Elliot's Secret (The King Brother's Series Book 3)

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Elliot's Secret (The King Brother's Series Book 3) Page 10

by G. Bailey

  "Most likely because you’re getting laid all the time. That makes anyone happy," I laugh when Izzy blushes.

  "Maybe you should try it. You know, with Elliot," Izzy winks while my heart sinks a little.

  "I'm going to the bathroom," I say putting down my drink and ignoring my best friend’s worried glances as I walk off. I lock the bathroom door before the first tear falls and I open my phone as a reminder why I can't be with Elliot.

  Dad: I love you Alexandria but don't forget my warning. Dad.

  Under the words that make my heart feel dead is a picture of Elliot looking happy chatting to some girl in the strip club they went to for Sebastian's stag do. The girl is way too close to him and it makes me feel sick.

  I want him to be happy, so I can't say anything and maybe he has already forgotten about me. The tears fall quickly, while I try to compose myself before washing my face with water and then drying it. I reapply my makeup before saying to myself,

  "I can do this,"

  I walk out to my worried friends with a happy smile and shout,

  "Let's party," while they grin and we all make more drinks. I giggle to myself because Maisy hasn’t seen the penis cake we brought her yet. She also hasn’t seen the games we have got planned, I found most of them on the internet and Izzy helped me get the things. I don't remember much more of the night other than eating penis cake but I know I was distracted enough to take my mind of the man I want.

  Chapter Fifteen


  "What if she doesn’t come?" Sebastian asks to my left as we wait for his bride to walk up the aisle. I'm nervous too but mainly because I will be seeing Allie for the first time in a month. Since I sent her one more text, asking her to talk to me, she hasn't replied to me and tried everything to avoid me. I called a few times, asked Izzy about her and even sent her flowers in a way of trying to be romantic but she sent them back. I’ve never sent a girl flowers before and the first time I try it, they get sent back. I'm confused about what the hell happened, I don't think it's because she doesn't want me.

  "Don't be," I state calmly. I look over at my brother wearing his tux with a white flower in his chest pocket like mine. I have their rings in my pocket and Blake is next to me also in his suit with his classic grin on his face.

  The music starts and all eyes go towards the start of the aisle as Izzy appears, in a dark blue dress that really suits her and holding white flowers. I look at Blake's face as his jaw drops and I can't help but whisper,

  "You might want to close your mouth man,"

  I get whacked on the arm for that but Blake doesn't take his eyes off Izzy. I finally look around my sister to see the girl I was waiting for. Allie looks amazing in a matching blue dress. She has her hair up in some kind of complicated bun with curls hanging out. There are little white flowers in her hair and she looks breath-taking as she holds a similar bunch of flowers like Izzy’s. The flowers matching the stupid amount of white and blue roses that are all over the church. They do look nice and there are white petals all up the aisle, the church will smell like a flower shop for months.

  "You might want to take your own advice," Blake whispers with a quiet laugh before straightening up. I try to get her to look at me but she seems focused on her flowers and ignoring me. Allie stops next to Izzy and the music changes as Maisy appears at the end of the aisle with her arm linked with her father’s. Maisy really looks amazing in her wedding dress. Her black hair is all circled down her back with little blue flowers in it, there are little white flowers in her hair at the top looking like a crown, her veil flows around her hair. I look at my twin to see this lovingly shocked face and I'm not surprised to see tears in his eyes. I know how much Sebastian has always loved Maisy. I look over to see Harley holding Jake in his little suit as he tries to get to his mum as she walks past. Maisy’s dad kisses her cheek with tears in his eyes as he lets her go a few steps away from us. Sebastian pulls her up into a deep kiss as she reaches him.

  "I’m afraid I haven't gotten to that part yet," the Vicar says with a smile as Sebastian lets Maisy go.

  "I'm sorry but I couldn't wait," Sebastian says winking at Maisy before turning to the Vicar and holding Maisy’s hand.

  "Dearly beloved: we are gathered here today to watch the union of Sebastian King and Maisy Reynolds." I look over at Allie as she watches the couple repeat what the priest says and I see the tears which makes me want to hold her. Fuck, I haven't been able to stop thinking about her since the last time I got to kiss her. A kiss that is drilled into my mind.

  "I believe you both have vows to say, while you give each other the rings," I look over to see the Vicar looking at me. Shit this is my part; I get the two boxes out opening the first one for Sebastian, who takes the ring and Maisy’s hand before saying,

  "Since I was twelve and first saw you, I knew I would marry you my Maisy. Every moment I spend with you, I can't believe you chose me to be with and to give an amazing son. I know we've had our rough times but I think it made us stronger. Maisy, I want to spend forever with you because I love you more than anything in this world." Sebastian stops as he slides the ring on and Maisy is in tears. I open Maisy’s box and offer her the ring, which she takes with a smile.

  "Sebastian, I never felt truly loved until I met you. My life was never complete when I wasn't with you and I know I want to spend the rest of my life right by your side. Sebastian, you’re my everything, my light when I'm down and cause of my happiness when I need it the most. My heart and everything I am is yours. I love you," she says as she pushes the ring on Sebastian's finger.

  “I love you too, I always will,” Sebastian says as he wipes her tears away.

  "Can I kiss her now?" Sebastian asks with a grin, while Maisy blushes. I take my place back next to Blake as I put the boxes in my pocket.

  "I now pronounce you husband and wife and yes you may kiss your bride, Mr. King," he says and everyone claps and cheers as Sebastian pulls Maisy up into a kiss.

  I look over at Allie, who meets my eyes with such passion, that I want to kiss her badly but I know I can’t. I look over every part of her face as she looks back at me, she looks tired and yet so beautiful.

  The crowd cheers as they stand up and I finally have to look away from Allie.

  Sebastian walks with his new wife down the aisle stopping to pick up Jake from Harley as the girls follow. I follow Blake as we walk past everyone into the cars outside.

  "That was romantic," Izzy sighs as she sits next to me in the limo. The newlyweds have their own limo and Harley is taking Jake in his car with the car seat.

  "It so was," Allie agrees, sitting by Luke and not looking my way.

  "I can't wait to get drunk," Luke adds in with a grin pouring champagne for us and I take one drinking it quickly while keeping an eye on Allie who looks out the window.

  Blake and Izzy are huddled together whispering and Luke is on his phone as we drive to the house. It’s a half-an-hour long ass ride of Allie ignoring me and I’m starting to get really pissed off. Wearing this suit isn’t helping, I fucking hate tight suits.

  "This looks amazing," Allie whispers as we pull into our drive seeing the fairy lights lighting up the trees on either side.

  "It was your idea," I add seeing Allie’s face tighten for second before she ignores me. We get out the car and head around the house to the massive marquee in the garden. People are all around waiting for the happy couple. We all wait outside the entrance when I hear Sebastian's limo pull up.

  "They’re here," Harley says coming to my side holding Jake who is smiling showing a new tooth that just came in yesterday.

  "Let me hold my grandson so you can chill," Maisy’s dad says coming to Harley’s side who happily hands him over. The sun is just setting as they arrive, looking all flustered. Judging by Maisy’s red cheeks and Seb’s large grin, they had an interesting drive here.

  "Congratulations to the newlyweds," Harley shouts and everyone cheers throwing flower petal confetti over them as they
walk past. They walk in holding hands with big smiles and we follow them through the house and to the garden. The massive marquee takes up most of the garden and stops just before the tree house. I watch Allie’s face as she takes in the inside as I walk in just behind her. The tables are all round with white covers and the chairs have matching white covers with blue bows on them. The tables have blue birds made out of flowers like Allie wanted, flying around lanterns filled with fairy lights. There are paper blue- birds hanging around the top of the marquee of all different sizes and lit up by twinkling blue and white lights. Don’t even ask how long that took us to do, a whole fucking day of hanging birds up after getting them out the boxes.

  The main table has the seats for all the main party, including two slightly larger chairs for Maisy and Sebastian. The dance floor is to the right with the band Maisy wanted and I see when she notices, as she grins at Allie. I won’t mention that I had to threaten them a few times and pay a fortune to get them to play tonight. The lead guitarist looks over at me and pales. I hold in a chuckle. The bar is full of champagne drinks and people start helping themselves. The extra staff walks around handing out drinks to the others. The left corner is a sweet unit where guests can take home a bag of any sweets as a gift. The table by door quickly fills up with gifts and I find my seat at the table. I smirk, looking happy that I'm sat by Allie. Izzy winks at me as she sits down and I'm guessing this was her doing. I will have to remember to treat my sister to a gift card or something. My seat is also free and I read the note that says it's Luke who is going to be next to me. Allie stops next to the seat by me and frowns at her seat before storming off. I follow her quickly as she goes outside and into the main house. I eventually catch her in the entrance hall and pull her into the lounge, locking the door behind me.

  "What are you doing?" She asks looking worried.

  "We need to talk," I say moving to stand next right in front of her.

  "We can't," she says looking away. I move my hand to cup her cheek and pull her to look at me.

  "Why can't we? Tell me you don't want me Allie, and I will walk away. Anything else, I won’t accept.” I tell her firmly and lower my hand to the back of her neck. I pull her closer until I can almost taste her lips.

  “Tell me you aren't feeling this between us," I say gently, and kiss her because I couldn’t stop myself now if I tried. One taste of her and I feel like I would do anything for her, that amazing taste of cherry, that Allie always seems to taste like fills my mind.

  "Elliot," she whispers, and I'm not prepared for when she kisses me back strongly, making me groan. We end up falling onto the sofa and she pulls my shirt apart pulling it out of my trousers. I pull her dress down kissing down her one arm and finally unzipping the back so it falls to her waist. She is wearing a sexy strapless black bra which I unclip and my mouth waters as I see her beautiful nipples. I can't help myself as I take one in my mouth and suck hard. She moans loudly but thankfully the loud music from the band outside drowns out any noise we make, so only I can hear her. She surprises me by undoing my trousers and zipper quickly. I swear as she takes me in her hand. My head falls back on the sofa as she moves her hand up and down tightly. I push her dress up to her hips before ripping her thong off and chucking it away.

  "God, you’re so wet" I groan as I feel her with my fingers.

  "Are you clean? I'm on the pill and clean," she moans as I move my finger in circles around her clit.

  "Yes," I say as she moves her hands to my shoulders. I grab her hips, postponing myself at her entrance.

  "Allie," I groan as she pushes herself down on me. Sweet god, she feels amazing, so tight and wet that I almost come right then. She looks up at the ceiling in pleasure but I don’t want that. I need her to look at me as we finish,

  “Look at me, Angel,”

  She holds eye contact with me as I take her mouth in a kiss and lean back.

  I grab her hips and push her down on me, to meet my thrusts. Her moans get louder and I play with her clit just a few times before I feel her tighten around and scream out my name as she keeps her eyes on mine. I move quickly to finish and nearly pass out as I come inside her but I watch her reaction instead. It’s beyond fucking hot.

  "Elliot," she whispers stroking my cheek, as we both get our breaths back. I move slightly so I’m not inside of her and she settles onto my lap.

  "We are not running from each other anymore," I say to her and she starts to cry.

  "Allie, shit. What's wrong?" I say pulling her to my chest and kissing her forehead.

  "My dad said he would kill you if I dated you. I can't let him hurt you. I care about you too much," My fists curl into her dress as she says this. I should have guessed it was something to do with her dad. Fucking Arthur.

  "Allie, look at me," I say and she raises her eyes to look into mine.

  "He won't hurt me but we can keep this quiet for now if you want. I can't be without you," I say the last part quietly because even if this was the best sex I've ever had, it's been more than sex with Allie for a long time.

  "Me neither," she says with a small smile.

  "You’re fucking mine, Allie. You get that?" I kiss her gently, running my hand over her neck.

  "Yeah, I get it. If you make me come like that again, I won't be leaving," she laughs slightly.

  "Angel, that was just the start," I whisper into her ear nibbling on it a little.

  "Hey, open the door," the muffled voice of someone comes through the door.

  "Come on," I say helping Allie with her dress and sorting myself out a little. Allie goes to a mirror sorting her hair out while I open the door a little, seeing it's Luke.

  "What do you want?" I all but growl at him for interrupting my first time with Allie.

  "Harley left his camera in here, he needs it," Luke says giving me a what the hell look.

  "Fine," I let him pass and he instantly stops in the middle of the room, staring at Allie.

  "Holy shit, finally," Luke says with a massive grin at Allie who raises an eyebrow at him. It’s kind of sexy how she does that.

  "You won't tell anyone tonight, will you?" Allie says with a silent challenge.

  "What will I get if I don't say anything at the wedding?" He grins at me and Allie.

  "Fuck sake, what do you want?" I ask as Luke gets Harley’s camera out of the coffee table, which opens up. Allie comes to stand next to me and I wrap my arm around her waist, pulling her to my side.

  "Nothing yet but a favour from you both, when I want it. Don’t worry it won’t be anything mad like naming your first child after me." he grins, I have a feeling I won’t like the favour as Allie shakes her head.

  “I could just tell everyone that you secretly watch that show where they put all those people in a house and record it,” I say and Allie laughs,

  “You watch the Vampire Diaries and Supernatural. I’m clearly not the one with the embarrassing problem.”

  “It’s a good show,” I mutter as Allie laughs.

  “So do we have a deal and we all don’t tell anyone about what we watch on TV?” he asks.

  "Fine," Allie mutters and I nod, knowing full well I will pay for it later.

  "Later guys," Luke laughs before leaving.

  "We should get back but you’re staying in my room tonight, so sneak in later," I kiss her and she blushes.

  "Alright sexy, maybe I will."

  "I like that nickname better than the other."

  "I like Cookie better," she grins making her look cuter and sexy than before.

  "Come on before I have to fuck you again and miss the speech," I groan running my hands down her dress.

  "Elliot," she sighs leaning into me but I hear the clicking of glasses, which must be a toast.

  "Shit, my speech let's go before Seb tells everyone we are missing." I pull the door open and luckily no one is around as we make our way back to the marquee. I walk in first, taking my seat as Blake talks about how he met both Sebastian and Maisy. Allie sits down next and Se
bastian looks over with confusion but everyone else seems to be into Blake's speech to notice.

  I wink at Allie before drinking a little of my champagne and standing up after the clapping for Blake speech ends, to say my own.

  "Right, to start with I never expected my twin to be married at our age but if anyone would make a King settle down it would be my lovely new sister-in-law Maisy. I watched Sebastian fall in love with Maisy all those years ago and I knew they were meant to be. My brother is a brilliant man and a better father, so I have no doubt he will make a wonderful husband. If I'm half as lucky to be as happy as they are when I get married then I can count myself a lucky man. To my amazing brother and new sister, all the luck in the world and congratulations," I raise my glass and everyone claps. Sebastian comes over to me and pulls me into a big hug.

  "Seriously, I'm happy for you. You deserve this," I pat his back.

  "Let me have a hug," Maisy pulls Sebastian away to hug me.

  "That's enough, I'm not sharing my bride for any more than a second today," Sebastian winks at me pulling Maisy into his arms. I look over at Allie as Sebastian kisses her and she smiles at me. I give her a look of promise before asking Maisy for a dance.

  “Can I have a dance with my new sister?” I ask knowing full well this will piss Sebastian off.

  “That would be nice,” Maisy grins taking my hand while Sebastian glares at me.

  “Don’t be long,” he grumbles behind us, as we walk to the dance floor.

  We dance around other people including her dad who is dancing with Blake’s mum. I didn’t realise they knew each other but they are in a deep conversation as we go past.

  “Don’t break her heart, I watched you hurt her for years and I promise you will pay for it if you do it again.” Maisy whispers and I frown down at her. She is defiantly a King with a threat like that coming out as she smiles like we are talking about the weather.

  “I will never hurt her again,” I say strongly. I'll never hurt Allie again now she is mine and I'll always regret what happened before. I glance over to see Allie laughing with my sister and suddenly I can’t wait to spend the rest of the night making up for our rocky past.


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