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Dancing With A Stranger (Londyn Carter Book 1)

Page 6

by A. L. Martin

  “Thanks, Londyn.” Sam smiled, getting her makeup out of her bag.


  Chapter 6

  I heard a car door close as I was looking in my jewelry box for a black choker to wear. I leaned to my right to peek out the window, and saw Lucas walking up to the front steps. He had on tight dark jeans and a red, button-down shirt with white cuffs rolled up to his forearms. I stared down at him as he made his way up the first few steps until he disappeared under the porch roof.

  “Londyn!” Mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

  “I will be down in a few minutes,” I yelled from my doorway.

  Jayde came in a few minutes later, putting her stuff next to my closet. She walked over and gave Sam a hug. Jayde was never one to apologize, and it took us a while to realize her hugs were her way of saying she was sorry. We took a quick selfie before heading downstairs to leave with Lucas and Gavin. Jayde had on a pair of tight, ripped jeans, a burgundy off-the-shoulder top, gold necklace and hoop earrings, and her hair up in a bun. Sam had on close to the same clothes as Jayde, but she had on an around-the-neck, ice blue halter top. I wore the same thing as I did last weekend when we went to The Loft, but this time I copied Jayde and wore my hair up in a bun. Right as we were about to walk out of my room to join the guys downstairs, Hunter came to mind. I stood there in the doorway as Jayde and Sam made their way down the stairs to join everyone downstairs. I closed my eyes and took a couple of deep breaths in through my nose and letting it escape through my mouth. I slowly opened my eyes to find Lucas standing in front of me.

  “You look amazing, Londyn.” Lucas said, leaning in towards me. “I’m sorry about earlier today.” His lips lightly brushed against mine. Images of Lucas and I fighting were flashing before my eyes, like they had last weekend with Hunter. I closed my eyes in hopes they would stop, but it only made the images more vivid.

  “Londyn, are you okay? Londyn?” Lucas said as if he was talking to me from across the room instead of right next to me. “Londyn, talk to me.”

  I opened my eyes slowly. “Sorry. I got dizzy for a minute. I’m okay.” I smiled.

  “Okay.” He lured me out of my doorway and towards the stairs, not letting go of my hand. “I think your Mom is wanting some pictures of everyone.”

  “I want to get a picture of everyone.” Mom said, walking over to the end table by her chair to get her camera. “You all look great. Smile.”

  We arrived in Baltimore around 40 minutes later because of heavy traffic going into the city. Lucas was still able to find a decent parking spot about three blocks from the night club.

  Lucas held my hand while we walked to the club. I wanted to ask him why he has been avoiding me these past few days, but I didn’t want to get a fight going and ruin the night.

  A block away, we could see the line into the club was starting to go down the sidewalk, but seemed to be moving pretty fast. The bouncer remembered us from last weekend, and let us walk right in. I glanced back at the kids waiting in line, their glares piercing through my skin. I was happy we didn’t have to wait in line, but I could understand why they were pissed about the bouncer letting us cut in front of them.

  “Wow! This place is great!” Gavin said, looking around at the sitting area.

  I looked up at Lucas, and I noticed he seemed rather preoccupied as he kept turning his head slowly side to side.

  “Lucas, are you okay? Lucas?”

  “Huh? Did you say something?” He glanced down at me for a split second, then went back to looking over the club.

  “You know what? When you are ready to give me some attention, you let me know!” I let go of his hand and spun around, walking towards the restrooms. Jayde and Sam were a few steps behind me because I heard their heels tapping the floor.

  “Londyn, are you okay?” Sam said, catching up with me in the women’s bathroom.

  “No! Lucas has ignored me for the past few days.”

  “Londyn, he’s always done this to you. You were just blinded to it before,” Jayde said, looking at me through the mirror as she checked her hair and makeup.

  “He hasn’t always treated me like this,” I snapped.

  “Londyn, Jayde’s right. You just never noticed it before because he had you blinded.”

  Sam walked up behind me wrapping her arms around my shoulders, looking at me in the mirror.

  “Have I really been that stupid? How could I be so dumb?”

  “Oh, hunny. You aren’t dumb. You love him and didn’t want to see the jerk side of him that most people saw. Let’s go dance the night away,” Sam said, fixing my bun and making sure my makeup was flawless.

  Gavin was right where we left him when I ran off to the restroom, and of course, Lucas was nowhere to be found. Then, it hit me he was our ride home. “Oh. My. God! He’s going to leave us here stranded!” I started screaming over the music.

  “Who’s going to leave you?” Lucas said, walking up with a couple bottles of water.

  “Huh?” I stood there, looking at him with my mouth open.

  “I went to get us some water. I’m sorry I’ve been distant this past week. Let me make it up to you.” He handed me one of the bottles.

  We drank our waters as we tried talking to one another over the blaring music that echoed throughout the club. Lucas threw the bottles away, then led me out onto the crowded dance floor, where he pulled me close to him as we danced through a couple of songs. There we were, out there on the dance floor ignoring everyone around us, and the whole time I kept wondering if Jayde and Sam were right about me and Lucas. We dance through a few more songs before going over to the sitting area, which was already full. I glanced over at the bar and saw a couple of empty seats. I quickly made my way over there before someone else could take them. I no more got my hands on both of them, when a skinny blonde tried to tell me she had them saved.

  “Those seats were not saved. Nice try.” A familiar voice said, behind us.

  I slowly turned around, and I recognized those beautiful grey eyes. “Hi.”

  “Hi, Londyn. I didn’t expect you back here so soon. How have you been?” He moved closer to me, and goosebumps spread over my body. I found myself unable to take my eyes off him, unaware I hadn’t answered his question.


  “Yeah.” I stood there in a daze looking at Hunter in his tight jeans, navy blue and white plaid, button-down shirt.

  “Londyn? Are you going to answer me?” Lucas yelled.

  “Huh? Oh. Sorry.” Heat flooded down my cheeks. I was thankful it was dimly lit throughout the club, so Lucas wasn’t able to see me blush.

  “Who is this?” Lucas asked, glaring at Hunter.

  “This is Hunter…Sorry, I forgot your last name,” I said, looking at Hunter then over to Lucas.

  “Hi. My name is Hunter Brooks. My best friend Skyler went out with Londyn’s friend a few times.”

  “Oh. I’m Londyn’s boyfriend Lucas. We should go get the seats before someone tries to take them again,” Lucas said, still glaring at Hunter, his hand on my waist, nudging me with him over to the seats. Lucas helped me up on the seat and sat next to me. I glanced over my shoulder back at Hunter to find him standing there, still watching us. I turned back around to order my drink, then took another quick glance and he was gone. No sight of him anywhere close by. It was if he had simply vanished into thin air.

  “Londyn, are you okay?” Lucas said, caressing my hand.

  “Yeah. I’m sorry if I’m being quiet.”

  “You’re fine. I’m going to go to the restroom, when I get back would you want to go out onto the dance floor again for a little bit?”

  “Sure.” I smiled. I watched Lucas walk through the sitting area, and through the archway to the restrooms. I turned back around to finish my drink before Lucas got back.

  “Your boyfriend doesn’t seem to like me much. Then again, I wouldn’t like a guy trying to steal my girlfriend away, either.”

  “Hunter, he’s going t
o be back any minute. Wait a minute…Where did you come from? I didn’t see you anywhere close by a few minutes ago,” I looked over Hunter’s shoulder, trying to figure out what direction he from.

  “Well, for one, trying to figure out why you are with him. He seems like a real jerk.”

  “What do you mean he seems like a jerk? You don’t even know him! You said a few words to him! You need to go before he comes back and find you here talking to me,” I said, sliding down off the stool. “By the way, I’m sorry about Jayde dumping Skyler the way she did.”

  “I tried to warn him about her, but he didn’t listen. He’s okay now. He’s here dancing with lots of girls.”

  “Well, I need to go find Lucas. It was great seeing you again, Hunter.”

  “You too, Londyn.”

  I quickly headed toward the restrooms, fighting the urge to look over my shoulder back at Hunter. I squeezed through the crowd in the sitting area, and saw Gavin talking to a couple of guys. I gave him thumbs up before I got lost in another crowd by the entrance to the restroom hall. I accidentally bumped into someone as I went to turn down the hall to go to the bathroom. I turned halfway around and apologized to the guy I bumped into. I don’t know if he heard me, but he smiled back. I turned around, frozen in my steps as I looked down toward the end of the hall. I spun around to try and get away, but found myself sprawled out on the floor.

  “Are you okay?”

  I reached for the hand that was down close to my face. “Thank you.” I glanced up to find Hunter.

  “I was a few feet away when I saw you falling to the floor. Are you okay?” Hunter asked again, wrapping his arm around me as I stood up.

  “Huh?” I paused, looking back over my shoulder toward the hallway.

  Hunter reached over, dabbing a tear away with his thumb, then took a look down the hall.

  “Oh, I see. Londyn, you deserve better than him.”

  “You don’t know me to know what I do and don’t deserve. Do you?” I let go of his hand and started walking over toward the couches in hopes there would be a place to sit down.

  “Londyn, dance with me?” Hunter said, taking my hand.

  “Lucas will see us together.”

  “Why in the hall do you care if he sees us dancing together?” he said, pointing his thumb over his shoulder toward the restroom hallway. “I probably know you better than you think.”

  “You don’t know me.”

  “I bet I could surprise you. You aren’t that hard to figure out.”

  “Wow! I go to the bathroom for a few minutes and next thing you are trying to move in on my girlfriend! Listen, asshole! She’s with me!”

  Hunter, not saying a word back, turned to look at me, then back at Lucas with a half-smile. “Are you sure about that?”

  “What the hell do you mean by that, dickhead?” Lucas stepped closer, pushing Hunter back a few steps.

  “Stop! He’s right, Lucas. I have been such a damn fool in believing your lies. Well, NO MORE!” I screamed over the music starting up again.

  “What in the hell are you talking about?” Lucas yelled.

  I started to scream back at him, when I caught the girl he was with just out the corner of my right eye, walking by with some other girls. I was rather insulted that he would even think about being with her over me. It wasn’t that she was ugly, but she wasn’t that pretty either. She had short, medium brown hair, and she wore too much makeup. If someone can see your makeup that well in dim lighting, then you definitely have too much on. She had on designer wanna-be jeans, and a top that looked similar to the one I had on.

  Before Lucas could say another word, I was already tapping her on the shoulder, trying not to yell too loud, asking if I could talk to her for a minute. She shook her head yes, then followed me back over to Lucas and Hunter. Over Hunter’s shoulder, I could see Gavin walking up. Lucas’ eyes were wide, staring back and forth between me and the girl. A slow song started to play, so we didn’t have to scream as loud over the music.

  “What is going on?” Gavin asked, stepping in between Lucas and Hunter.

  “I wanted Lucas here to know that he can be with this girl without pretending to be going to the bathroom,” I said, raising my eyebrow.

  “Londyn, you have really lost your damn mind. I don’t know who this girl is,” Lucas snapped.

  “Wow…More lies. When is the lying going to stop with you? Does she know you are a compulsive liar? Someone should warn her before you treat her like you have me for the past four years.”

  “You truly are delusional. Did this guy tell you I was with her or something, and you believed him? That is really hurtful, Londyn. I wouldn’t be with her!”

  “What the hell, Lucas? My friends tried warning me about you!” The girl yelled, walking back over to her group of friends listening from a few feet away.


  “Angela? But I thought you didn’t know her. Wow…You truly are a dickhead.”

  “What do you want me to say, Londyn?”

  “Nothing. I don’t want anything to do with you. You are a liar, and I could never trust you again. Good-bye, Lucas.”

  “How in the hell do you think you are going to get home tonight if you walk away from me? Did you forget who drove all of you here?”

  “Well, she will have a ride home and her friends too. So, she doesn’t need you even for that,” Hunter said, his voice lower than I am used to hearing as he stepped closer to me. “So, if you know what’s good for you, I suggest you walk away before you get hurt.”

  I looked over my shoulder and saw Skyler and few other guys standing behind us watching, not saying a word. Lucas didn’t say another word and simply turned and walked away from us, heading to the exit. I stood there frozen, unable to take my eyes off Lucas as he turned right through the dark hallway that lead to the double doors. I wasn’t sad that he was gone, but dreaded that I was going to have to explain to Dad why I wasn’t dating Lucas anymore.

  “Londyn, are you okay?” Gavin said, draping his arm over my shoulders.

  “Yeah. I think I am. You were right about him. How could I have been so stupid in thinking that he loved me?”

  “You aren’t stupid. I think he loved you in his own twisted way. He loved you, but he loved other girls, as well. I must say she wasn’t pretty at all.”

  “How are we going to get home?” I sighed.

  “Londyn, I have a big truck. Enough room for all of you,” Hunter said, walking up to the right of me.

  “I couldn’t ask you to take us home. It is probably out of your way.”

  “Where do you live?” he asked, glancing down at me.

  “We live in Columbia,” I turned to look up into his beautiful grey eyes.

  “Just so happens that Skyler and I live in Columbia too.”

  “You do? I’ve never seen you at school.”

  “No offense, but I wouldn’t be caught dead at your snob-ass school. We don’t live around you. We live on the other side of the city, part I’m sure you have never been to before.”

  “Oh. I see.” I put my head down.

  “I can take you home if you are ready to go now. One of our other friends can take Skyler home later.”

  “I’m not ready to go home, but I’m not in the mood to be here anymore, either.”

  “It’s only 11:30 p.m. I’m sure there is a late night café open close by. We can come back later to pick up your friends.” He wiped a tear from my cheek.

  “Gavin, can you tell Jayde and Sam where I went and that we will be back in a little bit to pick you up?”

  Gavin moved his head slowly from side to side, looking around the club. “I will go tell them, but do you care if I go with you two. All the guys here tonight are straight.”

  “Yeah, sure.” Hunter said, looking at Gavin, then back down to me.

  I watched Gavin move toward the dance floor in search of Jayde and Sam. Hunter held out his hand, his grey eyes filled with honest concern. I didn’t hesitate in taking
his hand, and electricity spread up my arm, flooding over my entire body. Gavin walked up, glancing down at our hands every few seconds, then gave me one of his quick reassuring smiles that only I knew the meaning to. This time, I was pretty sure he was letting me know that he approved of Hunter.

  There was nothing to approve though, especially, if he lived in the part of town I thought he did. I knew we had nothing in common, and came from completely different lifestyles. My dad would never accept me dating someone from that side of the city. He would disown me before agreeing to let me date someone like Hunter, even though I’m an adult.

  We walked almost two and a half blocks to get to Hunter’s truck, which shocked me, considering the part of Columbia he told me he’s from. His truck wasn’t brand new like the vehicles me and my friends drive, but it wasn’t an antique either. If I had to guess, his truck was probably five to six years old and in good condition. He opened the door for me, not letting go of my hand until I was seated in the passenger seat of his grey extended cab truck.

  Gavin got in the backseat behind me. “I like him. Too bad he’s interested in you. I’d try to turn him if I knew I had a chance with him.”

  “He’s just being nice.”


  “Let’s go find someplace to talk where we don’t have to scream at one another.” Hunter smiled over at me, closing the driver’s side door.

  After we drove around for twenty minutes, we found a corner café that was still open it seemed to be a popular place by the number of people that were seated throughout.

  There were several windows in a row down the side of the building. On the other side of those windows were rows of booths, most of them filled with three or four people. There were also people seated up at the counter, leaving a seat open here and there.

  We walked in and stopped at the sign that read Please wait to be seated.

  I found myself standing closer to Hunter than Gavin, but there was something about him that made me feel safe, or so I thought. I didn’t know if I should embrace this feeling or fear it.

  One of the servers walked up, shoving her notepad in the wide pocket of her apron. She asked how many, then grabbed three menus before walking us down to the end of the café to the last booth. I scooted in the seat, expecting Gavin to sit down next to me, but he smiled as he slid into the seat across from me. I sat there, wide-eyed across from him with a “What The Fuck” kind of look on my face. Hunter slid in next to me, giving enough space between us so I wouldn’t feel uncomfortable sitting that close to him. I ordered an iced caramel latte, while the guys ordered Cokes.


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