by Martial
legacy hunting, 2.26, 4.56, 6.62, 8.27, 9.8, 9.88, 12.10
leisure time, 1.54, 1.113, 2.5, 5.20, 10.44, 11.106
length, 1.105, 3.68, 4.7, 6.16, 10.1, 11.108, 12.18, 12.97
Lesbia (mistress of Catullus), 6.34, 7.14
lesbian, 1.90, 7.70
Lethe (river of forgetfulness in the Underworld), 10.23
Libya/Libyan, 2.56, 5.74, 6.86, 9.6, 12.61
lie/lying (falsehood), 2.25, 2.53, 2.56, 4.43, 9.82, 10.39, 11.94, 11.102, 12.40
lie/lying (reclining), 2.19, 5.74, 10.27, 10.84, 11.43, 11.102, 12.17
life/living, 1.1, 2.53, 3.6, 4.75, 5.20, 5.58, 5.64, 6.15, 6.18, 6.52, 8.77, 9.50, 9.52, 10.23, 10.44, 10.47, 11.46, 11.67, 11.71, 12.17, 12.46, 12.96
light, 1.28, 8.14, 11.29
lightness, 5.34, 6.52, 11.14, 12.81
lily, 4.22
lion, 10.65, 10.90, 10.100, 12.61, 12.92
lip, 1.83, 2.10, 2.22, 10.22
lisping/indistinct speech, 5.34, 9.87, 10.65
literary criticism, 1.91, 1.110, 3.83, 4.49, 5.33, 7.90, 9.81, 10.21
litter (sedan chair), 4.51, 6.84, 9.100, 12.17
litter-bearer, 4.51, 6.84, 12.58
loan, 2.30, 3.41, 4.15, 4.76, 5.42, 6.20, 8.16, 9.102, 11.76
loin/groin, 7.18, 10.45, 12.97
loincloth, 3.87
lodging, 8.14, 11.34
looking/watching, 9.25, 9.83, 11.63
loss/losing, 4.26, 4.63, 7.14, 8.17, 11.76, 12.40, 12.87
love, 1.54, 2.55, 2.63, 2.87, 3.8, 3.15, 3.39, 4.13, 4.38, 4.75, 5.46, 6.6, 6.45, 6.60, 7.11, 7.14, 7.43, 7.76, 7.89, 8.51, 8.56, 9.21, 9.52, 11.15, 11.40, 12.58, 12.96
lover, 4.81, 8.77, 10.95, 12.93
loyalty/trustworthiness, 2.30, 9.14
Lucan (poet, forced by Nero to commit suicide), 7.21
luck, 2.65, 6.79, 7.89
Lucretia (wife famous for chastity, who killed herself when raped), 1.90
Lucrinus (lake near the Bay of Naples), 1.62
lust, 5.2, 6.45, 7.91, 9.67, 10.64, 11.25, 11.43, 11.45, 11.60, 11.81, 12.95
lyre, 11.75
Lysippus (famous Greek sculptor from the fourth century BCE), 9.44
makeup, 1.72, 1.77, 7.25
malice/spite, 2.54
man, 1.90, 2.12, 2.61, 3.68, 4.7, 6.14, 6.16, 6.33, 8.12, 10.23, 10.31, 11.94, 12.51
marble, 11.13
Marcella (Martial’s patroness in Bilbilis), 12.31
March first (day for giving presents to women, and Martial’s birthday), 9.52, 10.29
Marcian (aqueduct in Rome), 11.96
marital fidelity, 1.13, 12.96
market, 10.59
marriage, 1.10, 3.70, 4.13, 4.22, 5.17, 5.75, 6.22, 6.45, 8.12, 8.31, 8.43, 9.10, 9.78, 10.8, 11.19, 12.42, 12.95
Marsus (Latin epigrammatist), 2.71, 4.29
Martial’s homes, 1.108, 1.117, 2.38, 8.61, 9.60, 10.94, 12.18, 12.31
mask, 3.43
Massic (excellent wine), 3.26, 3.49, 4.13
master/lord, 1.84, 1.112, 2.68, 2.92, 4.83, 5.57, 6.52, 8.40, 9.66, 11.40, 11.93, 12.96
matron/lady, 3.68, 3.86, 5.2, 11.15, 12.31, 12.93, 12.96
Medea (sorceress who killed her own children after her husband Jason left her), 5.53
Megara (wife of Hercules), 11.43
Memphis (city in Egypt), 7.30
Mercury (messenger god), 9.25
messenger/courier, 3.100, 9.91
Metilius (famous poisoner), 4.43
Midas (king whose touch turned anything into gold), 6.86
middle age, 8.77, 10.32
mime, 3.86
mind/spirit, 4.75, 7.18, 10.32, 10.47, 11.103
Minerva (goddess of wisdom and war), 1.102, 5.2, 8.1
mirror, 2.66
mistress, 2.62, 2.63, 3.69, 4.29, 5.42, 7.14, 7.70, 10.29
Mithridates (king of Pontus, an enemy of Rome), 5.76
mocking, 2.58, 4.7
modesty/decency, 1.34, 1.90, 2.93, 3.27, 3.68, 3.87, 4.6, 8.1, 10.47, 10.90, 11.45, 11.103, 12.56, 12.97
money, 1.58, 1.117, 2.13, 2.30, 2.51, 2.63, 2.65, 3.22, 3.41, 4.15, 4.26, 4.51, 4.72, 4.76, 5.32, 5.42, 5.82, 6.20, 6.30, 6.46, 6.66, 7.16, 7.92, 8.10, 8.13, 8.16, 8.17, 9.4, 9.8, 9.32, 9.82, 9.100, 9.102, 10.27, 10.31, 10.47, 10.74, 11.29, 11.38, 11.66, 11.76, 12.10, 12.65, 12.76, 12.97
month, 6.30, 11.40
morality/customs, 11.15, 12.9
morning, 1.108, 6.53, 10.81, 11.17, 12.12, 12.65
morning call, 1.108, 2.5, 4.26, 7.39, 9.100, 10.74
mortician/undertaker, 1.30, 1.47, 2.61, 10.97
mother, 2.4, 4.63, 5.34, 10.90
mourning, 1.33, 2.65, 4.58, 6.18, 6.33, 7.14
mouse, 11.29
mouth, 2.61, 5.34, 10.65, 11.30, 12.85
mule, 8.61, 11.79
muleteer, 11.38
murrine (valuable speckled stone used to make cups and vases), 3.26, 4.85, 10.80
Muses ( patron goddesses of the arts), 2.22, 2.89, 4.49, 7.46, 11.93
mushroom, 1.20, 3.45, 7.78, 12.17
muteness, 7.92, 9.74, 11.102
mutilation, 2.83
name, 1.105, 2.4, 2.61, 2.68, 3.34, 3.68, 5.17, 5.34, 6.17, 9.44, 11.43, 11.50, 11.72, 12.18
nation, 8.61, 10.9
naughtiness, 3.69, 5.2, 6.82, 7.14, 9.67
nausea, 4.20
Nausicaa (princess of Phaeacia in The Odyssey), 12.31
neck, 3.53, 4.41, 6.41
nectar, 11.57
need/necessity, 6.57, 7.92, 11.29, 11.71
Nero (Roman emperor, 54–68 CE, who had his mother killed), 4.63, 7.21, 8.56
Nestor (old Greek warrior in The Iliad ), 5.58
newness, 1.54, 4.22, 4.77
night, 1.27, 1.106, 2.5, 2.89, 4.7, 9.62, 9.67, 10.47, 11.17, 11.97, 12.12, 12.65
Nile (Egyptian river), 10.74, 11.13
Niobe (queen who turned to stone after her fourteen children were killed), 3.32, 5.53
Nomentum (site of Martial’s farm in the countryside near Rome), 1.105, 2.38, 9.60, 10.44, 10.94
nose, 2.83, 6.36
nothing, 1.110, 2.76, 3.45, 3.61, 3.79, 4.12, 4.33, 5.36, 6.55, 9.8, 9.88, 10.77, 11.67, 12.71, 12.76, 12.78, 12.79
nudity, 1.23, 3.51, 3.68, 3.72, 8.1, 10.81
Numa (second king of Rome), 10.39, 10.44
Numidia (North African home of the Massyli tribe, identified with the garden of the Hesperides, where golden apples grew), 10.94
Nysa (mountain on which the god Bacchus was raised), 4.44
nut, 7.91, 11.86
obscenity/prurience, 3.69, 3.86, 5.2, 6.50, 12.95
Ocean (the god Oceanus/the Atlantic), 10.44
Oedipus (king of Thebes who blinded himself after finding he had killed his father and married his mother), 9.25
ointment, 3.3, 6.57, 11.15
old age/oldness, 1.54, 1.105, 3.76, 6.16, 7.79, 8.14, 8.18, 9.100, 10.44, 10.90, 11.29, 11.34, 11.43, 11.46, 11.60, 11.71, 11.81
old man, 1.108, 3.43, 3.69, 4.7, 4.13, 4.50, 4.56, 8.27, 10.32, 10.53, 11.81
old woman, 3.32, 3.76, 4.13, 4.20, 7.75, 8.79, 9.80, 10.8, 10.90, 11.29, 11.87
Olympiad (usually a four-year period, but Martial uses it to signify five years), 10.23
Opimian (legendary wine of great age), 10.49
oral sex (type unspecified), 1.83, 2.10, 2.12, 2.15, 2.21, 2.22, 2.23, 2.28, 2.42, 3.17, 3.80, 6.56, 7.4, 7.94, 11.85
orange (traditional color of a bridal veil), 12.42
orchard, 6.16, 8.14, 10.94
orgasm, 3.79
ostentation, 1.37, 2.39, 9.62
owl, 10.100, 11.34
owning, 2.68, 3.48, 4.51, 4.77, 7.48, 8.5, 8.61, 9.102, 10.54, 11.34, 11.38, 11.43, 12.76
oyster, 3.45, 7.78, 9.14, 12.17
Paestum (town south of Naples in Italy), 9.60, 12.31
page (of a book), 3.69, 5.2, 8.62, 10.1, 10.45, 10.59, 11.15, 11.17, 12.95
page (wine server), 7.48, 9.25, 10.66, 11.96, 12.64, 12.91, 12.96
pain, 1.13, 1.106, 3.71, 4.27, 8.62, 10.23, 11.40, 11.86
painting, 1.77,
1.102, 9.74, 10.22, 10.32, 11.102, 12.69
palace, 9.91
paleness, 1.77, 3.65, 6.60, 7.4, 7.25, 8.14
pander/pimp, 11.66
papyrus/sheet of paper, 8.62, 10.97
paralysis, 11.85
pardon/forgive, 2.89, 3.27, 8.69
Paris (actor, executed by Domitian), 11.13
part, 2.54, 3.86, 3.87, 6.18, 12.96
Parthia (Near Eastern country, traditionally an enemy of Rome), 2.53, 5.58, 7.30
patient (medical), 9.96
patron, 1.112, 2.68, 4.83, 5.34, 10.64, 10.74
paying, 1.58, 1.95, 2.13, 2.52, 7.75, 8.10, 9.102, 11.62, 11.76, 11.105, 11.108, 12.78
pebble (marker on a calendar), 9.52, 12.34
pederasty, 1.46, 1.48, 2.49, 3.65, 3.71, 4.7, 5.46, 9.21, 12.16, 12.91, 12.96, 12.97
Pelias (king of Iolcus, killed by his daughters’ attempt to make him young), 11.60
Pelops (son of Tantalus, given an ivory shoulder by the gods), 12.84
Penelope (faithful wife of Odysseus in The Odyssey), 1.62
penis, 1.58, 2.33, 2.51, 2.62, 2.70, 3.68, 3.69, 3.71, 3.73, 3.76, 6.16, 6.23, 6.36, 7.14, 7.18, 7.30, 7.91, 9.32, 9.33, 9.40, 9.63, 10.90, 10.91, 11.15, 11.19, 11.25, 11.29, 11.46, 11.51, 11.60, 11.63, 11.72, 11.75, 12.86, 12.97
people, 7.21, 8.56, 10.9
perfume, 2.12, 2.59, 3.12, 3.55, 3.65, 4.13, 5.64, 6.55, 7.94, 8.77, 10.97, 12.17, 12.65
perjury, 6.12
Persius (satirist), 4.29
pettiness, 5.82
Phaethon (Apollo’s son, destroyed by Jupiter’s lightning), 4.47, 5.53
Pharos (island near Alexandria, Egypt), 7.30, 9.40
Phidias (one of the greatest sculptors of Classical Greece), 9.44
Phineus (a blind seer), 9.25
phoenix (legendary bird that was reborn after burning itself ), 6.55
Phrygia (a country in what is now west-central Turkey, where worship of Cybele started), 4.43
Pieria (region in Macedonia sacred to the Muses), 10.64
piety/holiness, 1.111, 3.69, 6.18, 6.91
Pindar (Greek poet known for odes), 8.18
plagiarism, 1.29, 1.38, 1.72, 2.20
platter, 7.48
playing, 1.113, 4.49, 5.34, 6.24, 6.45, 7.14, 9.25, 10.16, 11.13, 11.15, 12.40
pleasing/pleasure, 1.10, 1.59, 1.72, 2.71, 3.45, 3.51, 6.60, 7.25, 7.76, 8.69, 9.53, 10.1, 10.21, 10.45, 10.47, 10.59, 11.13, 11.93, 12.18, 12.34
pledging a toast, 2.15, 10.49
plowing, 9.21, 12.16
pocket, 6.60
poetry/poet, 1.1, 1.16, 1.72, 1.91, 1.110, 1.113, 1.117, 2.22, 2.71, 2.88, 2.89, 2.92, 3.9, 3.45, .69, 3.83, 3.100, 4.6, 4.17, 4.33, 4.49, 4.72, 4.81, 5.33, 6.14, 6.60, 6.82, 7.4, 7.25, 7.46, 7.81, 7.85, 7.90, 8.18, 8.20, 8.29, 8.62, 8.69, 9.19, 9.44, 9.50, 9.81, 9.89, 10.1, 10.9, 10.21, 10.59, 10.64, 10.100, 10.102, 11.15, 11.30, 11.42, 11.50, 11.57, 11.93, 11.106, 11.108, 12.47, 12.61
poison, 1.20, 3.22, 4.43, 4.69, 5.76, 12.91
Polyphemus (the Cyclops in The Odyssey), 4.49
Pompey (general and member of the first triumvirate, built a portico and a theater, fought Julius Caesar, and was assassinated in Egypt), 5.74, 11.47
Pomptine marshes (located south of Rome), 10.74
Pontia (famous poisoner), 4.43
pool, 4.22, 11.96
portico (a shady colonnade), 5.20, 7.76, 8.79, 11.47
portrait, 5.20, 9.74, 10.32
pot, 12.18
poverty, 2.3, 2.51, 2.53: 2.58, 3.15, 3.48, 4.51, 4.77, 5.81, 6.50, 7.46, 8.19, 9.80, 11.44, 11.50, 11.66, 11.87, 12.81, 12.87
power/powerful man, 5.20, 7.39, 7.76, 11.68, 12.18, 12.92
Praeneste (town east of Rome), 9.60
praise, 1.40, 1.58, 1.64, 1.89, 2.27, 3.69, 4.27, 4.49, 5.36, 6.60, 7.85, 7.90, 8.69, 9.19, 10.21, 10.44, 12.30, 12.40, 12.80
prayer, 4.77, 6.59, 8.61, 12.84, 12.97
pretending, 1.90, 4.29, 5.36, 7.39, 8.19, 12.40
Priam (old king of Troy in The Iliad ), 5.58, 9.50, 11.60
Priapus (fertility god known for his oversized penis, guardian of gardens), 3.68, 6.16, 7.91, 8.40, 11.51, 11.72
pride 2.15, 3.68, 4.29, 5.20, 7.39, 9.62, 10.66, 11.68, 12.18
privy/public toilet, 11.77, 12.61
prohibition, 6.86, 6.91, 9.53
Prometheus (Titan who created humanity from clay), 10.39
promise, 2.25, 4.81, 5.82, 9.40, 10.44, 10.81, 12.12
property (land), 3.26, 3.48, 6.50, 7.91, 8.18, 9.21, 10.43, 10.47, 10.61, 10.94, 11.29, 12.16
prose, 7.46
Proserpina (goddess of the Underworld), 3.43
prostitute, 1.34, 1.57, 1.71, 1.94, 2.17, 2.25, 2.31, 2.39, 2.53, 3.8, 3.53, 3.54, 3.83, 3.90, 4.12, 4.38, 4.50, 6.66, 7.18, 9.4, 9.32, 9.67, 10.81, 11.45, 11.60, 12.65
publication, 1.91, 3.9, 4.33
public official, 2.60, 5.17, 11.102
purity, 2.61, 3.69, 3.87, 8.14, 9.63, 9.67
purple (Tyrian), 2.39, 8.10, 9.62, 10.49, 12.17
pursuing, 5.83, 9.88, 11.87
pyre, 4.75, 10.97
rain, 3.65, 3.100
rarity, 4.29, 8.18, 10.47
raven, 3.43
Ravenna (drought-stricken city in northern Italy), 3.57
reading/reader, 1.1, 1.16, 1.40, 1.113, 2.71, 3.9, 3.68, 3.69, 3.86, 4.29, 4.33, 4.49, 4.81, 5.2, 7.25, 7.77, 8.61, 9.81, 10.1, 10.21, 10.59, 11.15, 11.17, 11.106, 11.108, 12.61, 12.73, 12.95
recitation of poetry, 1.29, 1.38, 1.63, 2.27, 2.71, 2.88, 3.18, 3.45, 4.6, 4.41, 6.41, 6.60, 8.20, 8.76, 9.81, 9.83, 12.40
recovery, 12.56
red/ruddiness, 2.33, 2.39, 5.4, 6.60, 7.30, 9.60
refusal of request, 1.106, 1.108, 2.25, 3.54, 3.61, 4.7, 4.12, 4.15, 4.38, 4.63, 4.71, 4.81, 5.73, 6.20, 7.43, 7.77, 8.76, 11.68, 12.71, 12.79
remedy, 11.71
remembering, 1.27, 2.59, 5.52, 10.23, 12.34
renting/rent, 7.92, 8.61, 11.83
returning, 3.14, 7.18, 8.31, 9.40, 10.44, 12.18, 12.31, 12.93, 12.97
reward, 2.92, 4.32, 8.56, 10.74, 12.9, 12.65
Rhine (river in Germany), 11.96
riddle, 1.90
riding, 5.20, 7.30, 7.76
Right of Fathers of Three Children, 2.92, 4.27, 8.31, 9.66
ring, 8.5, 9.87, 11.37
rising, 5.79, 6.23, 6.36, 9.66, 11.46, 11.99, 12.18, 12.56, 12.86, 12.97
rival, 3.70, 12.96
Rome/Roman, 1.59, 1.73, 3.14, 4.71, 4.84, 6.60, 7.30, 8.61, 9.40, 10.53, 10.74, 11.13, 12.42
room (chamber), 3.48, 8.14
rope, 4.70
rose, 2.59, 3.68, 4.22, 4.29, 5.64, 7.89, 8.77, 10.32, 11.89, 12.17, 12.31, 12.64
ruin/ruining, 5.74, 7.19, 9.82, 11.102, 12.84
ruling, 12.9
running, 7.48, 10.100
Sabine (native tribe of Italy, known for strict morality; wine from the region was poor), 1.62, 9.40, 10.44, 10.49, 11.15
Sacred Way (street in Rome), 2.63
sadness, 1.58, 2.65, 6.33, 6.52, 6.59, 6.79, 7.14, 8.41, 11.13, 12.34
safety, 1.19, 4.20, 8.40, 10.23, 10.94
salve (medicated ointment), 3.3, 7.39, 10.22
sanity, 6.84, 11.28
sardonyx ( gemstone), 11.37
Saturnalia (winter holiday at which gifts were exchanged), 6.24, 7.91, 8.41, 10.29, 11.15, 12.81
satyr (legendary creature, half horse and half human), 4.44
savoriness, 7.25
scholar, 10.21
scolding, 1.58, 11.43
scorn, 2.61, 3.76, 4.83, 6.15
Scorpus (charioteer with many wins at the Circus), 10.53, 10.74
Scythia (country north and east of the Black Sea), 7.30
sea, 4.63, 6.34, 7.19, 7.30, 9.40
seal (wax), 9.87
seeing, 1.34, 1.108, 2.5, 2.38, 3.39, 3.68, 4.77, 4.85, 6.34, 8.51, 9.74, 10.32, 10.80, 11.75, 11.101, 11.102, 12.84
seer, 3.71
selling, 3.48, 3.57, 4.77, 6.66, 7.16, 7.77, 9.21, 10.31, 12.16, 12.47, 12.97
senator/senate, 5.17, 10.27
tia/Setine (Italian hill town known for producing fine Setine wine), 6.86, 10.74, 11.29, 12.17 ex, 1.34, 1.46, 1.57, 1.84, 1.90, 1.106, 2.28, 2.31, 2.49, 2.56, 2.60, 3.32, 3.33, 3.72, 3.76, 3.79, 3.87, 3.96, 4.22, 4.71, 4.84, 6.33, 6.45, 6.91, 7.18, 7.30, 7.70, 7.75, 9.4, 9.32, 9.67, 9.69, 9.80, 10.29, 10.40, 10.81, 10.95, 10.102, 11.40, 11.45, 11.47, 11.62, 11.71, 11.85, 11.87, 11.97, 12.26, 12.65
sexual jealousy, 1.73, 2.54, 9.25
shabbiness, 2.58, 6.50, 7.92, 9.100
shade ( ghost of the dead), 4.16, 5.34, 6.18, 10.61, 11.50
shamefulness, 1.90, 3.72, 4.56, 4.71, 5.82, 6.45, 8.54
shamelessness, 1.37, 3.27, 3.68, 4.6, 4.12, 12.18
sheath, 11.75
sheep, 3.65, 4.49
shining, 4.22, 4.32, 10.65, 12.84
ship/sailing/sailor, 3.64, 5.42, 7.19, 7.30, 9.40
shoe/sandal, 12.45, 12.87
shortness/brevity, 1.110, 3.83, 8.29, 8.60, 9.50, 10.1, 10.47, 10.53, 10.59, 12.22, 12.61, 12.96
shouting/loudness, 1.89, 2.67, 6.48, 9.9, 10.31, 10.53, 12.18
sickle, 6.16
sigh, 1.106, 12.91
silence, 1.89, 1.95, 1.106, 2.27, 3.45, 3.96, 5.52, 6.41, 7.18, 7.46, 9.4, 11.60, 11.102, 11.108, 12.40
Silius Italicus (consul and poet), 11.50
silver, 2.76, 5.59, 6.50
sin, 1.34, 4.71, 6.18, 11.76
singer/singing/song, 1.89, 1.94, 11.75, 12.40, 12.95
Siren (monster, half bird, half woman, whose singing lured sailors to their death), 3.64
sister, 2.4, 10.65, 12.20
sitting, 2.17, 6.66, 11.77, 11.99
skin, 4.22, 5.79, 6.52, 7.25
slander, 2.61, 3.80, 5.33, 9.9, 11.66
slave, 1.84, 2.63, 2.66, 2.68, 3.33, 5.57, 6.33, 6.52, 7.62, 9.32, 9.87, 10.31, 10.66, 10.80, 11.40, 11.75, 12.16, 12.30, 12.58, 12.86, 12.87
sleep, 1.71, 1.106, 3.73, 9.6, 10.47, 10.74, 10.84, 11.46, 12.17, 12.18
slowness, 9.40, 11.79
smelling/odor, 1.28, 2.12, 3.28, 3.49, 3.65, 5.4, 6.36, 6.55, 7.94, 9.62, 11.30, 12.85
smiling, 6.82, 12.93
smoothness/smooth skin, 2.51, 10.45, 10.65, 11.43, 11.63, 12.18
snake, 4.59, 10.94
snow/snowy, 3.34, 4.34, 5.43, 5.64, 6.59, 6.86, 12.17
sobriety, 2.73, 12.30
sodomy, 1.24, 2.28, 2.51, 2.54, 2.60, 2.62, 3.71, 3.73, 6.33, 6.56, 7.62, 9.4, 9.21, 9.67, 9.69, 10.64, 11.28, 11.43, 11.45, 11.63, 11.87, 11.88, 11.99, 12.16, 12.35, 12.95
softness, 7.89, 8.77, 9.25, 12.97
son, 1.84, 5.74, 6.62
sourness, 12.46
Spain (Hispania), 3.14, 6.18, 7.78, 10.65, 12.9, 12.65
sparrow, 7.14
Sparta (region in southern Greece), 4.44, 11.47