Elliot's Secret (The King Brother's Series Book 3)

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Elliot's Secret (The King Brother's Series Book 3) Page 9

by G. Bailey

  I watch as he draws a massive penis on his face and then writes,

  "I love hugs," on his chest. We all grin at our work as Blake clips the handcuffs around the bench and his one arm, he then pockets the key.

  "I will text Maisy letting her know Sebastian is too drunk to come home and is staying at ours." I grin sending the text and then taking some pics.

  "This was a good stag do," Luke says as we all laugh. We walk to the taxi rank down the road, it’s four in the morning and we will be back at seven to see our work wake up.

  Chapter Fourteen


  "Wow," I say as Maisy walks out the changing room in the most beautiful dress I've ever seen. I can't help the tears that come, as she swirls around in the mirror. It is a corset- type at the top and then flows out with satin and little beads all sparking down the dress. Maisy had chosen a long veil with little crystals hanging off the ends.

  "What do you think? Oh Alliecat, don't cry," Maisy says coming over to me,

  "No, don't come closer. You don't want my tears on the dress.” I say and wipe my eyes.

  “So, it’s as good as I think it looks?” she asks as she looks in the mirror. Maisy doesn’t have to say anything about the fact her mother isn’t here. Her mother isn’t invited to the wedding because she is horrible to Maisy and nothing like a mother should be. It doesn’t mean that Maisy can’t feel sad about her not being here. I don’t plan on marrying anyone but I would want my mother there if I did. We don’t speak and I hate her for leaving my life, but I think I understand it more now. I wish she would talk to me about dad, I’m scared of him. I couldn’t imagine what she must have felt like, finding out about his work. Maybe she knew all along but I doubt it.

  “I think Sebastian is going to have a hard time not ripping that dress off you as you walk in the church. I don’t think God will stop him," I wink at her as she blushes.

  "Allie," she groans, while Izzy laughs as she sits next to me.

  "You look beautiful," Izzy sighs, watching Maisy as the shop owner takes measurements.

  "I will need to pull it in a little at the waist but the length is good. It will be ready in a week," she says writing down notes and adding pins to the dress. I stand up in my blue bridesmaid dress so she can check the size. It's a floor length dark blue dress that's held up on one shoulder; it wraps tightly around my body and flares out at the bottom. Izzy has the same and it suits us both. The theme is blue and white so the dress works for the wedding. I try not to think of the wedding because I know I have to see someone there. I wish I could see him, so badly, but I'm so scared. I haven't told anyone what has happened between us but what would I say if I did? If I told Elliot, I know he wouldn't care and the rest of them would try and protect me. I saw him once at my dance class; it took everything in me not to go up to him. I know I can’t, I have to keep him safe and being in my life isn’t safe. Not anymore.

  "Allie, you okay?" Maisy asks, pulling me from my own thoughts.

  "Yeah, sorry I was totally in my own world," I grin at her and go back to the changing rooms with Maisy to change. I have to take a deep breath when the curtain is closed. Why do I feel like someone has hit me in the chest with a hammer?

  After we are all changed, we look through the shoe stores and start trying different ones on.

  "I like the silver one," Maisy says as she walks in front of us.

  "Me too, but I think the simple black ones would be nice for me," I say because they are a little more comfy and it’s going to be a long day. The fact I’m sure I can run from Elliot in them does cross my mind.

  "I'm trying them both," Izzy grins at us.

  "How's Sebastian?" I ask as I take the black ones off and put them in the box.

  "Better, he still has a cold from the stag do, but he is speaking to his brothers now," Maisy grins as I laugh. I think back to last week when the boys left Sebastian on a bench handcuffed all night because they fell asleep at home. Unluckily for Sebastian, the police got called and Blake picked him up, topless and soaking wet from the rain he had sat in for a few hours. Sebastian also got a killer cold since that night. Which he has been moaning to us all about, I mean he seriously has been acting like he is dying and not just sneezing. Men are such babies when they are ill.

  "I think it's funny," I chuckle.

  "Me too, but don't tell him," Maisy giggles. I pull out another pair of blue shoes, they are shiny and a little higher than the others but I slip them on to try.

  "Oh, I brought you a wedding night present. Hold on, it's in my bag," I say and wobble away in the heels that are way too high for me. I pull out the red box and hand it to a nervous- looking Maisy. Why does everyone look nervous when I get them gifts? I really don’t get it. I mean Harley practically begged me to only make him a cake for his birthday.

  "It's not sex toys, right? I'm not opening that here," she whispers and I can't help the massive laugh that comes out of me.

  "No, just open it," I say. Maisy turns so only we can see the present as she pulls out the white lingerie set and matching garter. It’s a special wedding edition I saw in Ann Summers. It’s really nice and I knew she wouldn’t think of what she was going to wear under her dress.

  "It can be your something new," I say and pull out another little box.

  "I actually love it. Sebastian will go crazy," Maisy says with her whole face going red.

  "I like that too, you'll have to show me where you got it from," Izzy says admiring the little lacy set up before Maisy puts it back and I nod at her.

  “This is something else, it’s a little different but I know you would understand,” I say, feeling nervous about this one.

  “Allie, how the hell did you get this?” Maisy pulls out a silver bracelet with little blue flowers. When Maisy was younger she wore it to school once, we were only twelve and she said it was her grandmother’s. When her mum picked her up, she went mad that Maisy had taken it out of her jewellery box. I spoke to Maisy’s dad and asked him if he could get it back for her wedding. I know she was really close to her grandmother and her dad sorted it. I don’t know how, but he got it last week and gave me it to give to her.

  “It’s something blue. It’s actually from your dad and me. I thought you would want something from your grandmother at your wedding. I remember you saying how you wished your grandmother had left you that bracelet.”

  “She always wore it; it was a gift from her mother, my great-grandmother, on her wedding day. Oh, Allie, I don’t know how to thank you.” Maisy throws her arms around me as I try not to fall over.

  “It can be your something blue and old. So, Allie has done the something new with the underwear so I get the something borrowed.” Izzy says and Maisy pulls away as she wipes her eyes.

  “I know, you can borrow my mother’s necklace. I was told it belonged to my father’s mother before my own. I would love for you to wear it; it’s a sapphire, so it will match your colour theme.”

  “You sure?” Maisy asks as she hugs Izzy and I sit on the stool, taking these shoes off.

  “Positive.” She grins.

  "Right back to another thing we need to sort before the wedding. Allie, why haven't you spoken to Elliot? What did he do?" Maisy asks putting the box aside and speaking in her mum voice that makes me cringe.

  "No reason. It just doesn't work for us," I say putting the shoes in the box and putting my own flats on.

  "I'm having these," I say picking up the box with the black shoes in and Izzy glances at me with a look I know too well.

  "I love you Allie but something is going on, and I wish you would trust us," Izzy says.

  "I can't. Not this time and please leave it," I say getting up and walking outside the shop for some air. It's bad enough that I've lost Elliot. The boy I always wanted since I first saw him and I got a taste of the man he has become and I couldn't have him.

  "Hey, you okay?" Maisy comes next to me with a worried face.

  "Boys suck, Maisybear," I grin at her when she s
hakes her head.

  "My grandmother used to say, nothing good is ever easy in this world. I think she was right, me and Seb getting to this point wasn’t easy but it’s so good. It was worth all the pain and the struggle to get here." She tells me.

  "Your grandmother was a smart lady," I tell her and she nods, looking over the shop centre.

  "I haven't told Sebastian about my inheritance yet. I don't think he knows we will be millionaires in a year." She tells me.

  "He won't care; he is just as rich as you will be. The King’s never cared about the money they already have, it’s hardly made them happy." I reply.

  "So are you, we all having stupid amounts of family money that we don’t need." Maisy points out talking about my own inheritance. I actually have little idea of how much I have but from my interest payments, it must be a lot. Tristan is good with numbers and money; he sorted all our investments out when he turned sixteen. I know it sounds like a lot of responsibility at sixteen but we grew up fast when we were alone all the time.

  "You know, I don't like to touch that money. I feel like it's an 'I’m sorry your mother is a bitch" present. She was meant to call yesterday and I finally have something to talk to her about. You know her one call a year and she forgets. She should be winning awards for being a shitty mother, its worse now I know what my dad is like. She left me and Tris with him, what is wrong with her?" I ask but I don’t expect an answer Maisy can’t give me. I shake my head as my blonde hair falls past my shoulders. The dark brown underneath is looking lighter by the day and I need a haircut soon.

  "Sorry, I know parents can be a let-down but you have a family. Tris is there for you and I’m always here," she smiles, wrapping an arm around me.

  "Even if you don’t date my annoying broody brother, you are already family to us," Izzy says come to stand next to me.

  "Thanks," I whisper trying to get rid of my parents from my thoughts.

  "So we should get back," I say taking some bags from Izzy that have our shoes in. Maisy walks on and I wink at Izzy who grins. Maisy doesn't realise that we have a surprise ‘hen do’ at her home set up by Emilia and Harley. Sebastian has taken Jake out for the day, Jake is staying overnight at Harley’s with his dad, so Maisy can relax. It took over half an hour to persuade Seb that Maisy would be okay on her own with us for a night. Sebastian has been very over- protective since Jake’s birth but no one can blame him.

  We all chat as I drive us back to her home and pull up in front of her amazing barn conversion house. Sebastian really picked well when he bought this house for her. The outside looks like a barn with massive windows and two floors. The house has kept a lot of the original wood work and it has a lovely massive field at the back for Jake to play in.

  "Leave the bags, I will get them in a bit, I want a drink," I say to Maisy as we get out.

  "Sure," she smiles opening her front door. The house is silent as she walks into the living room and stops as everyone shouts,

  "Surprise," The room looks great with banners and balloons. The dining room table is full of drinks that I can see through the door. The people are close friends from school, who all walk up to say congratulations to Maisy and to chat. I go to walk past to get a drink when Maisy stops me.

  "Thank you, how did you do this?" She asks pulling me into a hug and then doing the same to Izzy.

  "It was with Emilia and Harley’s help," Izzy grins and waves a shy looking Emilia over.

  "Thank you," Maisy says hugging her too.

  "Don't thank us yet. We tried to stop Allie but that’s nearly impossible.” Emilia says, pulling on her long black top.

  “What did you do?” Maisy looks at me with wide eyes as I chuckle.

  “Allie ordered you an insanely hot stripper," Izzy says and Maisy’s jaw drops,

  "You didn’t! I told Sebastian no lap dances at his stag do! I can't have a stripper. He will kill me and you," she says going red.

  "Time for a drink, it will make you feel better," I laugh pulling her over to the drinks while she follows me.

  I make us both a glass of wine and give her a glass; while she chats to some girl I don’t know. I think some of the girls here are from her old work. She turns to me and before she can say a word, I get out,

  "Tell you what, we don't tell him about tonight. The guy is so hot, so you can thank me later," I say as she goes to argue and I quickly walk off.

  My phone buzzes,

  Elliot: We need to talk. Angel reply to me, I don’t get what’s going on. X

  My heart hurts from the need to reply to him. I swallow the rest of my drink quickly. I want to speak to him so much, to tell him everything. I see Lily come into the room and give Maisy a hug.

  "How was it?" Maisy asks with a smile, as we sit with our friend Lily In the school library.

  "Alright," I shrug.

  "It was your first time, tell me. I need to know," Lily asks leaning forward.

  "Look, it was a drunken mistake, I shouldn't have slept with him," I whisper back before looking down at my books.

  "Sorry Alliecat," Maisy hugs my side.

  "There she is," Sebastian sits next to Maisy and kissing her cheek. There so cute together, making me regret my decision to give it up to a complete stranger. The sex was over in what felt like a minute, I felt nothing but a lot of pain and then he passed out on his bed. I left a few minutes later with tears in my eyes, and honestly, I don't want to repeat it now to my friends. Losing your virginity to a college student at sixteen is a bad idea, lesson learnt.

  "What are you girls talking about?" Sebastian asks getting his own books out.

  "Allie losing it," Lily grins and I scowl at her when I see Elliot dropping into the seat next to her.

  "So she finally became a whore, as well as a bitch then," he smirks. Elliot's one eye is hardly open and covered in a massive black bruise. I can see the shadows under his eyes, making me know he hasn't slept but my anger wins out.

  "I would punch you but it looks like some lucky fucker got the job done for me. Can I have his number?" I ask as I slam my book shut.

  "Baby, let's go," Lily tries to pull him away but we both stand our ground, glaring at each other.

  "Bro, be nice," Seb, urges leaning forward.

  "Why would I be nice to her, she isn't worth it," he says and never looking away from my eyes. I can't help it when I stand up grabbing my book and leaving because I hate when he says those words to me. Just before I shut the door I hear the words that hurt me more.

  "Lily let's go to mine, we can finish what we started Saturday."

  I know that they nearly slept together on Saturday because Lily couldn’t wait to tell me on Sunday when she came over to mine. Lily has slept with two other guys when they last broke up a month ago and she told me she did it to get Elliot jealous. It worked because they are back together now. I hear Lily excited gasp,

  "Yes, let’s go."

  I shake my head from the hurtful memories, to see Emilia walking over.

  "Thanks again for your help," I say. I know she has only met Maisy once and even if they did get along. It’s a lot to ask her to help put this all together.

  "It was nothing," she blushes, reminding me how shy she can be.

  "Allie, you know you can speak to me about anything. I'm your friend and I don’t like hearing you crying at night. Our rooms are right next to each other’s," she hugs me briefly before also saying,

  "I have to go, I have some family stuff and then work, but I will see you at home,"

  "I know," I smile back, wondering if she could see how upset those memories made me. I hate that she heard me crying, I don’t cry at anything but recently I can’t stop it.

  "Your gift is here," Izzy says coming into the room and pulling me into the lounge. There’s a man dressed in a fireman’s costume holding a stereo. Holy smokes, he is hot with muscles everywhere, a closely shaven brown head and a pretty baby face.

  "Hello," I wink and he grins.

  "Where's the lucky bride?" He s
miles, making him look even hotter.

  "Damn, I wish it was me but this way," I say with sigh while Izzy laughs following us. I point at Maisy, who is chatting to a girl from school in the dining room.

  I move a chair the middle of the living room while the stripper talks to a shocked- looking Maisy before taking her hand and leading her to the seat.

  He starts playing some sexy music, before doing a hot dance taking off his uniform in front of Maisy who is so red.

  "Damn, he is hot but don't tell Blake that," Izzy whispers.

  "I totally agree, shame you have to pay for him," I laugh while Izzy giggles next to me.

  "Take it off," is shouted by some girls laughing behind Maisy. I hold in the laugh when I see Maisy who is shaking her head and blushing like crazy. I can't help but laugh out loud when he pulls his boxers lower and Maisy’s eyes widen, which earns a glare from Maisy at me but she winks sitting back in her chair. Maisy may not admit it but I know she doesn't mind the hen do stripper dance.

  The dance stops and Maisy thanks a now naked stripper in the living room before practically running to me. I can’t stop staring at his perfect ass as he bends over to get his clothes.

  "No more surprises," she laughs and gives me a tight hug.

  "Let's drink," I link my arm with hers, while she looks at me with suspicion.

  "I agree," Izzy giggles, while we all make our way to get some shots.

  "Blake has this big date planned for us next month, a week after the wedding." Izzy grins as she tells us.

  "Oh yeah, what's the plan?" I ask trying to ignore the jealousy I feel that she can be with the guy she wants. It's so hard to even look at Izzy because she has her brother’s eyes and it hurts like crazy.

  "Well, he won't tell me. Just that it's going to take the whole weekend and he is going to pack a bag for me. I guessed a trip somewhere but I have no idea where," she says, looking so excited.

  "Wow, that's so romantic," Maisy sighs with that look I know she is thinking of Sebastian.

  "It is. God, I love him. I can't remember ever being this happy," Izzy giggles.


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