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Dancing With A Stranger (Londyn Carter Book 1)

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by A. L. Martin

  The closer we got to The Loft; we saw crowds of kids around our age entering the club. There were a few that looked closer to being twenty years old, and a few that didn’t even look eighteen yet. The outside of the building looked like it had once been a warehouse. There was a huge, muscular guy sitting on the stool at the entrance, checking ID’s before letting anyone walk in. I figured it was to make sure no one under eighteen was trying to get into the club. The sign was a pale blue light, hanging above the double doors. We walked around the red rope to wait our turn to be carded. We were lucky and didn’t have to wait long before it was our turn to go in. The guy smiled at us as he looked at each of our ID’s and told us to have a good time.

  Jayde was the first one to go in, then Sam. The minute my left foot stepped inside the entrance, my world as I knew it was going to be changed forever. We walked down a long dark blue hall, and the farther we walked, the louder the music got. We turned the corner, walked through a shorter hall, and then we were at the entrance of the sitting area, just off the dance floor.

  “This place is great!” Jayde yelled over the music. “Let’s go find the bathroom to check our makeup and hair before we go out on the dance floor.”

  Sam and I shook our heads to try and conserve our voices for later. The sitting area had three huge leather couches, with glass tables in front of each of them. The blue and pink laser lights shined in multiple directions from the ceiling. The restrooms were to the right of the sitting area. We touched up our makeup and ran our fingers through our hair. We went back through the sitting area over to the bar to see what kind of drinks they offered since they weren’t allowed to serve alcohol. Much to our surprise, they had a lot of non-alcoholic versions of popular drinks. A good song came on and we hurried up onto the dance floor. We stayed out there through five songs. By the end of the fifth song, I was ready for a drink. Jayde and Sam stayed on the dance floor while I made my way to the bar to get a bottle of water.

  I sat at the bar and drank my water while watching Jayde and Sam dance. After a couple more songs, two guys started dancing with them. The one dancing with Jayde was talk with lean muscles and dark blonde hair from what I could tell by the dark lighting. Sam was dancing with a guy who had lean muscles and dark brown hair.

  “Hi. Would you like to dance?”

  I turned to my right, my eyes meeting the most gorgeous grey eyes I had ever seen. He had light brown hair, buzzed on the sides and messed on top.


  “My name is Hunter. Do you mind if I join you, if you don’t want to dance?”

  “Sure. My name is Londyn.”

  Hunter ordered himself a bottle of water, then sat down on the barstool to my left. “Is this your first time here to The Loft?”

  “Yes. I’m here with my friends who are dancing with those two guys,” I said, pointing in their direction.

  “Those are your friends? My best friend is dancing with the girl with the long dark hair, His name is Skyler. We’ve been here a few times since it opened up a couple months ago. Most of the time, I am usually over here while he dances with girls.”

  “You can’t expect me to believe you sit over here not dancing with any girls,” I said, raising an eyebrow.

  “I dance with a couple of girls, but nothing like Skyler. Would you like to dance, though, when you finish your water?” He asked, smiling.

  “Yes.” I took the last drink of my water.

  Hunter finished the rest of his water, then got up off the stool and held his hand out to help me. I took his hand, gazing into his grey eye and every nerve in my body was awakened by his touch. I knew dancing with him was the wrong thing to do, but I couldn’t stop myself from walking out onto the dance floor with him. We danced through at least four or five songs. I lost count after the third. He didn’t take his eyes off of mine the whole time we were dancing. After a few more songs, we walked over to the sitting area to join Jayde and Skyler. Sam was heading back to the dance floor with the guy she’s been dancing with since we got here. Hunter went to go get us some water.

  “It’s about time he dances more than one or two songs,” Skyler said, sitting next to Jayde.

  “So, it’s true?” I asked. “He told me he doesn’t dance much when he comes here with you.”

  “Yeah. He will dance a few songs, then go back to the bar, and sit for the rest of the time. Girls ask him to dance all the time, but he turns most of them down.”

  “Here is your water,” Hunter said, walking up to the couch and sat down beside me.

  “I’ve got to be honest with you, Hunter. I’ve got a boyfriend.”

  “Okay…And, I’ve got a girlfriend at home. We aren’t doing anything wrong. Have I tried to kiss you or anything? There is nothing to feel guilty over, Londyn.”

  “So, that’s why you don’t dance with a lot of girls? Because of you have a girlfriend.” I smiled.

  “Yes. Every other weekend she is at her dad’s house, and that is when I go out with Skyler.”

  We sat there on the couch, trying to talk to one another without having to scream over the music. I looked over Hunter’s shoulder to the other couch where Jayde and Skyler were all over each other. I should’ve known this was going to happen between her and a guy she met tonight. I would be lying if I said I was relieved that Hunter had a girlfriend. I felt guilty for being disappointed because I did love Lucas.

  Hunter helped me up off the couch and led me back out to the dance floor. We danced through a few more songs before Sam tapped me on the shoulder, asking me if I was ready to go. She told me it was almost one in the morning. We started walking over to the sitting area where Jayde and Skyler were now talking.

  “Can we walk you to your car at least?” Hunter asked, looking at Skyler.

  “Yeah. Let us walk you to your car. It’s too late for the three of you to be walking alone,” Skyler said, helping Jayde up off the couch.

  We made our way through the long hallway and out the double doors to find the security guard that was out there earlier had already left for the night. We started walking down the sidewalk back to the car. Jayde and Skyler were in front of us holding hands, while Hunter, Sam and I walked a few steps behind them, talking and laughing. Mostly, we were picking on them. My heart sank when Jayde’s car came in view, and again, I felt an immense amount of guilt. It’s not like I was ever going to see him again. Tomorrow, I would see Lucas and forget all about meeting Hunter tonight. Hunter opened the passenger door for me, then offered me his hand. I took his hand and these images of us together started flashing before my eyes as if I was watching an old silent movie. The images stopped the minute he let go of my hand, and I was back in the car looking up at him. I wasn’t quite sure what happened, and I knew no one would believe me if I had told them about it.

  “Londyn, are you okay?” Hunter asked, squatting down to eye level. “You got pale all of a sudden. You feeling okay?”

  “Huh?” I turned to look out the windshield. “Yeah. I must be more tired than I thought.”

  “I had a great time tonight. Go home and get some sleep.” Hunter smiled.

  I turned my head, meeting his gaze unable to speak at first, then Sam poked my on the arm. “Thanks for a great time. I will.” I smiled.

  Hunter stood up and closed my door. Skyler walked around the back of the car and joined him on the sidewalk. I gave a little wave as Jayde pulled out onto the road. I sat there watching the glass buildings go buzzing by as she sped down the road towards the highway. I couldn’t stop thinking about what happened, when I touched his hand. I had no explanation, except that maybe it was wishful thinking on my part. There was no sense in talking to Jayde or Sam because neither of them would believe me any way. The only logical excuse was my mind was playing tricks on me from being tired.

  Chapter 2

  The next morning, I woke up before Jayde and Sam. I slid out of bed without waking either of them. I tiptoed over to my dresser and got a pair of fuzzy socks out, sitting down in my vanity
chair to put them on. I stood up, not taking my eyes off my friends sleeping in my king size bed. I didn’t close the door all the way in fear it would wake them up and made my way down to the kitchen to get some juice and warm up some muffins for everyone. I went to Dad’s office to find his chair empty, so I went up to his bedroom only to find his bed hadn’t been slept in. I sighed and closed the door. I turned to go downstairs when I heard the front door open and saw my father walk in.

  “You are up early,” he said, closing the front door behind him. “What time did you get home last night? You know you have a reputation to protect.”

  “What reputation? You mean the one of being your daughter?” I turned to walk back into the kitchen.

  He grabbed my arm. “Don’t talk to me that way!”

  “I’m not one of your employees! I’m your daughter!” I jerked my arm free from his grasp, I went back to the kitchen, expecting him to come after me in there. I walked over to the oven, peeking out into the hall toward the stairs, and saw his shoes as he made his way to his room. I hoped he was going up there to get a few hours of sleep, and I would be gone with Lucas be the time he woke up. No matter what I did, he was always worried about his precious reputation. He drove Mom away with his controlling ways. He was about to drive me away too.

  “Good morning,” I said, pushing the door open with my foot since I had a tray full of muffins and drinks.

  “Morning,” Sam said, sitting up in bed. “What time is it?” She yawned, stretching.

  “It’s almost ten. Why? Do you have to go home now?” I asked, sitting the tray down on the bed, then putting drinks on my nightstand. I walked over and closed the door for the simple fact Dad might be straining from his room, trying to listen to our conversation.

  “No. I still have a few hours before I have to be home.” She reached for a muffin.

  “Morning.” Jayde yawned. “Last night was great. We have to go back soon. Could someone hand me my phone?” She asked, trying to sit up in the bed without, elbowing Sam.

  I handed Jayde her phone once she got situated in the bed. She unlocked it, smiling, which let us know she must have gotten a text from Skyler already. I was kind of hoping she wouldn’t have hooked up with anyone last night because it wouldn’t last with her. She would get bored after a month or two, then dump the poor guy. She was notorious for doing that. She was unable to stay faithful to one guy for long.

  We sat on my bed, eating muffins and talking about last night. I didn’t want to talk about Hunter because there was nothing to talk about. We danced and had a great time. He had a girlfriend and I had a boyfriend who I loved. Jayde still had to bring him up though, even after I told her a few times there was nothing to talk about. Each time she would roll her eyes and tell me whatever. Sam didn’t say much when I said I didn’t want to talk about him, but every now and then, I would catch her and Jayde exchanging looks. I was with Lucas and happy. There was no reason to be with anyone else. I had to admit Hunter looked good in his tight jeans and his slim mix plaid shirt. The red and grey plaid made his grey eyes stand out. His eyes were gorgeous.

  While we were sitting there talking those images I saw kept popping up in my mind. Had I caught a glimpse into the future by some weird miracle? I couldn’t help but notice how happy I looked in the images with Hunter. A lot happier than I had felt with Lucas over the last few years.


  Jayde had to leave earlier than she wanted to because she had to take Sam home. I told her I would text her later after I get home from spending time with Lucas. I closed the front door and ran upstairs to get ready. I turned to look toward Dad’s bedroom door, waiting a few seconds to see if he was going to come flying out of his room. I tiptoed to my bedroom and quietly closed the door behind me. I texted Lucas before I jumped in the shower to see what he was going to come pick me up. I took my phone into the bathroom with me, so when he texted back I would know how much time I would have to get ready.

  Hey Babe. I can’t make it over today. I’m sorry. I will see you tomorrow at school. Love you.

  I changed into a pair of leggings and a peach tunic shirt. I dried my hair and threw it up in a bun. There was no sense in fixing my hair. I flopped down on my bed, with my phone in my hand to text Jayde to see if she would want to go do something.

  I dropped my phone on the bed when it began to vibrate in my hands.

  “Hey. I thought you were going to be spending the day with Lucas. What happened?”

  “I don’t know. I texted him, asking what time he was going to pick me up, and he texted me back saying he wasn’t coming over. Nothing else.”

  “That was it? What an ass! He could have at least let you know why he couldn’t spend the day with you.”

  “I’m sure his parents have him doing something today.”

  “Yeah, whatever. Anyway, right before you texted, I got a call from Skyler. He asked if I wanted to do something with him today. I’m sorry, Londyn.”

  “Don’t be sorry. Go out and have fun. Text me later, if you get a chance to let me know how things are going between you and Skyler.”

  “I will. We might stop by to see you. Just letting you know in case you want to put your makeup on or change your clothes.”

  “Okay. I will put on a little makeup. Text me when you are on your way over here later. Bye, Jayde.”


  I laid my phone down on the nightstand and went over to my vanity to do a natural look with my makeup. I finished putting my mascara on when Jules came into my room.

  “Did you have fun last night at the club?” she asked, sitting down on my bed.


  “Did you dance with any cute guys?”

  “Jules, I’m with Lucas, but I did dance with one guy.”

  “Well, what’s his name? Was he hot? Give me some details!”

  “His name is Hunter. And yes, he was good looking. Nothing else happened. Did you just get home?” I said, getting up from my vanity chair.

  “I got home a little bit ago. No, I didn’t wake up his royal highness. I assume he came home late last night.”

  “No. He got home when I got up this morning at ten. He tried to start in on me the minute he walked through the front door. So, I would stay in your room most of the day, if at all possible,” I moved a piece of Jules hair away from her face.

  Dad didn’t come into our rooms often. It was our safe place from his constant nagging about how we had to do things a certain way or could only talk to certain people. We didn’t dare corrupt his name. He worried more about his precious name than he did us. I wished we were able to live with our Mom, but at least we get to go see her next week. I often worried about what was going to happen when I went away to college and Jules was home by herself, having to deal with Dad and his lectures.

  I was on my bed studying when my phone vibrated on the nightstand. It was Jayde letting me know they were on their way here. I got up and eased my bedroom door open to see if Dad was still sleeping in his bedroom, but his door was open. Hopefully, he was in his office working on paperwork for a client and wouldn’t come out for a while. I just wanted Jayde to hurry up and get here so I could leave before he started in again about how I needed to worry more about going to college than having fun with my friends. I closed my door part way and walked over to my closet to get out a pair of tennis shoes. I put my books back in my book bag for school tomorrow morning. Jayde texted, saying they were waiting for me out in the car. I opened my door and made my way down the stairs to find my dad, waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs.

  “Where do you think you are going?” he said, his arms crossed, looking up at me.

  “I’m going out with Jayde for a little bit. Lucas couldn’t come over today. I will be back in a little bit.”

  “Didn’t you just see Jayde a little bit ago, and all last night?” he snapped.

  “Yes. She’s outside waiting for me. I have to go.” I said, making my way to the front doors.


  “What Dad? What? Let me guess, I need to stop having fun with my friends and focus on good grades and getting ready for college. My grades are great, my homework is done, and I’ve already been accepted to college. What more do you want from me? I am not a bad kid. Stop treating me like one!” I slammed the front door behind me. Jayde was out of the car and by my side by the time I got to third step.

  “What happened? Let me guess, he was lecturing at you as you were coming out to the

  car? He seriously needs to back off,” she wrapped her arms around me.

  “Is that Skyler in the driver seat of your car? And who’s in the backseat? Is that Hunter?”

  “I didn’t tell you because I knew you wouldn’t come along with us, but you don’t need to be in the house with that man either. I don’t care if he is your father.”

  I looked over Jayde’s shoulder toward the car. In the backseat behind the passenger was Hunter, looking over at us. He was even better looking than last night, which I didn’t think could be remotely possible. Then, I realized how I must look. “OMG…Jayde I look hideous. I have to go change my clothes and put some more makeup on,” I said, breaking away from Jayde’s hug.

  “Londyn, you look great. You are the only girl I know that can look great in leggings and an over-sized shirt. Your makeup accentuates your pretty green eyes, and your hair is perfect as always. I wouldn’t lie to you,” she said, turning around to head to the car. “We should go before your dad comes out here.”

  She was right. The longer we stood right outside the front door, the chances of him coming outgrew by the minute. I started walking with her toward the car, trying not to look over my shoulder back at the door. My heart was pounding so hard, I could barely make out what Jayde was talking about. I knew I shouldn’t be going with them but staying at home was the last place I wanted to be. I felt bad for leaving Jules there alone with him, but I couldn’t take being there right now.


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