Elliot's Secret (The King Brother's Series Book 3)

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Elliot's Secret (The King Brother's Series Book 3) Page 7

by G. Bailey

  “Nice ringtone, dude,” a boy shouts across the room and everyone starts laughing.

  “Thanks, my girlfriend likes it,” Elliot replies, not an ounce of embarrassment on his face. I only just notice Sebastian is standing next to him when he says,

  “He likes to dance in his room to it; I don’t think I can ever get images of his arse shaking out of my mind.” Elliot whacks Sebastian on the back of the head as we all laugh. The twins look more like twins now Elliot has cut his hair, they have the same nose and high cheek- bones. They just dress so differently, Seb always looks like he came straight out of a magazine and Elliot is always in black and some kind of leather. I like the bad boy look Elliot gives, the type of boy your mother should warn you away from. The kid’s mums come and I stay to talk to a few who wanted to know how their kids did. When all of them have left, Elliot comes over to me.

  “Hey angel,” he says and he pulls me into a gentle kiss.

  “I’m so close to winning, I can almost taste the sexual tension.” Sebastian says and then I hear an ouch noise come from him as I pull away from Elliot.

  “Maisy, why does everyone hit me? First it’s Elliot and now Izzy, I’m feeling unloved,” he says and everyone chuckles.

  “It’s because you don’t know when not to speak, Sebastian.” Izzy says and I hold in a chuckle.

  “I do not,” Seb replies with his hands on his hips.

  “You do. Like when you asked if that woman was pregnant at the shops the other day.” Izzy says.

  “To be fair, that’s a question no one should ask unless it’s really clear,” Maisy says.

  “It’s like when you asked Blake if his mum was seeing anyone. You’re lucky your about to get married or he would have punched you.”

  “That was just a general question!” Sebastian says getting frustrated.

  “Anyway, what are your plans for the night?” Elliot asks with a wide-eyed look in my direction at our friends, as he strokes my arms. It’s like he can’t help but touch me all the time and I feel the same way. Elliot looks good in his leather jacket and tight jeans, a black shirt under his top and his short hair is slightly growing out already like it doesn’t want to stay short.

  “Not much,” I grin at him.

  “Let me take you somewhere, you’ll need to wear a dress.” He says in a hushed tone, only meant for me to hear but Seb says.

  “Yeah back to his room, I doubt you’ll need a dress though.”

  “I’m going to kill him,” Elliot mutters as he walks over to Seb. Seb just laughs with his hands up.

  “Total joke, chill out, dude.” He says and then moves Maisy right in front of him. His face has a big smirk on it as Elliot stops,

  “Using a girl as a shield, low blow brother.”

  “Whatever, I like these clothes, I don’t want them ripped.” He says and everyone laughs.

  “I'll pick you up at seven,” Elliot says to me and gives me a little teasing kiss before he walks out. I watch his ass in the tight jeans the entire way; I’m a lucky girl, I think.

  “Get home, I'll see you in a bit.” Izzy says and gives me a side hug. I wave goodbye to Seb and Maisy before I walk out.

  “Wear something sexy, I want my cakes,” Seb shouts as I’m just walking out and I can’t help but laugh.

  Chapter Ten


  “If you’re planning on killing me in this alley, just know your sister would find out.” I joke as Elliot leads me down a dark alley in the next town from ours. We haven’t said much on the hour drive and I’m a little confused where he is taking me. Elliot glances back at me with a smirk.

  “Sometimes the best things in life can be found in the most unusual places.” He says and stops at a bright orange door, lit up by two outside lights. Elliot knocks three times, and the door is opened by an older Middle Eastern looking man and the sound of Latin music fills my ears. He grins at us and Elliot walks in, with me close behind him. My mouth drops open as I see the bar we are in, the one side is a large bar and the rest of the room is full of couples and people dancing to a sexy Latin song. The dances they are doing look seconds away from them having sex. I’m glad I’m wearing my tight red dress that I know Elliot likes, the kiss he gave me when he saw it was proof enough.

  Elliot pulls us over to the bar, where he takes off his leather jacket and puts it on a seat. There’s a band in the one corner, someone is playing large drums of different sizes. Two people are playing guitars and they are singing but the main attraction is the large piano that is being played away.

  “Come and show me how sexy you can be, angel,” He holds out a hand, a clear challenge in his gaze.

  I take his hand and he moves us into the middle of the couples, the song changes. A slower, more sensual song is playing and I move closer as he moves his large hands to my hips. I move my hips slowly at the start, into the beat to the music, as I slide my hands up his chest and to my surprise, he moves in time with me.

  Who knew Elliot King could dance?

  I didn’t but as he leads the dance, pulling my body against his and letting me grind against him, it’s proven that he can dance. My hands are around his neck, my hips rub against his as we both lose ourselves to the music. Elliot takes my hand and spins me out, and pulls me back so my back is to his front as we move. His hands sliding down my sides, his thumbs gaze against my breasts as they find their way to my hips. I move my hands to his hands and slowly move down his body. When I get to the lowest I can, I turn and rise slowly up his body, moving my hips slowly as he watches. My breath catches as his dark green eyes lock onto me, his hand winds into the hair on the back of my head as he pulls my head into a scorching kiss.

  I don’t know long we dance and kiss but eventually, he takes my hand and leads me to the bar.

  “How did you learn to dance like that?” I ask him after he orders us some drinks. I don’t ask what he got me; I don’t care because my mouth feels dry from dancing with Elliot like that. Another part is beyond wet but I’m trying to ignore that.

  “My father brought me once, to do some business. He left me here and some girl invited me to dance. It was weird at first but I kept coming back.” he shrugs.

  “Why was your father like that?” I ask him.

  “I don’t know Allie; he used us in any way he could to make money. It wasn’t just about money but it was like he enjoyed seeing us suffer.” Elliot says, his voice is devoid of any emotion. He could be telling me about the colour of the paint on the wall instead of his sensitive past.

  “He sounds like a real piece of work,” I say and he nods.

  “Elliot my man, how are you doing?” A Jamaican sounding man says from behind the bar as he comes over. The man looks in his early thirties with long dreadlocks falling to his waist. He is wearing a green shirt with little palm trees on it. Mixtures of bracelets are on his arms and he is very attractive.

  “Glen, I’m doing well. How’s the boyfriend?” he asks.

  “We just moved in together, I’m going to ask him to be the old ball and chain soon.” He says.

  “That’s great man.” Elliot smiles widely. He clearly likes this man. The man we ordered drinks from earlier brings us our drink and Elliot gives me mine. He has a beer and mine is some kind of pink cocktail. It tastes amazing.

  “Who’s the pretty lady with you? I’ve never seen you bring someone here, before.” He nods his head at me and Elliot puts his hand on my leg.

  “This is Allie,” Elliot says and I hold a hand over the bar to Glen for a handshake. Glen takes my hand and tilts it over for a kiss.

  “What is a hot thing like you doing with this broody fucker?” Glen says with a nod in Elliot’s direction. I laugh and answer.

  “He’s good with his hands.” I wink at him as he laughs.

  “I’m guessing the good looks are a help,” Glen says and Elliot chuckles.

  “Gotta be going man, see you around yeah?” Glen asks.

  “Yeah, man,” Elliot says. Glen winks at me be
fore he goes making me laugh.

  Elliot’s phone starts ringing with that milkshake song, causing a few people to look in our direction as he answers it.

  “Hey, what’s up?” he answers loudly over the music.

  “Yeah, I'll be there,” he says. I give him a questioning look as he puts the phone down.

  “We got to get back, that was Harley. Someone has broken into my club and smashed the place up.” Elliot says with a look, a look that makes me feel sorry for whoever it is.

  “Do you have cameras?” I ask as we walk out, Elliot holds me close to his side.

  “They aren’t on yet. I have insurance, but this will put the opening back more.” He replies once we get outside. The cold air hits my legs in the short dress, making me shiver.

  “I really wanted to take you home, tonight,” Elliot whispers to me when we get to his car. I kiss him gently and move away.

  “We haven’t had three dates yet, it’s a rule of mine,” I say, not really serious because if Elliot took me home to his. There is no way I could tell him no.

  “Three dates then. This is number one.”

  “Okay,” I say and he leans into whisper,

  “Doesn’t mean I can’t tease the fuck out of you until you beg me to take you to bed. And trust me, you will beg, angel.”

  Elliot opens the car door for me as he moves away and I exhale a deep breath. Elliot King is good but I won’t be the one begging.

  Chapter Eleven


  "Little man, I have no idea what I'm doing here," I say holding back the urge to swear. I glance down at my nephew as I try and fail at buttoning down some kind of baby grow he is wearing after he spits out his milk from his bottle all over it a minute ago. So far, babysitting was going well. Sebastian and Maisy left for their night out and I'm staying over so they can stay out as long as they want. I settled watching some baby channel shit, that Maisy said he loves, and he was fine. Jake then looked at me with a grin, before throwing up on me. I have literally been with the kid half an hour and he has managed to find a way to be sick on me.

  I fumble with the buttons and finally get it off. I pick him and look around his wardrobe until I find what looks like a baby grow and put it on him. Thank god it’s eight and his bed time now. I just wish I didn’t smell like sick. Jake grins up at me while he is chewing his fist; I swear the little man is laughing at me. The nursery is all blue with white clouds and is filled with toys.

  I sit in the rocking chair in the nursery, rocking Jake in my arms. I have to admit it is sweet to see him snuggle up to my chest and I watch as he gently falls asleep. I'm not sure if singing rocking all over the world is an okay baby song but it's all I know. I don’t think I want my own children, I never really thought about it. I could imagine having a child with Allie but I want to see the world first. We never went on holidays when we were younger and with everything that’s happening now, I can’t just leave. When we can finally walk away from The Cage, I want to take Allie everywhere with me, if she wants to come.

  Jake snores lightly as he sleeps with his messy black hair flowing all over his head. He looks so much like Sebastian in his face and green eyes. Maisy has said before that he has her dad’s hair, Maisy’s isn’t as curly as Jake’s. Maisy sent everyone a video of him trying to crawl today. I don’t know if it is impressive for a six-month-old, but I still think he is cool. I've been lucky that Jake has just watched TV with me tonight and not played up. Just last week, Seb sent me a picture of Jake in the kitchen, with his face and body covered in flour. Seb said he only went to the loo and came back to find him like that.

  The funny thing is, the door must have been left open because the house is filled with baby locks. It’s scary to think that he could have opened it himself. The kid is smart.

  I place Jake in his crib and grab the baby monitor, turning it on as I go downstairs for some food. Half way down I remember the sick on my shirt and run back upstairs to borrow a shirt of Seb.

  I open the fridge eventually. I don’t know how anyone can open these stupid baby locks; it takes me a few minutes to even open the toilet in this place. I can't help but laugh as there's a big chocolate cake in the middle with a note on it saying,

  "Sebastian's cake! Don't fucking touch it! I don’t care that you’re my twin!"

  I know for certain that's not Sebastian's cake and it’s Maisy’s that Allie made her earlier in the week. They both have been having a hard time with Jake teething and Allie fixes things with cake. That’s my girl.

  I cut myself a slice before putting the rest back and calling an order for a pizza. Being the dick that I am, I take a picture of my cake slice and send it to Sebastian with a wink face.

  I laugh to myself before running my finger over Allie’s face on my phone, thinking if I should call her or text her. It doesn't fucking matter because I can't keep my thoughts off her. The need to fuck her and claim her as mine is driving me mad. Taking her to that dance was a bad idea, I seriously underestimated how sexy she is when she dances. Her little body pressed against me was torture; I was hard as a rock all night.

  Screw it, I'm being the needy one and a fucking girl but it doesn’t stop me from sending her a text.

  Me: Hey I have to admit something... I'm eating your cake now and it almost tastes as nice as your mouth x

  I send it then grimace to myself, thinking I should have said something romantic and all lovey-dovey, but fuck, I'm not like that and I don't even know how to be. My phone beeps and I open it quicker than I ever have.

  Allie: Cheeky ;) I will admit something too. I want to see you again and have that second date. X

  My heart beats faster as I reply.

  Me: I want to see you more. I’m taking you out tomorrow, be ready at eight.X

  I send the text, knowing that I will take her to this little Mexican place I went to a town over for a business meeting with a supplier. It's really nice with lanterns and all low lights, we went with Izzy once. I shake my thoughts, wishing Allie was here tonight to help with babysitting. My pizza arrives an hour later but no reply from Allie. I want to text her again but I know I can't push her to want me.

  Chapter Twelve


  "I can do this," I mumble to myself, looking in my full-length mirror. I'm wearing a simple black dress that falls to my knees with a sweetheart neckline. My hair is up in a tight bun and I'm wearing a little makeup, as my dad doesn't like it when I wear much. My phone buzzes with a reply from Elliot, I smile when I see he has asked me out but I decide it's best it reply later after dealing with my dad.

  "Yes, you can, bestie," Izzy comments next to me putting her hand on my shoulder. The doorbell goes and I smile at Izzy.

  "I will see you later."

  "Be careful," she whispers giving me a hug. I walk out waving at Blake in the kitchen and answer the door to my dad. I can't but try to see something different as I look at him. He always wears grey suits, with a black tie. Everything looks neat and like he just walked out of a store. His dark brown hair is going grey at the roots, but it kind of suits him. There isn’t anything odd about him, nothing that would make me think he is a bad person. The kind of person that kills people, owns an illegal fighting club and is in general, a bad guy.

  "Hello, my Alexandria," my dad says with a loving smile at me. I smile back like I always do, but for the first time, it feels forced.

  "Hey dad, let's go," I say having to keep up a fake smile and shutting the door behind me. Dad doesn't say anything as I get in his car and we drive to the same restaurant in town we always go to.

  "How's university going for you?" He asks as we drive.

  "All good. I'm enjoying my business course," I say but I don’t mean it. I don’t know why I let my dad talk me into that course. The only thing I’ve ever loved doing was dancing but he convinced me that it wasn’t a good choice for a future job. I glance at my dad’s face as he drives. He looks so much like my nice, kind dad I’ve always known, it's confusing.
/>   "I'm very proud of you, Alexandria," he says, smiling at me. I can’t reply when my throat feels tight. I have to remember what he is doing to Elliot and his brothers. What he has always done. We don’t talk as he parks outside the posh restaurant. It is a white building, and you have to go up a lift to the top floor. The top floor has all glass windows instead of walls, and the chef is cooking in a large open kitchen in the middle of the room. We are seated at a glass table by one of the windows; the view is really nice looking over the town. You can see all the lights and distant mountains of the Lake District in the background. As usual, my dad orders for me but I don't mind as it’s chicken pasta and a nice white wine.

  "So, tell me, what have you been up to?" Dad asks sipping his brandy from a tumbler. I’ve always wondered why he only stays at home a few nights a week when he came back home from working away, I now know he must have been staying at a hotel or somewhere to keep up with his work at The Cage. All the lies are adding up and I wonder why he bothered keeping up with it all. I decide to mention Elliot straight away because I hate lying. I know part of me wants him to admit it to me, but I know he won’t. I know he has been lying to me for years but even looking at him now, I only see the dad I’ve known. Not the monster I’ve been told he is.

  "Dad, I've been getting close to Elliot King. Do you remember him from school?" I ask taking note of how tense dad gets. He puts his drink down before weaving his fingers together in front of him.

  "Ah yes, Mr. King, I do remember. I don't like this new person in your life. Does your brother know about this?" He asks. I don’t like his tone, a tone I’ve never had him use with me, it is dark and spoken like a true threat.

  "No, not until recently but I like him, I like him a lot. He is a good man and," I say and my dad slams his hand on the glass table making me jump.

  "You won't see him anymore, Alexandria," dad says each word slowly, his eyes drilling into mine. I move back in my seat a little as I see his cold face. I try to hold in the gasp by covering my mouth with my one hand. It’s true; I can see it, what everyone is telling me about my dad. It’s all true.


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