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Elliot's Secret (The King Brother's Series Book 3)

Page 16

by G. Bailey

  "It's my God damn cake," Elliot growls holding one end of the large plate with the chocolate cake on.

  "Yeah well she's your girlfriend, so she can make you one anytime. I have to suffer and bribe my way to a cake," Sebastian pouts holding the other end as they both pull. Luke is sat on the table with his legs on a chair, laughing his head off and the rest of the people in the room are watching with smiles.

  "You just ate your own cake," Elliot replies, look very angry.

  "Yes, but I want this one, " Seb replies. Honestly, they are like children over food. I’m surprised there are any single King brothers left when they love food so much, you can just cook for them.

  "No," Elliot says firmly.

  "Yes, you know you love me and I'm your twin we have to share, it’s literally what twins have to do," Sebastian says seriously, making me laugh and I decide to help.

  "Sebastian, how about I make you a cake at your house on Monday? I'm coming over for the day anyway," I say gently.

  "Fine but it better be this one. Some advice bro, don't let this one go or I'll have to kill you," Sebastian says with a smirk and letting go of the cake and pulling me into a big hug. I feel squashed as Seb hugs me, way too long might I add.

  "You know what; you can have the cake if you put my girlfriend down. I would rather have her,"

  "Damn, why didn’t I think of that? I should have just hugged her quicker," Seb says when he lets me go and I'm suddenly pulled back to a hard chest with Elliot's arms around my waist.

  "Have the cake," Elliot says pointing to the cake on the table but glaring at Seb who is grinning. I know that grin, he did that on purpose to get cake.

  "Best birthday," Sebastian sighs, getting a large plate.

  "You’re going to make yourself sick," I mutter but Sebastian ignores me to cut the cake.

  "I have something else I want to eat. We're going to my room," Elliot whispers in my ear and I smirk.

  "Funny, I'm hungry too, how about I find something to suck on?" I whisper back and I feel how much I'm affecting him against my back.

  "Best birthday," Elliot repeats Seb’s word with a whole different meaning before we are moving quickly to his room. Elliot keeps his plan to undress me and he does it painfully slow. We don't leave his room for the rest of the night.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  “Your dad is dead!” Arthur shouts bluntly as he walks into the house. I stand quickly with Harley next to me as Arthur walks into the room with four of his thugs.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” Harley says, standing and crossing his arms in front of himself.

  “Don’t play fucking games with me, boy. He told me you all knew before I put a bullet in his head.”

  The grief I expected to feel isn’t there; in fact, I fucking hoped he would die trying to kill Arthur. I hoped they would fucking kill each other. Father told us last week about his stupid plan to kill his best mate.

  “We knew. We couldn’t stop him.” Harley shrugs. Arthur pulls a gun out of his pocket and aims it at my head.

  “Tell me why I shouldn’t kill you all.”

  “We fight. We are the best and you know it.” Harley says calmly, if it wasn’t for the tight clenched fists at his side, I wouldn’t know he was worried.

  “You fight for me now, three hundred fights and you win every fucking one of them. If I tell you to fight, you fight.” Arthur says. It will take us years to fight that off, that’s a stupid amount of fights each. We would be lucky to win that many, we are good but fuck that would be a miracle.

  “Deal.” Harley says and Arthur lowers his gun. I was never worried he would fire it. Arthur doesn’t kill people himself, never does. His guards do it for him. That’s what my father always said. He was different, he liked killing people. He told us often enough.

  “Where is his body?” Harley asks, a firm demand in his tone.

  “On the driveway, next to the trash, where he belongs.” Arthur says before he walks out, with his guards following.

  "So here is your final paperwork, the owner wanted to thank you for the quick payment," The estate agent says as she hands over a pile of signed paperwork for my new apartment. It's in the building opposite my club, which I feel will be useful as I plan to be more hands on, in my work there. The apartment is a two bedroom on the top floor. I'm standing in the open plan living room/ kitchen. It is nicely decorated with a modern theme with white styled kitchen with new appliance’s I bought with the apartment littered around. The lounge has three two-seater leather sofas in front of a fake fireplace with a large TV above it. I might buy a bigger TV now I think about it. There are double doors that open to a little balcony in the room too. I shut the door saying goodbye to the estate agent and walk around admiring my new bedroom. I damn well hope Allie likes it enough. It's has a large dark wooden bed, nearly the same as my one at Harley’s, that takes up a lot of the room. I've brought new wardrobes that are on each side of the bed and some matching chest of drawers too. There is en suite in this room and the spare as well.

  I take my phone out my leather jacket and sending a quick text to Allie seeing if I can get her over here today.

  Allie: Sure send me the address I can be over in about ten x

  I quickly send her my new address and then use the bathroom. Allie sends me a text letting me know she has just parked up, so I open my door after buzzing her in.

  When I see her climbing the stairs I still feel taken back at how fucking perfect she looks. Her hair is up in a bun but looks messy in a cute way. She looks like she just came out the gym wearing yoga pants and a tank, with her coat thrown over the top.

  I can't help myself when she stands in front of me and I pull her into a kiss, as I'm so desperate to taste her. I want to shout how much I love her but I know it's too soon to repeat that. I still can't get my head around her amazing tattoo and the knowledge that I will always mean something to her. I’m fucking hoping it means she loves me but I can't help but be a little disheartened that she hasn't said it back. I’m serious turning into the girl in this relationship.

  "Hey you," she purrs, pulling back from the kiss so she can look up into my eyes.

  "Let me show you around my new place," I say with a grin.

  "I'd like that and then I have to tell you something, nothing bad I promise." she smiles making my heart beat faster. I walk around my new home, with her mentioning things she likes and me telling her about the bits I like in here.

  "So, what do you think?" I ask a little nervous. I want the girl I love to like it at least because I want her spending more time here with me.

  "It's really wonderful; it's close to work for you too, so that must help." She says.

  "It is one of the reasons I even looked this place but I feel at home here," I tell her and pull her into my arms.

  "Won't Harley and Luke miss you? Everyone seems to be moving out," she says into my chest.

  "I think Harley needs the space and Luke is well Luke," I laugh knowing that Luke will be here anyway because he always is around.

  "So shall we christen your new place?" Allie says running her hands up my chest. I stop her even though she is turning me on.

  "Sweetheart, Sebastian, Maisy and Jake are on their way over. I know you haven't had much time to see them so I thought I'd cook and didn’t you have something you wanted to tell me," I say watching as her cheeks go red and she looks up to me.

  "That's really sweet Elliot," she says in a gravelly voice that is urging me to take her on my bed right now.

  “Stop that before I forget out my brother and his family coming over,” I warn her and she grins.

  “I dropped out of university,” she blurts out.

  “I wasn’t expecting you to say that, can I ask why?” I reply.

  “Harley offered me a full time dancing instructor job. There have been lots of sign-ups for more classes.” She tells me. I wonder why Harley didn’t mention this to me.

  “Harley would have
let you finish university first, if that’s what you wanted,” I tell her, knowing my brother wouldn’t have pushed her into anything.

  “I didn’t. I chose that course because my dad told me I needed to do something other than dance. I respected him so much back then, that I listened and got into a course I don’t like or have any interest in.” She says and I link my hand with hers.

  “He is going to be so mad but I don’t have the respect for him anymore. I don’t care anymore, is that horrible? I don’t care what my dad thinks anymore because he isn’t who I thought he was.”

  “It’s not horrible. I used to love my dad, once, before I realised who he was. I still cared about him after every beating and I hated that. I hated that I still cared about him when he didn’t give a shit about me,” she doesn’t say anything as I continue.

  “You know what I realised?” I ask her and she shakes her head.

  “Once you love someone, no matter what they do, part of you will always care about them.”

  “That makes sense, who knew Elliot King was the smart brother?” she laughs and I pick her up over my shoulder and throw her onto my bed.

  “Cheeky little,” I say and laugh as she rolls herself off the other end of the bed and holds her hands up.

  “If it helps, you’re also the hottest. Like totally drool worthy.” She says and I laugh more, with her this time.

  “It helps,” I eventually get out.

  "Do you want me to cook?" She asks walking towards the bedroom door. My eyes watch her pretty little bum sway side to side in those tight yoga trousers of hers,

  I have to clear my throat before answering her,

  "No, you’re relaxing and I'm cooking dinner tonight," I put everything in the fridge when I first got here and the apartment is full of cooking shit that I brought online.

  "Yum, that sounds good. I can be your desert," she winks at me before making her way back to the lounge. I have to wait for my tented jeans to go down before I can even be thinking of leaving the bedroom to cook.

  The buzzer goes not long after I finish the pasta sauce and I let them in. Maisy gives me a hug while Sebastian holds Jake in his arms. Jake starts babbling,

  "El, El, El," he says with his chubby hands trying to grab me. I chuckle taking him off a proud looking Sebastian.

  "Hey my favourite little man, I know someone who has missed you," I say taking him into the kitchen where Allie squeals coming over to hold Jake. Jake takes in his stride as Allie cuddles him and then he looks back to me.

  "El, El, El," he whines a little and Allie grins.

  "You want your uncle El?" I ask him and Jake has that classic grin, I've seen a million times on his dad.

  "Here you go," Allie laughs passing him over and I push his hair out of his eyes a little.

  I find Sebastian and Maisy in the lounge and Sebastian is at the bar making drinks. I want to comment on how he has made himself at home in seconds of being here but I don’t. I actually like that he is making himself a drink.

  "I've ordered a Taxi to pick us up later, so we can drink a little, want one?" He asks me.

  "I’ll have whatever there is, do you like the apartment then?" I ask, sitting on the empty sofa with Jake, while Allie hugs Maisy.

  “It’s nice; I will have a proper walk around in a minute.” He replies as he gives me a beer and turns to Allie.

  “Do you want a drink, Allie?” Seb asks her.

  "Sure, you choose for me, thanks Seb.” She says and turns to Maisy.

  “I missed you Maisybear," Allie says and they start chatting away like they didn’t just see each other yesterday. Sebastian puts my drink on the coffee table and sits next to me.

  "Dada," Jake says clapping his hands on my lap.

  "He is getting so big," I comment looking at Jake. Jake is wearing blue jeans and a top that says 'mummy is the best'.

  I point at his top with a grin and then I tickle Jake, making him laugh.

  "Maisy went shopping for him, I couldn't say no when he brought him out wearing that," He laughs.

  "You look happy, man," I comment noticing him looking at Maisy laughing.

  "So do you," he comments quietly and making my gaze go to Allie, who is grinning at whatever Maisy has said.

  "I love her but I don't think she really feels the same. I was a dick to her for years and I don't know how to fix that," I say quietly, wanting his advice.

  "She does feel the same but it takes time to trust someone, bro. It was bad but you never did anything that would truly hurt her and she knows this," Seb tells me and pats my shoulder.

  My phone chooses that moment to start ringing in my pocket.

  ‘My milkshake brings all the guys to the yard, and they’re like…’

  I cancel the call when I managed to get it out my pocket, I see it’s an unknown number anyway. Everyone is laughing at this point and I glare at Allie.

  “Please tell me what the hell you did? I can’t get rid of it.” I say tensely. The little madam just smirks at me.

  “No way, plus I like it.” she shrugs.

  “You have your hands full there,” Seb says as Allie goes back to talking to Maisy. Seb doesn’t know the half of it.

  The alarm on the cooker starts beeping, so I don't have to answer and I hand Jake over to Sebastian before going to the kitchen. Half an hour later, we are all sat around the small table in the corner of the lounge. Jake is in his seat which Sebastian brought, as it folds up, and is eating pasta and chicken. The rest of us have creamy chicken pasta which is an easy Google recipe I like to make sometimes.

  "Holy shit, this is good," Allie comments.

  "Language, someone copies what their aunties say," Sebastian says with a smile.

  "Whoops, but honestly this is good," she winks at me and I reach under the table next to her to squeeze her bare knee.

  "So, we have some news. We only found out in the last few weeks and it’s a massive surprise but we want you guys to know," Sebastian starts and I frown at him, wondering what he is going to tell me.

  Sebastian takes Maisy’s hand before shocking me silent by saying.

  "Maisy is pregnant; I'm going to be a dad again. It wasn't planned but honestly I couldn't be happier," Sebastian says lifting Maisy’s hand to place a kiss on it.

  "Congratulations" I say with a big smile and Allie jumps out her seat to throw herself at Maisy kissing her cheek.

  "I'm so, so fucking happy for you," she says.

  "Language," Sebastian mutters with a light when everyone ignores him. Allie eventually sits down.

  "So how far along are you?" Allie asks.

  "About twelve weeks. It's a little bit of a shock.” Maisy says.

  “So that was around your wedding?” Allie asks.

  “You remember when we told you I had cut my foot on holiday and had antibiotics? The doctor forgot to mention that it would mess up my conception pills.”

  “Happy accident Maisy,” Seb kisses her cheek.

  “Jake will be a close age to his brother or sister but I'm happy it’s worked out like that," Maisy says and I nod. Growing up with my brothers and having them so close in age was good. You always have someone on your side, even if you feel like killing them yourself sometimes.

  "You always have me around to help. One text away," Allie says.

  "That goes for me too. Have you told Harley and Luke yet?" I ask them.

  "Harley has known for a few weeks. He was the one helping me out at work, when Maisy needed help with Jake because of her bad morning sickness. We are telling Luke tomorrow," Seb says.

  "So…a girl this time?" I joke.

  "God help her if she is a girl in this family. Any guy that went near her would be terrified," Allie says making us all laugh. She really isn’t wrong, I would have to protect her from guys like me. I could imagine Sebastian going postal at the idea of anyone dating his little baby girl. I kind of hope it’s a lad, would be a lot easier.

  "If we are blessed with a girl, she isn't talking to boys
till she is thirty," Sebastian says seriously and we laugh.

  "Good luck with that, Sebastian," Maisy giggles and Sebastian winks at her.

  "Since the baby was created on our honeymoon, we could call her Honey if she is a girl or Sebastianine," Sebastian says and Maisy coughs mid drink.

  "No way in hell," she says with a glare. Seb gives her puppy dog eyes as she gets up to give Jake a yogurt with a baby spoon.

  "I will persuade you," Sebastian says with a cheeky grin before pulling Maisy close for a big kiss.

  "Hey, none of that at the table," Allie tuts with a smile.

  I was about to talk when something wet splats into my face and drips onto my shirt. I wipe my face to see everyone laughing, including Jake who clearly just threw his yoghurt at me. The little man is still holding the pink yoghurt covered spoon as he giggles.

  “Every time,” I mutter, and I see Maisy wiping the happy tears from her eyes as she laughs. Allie hands me some baby wipes from the changing bag. I clean up the most I can, while Seb takes the yoghurt from him.

  “You know, you’re special. He never wastes food on anyone else.” Maisy tells me and Seb laughs.

  “Wait until he is older and it’s not cruel to throw food back at him,” I say, making them all laugh at me. I’m really not joking.

  Allie gets up with the baby wipes and starts cleaning Jake.

  "I will do that Allie," Sebastian says starting to get up.

  "I want to, and then I want a cuddle," Allie says looking like a kid at Christmas.

  We spend the rest of the meal laughing and Jake gets the centre of attention by clapping at everything we say.

  "I enjoyed tonight," Allie sighs standing next to the front door as I shut it.

  "You’re going to enjoy it more soon," I whisper a promise before picking her up over my shoulder and carrying her to my bedroom.

  "Put me down, caveman," she moans as slap her ass.

  "Sure," I say throwing her on the bed and she looks up at me with a big grin.

  "I," she goes to say but my phone rings.

  "I will leave it," I say going to take my shirt off.

  "No, you should get it,"

  I sigh before pulling out my phone not even looking at it as I answer.


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