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Big Bad Professor: An Alpha and a Virgin Romance

Page 89

by Tia Siren

  Joseph did as he was instructed and when he was finished, Emily went upstairs to the bedroom. She looked at him lying under the covers in her bed and almost vomited. She drank a glass of water, and composed herself. Next, she changed into her night gown and sat in the arm chair.

  It was almost nine o'clock in the morning when Sir John woke up. Emily was looking at him from the arm chair. She rushed to him as soon as she saw his eyes move. ''Oh, Sir John, you are awake. I have to tell you, nobody has ever made love to me, the way you did last evening. You were like a wild stallion. You were so big and hard and I have never experienced so many orgasms. Thank you.''

  Sir John had a splitting headache and couldn't remember a thing, but Emily was such a good actress, he believed he had done the things she said he had.

  ''Please, Sir John, you told me last evening that you propose to....let's call my husband on Sunday. Please don't disappoint me, because after he is gone, I will be yours, to do as you please with.''

  When he left, Emily had all the bed sheets and blankets washed, and the bedroom cleaned from top to bottom.


  Peter lay with his head on Charlotte's lap as the coach made its way from London.

  ''I can't travel all the way to the village with you. You must set me down a mile away so nobody sees us. I will walk the rest of the way back to Sedgefield House.''

  ''Of course,'' Charlotte said, as she stroked his head.

  The road from London to Sedgefield House was a journey of around thirty miles and took three hours. For the most part it was open countryside and the roads were reasonably passable. Things changed when the road passed through Finchley Wood. A passage of around three miles. The trees stopped sunlight from drying the road, and it was often wet and rutted.

  When they reached the forest, the coachman slowed the horses to a walk and everybody clung to a hand rail, as the coach swung from left to right, through the rutted ground.

  After two miles, the coachman was pleased with his progress. But he shouted out when he saw a hooded man on a black horse, standing in front of the coach, pointing a pistol at him.

  ''Put your hands up and get down,'' he said. The coachman got down and stood next to one of the horses. ''Get the people out of the coach,'' the rider demanded. The coachman went to the door and knocked. The two lovers had the curtain down, and weren't aware why the coach had stopped.

  Peter opened the door and saw a man pointing a pistol at him. ''What on earth are you doing, sir?'' he asked.

  ''Get out of the coach and kneel down over there,'' he pointed to a place next to a tree. ''If you refuse I will shoot you. You do the same,'' he said to the coachman. ''Charlotte stay in the coach.''

  Peter walked to the place the man had asked him to and knelt. The coachman knelt next to him. When Peter felt the pistol touch his skull he started to pray.

  From somewhere in the forest there was a bang and a flash. The robber cried out in agony, and fell down next to Peter. Peter grabbed the pistol and stood up. The man was holding his knee. It was almost completely blown away. When Peter bent down and removed the robber's hood, he gasped. The coachman ran after Charlotte, and knocked her to the ground. Her screams frightened the birds from the trees, as he pulled her by the hair back to the coach.

  When two horsemen appeared from the forest Peter thought they were Sir John's accomplices.

  ''Get down from your horses, this instant,'' he told them as he pointed the pistol at them. ''James,'' he exclaimed, as Emily's brother took off his hood. When Emily took of her hood, his mouth fell open. What is happening?'' he asked totally confused.

  ''I'll tell you what is happening,” Emily said. “Sir John and Miss Pemberly have been plotting to kill you. I found out about it, and as I am unable to shoot, I asked James to help me. As you can see by the state of Sir John's knee, he is an extremely accomplished marksman. These two wanted to kill you so that Sir John could marry me, and take my wealth.''

  Peter looked at Charlotte, who was being held firmly by the coachman. She dropped her eyes from him. ''Emily I.......I don't know.....what …''

  ''James will go and fetch the police, once these two have been arrested, you will come back to Sedgefield House with me.''


  They arrived home in the dark. Peter rode James' horse home. James had taken a lift to London with the police. When Joseph opened the door, Emily nodded to him in recognition of the part he had played in foiling Sir John's evil plot.

  ''Joseph was a great help in foiling the attempt on your life, my dear,'' she said.

  ''Thank you, Joseph. I am not fully aware of the details, but my wife will no doubt inform me. I will see you handsomely rewarded for you efforts.''

  ''There is really no need, my lord,'' Joseph said in his usually modest fashion.

  ''Joseph, please bring two whiskeys into the drawing room. This time two real ones.''

  ''Now, Peter. Come and sit next to me,'' Emily said as Peter attempted to sit in his usual place. ''From now on you will sit next to me in the evenings.''

  ''Emily, I am so sorry for what I have done. I have been a fool. You are beautiful and clever and I have ignored you and behaved terribly badly.''

  ''It is no matter, Peter. I will always do everything in my power to protect our marriage, even if that means asking my brother to shoot someone. You are a very special man, I adore you, and I love you more than I can bear. All I ask is that you please try to love me back.''

  ''Oh Emily, I do. Until this evening, I didn't realize how much you mean to me. I do love you.''

  ''Then let's finish our drinks and you can take me to bed and prove your love to me.''


  When Peter took off his shirt and dropped his trousers to the floor, Emily could see how much he desired her. It was the first time in many weeks that she had seen his hard shaft. When she let her nightgown drop to the floor, Peter could see how ready she was for him. The soft curls between her legs shone with her desire and her nipples were erect.

  They came into each other’s arms and kissed. It was too much for Peter, who was so racked with guilt that a tear escaped from his eye and rolled over his cheek. Emily watched it until it reached his jaw, then she liked it from him. Peter was overcome with desire and love. He picked her up and carried her to the bed. They lay next to each other and kissed. Emily loved the feeling as his penis rubbed against her soft thigh.

  He got up and crawled to the end of the bed. He took Emily by the ankles and spread her legs wide apart. As he looked at her womanhood, his hard member twitched. He bent down between her legs and without delay licked the length of her vulva. Emily cried out and thrust her hips up from the bed. He licked her again. When his mouth fixed over her clitoris, and his tongue began to make tiny movements on her, she gasped and pulled his hair. As his tongue stayed fixed to the same spot, Emily felt the muscles in her belly tighten. When Peter did what he had never done before, Emily's orgasm hit her. His tongue on her clitoris and two fingers deep inside her, was too much.

  She lay back and enjoyed the waves that made her body tremble. When they began to wane she pushed him onto his back, and took him into her mouth. He tasted salty and the scent of his sweat made her ache to be filled by him. She placed her hands on his strong thighs and felt the coarseness of the hair which covered them. As her head bobbed up and down, Peter played with her blonde hair. Soon it became too much for him and he pushed her head from him. As he lay her down, her legs fell open. He entered her without assistance in one hard thrust. As he parted his wife's sex, she groaned and thrust back at him, willing him on. As well as an over whelming feelings of love, Peter felt an overbearing sense of guilt. As he pushed into her he gritted his teeth and willed the feeling away. Emily looked up and saw his forehead covered in sweat. She ran her hand over it and licked his salty juice from her palm.

  ''Emily, I love you,'' he said. She had waited a long time to hear him utter those words, and she basked in the effect it had on her body a
nd her mind. She wanted to feel his love flowing into her now and she matched him with her hip movements. When she tightened the muscles in her vagina, he pushed into her twice more and cried out her name. Emily put her hands onto his chest and screamed as his seed triggered another orgasm.


  When James knocked at the door to Sedgefield House, it was snowing.

  ''Look mummy, it's Uncle James.''

  ''My, my, you two are growing up.''

  ''Have you brought some Christmas presents for us?'' Harriet asked.

  ''Harriet, don't be so rude,'' Emily said.

  ''Yes, don't be so rude,'' little James added. ''Have you though?''

  ''Who'd have a three year old and a five year old?'' Emily asked James.

  ''Uncle James is a hero,'' Harriet said. ''Mummy told me.''

  Peter walked into the room. ''James, Merry Christmas.'' he said to his brother in law. ''Yes Harriet, Uncle James is indeed a hero,'' he added.



  Older Man Romance – What the Boss Wants, He Gets

  Colten Lewis looked at his watch. He hated tardiness. He looked up at the tatty apartment building and imagined what it would look like when his builders had finished with it. The rental income from the luxury apartments would be much higher than it was now. How could a real estate owner let a building in such a prime location get so dilapidated, he wondered? All the tenants would have to leave. There would be protests no doubt. The usual ban the bomb, support mass immigration assholes would turn up. Then there would be the press reporting what a bad man he was for putting old ladies and families with handicapped kids on the streets. They always took that line, the press. But not one of the journalists had ever bothered to scratch the surface and see what Colten really did with tenants he wanted to move. Most of them got more cash than they could earn in a lifetime, and if they went without making a fuss, he always rehoused them in much better accommodation. The problem was if you had to move three hundred tenants there were always a couple that chained themselves to the front door in protest. Most of those that protested had never done a days work in their lives. Colten called them freeloaders. People who lived on welfare and feigned illness so they would never have to work.

  ''You're late,'' Colten said as he got out of his chauffeur-driven Rolls Royce. ''The price has just gone down a hundred grand.''

  ''Sorry Colten. Bloody traffic,'' Jim Nail said. Jim was old now, and he could no longer run a credible business. It had all become too fast for him. The deals were more complicated than in years gone by. In those days, you shook a man's hand, and the deal was done, no clowning around with lots of lawyers. At seventy-six, he'd decided to sell his portfolio, and he intended to sell most of it to Colten. He knew Colten would drive a hard bargain, but Colten was trustworthy and did what he said he would do.

  ''You're not walking too well Jim,'' Colten observed.

  ''Gout,'' Jim replied.

  ''Not surprised all the alcohol you pour down your neck.''

  Colten was one hard son-of-a-bitch, but he was straight and fair. Jim laughed to himself when he remembered what his wife always said when she talked about Colten. Great mind, great body, great catch.

  ''Where's that lovely PA you used to have? Every time I call your office I get some guy on the phone,'' Jim asked.

  ''Fired her,'' Colten said coolly.

  ''Why. She was hot and efficient. Why would you fire such a good advert for your company?''

  ''Because she didn't do what she was told,'' Colten replied.

  ''You mean she wouldn't let you screw her.''

  ''That would be very wrong of me as a boss,'' Colten said.

  ''But true, nonetheless,'' Jim added. Colten smiled.

  ''Anyhow I've got a new PA starting Monday. If you thought the last one was nice, you've gotta see this one.''


  ''Are you nervous Avaline?'' Penny asked.

  ''No, why should I be?'' Avaline Francis replied as she put the finishing touches to her nails.

  ''Maybe you've forgotten, but you start your first job tomorrow. You know, at CL Real Estate?''

  ''How could I forget,'' Avaline replied.

  Avaline and Penny shared a student apartment in a seedy area of Los Angeles. Not that either of them was still a student. They had both recently finished secretarial college and found jobs. Penny had passed a casting shoot and was soon to star in a porn movie with one of America's hottest adult actors. Avaline had also given the idea of porn some thought but decided it was degrading. When she'd gone to pick Penny up from the studio, the director had begged Avaline to take her clothes off, but she'd refused.

  ''It's such a pity. You're really hot, look at your sexy legs and those boobs,'' he'd said.

  Avaline wondered how a gay man could possibly judge her, but apparently he was one of the world's best adult movie makers, so he must know a thing or two.

  ''You'll have to sit in an office and take orders while I travel the world to exotic locations.''

  ''Crap. The furthest you'll get is Brighton Beach where a well hung Russian will shag your brains out and come all over your belly,'' Avaline said. ''And besides no man tells me what to do. Remember John and what happened to him?''

  How could I forget Penny thought? Poor John. He'd been Avaline's boyfriend for years, and although she'd cheated on him numerous times, he'd never found out. When he'd told her, he didn't like her new hairstyle she'd gone crazy. First, she'd taken a picture of his manhood while he was asleep and posted it on Facebook under the heading, ''Small Cock for Sale.'' Then she'd taken all his clothes and stuffed them down a drain outside the apartment.

  Penny looked at Avaline. She was a very beautiful woman. Her long legs seemed to go on forever, and they were as shapely as any woman's. She had long, natural, blonde hair and a smile that no man seemed able to resist.

  ''Out in the real world, I think you'll find it's different, especially in the business world.'' Penny took the pot of nail varnish Avaline had handed her and began to paint her own nails. '' There are a lot of very hard men around. You won't be able to click your fingers and have them fall to their knees like you did with all the others you've had.''

  ''I've never met a man strong enough to resist me yet. I can twist them all around my little finger. All I have to do is show a bit of leg and flutter my eyes and the poor creatures buckle.''

  ''You're so wrong; you'll find out sometime.''


  Avaline looked at her watch; she was five minutes late. CL Real Estate was located in a huge glass fronted building in downtown LA. Colten's company occupied the top three floors, and the rest of the building was occupied by various companies from banks to shipping companies. By the time she got to the top floor she was ten minutes late.

  ''Hi I'm Avaline Francis, I'm starting work as Mr. Lewis' PA today,'' she said to the woman behind the magnificent reception desk.

  ''He's expecting you. Through that door there.''

  Avaline looked behind her and saw a double glass door. It led to a smaller office with a desk, which she assumed was hers. Another door led from that office to Colten's. She knocked and entered.

  ''You're late. Your first day, and you're late. I would have thought you would have been twenty minutes early. That's what I expect.''

  He was tall and dark, and she noticed his nose had been broken at some time. It wasn't crooked but flatter than most men's. She hadn't met him at the interview; he'd asked his personnel department to chose a few suitable candidate. He'd taken two things into consideration when hiring her. First, what the personnel department had to say and second the way she looked on the photo they gave him of her.

  ''Sorry,'' she said.

  ''That's your desk out in the small office. You don't come in here unless I call you. Is that clear?''


  ''And you're working hours are 24/7.''


  ''You are to be available any time, day or night when I need y
ou. I operate an international business.'' He sat on the edge of his desk and looked at her tanned legs. ''Calls come in at all times of the day and night. It will happen that I call you in the middle of the night and ask you to come in. The world never sleeps and neither will you when I need you. Clear?''

  ''Yes, it's clear.'' Be professional and do as she requests. After a few weeks you'll have more control over him, she thought.

  ''Good. Today you're going to spend the rest of the day with Jean from personnel. She's going to show you how we do things around here. I like things done my way. I expect a lot from my employees; that's why they are well paid. They also respect me.'' He turned and looked out of the window. ''This is a very special view. You can see the ocean and a lot of LA. I earned this view with my own sweat. Nobody will ever take it away from me. If you work hard for me, you will get a lot of rewards as well.''

  Avaline remembered what Penny had said about there being some hard people in the big wide world. If she was right, he was surely one of them. ''I'll do my very best to do a good job,'' she said.

  ''You can start with your time keeping then, can't you?'' he said harshly. ''Tell Jean to bring you back up to my office at five pm. You'll find her one floor below, room 365.''

  Avaline felt like she'd just been grilled by an army officer. Nobody had ever set out so many rules for her.

  At five pm she stood in Colten's office and waited until he'd finished his telephone call.

  ''That's all I can pay Jim. I think it's a fair price. Look at the place; it's almost derelict,'' he put the phone down and clapped his hands together. ''Another great deal done. Making money is all about purchasing at the lowest price possible.'' Avaline nodded. ''One compliment I do have for you is how nice you look,'' he said. She was wearing a short black skirt, black pantyhose, and a blue blouse. ''You look very business like and your hair and makeup are perfect.''


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