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Caribbean Threesome Part 1

Page 3

by Lance Greencastle

"There's that colonial slave fort that they're taking us to this afternoon," Gaby said.

  "They don't want to wonder around an old fort, they want the nudist beach about five miles down the coast," the first girl said.

  "Nudist beach?" Beth looked at Jim. "Do you like the idea of looking at a beach full of naked girls?" Beth wiggled her toes, making Jim gasp.

  "Well, it's clothing optional," the second girl explained. "So you can leave on your suit if you like."

  "Mostly it's just topless, like European beaches," the first girl added.

  "It's just that they won't arrest you if you do go the full Monty," the second girl concluded.

  "The full Monty," Beth wiggled her toes once more.

  But this time Jim was expecting her tease and managed to control himself.

  "Well, maybe we'll got there," Beth said.

  "Sounds good to me," Liz agreed.

  "Will you girls be there?" Beth turned back to the girls at the adjoining table.

  "Oh, no," the first girl said. "We'll be at conference stuff all day."

  "Yep, all day until dinner," the second girl nodded.

  "Yeah, we'll never get to work on our tans," Gaby said.

  "You could bunk off," Beth suggested.

  The second girl glanced at the first. "Em, no."

  "No," the first girl said. "Our bosses are here and they'd notice, so..." she shrugged.

  "More business than pleasure, then," Beth said.

  "Yes," the first girl agreed. "But at least our bosses are paying for everything."

  "But we do have a big party planned for the last night," the second girl said. "With free bar."

  "Yes," the Gaby added. "There's even rumours of male strippers."

  "Male strippers?" Beth smiled.

  "Don't know for sure," the first girl said. "But maybe."

  "Definitely maybe," the second girl said. "They have them every year. It's a tradition."

  "Well, Jim," Liz looked at him. "What do you think? A party full of hot, drunk girls ogling naked male strippers."

  "Em," Jim blushed as five pairs of female eyes look at him. "Sounds like fun."

  The first girl stood, "Anyway we've got to get going. Our first workshop session is starting soon."

  "OK," Beth smiled as they leave. "Maybe we'll see you around."

  "Oh, I hope so," Gaby glanced at Jim.

  "See you," the second girl said.

  "Yeah, see you around," the first girl lead the other two out.

  "So there where three hot girls for you to choose from," Liz said.

  "Choose?" Jim looked at her.

  "Yeah, the quiet one, Gaby, was to die for," Beth said.

  "To die for?" Liz looks at Beth.

  Beth shrugs, "She had a cute little blond ponytail. You'd have given her one, wouldn't you, Jim?"


  Beth turns to Liz, "I could feel his cock twitch every time she spoke."

  "No, it didn't."

  "Oh yes, it did," Beth teased.

  "Oh, I can believe it did, Jim." Liz gazes wishfully out the front window, "I bet she tastes as sweet as honey."

  "Why would I be interested in them when I'm with you two?" Jim snapped back.

  Liz raised her eyebrows. Beth paused for a moment then asked, "With us?"

  "Well," Jim shrugged. "I mean hanging out and stuff." Then he looked at her, "You do want to keep hanging out with me, don't you?"

  "Don't go all clingy and needy on us, Jim," Liz said.

  "We're just having a bit of holiday fun," Beth agrees.

  "We're not your girlfriends," Liz adds.

  "No, I mean yes, I mean," Jim takes a breath. "I know we're just having fun." He looks down, "I'm not about to ask you to marry me or anything."

  "Marry you?" Liz smiles.

  Liz and Beth exchange a look. Then Beth turns to Jim. "Oh, Jim, don't tell us you asked your last girlfriend to marry you," Beth shook her head slowly.

  Jim blushed. "Well, we were in love," Jim explains.

  "We?" Beth asks.

  "OK, I was in love," Jim admitted.

  "And she didn't love you back," Beth said.


  "You came on holiday alone," Liz said.

  "Yes," Jim agrees.

  "So no wedding bells in the air."

  "No," Jim said. "No wedding bells."

  "Ah, that's sad, Jim," Beth said.

  "Still," Liz said. "All the more reason to nab yourself a hot girl while you're here."

  But before Jim could answer Katie arrived with their food, deftly placing a plate full of food in front of each of them with a quick "Here we go," before darting off again.

  "Ah," Liz breathes in the smell of her food, "Nectar."

  "Ambrosia," Jim said.

  "What?" Liz asked.

  "Nectar is the drink of the gods," Jim explained. "Ambrosia is their food."

  Katie came back to their table, "And three teas." She placed a mug of steaming tea in front of each of them.

  "That'll be the nectar then," Beth smiled.

  "The drink of the Greek gods," Katie said.

  "Exactly," Beth said.

  "Nectar, Ambrosia, whatever, it's all going down the same way," and Liz started to slice up her food.

  "Enjoy your food." Katie smiled and disappeared off again.

  Jim followed Liz's lead and started into his food with gusto.

  "Hungry?" Beth teased.

  "Good appetite," Liz nods in approval. "But then he'll need all the energy he can get."

  "To fight off all these girls?" Beth asked.

  "Or to keep them satisfied," Liz replied.

  "OK," Jim is exasperated. "You can stop it now." And takes a big mouthful of food.

  Liz and Beth smile at each other, but they also stop the teasing.

  "Actually, this is pretty good," Liz said between mouthfuls.

  "Yes, it is," Beth agrees.

  And everyone fell silent while they ate. Jim even forgot about Beth's foot for a few minutes.

  As they ate the restaurant gradually started to empty as the various groups of cosmetics sales girls finished their breakfasts.

  They left with general calls of "see you soon" and "don't be late". And while some older tourists and a handful of locals sauntered in the newcomers only replaced half of those that left. The tourists were welcomed to the island by Katie and the locals greeted by name and gossipped with while they waited for their regular orders to be made up. Meanwhile Liz, Beth and Jim worked their way through their breakfasts.

  "I couldn't eat another thing," Liz pushed her plate away.

  Beth glanced down at Liz's empty plate and shook her head. "Genetics," she murmured.

  "Yes, this is good," Jim said.

  But Beth had other things on her mind than the food.

  "So, are you still hard," Beth wiggled her toes against Jim's trapped cock.

  "Ug," a bite of toast stuck in Jim's throat.

  Liz handed him his glass of juice and he swallowed and gasped a breath.

  "You want to be careful," Beth continued to tease him. "Annually fourteen people choke to death at breakfast in the Caribbean."

  "Really?" Jim asks.

  "No," Liz laughs. "She just goes around making up statistics."

  "And 97% of people surveyed believe them," Beth says in an earnest voice.

  "Really?" Jim was impressed.

  "No," Liz repeated. "She just makes up statistics as she goes along."

  Beth laughed.

  "Oh, right," Jim said.

  The last group of cosmetics sales representatives burst out in a giggle, glancing back at Jim as they as they left.

  Jim sighed in relief, as the only boy in the restaurant he'd been feeling a little conspicuous. But now with only a handful of tourists and a few locals in the restaurant he could relax at last.

  "So it must turn you on to be the centre of so much female attention," Beth returned to her original tease.

  "Em, not really," Jim got a little f
lush in his cheeks.

  "No, I agree with Beth, you can't help but be hard," Liz said.

  "Em, no," Jim replied. Then bolted straight upright in his seat as Beth slipped her pressed her toes into his hard cock.

  "Yep, hard as a rock," Beth confirms to Liz.

  "Thought he would be," Liz nods in agreement.

  "Ok, now we've established that, you can stop now," Jim said.

  "Why on earth would I do that?" Beth asks.

  Jim opens his mouth to reply, but Beth wiggled her toes, and all that Jim produced was a strangled gurgle.

  "Now the only question is," Liz turned to Beth, "do we let him leave with a tent in the front of his shorts, or a wet spot?"

  "Wet spot," Beth said with hesitation.

  "Hey..." Jim tried to speak but once more Beth increased the pressure on his cock.

  "Wet spot sounds good," Liz nodded.

  Jim swallowed. Were they serious, he looked from one to the other, but neither broke her poker face.

  "It might take a while," Liz continued talking to Beth. "He's already come once today."

  "Hardly, that was just a little wank in the shower," Beth replied. "It barely counts."

  "Now, see here," Jim tried to put some authority in his voice. But Beth's foot put a stop to that with some firm pressure on his cock.

  Liz picked up some toast. "I've got a couple of slices of toast to eat as I finish my tea," she said. "So let's see how we get on." And she took a bite.

  "But... I..." Jim had given up any pretence to have any say in the matter. "You can't."

  "Oh, yes I can, silly," Beth looked him in the eye as she wiggled her toes along his cock.

  "But..." Jim swallowed his words as Beth's toes wiggled along his shaft and found his head. "Ah," was all he said.

  "What's wrong," Liz asked between bites of her toast. "Cat got your tongue?"

  Jim tried to keep his face calm. But a flush came to his face and he spluttered.

  "Ooh, that's nice," Beth cooed. "I can feel the ridge just under his cock's head, at the top of his shaft." Her big toe pressed his cock against his leg, as she rubbed back and forward.

  "Please," Jim pleaded.

  "Please what?" Beth asked. "Please go faster." Jim tried to shake his head in a "no". But Beth continued, "That's what you boys always want, isn't it?"

  "I... I... Don't," he whispered.

  Beth rubbed her foot back and forth, building up a nice rhythm. Jim started to breath heavily. Liz took a sip of her tea and calmly munched on her toast.

  "Please," Jim's eyes opened wider.

  "Oh, my god," Beth's eyes opened wide. "Don't tell me you've got a hair-trigger."

  "I..." Jim swallowed. "I don't."

  "I bet you like that," Beth smiled as her foot worked away.

  "Ah," Jim gasped. "Please."

  "Really?" Beth smiled. "Just there," she wiggled her toes making Jim moan. "Is that the spot?"

  "Oh," Jim sighed.

  Beth took a sip of her juice.

  "Beth," Jim whispered, "you're going to make me..."

  Beth laughed softly. "Oh, I know exactly what's going to happen, Jim."

  Liz calmly sipped her tea. "This is nice," she looked around the restaurant, "Very relaxing."

  "Ugh," Jim said, scrounging his eyes up.

  "We've got a talker, Liz," Beth said, her foot continuing to stroke Jim's shaft.

  "Well, I for one can think of a better use for that tongue than all that huffing and puffing," Liz looked at Jim.

  "Yes," Beth smiled.

  Jim just looked back at them, his face flushed, his hands balled into fists on the table.

  "Very relaxing," Liz repeated, and took another sip of her tea.

  Jim let out a long hiss.

  "You look very close," Beth said to him.

  He opened his mouth but could not form any words.

  "Come on," Beth whispers. "Come on, now."

  Jim tried to control himself, tired to hold back, but there was no escaping Beth's relentless stimulation. He tried to keep his face straight while his cock pulsed against Beth's toes.

  "Ooh. I can feel it happening," Beth said to Liz.

  "Cool," Liz said.

  "Ugggg," Jim gritted his teeth.

  "Keep it going," Beth rubbed her foot against his cock.

  "Agh," Jim brought a napkin to his face grunting hard as his balls squeezed out one long squirt of cum.

  Beth kept her foot moving for a little longer until Jim shuttered.

  "And now I can feel a damp patch under my toes," Beth said, and took her foot away.

  "Ugh," Liz made a face.

  Then both girls burst out laughing.

  Jim just sat there trying to catch his breath.

  "Well," Liz put down her tea. "That was the best breakfast I've had all day." She turned to Beth, "But time's a wasting and we've got things to do."

  "We do?" Beth looked at her.

  "With all those sales girls in workshops all day long, who's going to lounge by the pool drinking cocktails if we don't?" Liz asked.

  "Oh, yes," Beth smiled.

  "Breakfast is on you, Jim," Liz said.

  "Well, of course I don't mind paying. But..." Jim started.

  "But what?" Liz asked.

  "But I've got a big wet patch on the front of my shorts," Jim said.

  "So?" Liz shrugged. "Everyone already knows what you've just done anyway."

  "They do?" Jim looked around in wide-eyed fear.

  "Nobody noticed," Beth assured him. "You were very discreet."

  "We like that in a boy," Liz smiled at him.

  Jim still looked unsure.

  "Well, we've got to go. We've got a busy day ahead of us hanging by the pool working on our tans," Liz stood up.

  "Yeah," Beth said. "Thanks for breakfast. See you later." She followed Liz out of the restaurant, leaving Jim sitting there with just the memory of their smiles and a mess in his shorts.

  Chapter - 3

  Tap, tap, tap. There it was again.

  "What's up?" Liz mumbled, still mostly asleep.

  "Someone's at the door," Beth was also only half awake.

  "The door?" Liz half lifted her head from her pillow.

  "Yes," Beth said. "It's that thing people use to come into the room when the window's locked."

  "Fuck off," Liz dropped her head onto the pillow again, her face twisting in pain when Beth called, "Go away!" at the top of her voice.

  "Oh," Beth put her hand to her own forehead. "I shouldn't have done that," she whispered.

  The tap, tap, tap came again.

  Liz pulled her pillow over her head.

  "Fick," Beth rolled out of bed, half stood then sat down again until the room stopped spinning.

  "Fick?" Liz's muffled voice came from under her pillow.

  "Fuck," Beth explained.

  "Right," Liz agreed.

  The tap, tap, tap came again, if anything more insistently.

  "What the hell was that orange shit we were drinking all morning?" Beth stood, waiting a moment to see if she'd fall over.

  "Free," Liz murmured.

  "Fucking vouchers," Beth mumbled as she made her way to the door. Reaching it just as the tap, tap, tap came again. "What..." she opened the door. But there was no one there. "... the fuck?" she leaned out the door and looked up and down the corridor, closing her eyes for a moment to let her head stop spinning.

  "Who's there?" Liz asked.

  "Nobody," Beth closed the door.

  "What?" Liz pulled the pillow off her head.

  Tap, tap, tap came the noise again. Both girls turned to the open bathroom door.

  "Please unlock the door," came a faint voice. "I'm desperate to go."

  "Jim," both girls said at the same time.

  Beth ambled over to the bathroom. While Liz pulled her pillow over her head again.

  "Why can't he pee without waking us?" Liz's muffled voice came from under her pillow.

  "Why can't you pee without waki
ng us?" Beth asked as she walked into the bathroom. Which was empty. She stood there for a moment, looking puzzled.

  Once again the tap, tap, tap, came. This time Beth located its source as the door into Jim's room.

  "Please," came Jim's voice from the other side. "The door's locked and I really need to pee."

  "Oh, right," Beth remembered. "We locked it from this side." She walked over and opened the door for Jim.

  "Thanks," he said, not really looking at her as he rushed passed and lifted the toilet seat with one hand, while unzipping his shorts with the other. "Ahhhh," he let out a heavy stream of pee.

  "It certainly nice to see that we've reached the point in our relationship where we're comfortable peeing in front of each other," Beth said.

  "Oh," Jim looked over at her, then blushed and looked down. Then he became acutely aware that the sound of his pee cascading into the bowl echoed around the bathroom. Which made his blush deepen. But he was unable to stop once the flow had started.

  "Wow," Beth came over and stood beside him, making him tense a little. "You really did need to go, didn't you," Beth looked down at the bowl.

  Jim opened his mouth to reply, but he was still peeing and boys don't have conversations while peeing. Especially not with hot girls.

  Liz appeared at the girl's door holding a bottle of water and looking a little haggard. "Are there no other toilets in the hotel?" she took a sip from the bottle.

  "Err," Jim hadn't thought of that, and really just wanted to be left alone to pee.

  Liz smiled. "So instead of walking down to the lobby you held you pee in for..." she looked around, realising she didn't know what time it was. "For how long?"

  "Six and a half hours," Jim looked into the toilet bowl.

  "Six and a half hours?" Liz looked at Beth, who smiled back and shrugged.

  Jim kept his eyes fixed on the toilet bowl.

  "That's, um, dedication," Liz stifled a giggle.

  "You should have joined us at the pool," Beth said.

  "To pee?" Jim asked.

  Both girls laughed.

  "Well, we were drinking and sunning ourselves," Beth said.

  "Oh, right," Jim smiled.

  "Thought I suppose you wouldn't be the first person to pee in the pool," Liz walked over and stood on the other side of him, passing the water to Beth, who took a long drink. "I wonder if the hotel uses that chemical that turns blue when people pee in the pool."

  Jim's blush deepened. He'd never peed with a girl standing either side of him before. But at least he was finally finished. Though now he didn't know what to do. He should just tuck himself away and leave, but then he'd be touching his penis in front of the girls. But then he couldn't leave his penis hanging out? But as he hesitated his body responded all by itself. He could feel a certain sensation in his privates, a tightening of his balls and the beginning of a swelling of his cock.


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