Elliot's Secret (The King Brother's Series Book 3)

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Elliot's Secret (The King Brother's Series Book 3) Page 6

by G. Bailey

  "Man, you can cook as good as Allie." Tristan grins as he stretches his arms over his head.

  There's a knock at the door and Allie goes to get it. The minute she leaves, Tristan turns to me.

  "If you fuck around on my sister I will kill you, you got me?" Tristan threatens as he leans back in his chair.

  "I won't hurt her. What's going on with Arthur, because that could fucking hurt her?" I tell him and he looks down.

  "You best not, once Allie lets someone in, they mean everything to her. She doesn’t let everyone close and she has never let a guy close before. She has to choose you; a fight with you is going to fucking hurt. So just don’t fuck up, man."

  I don’t reply because I know he is right. Tristan nods at me and walks over into the kitchen. I watch him put the kettle on.

  "Allie told me what you said and she knows everything about the Cage."

  Tristan still with his back to me, he turns and goes to reply but Allie cuts in behind me.

  "We are going to stop dad, it's wrong, all of it and dad will see that if I talk to him," she says sounding sure of herself. I wince a little, thinking she really doesn't understand her dad. Tristan looks worried with me as I glance at him. I could sit here and list the amount of fucked up things her dad has done. The amount of people I’ve seen or heard he has killed. I don’t when I look at her angry face, she reminds me of her father in moments like this but the difference is, Allie isn’t cruel like him and I can’t be the one to hurt her.

  "Let me deal with him, and it's pointless to ask him to stop. He's crazy about the Cage, the only thing he cares about is it and you," Tristan says gently to Allie, who glares back at him, her hands on her hips. She is holding a letter in her one hand, it must have been the postman at the door.

  "He loves you too, Tris. He just doesn't show it well. Anyway, he will listen. It's not like he is a killer, just runs some fights." She says shaking her head.

  "Allie, your dad nearly killed Izzy a while ago. Remember the crash? That was him and his goons. They shot Blake too, Allie. Your dad isn’t a good guy and I know he won’t listen. I was surprised you didn’t know any of this. I didn’t want to tell you but you needed to know." I say gently as possible because I'm so mad about what happened that night.

  "What?" she asks going pale, I doubt she wants an answer but Tristan just nods at her.

  "Dad has done worse than that, Al," he says. Allie just nods and starts washing up the breakfast. I stand next to her and dry up, as Tris leaves to go the gym.

  Allie doesn't say much else that morning and I kiss her gently before leaving.

  "I will call you later, alright angel?" I ask her, she tilts her chin so she is looking up at me.

  "Yes, I'm going to go see Izzy. So much makes sense now," she says looking so sad, I’ve never cared how a girl feels before but I do with her. I pull her into my arms.

  "Hey, look I don't know what to say, but whatever is happening between us, I don't want your dad affecting it." I say and lift her chin with my fingers so she can look at me. I wipe her cheeks of the silent tears and kiss her forehead as she stands still.

  "I like you Elliot, but this is complicated." She says eventually.

  "I won't take no as an answer, until you give me a real chance," I tell her as she presses her head into my leather jacket.

  "So stubborn," she laughs slightly before kissing me gently. I chuckle slightly before grabbing the back of her head and giving her a real kiss goodbye. I pull away after leaving her breathless; I pick my helmet up from her coffee table and wink at her before going to my bike. I wonder on the drive home if Allie can deal with all this at once but then I remember how she is the strongest person I know.

  Chapter Seven


  "Izzy open up and get off Blake, I need to talk to you," I shout through the door of Blake's bedroom, knowing Izzy is in there. I do realise it’s Friday, our only day off university every week, and ten in the morning but I can't leave this. We have the weekends off too, but today is meant to be a study day, though no one studies. Or at least I don’t. I could imagine Emilia does.

  "One sec," is shouted through the door by a sleepy sounding Izzy. I go and sit on my bed and wait for her, picking at my new nails. They have little red hearts on them and are painted grey. I can't believe I let Elliot do that to me this morning; his kisses are on my mind and the way he made me come. Holy cow, what was worse is how it made me feel, I like him. I actually like Elliot King and that's not good. I’ve always known he could hurt me; he is the most perfect looking male I’ve ever seen. His brothers are hot but Elliot is something else. The image of him just in his boxers, leaning over me, is something I will never forget. The thought is making me need an ice-cold shower and a strong drink.

  "What the hell, Allie? Is everything okay?" Izzy says walking into my room and sitting next to me on the bed. Izzy has on one of Blake’s hoodies that falls to her knees and some leggings on underneath.

  "No," I say not trusting my voice. I look at my best friend who looks so innocent, with her green eyes searching me. I still remember how she looked so small and helpless in hospital after the car crash. The crash caused by my father. I can’t understand how he could do that her, Izzy is one of the nicest people I’ve ever met.

  "Elliot and Tristan told me about what my dad did to you. I'm so sorry, Izzy. My dad has never even shown any signs of being well, anything but normal, but," my voice cracks and I know I'm crying again. Izzy pulls me to her and hugs me. I don’t cry, it’s not me, but everything is crumbling around me and I don’t know how to stop it.

  "Shhh Allie, it's not your fault and you didn't know," Izzy says in a whisper.

  "It is my fault. I could have stopped him. I won't let him hurt anyone again, Elliot said my dad has killed people and nearly killed you." My voice is now high-pitched and I angrily wipe my tears away.

  "Your dad isn't a good man but Allie, you are his opposite," Izzy mutters to me.

  "He's my dad still. What he made Elliot and his brothers do? Oh god," I can't help but cry more in Izzy's arms as I feel sick. I know that Elliot didn’t tell me how much my dad has done; I could see it in his eyes. I’m not stupid but I can’t even be thinking about the kind of things my dad could have done. My dad that taught me to drive and calls every week to listen to me isn’t a monster in my mind.

  "Allie, look at me," Izzy demands, gently wiping my tears away with Blake’s hoodie.

  "You’re a sister to me and my family, so please don't think we will love you any less because we won't, ever. Our father was the one who started my brothers fighting, he may have been working with your dad but he still made his sons do it," she says.

  "I know, Elliot told me," I say.

  "What was Elliot doing with you and Tristan anyway?" Izzy raises an eyebrow.

  "Well I asked him to come over and then he ended up in my bed, giving me the best orgasm I've ever had," I admit and Izzy’s face goes red. For someone that has a lot of sex, she really can’t talk about it.

  "He's my brother, so no sex talk with me, please Allie. I'm happy you both finally saw the light," she giggles and then her eyes widen as she thinks of something.

  "Did you guys have sex? Did Sebastian win the bet?" Her face lights up so much, that I can't help but laugh.

  "I want the answer to that, too," Blake says leaning against my door.

  "Nope, the bet hasn't been won." I sigh and Izzy laughs. I made a pretty stupid bet against Elliot’s brother, Sebastian. I bet that I wouldn’t sleep with Elliot in the next two years. I could have won his custom made sports car but now it’s looking more likely that I will be baking cakes for a month for him.

  "Sebastian is going to be annoyed, he is running out of time," Blake laughs.

  "You alright, Allie?" Blake asks going all brother protective mode on me. I recognise the tone from my own brother.

  "I will be, I have a meal with my dad planned tonight," I say to him and look towards Izzy when I see her shaking her h

  "Don't make things bad between you and your dad for my brothers. Elliot would lose his shit if your dad hurts you. I won’t let you go if there’s a chance that you will get hurt. You’re like a sister to me, Allie." Izzy tells me, taking my one hand in hers.

  "He won't hurt me, I am his daughter and he has never done anything other than protect me," I say, knowing for certain that my dad loves me. Izzy frowns at me but doesn't say anything and just squeezes my hand.

  "What have I missed?" Blake asks us and Izzy walks over.

  "I will explain in a bit but I'm spending the day with my bestie, watching movies and helping her get ready. So I need a rain check on our plans," she says putting her arms around Blake's waist. He leans down and kisses her deeply, making me look away.

  "Guys, P.G. rated only in my bedroom. It's bad enough I have to hear it through the walls, I don’t need images to go along with the sounds," I say with my hands over my eyes.

  "God, Allie," Izzy laughs and I move my hands so I can see her going very red. Blake laughs before whispering something to her and walking out. Izzy shuts the door and jumps on my bed as I get comfy on the other side. My new bedroom isn’t that different from my old one, my bedding is a pale pink with a sequined silver rug over the bottom of it. I have large double bed and two large white wardrobes. There’s a chest of drawers opposite the end of the bed my TV is rested on. I have a small bookcase near the door, filled with my smutty books. I don’t know why but I like to own the real copies of the books I read. It may or may not have something to do with the half-naked sexy men on the covers. Who knows?

  "Still love him like crazy, then?" I ask, glancing at my friends loved up face.

  "Yeah, I can't help myself around him. So, you and Elliot?" She grins at me.

  "Yeah, I like him. It's real strange to admit that." I laugh.

  "Hell, I never thought I'd hear you say that, so are you up for watching Thor?" she asks with a grin.

  “Which one is that?” I ask and she pulls out her phone from her hoodie. A few minutes later she shows me Thor or the actor that plays him.

  “Yes, you have good tastes in films.”

  “Nah, I just like muscular blonde men.” She winks. I giggle because Thor does look like an older version of Blake but with slightly darker hair. They both look like Vikings though, Maisy told me that one.

  We both spend the rest of the day doing just what Izzy suggested and honestly, it's brilliant.

  Chapter Eight


  “Give it back you, pighead!” Allie shouts at me as I take another one of her pens off her table when I thought she wasn’t looking. I have a bag full of them at home but it never gets old seeing her so angry.

  “Nooppee,” I say with a laugh. Allie gets up, her pigtails shaking as she moves and stands in front of my desk.

  “I’m going to hurt you, just so you know.” She says deadly serious and I smirk. I lean back in my chair, knowing the whole class is staring at us by now. This class is boring anyway, what’s an eight-year-old to do?

  “You’re tiny,” I laugh.

  Allie picks up her pencil case and throws it at me, its hits me in the head and the pens fall all over the floor.

  “Detention, both of you!” Our teacher comes back into the room and shouts. I’m guessing she saw the throwing but I don’t know why I’m in trouble.

  “But miss, I didn’t,”

  “I don’t care, Elliot, both of you wait outside and sort your problems out.” She waves a hand at the door and I stomp out with Allie following me.

  We both stand next to the door, not talking for a while before I say something.

  “You’re pretty cool, Allie. Not like the rest of the girls.” I tell her and she looks at me. I never noticed how pretty she is or how shiny her hair is.

  “You’re pretty cool too, Elliot,” she replies with a grin.

  “How many lengths did you do?” Seb asks me, as I lift my head out of the pool at home and shaking the old memory of when I first started crushing on Allie. Before everything went really wrong. Seb is stood holding a happy looking Jake. Both of them are wearing matching blue swimming shorts with white anchors on them. I really hope that Seb doesn’t keep up with this obsession with matching Jake in his clothes when Jake is older. I would feel really fucking sorry for him. I wipe the water off my face before I answer him.

  “Ninety-two so far. I needed a cool down from the weights and running.”

  “That’s good. I’ve never liked swimming in here until Jake.” Seb looks around the pool.

  “Pass him here while you sort out his floatie seat,” I say holding up my arms. Seb walks over and hands me Jake. He squeals in happiness as I put him in the heated water. Seb gets his floating seat contraption out the cupboard with a load of floating toys.

  My workout is definitely over.

  Seb gets in the water and he helps me put Jake in the seat by guiding his legs in.

  “How is everything?” Seb asks as I pull Jake around in his seat.

  “Good,” I reply.

  “I heard from a little blonde birdy that you spent the night at Allie’s.” Seb says and I laugh.

  “That was last night. I swear you and Blake are like two school girls.” I mutter.

  “So you finally got the girl. I’m happy for you man but can you sleep with her? I really need me some cake.” He says.

  “What the fuck?” I ask.

  “Language! If Jake's first words are swear words, I won’t get laid for a month.”

  “And laid is better?” I ask, and Seb flicks water at me, making Jake giggle. A floating toy boat comes near Jake and he reaches to get it before putting it straight into his mouth.

  “I made a bet, you sleep with her and I get cakes.” He says, and I narrow my eyes at him. The little fucker.

  “What does Allie get?” I ask, knowing Allie she would have got something pretty good out of this little bet.

  “My car.” He mumbles out and I laugh. That would be like me betting my Harley Davidson, which would never happen.

  “You’re mad brother,” I tell him and he nods.

  “I really want cake.” He replies making me smirk at him. I stay and play with Jake a little more before getting out and cleaning up.

  I open the garage and finding my beauty. She is black and shiny but could do with another polish.

  I do love her, my bike.

  I spend a few hours tinkering with my bike and thinking about Allie, I need her to see who I am. I have a great idea for a date but it’s risky. I haven’t taken a girl there before and once I take her. I won’t be able to see the place without Allie.

  It doesn’t matter; I know she would love it.

  Chapter Nine


  “I’m so freaking nervous, what if they don’t like what I have planned?” I ask Maisy and Izzy as we wait for our new class of kids to get here. I’ve spent most the weekend planning for today, my dad cancelled on me so I have to wait until Tuesday night to speak to him.

  “They will love you, Alliecat. Your Saturday class thinks you’re amazing, this will be no different.” Maisy tells me and I nod at her. I stretch in my yoga shorts and vest top. Izzy and Maisy are wearing similar things The first couple of people come in with their children. I wave and go to introduce myself as the foster children come in with their carer. We chat for a bit before she leaves.

  “Everyone come over,” I wave a hand over to where I’m standing with Izzy and Maisy. The kids all bundle together in a group in front of me.

  “So let’s start with introducing ourselves. I’m Allie; this is Izzy and this Maisy.” I say and there’s mumbled hellos around the room.

  “Right everyone move into your own space.” I wait until they are sorted before I carry on speaking.

  “I thought we could start by having some fun. Dancing is meant to be fun and get you moving. My favourite dance to warm me up is called the ‘walk it out’ dance. Has anyone heard of it or can you do it?” I as
k them and a girl about ten puts her hand up.

  “What’s your name?” I ask.

  “It's Kelly.” She says.

  “Would you come up next to me, Kelly, and we can do it together,” I ask her and she nods moving to my side.

  “Right the idea is that you kind of step forward like you’re lunging and then taking your legs inward and outward,” I say ask slowly show them what I mean.

  “Outwards and twist,” I repeat showing them.

  “The next step is to get your arms to move. The dance is meant to give attitude so why don’t we give some as we move?”

  “Everyone give it a try for me?” I ask and nod to Kelly who does the dance with me. I watch her and I’m surprised how good she is. I watch around the room, seeing that a lot of them are getting the hang of it.

  “Maisy, would you put some music on,” I ask her and she nods.

  “Right follow my lead when I count,” I tell them and wait for the music to start.

  “Okay, five, six, walk it out,” I say and we do the dance move together. I see a few of them doing their own kind of attitude with the dance and it makes me smile. Maisy and Izzy are attempting to do the dance and it’s hard not chuckle at them. We spend the next hour going over different dance styles and they all learn pretty quickly.

  “We have fifteen minutes left, so why don’t we have a little fun?” I switch on the song, apple bottom jeans on and stand at the front of the class.

  “Everyone knows this song, so if you can do the moves. Come and dance them.” I say and Kelly comes to stand next to me and I’m a little surprised when Maisy takes my left.

  We do the song and nearly all the class is copying me, I hear clapping as I drop all the way down to the floor in the song. I switch the music off and I hear,

  “My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, and they’re like…”

  My gaze shoots to the owner of the phone ringing and I watch as he turns his phone off and looks at me.


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