Elliot's Secret (The King Brother's Series Book 3)

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Elliot's Secret (The King Brother's Series Book 3) Page 5

by G. Bailey

  "Want one?" He asks and I nod at him. I know I can't leave him alone tonight, so I might as well join him. I could use one to forget yesterday and today. Fucking Elliot King is messing with my head like he always has.

  We don’t talk as he drinks more and more until I’m sure he has drunk half the bottle. I’m still drinking my second drink and I can’t drink more because I’m worried about him.

  "Hey little brother, let's get you up to bed," I say noticing how he can’t hold his head up.

  "You’re not my mum; in fact, you’re nothing like her. Maybe you are, maybe you will leave me too. Like everyone fucking does," he says and I flinch at his words. We don't speak about our mother ever since she left us with the last nanny at ten and our dad will walk out if I mention her. The last we spoke I was thirteen and she was in Paris. There wasn't much chatting other than her telling me about her new shoes she bought the other day. I don’t know what happened to her and why she won't come here. I found pictures of us as kids with mum, and she was smiling. The pictures stopped when we were seven and I can’t remember why.

  "That's a good thing and I’m not going anywhere, Tris," I say trying to pull him up but my brother is huge. I end up on the sofa next to him, as he takes another drink.

  "Everything good is bad in this family. The girl I've loved since I was twelve is a whore, and dad is in a load of crap that I don't want anything to do with," he mumbles, but I hear every word.

  "What are you talking about?" I ask, pushing his curly black hair out of his face.

  "Dad is the owner of the Cage. He makes the King Brothers fight for him. I'm sorry but he wants me to run it and I won't so he is going to make you. That's why we have been arguing. I won't kill for him and neither will you," he mumbles before passing out. I shake him and try slapping him but it doesn’t work.

  "Tristan, what the hell are you going on about?" I ask knowing he won't answer. I think about he said. I know the Cage, everyone around here does. It’s the dirty secret of the town but it’s not really a secret. If you want to watch a fight and fuck up some random person, that’s the place to go. There’s no way my dad has anything to do with it. I leave heard at school that the King Brothers fight sometimes. I always guessed it was a fun thing they liked to do for a fucked up hobby or money. I just never put much thought into it. I know that Elliot might give me the answers I need. I guess I could call Harley or Seb but being honest with myself, I know who I want to call.

  I ring his phone and he answers on the second ring,

  "Allie?" He questions as an answer. I can hear the rumble of his loud Harley Davidson in the background. I’m sure he can answer calls in his helmet.

  "What the hell does my dad have to with the Cage, and you?" I ask getting straight to the point.

  "Where are you?" he asks, I can hear his bike being turned off in the background.

  "At my old home, just answer the question, Elliot," I demand.

  "See you in ten," he says before hanging up the phone on me.

  "Fucker," I shout into my phone before throwing it down. My mind is running a million miles a minute trying to think of any reason for what Tristan said.

  I drink more Jack Daniels as I wait for Elliot, trying to calm my nerves but it’s not working. Every time I look at my young brother, I just get angrier.

  "Hey, you left the front door open," Elliot says as he walks in the room holding his helmet under his one hand. His new short hair is a little wet and drips onto his leather jacket. He looks so hot in his leather trousers, black top and leather boots. Man, I must have drunk more than I thought.

  "Allie, what did your brother say to you?" He asks glancing at Tristan next to me on the couch. I get up and walk up to him standing right in front on him. I glance into his dark green eyes that threaten to suck me in; my mind betrays me by looking at his soft lips. I shake my head thinking back to why he is here and not my lack of sex life.

  "That my dad owns that fighting place, The Cage?" I say raising my eyebrows at the stupid idea. My dad maybe a little cold towards Tristan sometimes but owning a fighting ring. I actually laugh a little at my thoughts, which makes Elliot take the bottle of Jack Daniels from me.

  "It's true, Allie," he says calmly, then taking a long drink of the bottle. I watch as he puts the bottle and his helmet on the coffee table.

  "What, no! My dad is kind and quiet. He is not an owner of a place like that,” I say pacing in front of the old fireplace. We never actually use the fireplace; I can’t remember it even being used when I was a child.

  "Angel, come and sit down.” Elliot stands next to an armchair and I shake my head at him.

  “Fine, your dad was partners with my father years ago. It all changed when my dad tried to kill yours. Your dad killed him for trying." He tells me.

  "What?" I say slowly and I dropping into the armchair he offers me again with a wave of his arm. Elliot sits on the arm, looking down at me as he speaks.

  "Then your dad made us all fight in the Cage for him, for years. We are nearly done with what we owe him."

  "Tristan said he makes you fight, all of you. That's what he meant,” I whisper more to myself but I see how Elliot tenses when I said that.

  "I'm sorry," I whisper, as I get the guts to look up to meet Elliot’s gaze. My eyes feel wet as we stare at each other. Why would my dad do this? Do I even know him? I can’t if he has done this to Elliot and his brothers. It’s not I don’t believe Elliot, I just love my dad and I’m struggling to believe he is this person.

  "Shit, I didn't want to tell you all this," he says coming to kneel in front of me and wiping my tears away.

  Elliot keeps his hands cupping my face, as we both stare at each other.

  "It's why you hated me so much isn't it?" I ask him.

  "Yes, I thought you knew. I was an angry stupid teenager who had a crush you. I couldn’t cope with the fact that the man I hated had a daughter as amazing as you. I didn't handle it well." He admits.

  I smile despite everything,

  "You had a crush on me?" I ask and he does that typical King smirk, I've gotten used to seeing all my life.

  Elliot leans in and kisses me. The kiss is anything but gentle as he pushes his tongue into my mouth making me taste him. That’s the only way to explain Elliot’s kiss, he makes you want him. He takes everything from you with one kiss and I don’t know how anyone can be strong enough to refuse him.

  Holy crap, he tastes amazing. Elliot tastes like mint ice cream with extra chocolate chips, the best one you can get. I run my hands up his chest, moving closer as desire runs through my body but he pulls away.

  "As much as I want to rip your clothes off and find a way to make you scream. I won't when you’re like this," he says. I look over his shoulder to my brother, remembering what else he said.

  "Tris said dad wanted him to run the cage. That Tris won't kill for him, so he is going to make me. It's why they have been arguing," I tell Elliot who nods.

  Elliot grimaces as he leans back on his heels before standing.

  "That won't happen," he casts a dark look over at me before pulling me to my feet.

  "Where's your room?" He asks making my heart beat faster. Elliot seems to see all the naughty thoughts I’m having because he shakes his head at me.

  "This way,” I say walking ahead. I stop and place a blanket on Tris and kissing his cheek. As we walk upstairs I'm feeling speechless about the events of tonight. If someone told me last week that I would be taking Elliot King up to my bedroom, I would have laughed at them.

  "This is it," I say glancing back at Elliot's face.

  "I like it," he says walking around my room taking it all in. I have a very pink room. I know he is lying when he tells me he likes it. I have pink walls, pink bean-bags and pink bedding. There are even pink fairy lights on my headboard. Elliot walks into my room, standing out like a leather biker at a Barbie convention.

  Elliot kicks his shoes off and then his leather jacket, too. I stand there in shock as takes his
leather trousers off to reveal tight black boxers. I have to remind myself to buy him some pink boxers as he slips into my bed.

  "Turn the lights off when you’re done staring, angel," he laughs as he moves my pillows.

  "Get out of my bed, you’re not staying over," I tell him, trying not to look at his impressive chest as I cross my arms.

  "Alright," he laughs, before closing his eyes resting his head on his arms.

  "Elliot, get out," I shout and I hear his laughing.

  "Fine," I mutter kicking my own shoes off and grabbing some PJ’s out my chest of drawers before going to my bathroom. I take my time changing into the simple vest top and shorts. I know they are a little revealing but I'm so pissed that I don't care. Who does he think he is just getting into my bed?

  A fair point is that if he hadn't stopped the kissing earlier, I might have invited him up here. Holy cows, I need to stop kissing the annoying man.

  I brush my hair and teeth before going back into my room to see Elliot is sleeping. I can't help but stare at the dimples in his cheeks, the short black hair that suits him. The innocent look he has when he is sleeping is sweet. It also makes him look perfect but I like when he talks, even the snarky comments. Part of me knows I shouldn't get in that bed with him but that's not the part of me I listen to as I climb into my bed and rest my head on the pillow. The long day catches up with me and I fall asleep thinking of the hot man in my bed. The first man that’s ever been in my bed, I would never have guessed it would be Elliot.

  Chapter Six


  I yawn, stretching myself waking up before noticing the beautiful blonde head of hair on my chest. I blink a few times, remembering where I am before stroking Allie’s hair. It's like golden silk as it falls between my fingers. I groan quietly when she shifts on me causing her leg to slide up mine.

  "Elliot," she mumbles, half asleep. She leans up on my chest with a dazed look. She looks so hot with her sleepy eyes and messed up hair. I take a risk by pulling her to me and kissing her. She resists me at first and then gives up, her body melting into mine. Allie’s sweet taste fills my mind and I lose control. I pull her one leg over my hip so she is straddling me. I groan when she pushes herself against me feeling how hard I am for her. I move to kiss her jaw line and then down her neck before stopping to pull off her top.

  "Elliot, I don't want to rush this," she mutters breathlessly, as I go back to kissing her neck. My hands are roaming over her creamy skin under her shirt. I grab her hips and roll her, so she is underneath me.

  "Angel, just let me help you relax, trust me," I say unhooking her bra. She seems undecided for a second before nodding at me and letting me pull the bra away. I lean back to take in Allie. She is so beautiful with a slight blush to her cheeks and those amazing breasts. They are not the biggest I've seen but they’re perfect. I rub the little tips as she moans underneath me making me harder than I've ever been. I shake my head remembering this is all about her. I lean forward kissing her nipples then run my tongue around the hardened tips.

  Running her hands through my short hair, I groan at how nice she smells, like cotton candy. I slide my hand towards her PJ bottoms and cupped her through her lacy underwear. Why does she have to wear extremely fucking sexy underwear?

  "Are you going to come for me, Allie?" I ask pulling away from her breast as I rub her clit through her underwear making her moan louder; saying something, I'm guessing is yes. I shift the lacy underwear aside before quickly putting one finger into her, as I take her mouth in a deep kiss that nearly makes me come, too. Her back arches with a moan, as she comes around my finger, squeezing me so tightly that I’m dying to know what she would feel like around my cock.

  I kiss her neck, as she calms down, still whispering my name.

  "Your turn," she giggles at me before pushing me over in bed. For a little woman, she is fucking strong.

  "No, you've had a rough night and that was for you." I lean forward, stopping her hands from sliding down my stomach. Her face falls before she gets out of bed and going to the bathroom, still topless. She winks at me from the bathroom door before it shuts. This girl is going to be the death of me; I can’t remember ever being this fucking hard.

  I check my phone, seeing I have messages from Luke and Sebastian.

  Sebastian: Still alright for babysitting tomorrow, bro?

  Me: Yeah, looking forward to it

  I open Luke’s text next.

  Luke: Need any help at the club? I heard working on the bar at a club shows you plenty of hot women ;)

  I chuckle a little to myself before replying,

  Me: Like you need help but you can work for me

  He replies a minute later with,

  Luke: Nah I don't but I gotta mix it up a little ;)

  I laugh clicking my phone shut and wait for Allie to come out the bathroom. I hear the shower running and I decide to go downstairs to make breakfast. I pull my trousers on and shoes before I leave her room. I run into a hung-over looking Tristan at the bottom of the stairs.

  "Fucking hell, I give up," he sighs leaning against the wall in the middle of the stairs. Tris is only a bit shorter than me and I know fighting him would hurt but I would for Allie. He nods at me and letting me past before walking up the stairs. I look at Tris for a minute, trying to work out how he doesn't look a thing like Arthur or Allie for that matter. Allie is blonde like her mother must be and Arthur has dark brown hair. Tristan, on the other hand, has pitch-black hair but shares Allie’s blue eyes but nothing else.

  I shake my thoughts, opening the fridge seeing bacon and eggs. I find things I need, and start cooking. I put some toast in the toaster just as Allie walks in; she is dressed in a long blue dress that hugs her curves. Her hair is flowing around her face as she smiles at me.

  "Right, inviting yourself into my bed and cooking my food. Hmm if you weren't so good with your hands, I think I would be annoyed." She winks at me. I can't help but laugh as I go back to cooking. I watch her look at me strangely before getting an orange juice out the fridge.

  "Right, so how many fights do you have left?" She asks with a serious face.

  "Ten," I mutter not telling her I have one next week.

  "How many have you done? When did it start?" She asks quickly.

  "A lot since our dad taught us," I say avoiding her question as much as possible.

  "How long?" She narrows her eyes at me when I don't answer; I walk away from her and instead start looking through the cupboards for plates. Luckily I find them on the third try.

  "The scars on your back, was that in the fights?" She asks quietly. I grab the sauce pan handle tightly before remembering that it’s Allie I’m speaking too, not a stranger.

  "No, my dad did those to us," I reply, avoiding looking at her still.

  "Us?" She echoes. I exhale a deep breath and start dishing up the food on the plates and handing her one as I finally look at her. The emotion on her face is almost too much to fucking handle.

  "Yes, my father was a cruel fucker to us growing up, but Harley got the worse of it. The fighting started when I turned fifteen and the same for the others. Sebastian and I did a joint fight for the first time," I say thinking back to that memory. I learnt quickly how to avoid getting beaten after that first fight, when Sebastian had to pull a guy off me that broke nearly all my ribs. I looked awful for weeks and didn't go to school for around a month. I was lucky that we only had a few months of bad fights before my father died. Harley let us train properly and we started helping when he knew we wouldn’t lose. Harley taught us how to win, but our father had taught us how to deal with pain.

  "I remember around then at school. Sebastian told Maisy that you were visiting family that's why you didn't come to school." She says, watching me closely as I nod, eating my food.

  "Yeah," I say shaking away the memories.

  "I sorted everything for the wedding reception," I say changing the subject. I spent all yesterday making dozens of phone calls, everything will be r
eady and I even found a place that hires out table and chairs. They do all the chair covers and table cover we needed too. I lost my temper with a few people and that’s why it took all day. I forgot how fucking annoying people can be, if they can’t do what I ask, then what’s the point?

  "That's great, I'm nearly done but I've got to call for flowers and the band is being annoying," she sighs.

  "I can help with the band, if you want," I say, hoping they aren’t annoying fuckers, too.

  "Yeah why not, I will message you the details. They want more money than I think they’re worth but I know Maisy loves them." She says with a small smile.

  "I’ll sort it," I tell her and reach over to hold her hand. She lets me, with a slightly confused look on her face before letting go to eat her food.

  "I had bad news yesterday," I say feeling the need to tell her something about me.

  "Oh?" She asks.

  "Yeah, the license to open the bar had some conditions and I have missed one with the entire thing that has been happening. I've been a little distracted. Anyway, it's going to take a few weeks to sort out and re-apply, so I'm pushing the opening back a month.” I say. Trying not to get pissed off about it.

  "Sorry, that sucks. At least you didn't advertise yet," she says and I smile at her, knowing she must have been playing attention to me.

  "Please, tell me you made me a plate man,” the rough voice of Tristan says, as he walks into the kitchen. He clearly has had a shower but still looks like shit.

  "Yeah on the side," I smirk at him.

  "Thanks," he mutters with a yawn. He walks over to the oven and taking the plate I made for him before eating in silence with us. I finish my plate and Allie takes it to wash up.


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