by Peter Weibel
el remolque tow, towing
hacer algo a remolque (fig., fam.) to do unwillingly or reluctantly Lo hicieron a remolque. They did it reluctantly. They had to be pushed to do it.
llevar a remolque a alg. (fig., fam.) to drag s.o. along (fig.) Siempre tenemos que llevarlo a remolque. We always have to drag him along [with us].
el remoquete punch (in the face)
el remoquete (pop.) nickname
dar remoquete a alg. (fig., fam.) to make snide/cutting remarks at s.o.
remoto (no tener ni la más remota idea)
el renacuajo tadpole
el renacuajo (fig., fam., pej.) little squirt (pej.), shrimp (fig., fam.), runt (fig., pej.), shorty (fam.)
la renta income, interest
vivir de renta (fig., deportes) (sports): to play for time, to run out the clock, not to risk anything
el renuncio (card game): revoke
coger a alg. en un renuncio (fig., fam.) to give the lie to s.o., to catch s.o. lying, to catch s.o. out, to catch s.o. in a fib
la repesca (fam.) (school): repeat exam
repescar a alg. (fam.) to give s.o. (who failed the exam) a second chance to pass the exam
repicar to ring, to peal
No se puede repicar y estar en la procesión. (prov.) You can’t be in more than one place at the same time.
repiquetear to ring, to peal
repiquetearse (fig., fam.) to exchange insults, to slag each other or one another off (sl., Br.E.)
requete… (fam.) Lo has hecho requetebién. You’ve done it brilliantly. (fig.) You’ve done it extremely well. Esta película es requetemala. This film is terrible/awful. una mujer requeteguapa an awfully/extraordinarily pretty woman La muchacha llevó una requetesuperminifalda. The girl wore an ultrashort miniskirt. Eso lo tenemos requeteoídos. We’ve heard that time and [time] again. Lo tendré requetepensado. I’ll think it over thoroughly. Esto lo tengo muy requetepensado. I’ve thought this over very thoroughly.
requilorios (fam.) ado, fuss
no andarse con requilorios not to waste any time la chiquita: no andarse con/en chiquitas
el requisito requirement
con todos sus requisitos (fig., fam.) with all the trimmings (fig.)
la resaca (fam.) (after drinking): hangover (fam.) Tengo resaca. Pues échate un trago [de alcohol] que así se cura. I have a hangover. Have/try a hair of the dog [that bit you]. (fam.)
el resbalón slip
dar un resbalón (fig.) to slip up (fam.), to put one’s foot in it (fam.), to commit a faux pas
el rescoldo hot ashes
el rescoldo (fig., fam.) pangs/pricks of conscience (fig.), scruples
avivar el rescoldo [de algo] to stir up the dying embers (fig.), to rekindle (fig.)
resollar to breathe heavily
resollar (fig., fam.) to give a sign of life Hace mucho tiempo que no resuellan. It’s a long time since we/I heard from them. They have given no sign of life for a long time.
el resorte spring
tocar todos los resortes (fig., fam.) to mobilize all one’s influential friends, to use all one’s influence, to pull all the strings [one can] (fig.), to do everything in one’s power Tocaron todos los resortes para llegar a ver al presidente. They pulled all the strings they could to get to see the president.
respeto (campar por sus ~s)
respingar (horse): to shy, to buck
respingar (fig., fam.) (skirt/dress/etc.): to ride up, to fit poorly, to be baggy
respingón (animal): stubborn
la nariz respingona (fig.) snub nose, turnedup nose
respirar to breathe
no respirar (fig., fam.) to say absolutely nothing, not to breathe a word
no dejar respirar a alg. (fig.) not to give s.o. a minute’s rest, to keep s.o. constantly on the go, to keep s.o. on his toes, to badger s.o. (fig.)
no tener tiempo ni de respirar (fig.) to hardly have time to breathe (fig.)
respuesta (cuál la pregunta, tal la ~)
el resquicio crack
el resquicio (fig., fam.) good opportunity/opening, chance
el resto rest
echar el resto (fig.) to shoot one’s bolt (fig.), to go all out (fam.), to do one’s utmost, to make an all-out or a supreme effort Eché el resto. I shot my bolt. I went all out. Echamos el resto por ayudarles. We did our utmost to help them.
para los restos (fig., fam.) forever, for good, for keeps (fam.) Si vuelve a ganar la copa, se la queda para los restos. If he wins the cup again, it’s his for keeps.
el resuello heavy breathing
meter a alg. el resuello en el cuerpo (fig., fam.) (a) to put the wind up s.o. (fam., Br.E.), to give s.o. a [nasty] fright (b) to take s.o. down a peg or two (fig.)
el retortero twist
andar/ir al retortero (fig., fam.) to be constantly on the go or on the jump (fam.), to be running about (Br.E.) or around nonstop, to bustle about
traer a alg. al retortero (fig., fam.) not to give s.o. a minute’s rest, to keep s.o. constantly on the go or on the jump (fam.)
revenir to shrink
revenirse (fig., fam.) to give in, to give way
reventar to burst
reventar de risa (fig., fam.) to split one’s sides laughing or with laughter, to burst out laughing
reventar de envidia (fig., fam.) to be bursting with envy
reventar de impaciencia o de curiosidad (fig., fam.) to be bursting with impatience or with curiosity
reventar por + infinitivo (fig., fam.) to be dying/itching to + infinitive (fam.), to be champing at the bit to + infinitive (fig.) Revienta por verla. He’s dying to see her.
reventar[se] (fig., pop.) to kick the bucket (fam.) cascar[la]
reventarse (fig., fam.) to work o.s. to death (fig., fam.) echar/sudar la hiel
estar reventado (fig., fam.) to be completely beat (fam., Am.E.) estar hecho cisco
revestirse to put on one’s vestments
revestirse de paciencia (fig.) to arm o.s. with patience
revestirse de valor (fig.) to arm o.s. with courage, to pluck up or screw up or muster up [one’s] courage (fig.), to screw o.s. up to do Se revistieron de valor y fueron a hablarle al jefe. They plucked up courage and went to speak to the boss.
el revientacajas (pop.) safecracker (fam.)
el revientapisos (pop.) burglar, housebreaker
revolcar to knock down/over
revolcar a alg. (fig., fam.) (opponent): to tear to pieces/shreds (fig., fam.), to wipe the floor with (fam.) Los revolcó en el último debate. He wiped the floor with them in the last debate.
revolcarse to roll about (Br.E.), to roll around
revolcarse en algo (fig., fam.) to harp on [about] (fig., fam.)
revolcarse de la risa (fam.) to roll around laughing or with laughter, to roll in the aisles [with laughter]
el rey king
en tiempos del rey que rabió o del rey Wamba (fig., fam.) donkey’s years ago tiempos de Maricastaña
ser del tiempo del rey que rabió o del rey Wamba (cuento/chiste/etc.) (fig., fam.) (custom/story/joke/etc.): to be out of the Ark (fig.), to be old chestnuts (fam.), to be old hat (fam.)
Hablando del rey de Roma [y él que se asoma o por la puerta asoma]. Speak/talk of the devil [and he’s sure to appear]. Talk of angels!
no temer rey ni roque to know no fear
no quitar ni poner rey (fig.) not to interfere, to remain neutral
tirar con pólvora del rey (fig.) to work with s.o. else’s or with other people’s means
rey (en tierra de ciegos el tuerto es ~)
rey (sota, caballo y ~)
rey (tratar/atender a alg. a cuerpo de ~)
rezar (text): to read, to run
[no] rezar con (fig., fam.) [not] to apply to, [not] to be s.o.’s thing (fam.), [not] to like, [not] to appeal to, to be in or out of keeping with, to be right up s.o.’s alley (Am.E.) or street (Br.E.) (fam.) Esto reza conmigo. This appeals to me. I like this. This is right up my
alley/street. Eso no reza con nosotros. That doesn’t apply to us. Su estilo de vida no reza con su creencia. His lifestyle is out of keeping with his belief.
rezar (en menos que se reza un padrenuestro)
la ricura (fam.) pretty girl
la rienda rein
dar rienda suelta a algo (fig.) to give free rein to (fig.), to let off steam (fig.) Dio rienda suelta a su imaginación. He gave free rein to his imagination. He let his imagination run free or run wild. Di rienda suelta a mi ira. I let off steam.
llevar/tener las riendas (fig.) to have things under control, to be in charge, to be in control
aflojar las riendas (fig.) to loosen/slacken the reins (fig.), to let up (fam.)
sujetar/templar las riendas (fig.) to tighten the reins (fig.)
tomar/coger/empuñar las riendas (fig.) to take charge
el rigor severity, toughness
ser el rigor de las desdichas (fig., fam.) to be buffeted by fate
el riñón kidney
tener el riñón bien cubierto (fig.) to be well heeled (fam.)
costar un riñón (fig., fam.) to cost a bomb (fam., Br.E.) costar una burrada
echar los riñones (fig., fam.) to slog/sweat one’s guts out (fam., Br.E.), to work o.s. to death (fig., fam.) echar/sudar la hiel
tener riñones (fig., fam.) to have courage, to have gumption (fam.), to have guts (fam.), to have pluck (fig.), to have bottle (sl., Br.E.)
la riñonada kidney stew
costar una riñonada (fig., fam.) to cost a bomb (fam., Br.E.) costar una burrada
el río river
pescar en río revuelto (fig.) to fish in troubled waters (fig.)
A río revuelto, ganancia de pescadores. (prov.) There’s good fishing in troubled waters. It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good.
Cuando el río suena, agua lleva o piedras trae. (prov.) Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. (prov.) There’s no smoke without fire. (prov.)
río (de perdidos, al ~)
río (no llegar la sangre al ~)
el ripio filler, padding (fig.)
no perder ripio (fam.) to miss nothing of what is going on or of what is being said, not to miss any opportunity, not to miss a trick
meter ripio (fam.) to blather (fam.), to drivel (Br.E.), to talk nonsense
la risa laughter, laugh
tomarse algo a risa (fam.) to take/treat as a joke, to laugh off, not to take seriously Todo se lo toma a risa. He takes everything as a joke. He doesn’t take anything seriously.
risa (descoyuntarse/desternillarse de ~)
risa (mearse [de ~])
risa (perecerse/rajarse/reventar de ~)
risa (revolcarse de la ~)
risa (ser para morirse de ~)
robar algo a alg. a mano airada
el robo robbery, theft
ser un robo (fig., fam.) to be daylight robbery (fig., fam.), to be a rip-off (fam.)
venir rodado (fig., fam.) to be just what s.o. needs/needed, to come at just the right time El dinero me vino rodado. The money came at just the right time.
rodar to roll
echarlo todo a rodar (fig., fam.) (a) to mess it all up (fig.), to spoil everything, to gum up the works (fam.) (b) to chuck it all in/up (fam., Br.E.), to throw everything overboard (fig.)
echar a rodar los proyectos de alg. (fig.) to queer s.o.’s pitch (fam., Br.E.), to spike s.o.’s guns (fig., Br.E.), to thwart s.o.’s plans
Rodríguez Rodríguez (a last name)
estar de rodríguez (fig., fam.) to be a grass widower (hum.)
roer (darle a alg. un hueso duro de ~)
roer (ser un hueso duro de ~)
roer los zancajos a alg.
roerse los codos de hambre
rojo (ponerse ~ como un cangrejo)
rojo (ponerse más ~ que una amapola)
Roma (hablando del rey/ruin de ~ [y …])
romper to break
¡Rompe de una vez! (fig., pop.) [Come on,] out with it! Spit it out! (fam.)
romper el bautismo/las bolas/los cascos/la crisma a alg.
romper una lanza por algo/alg.
romperse los cascos/los codos/la crisma/el culo
roncar como un tronco
rondar to patrol
rondar por los cuarenta/etc. (fig., fam.) to be about/around 40/etc.
roñoso mangy, dirty
roñoso (fig., fam.) stingy, miserly, tight (fam.)
no dejarse llamar roñoso (pop.) to be generous, s.o. doesn’t want it to be said that he’s stingy
la ropa clothes
¡Hay ropa tendida! (fig., fam.) Be careful what you say, we can be heard or walls have ears!
tentarse la ropa (fig.) to think [it over] long and hard [before doing anything]
La ropa sucia se lava en casa. (fig.) You shouldn’t wash your dirty linen in public. (fig.)
ropa ([nadar y] guardar la ~)
ropa (querer nadar y guardar la ~)
el roque (chess): castle, rook
estar roque (fig., fam.) to be fast asleep
quedarse roque (fig., fam.) to fall soundly asleep
roque (no temer rey ni ~)
la rosa rose
No hay rosa[s] sin espinas. (prov.) There’s no rose without a thorn. (prov.)
verlo todo de color de rosa (fig.) to see everything/things or the world through rose-tinted spectacles (Br.E.) or through rose-colored glasses (Am.E.) (fig.), to be ridiculously optimistic
la vida no es un lecho de rosas (fig.) life isn’t [all/always] a bed of roses (fig.)
estar/dormir sobre un lecho de rosas (fig.) s.o.’s life is a bed of roses (fig.)
no estar/dormir sobre un lecho de rosas (fig.) s.o.’s life is no bed of roses (fig.)
el rosario rosary
acabar como el rosario de la aurora (fig.) to come to a bad end, to end in disaster
un rosario de (fig.) [whole] series of, [whole] string or catalogue of (fig.) Nos soltaron un rosario de insultos. They hurled a string of insults at us.
la rosca thread, ring-shaped roll
pasarse de rosca (fig., fam.) (a) to flip one’s lid (fam.), to go ape (fam., Am.E.) (b) to go too far (fig.), to overdo it (fig.), to go over the top (fig., fam.) Ahora sí que te has pasado de rosca. Now you’ve really gone too far.
hacer la rosca a alg. (fig., fam.) to butter s.o. up (fam.), to soft-soap s.o. (fam.), to play up to s.o.
hacer la rosca [de galgo] (fig., fam.) to get a bit of or some shut-eye (fam.), to hit the hay (fam., Am.E.), to hit the sack (fam.)
hacer la rosca (dog/cat/etc.): to curl up; (snake): to coil up
hacerse una rosca (person): to curl up into a ball
comerse una rosca (fam.) to make it [with a woman] (sl.)
no comerse una rosca [con] (fam.) to get absolutely nowhere [with], not to get anywhere [with] No se come una rosca con las mujeres. He gets absolutely nowhere with women. He never gets anywhere with women.
tirarse una rosca (fam., Esp., universidad) to plough (sl., Br.E., university)
la rosquilla ring-shaped pastry (type of doughnut)
venderse como rosquillas (fig.) to sell like hotcakes (fig.)
no saber a rosquilla (fig., fam.) to be no picnic (fam.), to be no bed of roses (fig.)
rostro (vestir el ~ de alegría/gravedad)
el roto hole (in a dress/etc.)
No/nunca falta un roto para un descosido. (prov.) Birds of a feather flock together. (prov.) You can always find a companion in misfortune.
rozar to touch
rozar los cuarenta/etc. (fig.) to be about/around 40/etc.
rozar [con] algo (fig.) to border/verge on (fig.), to be next door to (fig.) Eso roza la frescura. That borders on cheek. Eso ya roza con el delirio. That is verging on madness. That’s next door to madness.
rozarse con alg. (fig., fam.) to rub shoulders with s.o. (fig.), to hobnob with s.o.
la rubia blonde
la rubia de frasco/bote (fam.) peroxide
blonde (fam.)
la rubia (fig., fam.) peseta (coin)
el Rubicón Rubicon
pasar/atravesar el Rubicón (fig.) to cross the Rubicon (fig.)
la rueda wheel
ir/marchar sobre ruedas (fig.) to run on oiled wheels (fig.), to go/run smoothly, to go swimmingly (fig.), to go like clockwork (fig.), to come on a treat (fig.) Todo marcha sobre ruedas. Everything’s going smoothly. Everything’s coming on a treat. Everything’s hunky-dory. (fam.)
rueda (comulgar con ~s de molino)
rueda (meter un bastón/palo en la ~ o bastones/palos en las ~s [de alg.])
rueda (no comulgar con ~s de molino)
rueda (tragar[se]las como ~s de molino)
el ruido noise
Mucho ruido y pocas nueces. (prov.) Much ado about nothing.
quitarse de ruidos (fig.) to keep out of trouble
ruido ( taladrar: ser un ~ que taladra [los oídos])
el ruin mean person
Hablando del ruin de Roma [y él que se asoma o por la puerta asoma]. Speak/talk of the devil [and he’s sure to appear]. Talk of angels!
la ruina ruin
las ruinas (fig., fam.) leftovers
ruso (la cafetera [rusa])
la sábana sheet (bed)
la sábana (pop., Esp.) 1000-peseta bill (Am.E.) or note (Br.E.)
pegársele a alg. las sábanas (fig., fam.) to be bad about getting up, to oversleep Otra vez se les han pegado las sábanas. They have overslept again.
ponerse más blanco que una sábana to go as white as a sheet/ghost
sábana (estirar la pierna más larga que la ~)
el sabañón chilblain
comer como un sabañón (fig., fam.) to eat like a horse (fam.)
comer más que un sabañón (fig., fam.) to be a glutton
saber to taste
saber a más (fig.) to hope there’s more where that came from (fam.), to taste excellent
saber (no ~ a rosquilla)
saber a gloria/rayos
saber to know
saberlas todas o muy largas (fig., fam.) to know every trick in the book (fam.), to be as sly as they come (fam.)
no saber de sí (fig., fam.) s.o. can’t take/have a breather (fam.), to be snowed under with work (fig.)
¡Si lo sabré yo! I know it only too well! Don’t I know it!
¡Qué sé yo! How should I know! Search me! (fam.)
y qué sé yo (fam.) (after enumerations): and many other things, and what not, and who knows what else (fam.) Tiene cinco coches, dos yates, tres casas y qué sé yo. He has five cars, two yachts, three houses and who knows what else.