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Sassy's Studs

Page 4

by Dakota Rebel

  I smiled at him as he winked then pretended to help Ryan, who was cussing loudly at the eggs as if they had done him some kind of personal offense. The smell emanating from the stove was about to turn my stomach when Colbie finally intervened.

  “Okay, that’s it,” he said as he reached around Ryan and turned off the burner.

  “Hey!” Ryan protested weakly.

  “Nope, you can’t make her eat that. And she would, or at least she’d pretend to for your sake.” Colbie grabbed the handle of the pan and dropped the whole mess into the garbage. I didn’t mention that the heat would melt the bag and leave them with a bigger mess to deal with. I just continued to drink my coffee and gazed at them both, smiling at their banter.

  “Sassy, please tell me you can cook,” Ryan begged as he turned to look at me.

  “Well,” I said. “I can make eggs. And cereal. And toast. So I guess I’ve got at least two up on you.”

  “Wench,” Ryan said, his eyes dancing with humor. “Come on, let’s go get some food. What do you feel like?”

  “Well, you still owe me pizza,” I said. “Let’s go to New York, New York and get some then we can ride the roller coaster.”

  “Um…” Colbie glanced over at Ryan then back at me. “We aren’t exactly welcome there anymore.”

  “Okay,” I said slowly. “How about Mandalay Bay? We could eat at the Shark Reef then go to the aquarium.”

  “No,” Ryan replied. “That’s probably not a good idea either.”

  “Counting cards?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest and glaring at them both.

  “Hey,” Colbie said defensively. “It’s not illegal. It’s just…frowned upon.”

  “Right,” I said. “How about the Paris?

  They both shook their heads.

  “The El Cortez?”

  Again they motioned that they were not allowed back there either.

  “So we have to go to Reno if we want to walk into a casino together?” I huffed.

  Colbie and Ryan looked at each other sheepishly, and I threw my hands up in frustration. “Seriously? Jesus, no wonder Mike was pissed to see you at the Fiesta. Were you counting there, too?”

  “No,” Ryan said firmly. “We like Mike. We wouldn’t have lied to him. He lets us play as long as we stay fair. We’ve never wanted to risk our relationship with him or with Barbie. Or with you.”

  “Why do you call my mom Barbie?” I asked, realizing they’d been saying that since I’d met up with them the night before.

  “I don’t know,” Colbie said with a shrug. “We always have. She sort of mothers us. While you were gone, we would go over there and check up on her, see if she needed anything.”

  “See if she’d heard from you,” Ryan chimed in. “She liked to cook for us and tell us stories about you and about your dad. She was like our connection to you. We took her out one night, and she met Mike, and they’ve been together ever since. We’re all sort of…”

  “We’re family,” Colbie finished for the taller man. “We’ve just been waiting for the last piece of it to come home.”

  “And now you have,” Ryan said.

  I looked at them, stunned by what they’d just said. Family? They’d adopted my mom while I was gone so they could keep tabs on me? They really had cared about me all that time.

  It was going to work. We were going to work. It wasn’t conventional, but I loved them and they loved me. Everything else would figure itself out. It had to. Now that they were back in my life, I knew I’d never be able to let them go again. Even if it meant working as a cocktail waitress for the rest of my life, at least I could come home to them every night. No part of that was a waste. It was a dream come true.

  “So,” I said, glad to hear that my tone was even. “Since we apparently can’t go out, whatever shall we do?” A shiver ran through me as both men’s gazes darkened with desire and that fire in the pit of my stomach relit with a vengeance. “No part of that is going to get me food,” I said in mock complaint.

  “We’ll feed you later,” Colbie growled as he stalked over to me. He picked me up in a fireman’s carry and practically ran toward the stairs, Ryan close on his heels.

  As I was once again dropped onto the bed, I knew that I wouldn’t eat anytime soon, but for the life of me, I just didn’t care.

  Chapter Six

  The guys stripped quickly then worked on my clothes. As Ryan shucked off my jeans, Colbie ripped my shirt open in a spray of buttons.

  “Dude,” Ryan snapped. “That was my shirt.”

  “I’ll buy you a new one,” Colbie growled before climbing over me and attacking my mouth.

  My lips parted for him, our tongues fighting each other for control of the kiss. My hands threaded into his hair, holding his head still as I sucked at his lower lip. His cock was firm between my legs, and if I shifted just right, he would be inside me.

  As if knowing what I was thinking, Ryan pressed his hand down on my hip. “Patience is a virtue, love.”

  “Why can’t ‘hurry the fuck up’ be a virtue?” I asked as I turned to look at him.

  “Someone’s frisky today,” he growled before leaning over to nip at my jaw. “Some things can’t be rushed. We wouldn’t want to hurt you.”

  My mind flashed back to what Colbie had said the night before about both of them taking me at the same time. My vision swam for a moment at the thought. It made me a little nervous but also insanely turned on.

  “Remember what I told you,” Ryan said. “If we do anything you don’t like, just tell us and we’ll stop.

  I nodded, knowing that it would be a cold day in hell before I ever asked them to stop anything they wanted to do to me.

  “Turn around,” Colbie whispered against my ear.

  I rolled onto my stomach, my face turned to look at Ryan as Colbie rubbed my shoulders. His firm fingers worked at the tension in my back, massaging his way down my spine until I felt as if I might melt into the mattress.

  Ryan stretched out next to me, just gazing into my eyes and running his fingers up and down my arm. It was insanely comforting to be lying there with both of them touching me. If I could spend the rest of my life like that, I knew I would die happy.

  Colbie’s hands slid lower until he kneaded my ass in his strong hands. A new kind of tension filled me at the touch, as if my body anticipated his next move the muscles in my pussy contracted as my channel wept in excitement. His thumbs rubbed firmly at the creases between my ass and my thighs, so close to touching my aching cunt. My hips rose slightly, the action earning me a quick swat on my butt.

  “Don’t tell me what to do,” Colbie chided. The bed shifted as he got up, and I fought a whine at the loss of his touch. I heard drawers opening and slamming behind me, but when I tried to sit up, Ryan gripped my forearm and shook his head at me.

  I lowered my face back to the pillow and huffed in frustration.

  “You’ll know soon enough,” Ryan whispered as he leaned over to press his lips to mine. I was allowed to sit up this time, and I draped myself over him. My breasts pressed to his chest as I climbed onto his lap, sitting far enough down his thighs that I wouldn’t be too tempted to impale myself on his cock. With my legs spread open and his thick, hard member resting against his body, it was difficult not to take him inside me. I wanted him so badly. I wanted both of them.

  “I leave you alone for two seconds, and you’re already sucking up to someone else,” Colbie said, but his tone was full of humor.

  “It was longer than two seconds,” I shot back.

  Colbie climbed up next to us and gripped my hair in his fist, pulling my head back and kissing me forcefully, his stubble scraping my chin and his teeth playing against my lips.

  Ryan’s hands moved to cup my breasts, and I squirmed on his lap, trying to inch forward, hoping he would push himself inside me.

  “Please,” I whimpered against Colbie’s mouth.

  “Please what?” he asked, leaning back to look at me. “What do you need?” />
  “I need you, both of you, inside me. Please.”

  I shivered at the feel of something sharp being scraped up my thigh. Looking down, I saw Ryan had a condom in his hand and was running the corner of the foil up and down my leg. He cocked an eyebrow at Colbie, and I turned to watch the dark haired man nod.

  Ryan ripped the packet open with his teeth and rolled the rubber over his cock. He grabbed my hips and pulled me forward. I lifted myself up to my knees then lowered myself on him. The fullness of his cock stretching my pussy eased some of the ache that had been pooling in my stomach.

  My hand went to his chest for balance as I started to move over him, rocking up and down slowly, enjoying the feel of him.

  A firm hand on my back pushed me down, making me lay almost flush against Ryan’s chest. I tensed as I realized what Colbie was about to do.

  “Relax, baby,” Ryan said, placing a kiss at my temple. “We would never hurt you.”

  I knew that in theory, but as I’d never had a dick up my ass before, I couldn’t help being nervous, especially since I already had one inside my pussy.

  Cool, slick fingers parted my cheeks and I took a deep breath, letting it out slowly in a forced attempt to relax for them. I stared into Ryan’s eyes as Colbie slowly slid two fingers past the tight ring of muscles. I felt them crook inside me, pressing against Ryan’s cock through my body, making him grunt and shift his hips under me.

  “Dude, work her, not me.”

  “Sorry,” Colbie said, not sounding sorry in the least. But he straightened his digits again and began to slowly push them in and pull them out of me, occasionally turning his hand to twist them before turning them back again. When my body finally gave in to the intrusion and my shoulders relaxed, Colbie removed his fingers. I heard another condom wrapper rip and forced myself not to tense up again.

  More cool liquid hit my crack, so much that it slid between my legs and pooled under me onto Ryan. I looked into the blond’s eyes again, and he smiled before capturing my mouth with his. His hands went to my hips, holding me still as he kissed me. His tongue slid into my mouth just as Colbie’s cock breached my ass.

  I hissed in surprise but was glad it didn’t hurt. It just felt…full. I felt fuller than I’d ever felt in my life. As if I might burst from the amount of man in my body.

  “Fuck, Sassy,” Colbie groaned as he pushed himself in to the hilt. “You are so fucking tight. Your ass is like a god damned vise around me.”

  Ryan shifted under me, his cock moving inside me which made both Colbie and I cry out in surprise. They could obviously feel each other through me, and the thought of their cocks practically rubbing against each other was enough to send my body into orgasm. I cried out, partly from pleasure and partly out of surprise as my muscles clenched and released around the men inside me.

  “Damn it,” Ryan cursed as he began fucking me in earnest. “I can’t…Jesus, Sassy. I’m not gonna last.”

  “Me, either,” Colbie agreed as he too began to move.

  Unlike in the desert, when they’d pushed and pulled at the same time, today they worked in tandem, one pushing into me as the other pulled back, so I always had one shaft spreading me open. They were both so close to the brink there wasn’t much rhythm beyond that, but it didn’t matter. The act itself kept me on the precipice of orgasming again, and when Colbie landed a firm smack to my ass cheek I fell over the edge, screaming my pleasure until I thought my throat might bleed from the force of it. My nails dug into the sheets as both men shouted their releases, both cocks pumping furiously inside of me, the pulse of their cum stretching me farther until I thought my body might rip apart.

  Colbie pulled out of me and collapsed onto the mattress beside us as I fell against Ryan’s chest in exhaustion. I found the darker man’s hand and squeezed it in thanks, the only movement I really felt capable of at the moment. Ryan was still buried inside of me, but I couldn’t be bothered to help him free. If he wanted out, he’d have to figure it out himself.

  My eyelids fluttered closed, and just before everything went black, I realized that they had once again managed to fuck me to unconsciousness.

  Chapter Seven

  When I woke up again, the guys let me shower in peace, found me new clothes then drove me to the Fiesta to pick up my bike.

  “Call us later, okay?” Ryan said, pressing his phone number into my palm before kissing me deeply.

  “Of course,” I said as I turned to receive Colbie’s mouth as well. “You still owe me food.”

  I climbed onto my bike and gave them both a quick wave before turning the engine and heading home.

  When I walked into the house, my mom was sitting at the kitchen table as if she’d been waiting for me. I dropped my keys on the counter and headed straight for the fridge. I was absolutely famished.

  Grabbing a plate of fruit, I took it to the table and fell into a chair across from Mom. I wasn’t really surprised to see her waiting for me, but I had no idea what the hell to say to her.

  “So, I guess I should expect your RSVP to be plus two?” she finally said after I let the silence stretch.

  “RSVP?” I asked, looking up in surprise. “For what?”

  “For the wedding,” she said, reaching over to snag a strawberry from my plate.

  “Whose wedding?”

  “Wow Sassy, did they knock something loose last night?”

  “Mom!” I looked at her in shock.

  “Sorry, honey, but you look like the cat that got the cream. I just assumed the three of you had finally figured things out. I’m sorry if you were hoping to keep it a secret. But it wasn’t much of one.” She patted my hand firmly. “My wedding, sweetie. Mike and I are getting married.”

  “Oh,” I said, sitting back in my chair as I pondered that information. “That’s…Mom that’s fantastic. Congratulations.”

  “Thank you,” she said, beaming. “And congratulations to you, too. Those boys are lucky to have you, but you’re pretty lucky, too.”

  “You don’t have a problem with it?” I asked cautiously. “Really?”

  “Sassy, the whole time you were gone, those boys pined for you. They were over here all the time, asking about you, telling me stories about you, listening to stories about you. They love you. I think they always have. And I know you’ve always loved them. If you three have finally figured out how to make it work, I say more power to you. You deserve some happiness, Sassafras. You’ve been alone for too long.”

  “Do you think Dad would be disappointed in me? Or ashamed of me?” I asked, my voice barely a whisper as I voiced my fear.

  “I think Joakim would be happy you’ve finally found love. All he ever wanted was for you to be free to live your life how you wanted. And if this is what you want, then I think he would be very proud of you for going after it.”

  “Thanks, Mom,” I said as I stood up. I walked around the table and hugged her tight.

  If my own parents could accept the strange situation I’d found myself in, it didn’t matter what anyone else thought. It would be tricky. We’d all have to be careful of each other’s feelings. But as long as we loved each other, I knew we’d be okay.

  “So when is the wedding?” I asked, sitting back down and picking at a piece of pineapple.

  “November. I don’t want to get married in this heat. Mike says he’d marry me in the Arctic or the Sahara, he doesn’t care.” She smiled, and it made me happy to know she had found someone, too.

  “Mike seems like a really great guy, Mom.”

  “Do you think your father would approve?” she asked, looking down at the wedding band she’d never had the heart to take off. “I love Mike, but sometimes, I feel like I’m dishonoring your dad’s memory by moving on.”

  “Mom,” I said, taking her hand in mine and squeezing it gently. “I think Joakim would be glad you finally found love.”

  She smiled as I repeated her own words to her. Nodding, she squeezed me back then got to her feet.

  “Oh, I almost
forgot,” she said as she grabbed a notepad off of the counter. “You got a phone call this morning. Nancy from Hammond Construction wants you to call her. Apparently, they are in need of an architect.”

  “Hammond Construction,” I repeated with a smirk. “I’m going to go return this call in my room. See you later.”

  I walked upstairs and pulled the phone number from my pocket, dialing Ryan’s house.

  “Miss me already?” Ryan asked by way of greeting.

  “Let me talk to Colbie,” I said, my voice more clipped than I’d meant it to be.

  “I hear you miss us,” he said as he got on the line. “That’s really sweet. We miss you, too. Do you want us to come get you?”

  “What I would like is to know why your sister called me about a job this morning,” I huffed. “I don’t need you to take care of me Colbie. I have a job.”

  “You have a shitty job,” he replied. “And I didn’t tell her to call you. She did that on her own. As soon as she heard you were back in town, she got on my case about getting you to come work for us. I knew you’d never accept it from me. I warned her, but apparently, she doesn’t care. It’s not a hand out. We need an architect, but if you’re not interested I understand.”

  “My job is not shitty,” I said lamely. “Waitressing is a respectable career.”

  “So is mucking horse stalls, but I don’t see kids busting their asses through four years of college to end up there.” He blew out a sigh. “Look, call her back or don’t. I swear to you it is not an offer from me. It’s all her.”

  “Okay,” I said. “I’ll call you later.”

  “Do you want to get dinner?” he asked before I could hang up.

  “That depends,” I said. “Are you going to actually feed me? Because every time you try, I somehow end up naked.”

  “We’ll order in,” Ryan called from the background.

  “Get me drunken noodles, extra hot,” I said. “I’ll be there by six.”

  I hung up and stared at the phone for a minute. I really wanted to believe this wasn’t just Colbie being Colbie and trying to help me out. He was right; my job sucked. It wasn’t what I wanted to do with my life. If Nancy really wanted to meet with me…what harm was there? It was just a meeting.


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