years.
In chapter 3, “Tyranny of the Government-Media Complex,” you’ll discover how Obama continues to subvert our free speech rights.
One of the techniques is the use of intimidation. A CBS reporter who has reported on the Department of Justice’s Fast and Furious scandal since it became public early in 2011 explained how the Obama administration tries to bully legitimate reporters into submission: “Well the DOJ woman [Tracy Schmaler] was . . . yelling at me. The guy from the White House on Friday night literally screamed at me and cussed at me.”12
When a Boston Herald reporter sought to cover Obama’s trip to Boston, White House press secretary Jay Carney pointedly excluded him. He wanted only the loyalist White House press corps to cover the president when he visits American voters. When Vice President Joe Biden was speaking at a $500-per-plate fund-raiser in Florida, Orlando Sentinel reporter Scott Powers was roughed up and locked in a closet for several hours by presidential goons. The president himself has attacked Fox News and tried to exclude it from covering public events where the president is present. Obama has also put together a “war room” to use Facebook, Twitter, and other social media to send out his propaganda without the checks and balances of a free press.
The so-called press has become the Pravda of the 21st century under Barack Obama.
In chapter 4, “Tyranny of the Treasurer,” I address one of the most important issues of our time: U.S. debt. In that chapter, you’ll read about how Obama has refused to rein in spending, growing the national debt from $9 trillion in 2009, when he took office, to more than $15 trillion in 2012. It took America from 1789 to 2008 to rack up $9 trillion in federal debt—it took Obama less than three years to increase that 200-year debt load by nearly 70 percent. He has refused to reform runaway so-called entitlements or cut payments that go to his supporters and donors. In Obama’s first three years, the national debt climbed from slightly more than 40 percent of our gross domestic product to more than 100 percent of GDP. Rather than cut spending, Obama spent the summer of 2011 fighting with Congress to increase federal debt by another $2.5 trillion.
But Obama can’t stop spending even on frivolous items. He’s nearly doubled the number of limousines used by government officials. In the last year of the George W. Bush administration, the federal government owned 238 limousines, according to the General Services Administration. By 2010, two years into Obama’s reign, the federal fleet had swelled to 412 limousines. Those limousines aren’t cheap. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) said that the Obama administration spent $1.9 billion to buy and operate limousines in 2009 alone. So let’s crunch the numbers. With a fleet of 412 limousines and a budget of $1.9 billion, that means that each vehicle costs the taxpayers just over $4.6 million. Even including the cost of the driver, security detail, higher gas prices, comprehensive insurance, maintenance, and parking fees, it is hard to see how the federal government can possibly spend $4.6 million per car. But they do, according to a March 2011 GAO report.13
Who knows? Maybe they park it next to the $400-dollar hammer and the $2,000-dollar toilet seat? Leslie Paige of Citizens Against Government Waste, a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit, w
asn’t amused. “It’s one more reason why there is so much cynicism in the public about what goes on in Washington.”14
But beyond that, I’ll explain to you in chapter 4 how Goldman Sachs executives have essentially taken over the finances of the United States, and how they’ve instituted policies that have endangered the world economy by creating new collateralized debt that amounts to more than ten times the world GDP.
Chapter 5, “Tyranny of Obama’s Radical Accomplices,” explains how the White House has become labor union headquarters under Barack Obama. Former Service Employees International Union (SEIU) capo Andy Stern and AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka signed the White House Guest Register dozens of times as they cemented labor and public employee unions’ hold on this utterly corrupt administration. Labor unions have stood behind the Occupy Wall Street demonstrators and the mobs that destroyed public property in Wisconsin when they tried to shut down the state government after it had trimmed public employee unions’ bargaining rights.
To pile corruption on top of corruption, Obama has also drafted an executive order that says businesses seeking federal contracts must reveal who they made political contributions to, despite the fact that this is clearly a violation of our constitutional rights under law and the fact that federal contracts are required to go to the lowest bidder.
It doesn’t stop there.
When the Ford Motor Company—the one U.S. automaker that did not accept bailout money—aired a commercial in which a Ford owner made it clear that he wouldn’t buy a car from a company that had accepted bailout money, Obama bullied Ford into stopping the broadcast of the commercial.
As you’ll read in chapter 5, the leftist fondness for mob rule goes back to one of the most dangerous of radicals, Saul Alinsky. Obama was mentored in the art of “community organizing” by Alinsky disciples, and his administration is littered with leftists who adhere to the methods put forth in Alinsky’s book Rules for Radicals.