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Shatter - Sins of the Sidhe

Page 24

by Briana Michaels

  Devlin was wearing his family’s colors of blue and green and he wore that tartan with pride. His kilt was wrapped snug around his waist, tan leather belt with a copper buckle holding it in place. The buckle had the markings symbolizing he was a Druid. His sword was strapped at his side, a symbol of his protection and honor. The white shirt he wore was making him itch and the fit over his shoulders felt constraining even though it was perfectly tailored. Devlin felt like he did before a battle: nerves and anxiety feuding with excitement and adrenaline in his body. ‘Twas maddening. Just before he almost lost his composure, he looked up toward the sky in a prayer, and then out to the gates.

  That was when the world stopped.

  There she was. A powerful beauty. Rowan’s dress clung to her in all the right places. It fell to the ground behind her with a slight swish as she came closer. Gold thread embroidery clung across her chest and down her body. She was one of the Gods’ greatest creations. Glorious. Enchanting. And she was all for him.

  Adam cleared his throat, no doubt entranced as well. Rowan was pure fire. Her presence warming the very air they breathed. She walked with grace and dignity, like a queen to rival any Fae noble. Ava snuck up behind Devlin and watched Rowan make her way closer to her destiny. The sun set and ignited the sky in hues of violent shades of pinks and purples. It was Mother Nature’s most brilliant backdrop.

  Rowan saw none of it.

  She had eyes only for the man with the whiskey eyes. He took her breath away. She didn’t expect to walk out here and see Devlin looking the way he did. Rowan almost swooned by the gates when she saw him in his full glory. He wasn’t just a powerful Druid, he was a strong Highland Warrior. Pride and love was thrumming off of him in waves. He was full of joy, and so was she. Rowan felt like she floated more than walked towards him.

  She looked up and took in the view slowly: His kilt was perfect, his posture was strong, and his jaw was set. They stared, lost in each other’s eyes like they often were, and Rowan saw a new kind of Druid before her now. The man was pride and strength chiseled out of muscle and raw power. He stood with such pride the intensity of it made her want to cry.

  The last of his secrets was confessed in a thought as she heard the name MacCullum in the back of her mind. My name is Devlin Alistaire MacCullum. Rowan smiled up at him and she took his offered hand. She knew there was more to his story than he’d told her. She knew it the day she met him, brogue and all. His bones might be Druid, but his roots were all Highlander.

  Ireland be damned, the man was a Scots.

  Rowan beamed her emeralds at him, smiled ear to ear, and waited for the ceremony to begin. Whiskey eyes bore into Rowan’s with the light of a thousand suns. It made her nervous.

  Are you okay? She whispered in his head.

  Aye, he was.

  “Ye are so beautiful, Rowan.” Beaming, he sent a wave of love her way and gave her hands a squeeze. All eyes on the couple, they faced the reflection pond, and Devlin’s voice was strong:

  “Ye are Blood of my Blood, and Bone of my Bone.

  I give ye my Body, that we Two might be One.

  I give ye my Spirit, `til our Life shall be Done.

  I pledge my life to ye.

  My body will shield your body.

  My heart will beat with yours.

  My soul shall be connected with your soul so that we will be as one in all things.

  Until the end of days, I am yours.”

  Rowan repeated after him, unable to keep the smile tamed on her face.

  “You are Blood of my Blood, and Bone of my Bone.

  I give you my body, so that we Two might be One.

  I give you my spirit, until our Life shall be Done.

  I pledge my life to you.

  My body will shield your body.

  My heart will beat with yours.

  My soul shall be connected with your soul so that we will be as one in all things.

  Until the end of days, I am yours.”

  After they exchanged their vows, Devlin turned to Adam and took something small and shimmering from the Sidhe. Holding Rowan’s trembling hand, his own shaking too, Devlin slipped a ring on her finger. It was a gift from Adam. Simple and detailed, like her dress, the silver ring was a swirl of Celtic knots that were in a never-ending weave. Endless love. Devlin slid it over her finger and then brought her hand up to his lips. Eyes filled with joyful tears, Rowan let out a shuddering breath and beamed a smile at him.

  Ceremony almost finished, Ava took out a small knife and made a small slice on the insides of their wrists. She locked Devlin and Rowan together by their cuts with a strip of embroidered white fabric while she said a prayer in a language neither understood. Looking at Ava for the signal, Rowan repeated the words Ava had instructed her to memorize earlier that day:

  "Powers of the East, of wealth and success, we welcome you into this circle, be with us now.

  Powers of the South, of the dark mysteries in the waters and melodies, be with us now.

  Powers of the West, keepers of our history, be with us now.

  Powers of the North, fires of passion, courage and vision, be with us now.”

  Facing Devlin, magic surging like a storm between them, it was getting harder to breathe. Rowan’s eyes flashed green fire as she continued, "Powers of the Center, bring us balance as we open ourselves and let the rule and music of Aengus Og rain down on us.”

  Magic pulsed wildly between them and Rowan exhaled, heavily, and looked up at Devlin. He smiled nervously at her and then bent down for a kiss to seal the ritual. When his lips touched hers, the world was gone and they were all that remained. No witnesses to their union, no clapping, no winds in the trees or fox at their feet. It was just Rowan and Devlin.

  Nerves dissipating, Devlin sighed. Christ, the lass had no doubt called for the Gods to witness this union and the magic of her words had him on edge. ‘Twas enough to give you the jitters if you aren’t expecting it.

  Devlin was not expecting it.

  Rowan read his face and then his mind. “Ava made me memorize that stuff. Sorry. I didn’t know it would affect you so much or I would have asked more questions about it. This is my first hand-fasting you know.”

  She dragged him into another kiss and then untied their joined hands. He laid a kiss upon her cut, the taste of her blood sending a small wave of hungry needs down his body. Just as he was about to kiss her one more time, the air changed and was charged with a new energy.

  A screech tore through the air like a thousand hawks. The wind blew in pulsating gusts causing Devlin and Adam to draw their swords. A rumble grew from the woods like battle drums and a black mass darkened the sky. Rowan let out with a scream and Devlin grabbed her body, throwing her behind him for protection. Crouched low in attack positions, the two warriors braced to fight the creature that landed in front of them.

  A huge beast with leathery wings landed outside the gates, screeching and flinging its long spiked tail. Its rider hopped down and walked towards the newlyweds. Ten feet tall, pale grey skin, eyes the color of pitch and jutting jaw full of sharp teeth, he looked larger than life but it didn’t make sense to her eyes. Rowan stared back at the blackness that had no pupils. Rowan knew those eyes, hummingbirds started beating wildly in her chest, and the air thickened in her lungs.

  Standing before them all, was the Death Bringer.

  Chapter 23

  “By Danu!” someone whispered.

  The Death Bringer looked different than the cat-sized creature that Rowan had seen before. This version was much larger and more menacing looking, but Rowan didn’t feel threatened. His familiarity ringed in her very bones, regardless of this larger more domineering form.

  “Greetings, my lady, on this most joyous of occasions.” His voice was low and raspy.

  The creature walked closer to Rowan and then bowed. It wasn’t a graceful bow, more like one a gorilla would try to give after having too many shots of tequila. It looked
hilarious and scary all at once.

  Rowan wasn’t laughing.

  “Who are ye?” Devlin was in protective mode, sword hand gripping the steel blade, ready to slice. He was already honoring the vows he’d just made to Rowan. Shielding her and ready to kill whatever threatened her safety.

  The beast did not answer the Druid. It had eyes only for the bride who was now walking around from her hiding place that was her husband. “I have waited for you, Rowan. I knew you would be the one. I marked you myself when you were but a babe.” The beast pulled out a large dagger, which sang in the air when he unsheathed it. “A gift for the bride,” on another shaky bow, the beast went down on one knee and held out his offering to Rowan. She didn’t know what to do, so she did nothing.

  Adam was the one to break the silence. “By the Gods, I know that blade.” Walking closer, his hand raised to touch it. The beast snarled and gnashed his teeth at Adam. “Tis not for you to touch. It is only for her.”

  By “her” did that mean Rowan? Were there any other hers around here? Maybe he meant Ava? Nope, the look on the beast’s face said that Rowan was indeed the “her” and didn’t that just freak her out. Oh boy.

  “What is that?” Seemed like a good question. Simple, direct. Rowan was glad she had the sense to say something at all right now.

  “Tis the Beagalltach, my lady. Owned by Aengus Og many lifetimes ago.” The beast straightened and walked closer to the cowering bride. “Do not fear me child, I will not harm you. You have a purpose. This blade will aid you in your journey. Bring back the souls that have been taken, Rowan. Restore the balance of our worlds.”

  Rowan drew up enough courage to come closer. “Who are you?” she asked.

  “I have many names child. And many bodies.”

  Well that was not the answer she expected. Let’s try another. “What do I do with it, the Beagalltach?” Her hands were shaking and she was starting to sweat.

  “It is a destroyer of magic, Rowan. It is one of the few weapons that can kill a Fae in a single blow.” He sent a challenging glare towards Adam when he said that last part. “Use it to slay the Shadow Lord and break the souls from their chains.”

  Rowan took the sword from his crooked hands. Energy pulsed and hummed in her body, hummingbirds in flight. Honestly, Rowan felt like a damn target. Why was it all being put on her? This seemed like the short end of the stick and Ro didn’t like it.

  “Why can’t you just do it? You’ve had the sword this whole time. You have a better shot than I do, I’m no one. I don’t see how I can do this. You should do it. You’re the Death Bringer. Go… Bring Death.”

  “I cannot, my lady. It is not my purpose. It is yours. You are not ‘no one’ Rowan. You are more.” He turned his back on the group and climbed back onto his scaly mount. “You have everything you need now, Rowan. Do not fail.”

  With a whoosh, the large black beast beat its leathery wings and pushed off the ground leaving large gashes in the dirt from its talons. The rider and his monster were gone, leaving shrieks echoing in the night sky.

  Well, by the looks of the rider on the huge terrifying beast, Ro thought it was safe to say the creature still had control of the Wild Hunt. Or at least some of it at any rate. Guess you can’t believe everything you read in books. Looking down at the weapon in her small hands, she didn’t feel afraid, she felt empowered. It was a nice feeling too and raised her confidence level up a notch. She smiled while gripping the blade firmly and feeling its energy. This was a hell of a wedding gift.

  Walking closer to her new husband, Rowan took his hand and looked around at everyone. Devlin looked shocked and horrified. Adam was stone-faced. Seriously, does the Sidhe ever show emotion? And then Adam turned his gaze to a very guilty looking Ava.

  “You did this, didn’t you?” His accusations only dignified when she looked away.

  “It was the only way, Adam!” Ava huffed and smacked her hands onto her hips. “Rowan was the only one who could call upon the powers we needed. I have my own purpose here Adam, as do you, and Rowan, and Devlin. This summons was our only chance. I wouldn’t have made her do it if it wasn’t the right thing to do.”

  Adam shouted in frustration and then walked away. Ava swirled in Rowan’s direction, eyes gleaming with unshed tears. “I’m sorry, love.” Head turned down, Ava walked out of the garden.

  Devlin sat on a bench by the reflection pool and held his head in his hands. Rowan got a distinct feeling she was missing something big here, but couldn’t figure out what could be bigger than what had just happened. Her positive outlook seemed to be just hers alone. That can’t be good. She came over and sat beside her husband, blade in hand.

  “What’s the catch Devlin?”

  “I dinna ken lass, but a gift like that most certainly comes with a verra high price.”

  Worry made his brow crinkle and lips turn down. He glanced over to where Adam was walking, trees and flowers hiding most of his already camouflaged body. “I have to believe that Ava would nay do something to harm ye, but Adam’s outburst gives me cause for concern. I will go speak with him and see what he says.”

  Guilty for leaving her alone in that instant, he knocked on the doors of her mind and she opened them easily allowing them to be connected. He’ll not be breaking the connection from this day forward. The risk of losing her was too great.

  He walked over to Adam all serious and steady, “Adam, what does this mean? Please tell me my wife is not going into a slaughter house. That weapon is one of the most powerful blades in all the worlds. Tell me it’s not going to cost more than she can give.”

  Adam didn’t say anything.

  “Please brother, I beg of ye. Tell me this will be alright.”

  Rubbing his shaven head, peacock eyes reflecting in the moonlight, Adam grabbed the groom’s shoulders. “The Fate’s have weaved a tangled web, brother. We can only hope that we survive their machinations. I don’t believe Ava would put Rowan in harm’s way, but I cannot pretend to know the outcome of this.”

  Looking up at the moon, Adam let out a sigh, “’Tis a powerful magic Rowan wields now.” It was a little statement and a big fucking prayer. He turned his stare to Devlin and masked the worry on his face, “That was no regular hand-fasting Ava preformed for the two of you. The woman is up to something.”

  Devlin returned to Rowan who was still studying the designs running over the blade she held. Made with a thick sharp double edge, the blade was wide and long, and looked like an oversized dagger. It felt good in her hands. Perfect actually. Like the handle was made for her tiny grasp. This weapon meant that the glass was half full. Rowan had to believe that. She just married her soul mate and was given a precious weapon to aid in their cause. Good always triumphs over evil. Yup. This must be a good omen. Right? Rowan had a purpose, like everyone in life. And this handy-dandy blade was going to help her see it through. The men might be nervous about the unknown right now, but Rowan followed the feeling in her bones. This had to work. This was going to work. This will work. Putting those bright thoughts out in the universe, Rowan felt better and stronger for it.

  “I love you, Devlin.” She looked up at him and gave him a smile. It took a minute, but her smile was a contagious one and Devlin’s lips curled up until his own smile reached his eyes.

  “I love ye too.”

  “Don’t worry. This is going to work out. I know it will.”

  “Och lass, if only I ken how ye do it.”

  “Do what?”

  “Find the light in all the darkness.”

  Well, that was a nice way of putting it. It made Rowan feel even more confident that she was on the right track. “I guess my talent is finding the bright side of the dark side.”

  On that note, Rowan was determined to not let anything else spoil her wedding - or her wedding night. She held the dagger in one hand and grabbed Devlin’s hand with the other, giving him a tug.

  “Let’s go home, husband… and keep the kilt on.

  Lorcan slid into the entrance of the cage while Ruark backed up into the corner. His cell was barely big enough for the large Druid to lie down in, making the corner not nearly far enough away from the evil bastard. With no place to hide or run, Ruark’s breath came in pants. He’d been trapped down here for so long, he had no concept of time any more. That paired with living alone in the darkness and tortured repeatedly had taken a toll on his mind.


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