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Siren Sacrificed

Page 6

by C. R. Jane

  I scanned the gang Snake-Eyes had with him, half a dozen of them, and then I looked back to my gorgeous incubus. God, he was so huge and strong, and the way he attacked that bastard in the first place hummed inside me. But we were outnumbered if they decided to all turn on us.

  “Fuck yeah. I believe in you,” I stated.

  “Let’s get this shitshow started,” Snake-Eyes shouted.

  And before I knew it, we were all marching deeper into the hallway, and then several turns later, we emerged into an open courtyard. I hadn’t seen this section before. It was the size of a basketball court, enclosed by lofty metal fences with barbed wire across the top.

  Beyond the fence were stone walls, and they reminded me of the first time I arrived at the penitentiary. When we walked through the front gates, the stone walls closed in around me. And here they were, bringing back so many memories.

  I glanced behind us, and the prison hovered over it like a giant, but there were no windows overlooking this section. These prisoners were given a small piece of outside haven, except it seemed they used it as a battle ground.

  Around us, other inmates poured outside, and I felt queasy at how quickly things were getting out of control.

  “Are you sure about this?” I whispered to Alaric.

  He swept me up and into his arms, and instinctually, I wrapped my legs around his waist as we faced each other. He walked us onto the court while everyone else gathered around the court.

  “I promise to make you a belt out of his viper skin if you ask me too, babe. Now kiss me.”

  My head spun with everything and how quickly we ended up in a death arena.

  All I wanted was some drawing equipment for Seth, not to have Alaric pitched against a hellish snake charmer.

  I kissed him, our mouths clashed, our tongues tangled in a battle of their own. The passion between us flared, and heat dove to the apex between my legs. His hands cupped my ass, and I couldn’t get enough of this huge man. He’d crawled into my veins, and now I desired him unbearably.

  The crowd cheered around us, and when we broke apart, I gasped for air like my existence depended on him. What the hell had he done to me?

  “Missed you the last few days,” he said. “But next time you want to see me, no need to draw so much attention.” He smirked at me, and I couldn’t work out if I wanted to laugh or cry.

  I clasped my hands on either side of his face. “Please don’t die.”

  “I’ll never let that piece of shit touch you again.” He kissed me once more, then lowered me onto my feet. Next thing, two females rushed up to me, one on either side, and quickly grasped my arms.

  I shuddered and terror fell through me as they roughly pinned my back to the wire fence and stretched my arms out on either side of me. “What are you doing?”

  They didn’t respond as the girls bound my wrists to the wire fence with rope. My heart slammed into my rib cage as I fought to pull away from them.

  “Alaric?” I cried out.

  Chapter 6

  Alaric watched the girls bind me to the wire fence while my breaths raced. “Babe, this is part of the fight rules in this court. You’re safe for now.”

  “For now?” I exclaimed.

  He stared at me so calmly while my pulse hammered through my veins, yet he was the one about to fight for my safety. Once I’d been tied up, he stepped closer once more, our cheeks were touching, his mouth in my ear.

  “When this is over, I want you tied up and naked for me.” His words coupled with that deep, husky voice undid me.

  Hell, here I was, an object to be fought over in front of spectators, and yet my panties were soaking wet. I needed a major reorder of my priorities if I ever came out of this with my sanity.

  Alaric swung away from me and marched into the center of the court, while the spectators remained watching from around the edges of the arena, steering away from me.

  Snake-Eyes strode forward, unbuttoning his shirt, then taking it off and tossing it aside. A huge green and black serpent tattoo covered his chest, while others coiled around his arms.

  The crowd boomed with excitement, hands pumping into the air, and I could swear I’d just walked into the Mad Max movie. This was utter madness, yet I couldn’t take my eyes off the men…more specifically, Alaric. He stood taller, broader, and I had no idea how I even gained the attention of such a man.

  An older man with a shaved head and goatee stepped out of the crowds, his hands in the air before lowering them, and the crowd silenced. “Rules are easy,” he explained loudly. “No killing your opponent. First person to not get up off the ground for ten seconds without being held down wins the siren.” He threw a glance my way, and a shiver wrapped around my chest.

  My heart beat crazily, and I prayed with everything that Alaric won. He better win, as I was more fucked up than I ever thought if he didn’t. And I doubted even Keon would be able to save me from this snake charmer.

  The older man released a sharp, low whistle, and stepped away from the warriors.

  Snake-Eyes attacked first, lunging at Alaric, who ducked and spun on his heels. Then he drove a fist to the middle of his enemy’s back. The man arched but never once cried out.

  Instead, he whipped around with speed and struck at Alaric. Coming at him faster and harder.

  The punches flew, each taking and giving, and I was convinced just one of those hits would knock me out cold.

  My heart was going to give out. They’d started their war dance.

  Alaric ducked a swinging fist, throwing himself into a forward roll. But Snake-Eyes moved so freakily fast, that he lunged onto Alaric’s back, an arm locked around his throat, the other fist slamming into the side of his head.

  A scream escaped past my lips. I felt sick to my stomach at watching Alaric collapse to his knees.

  Blowing a gasp of air through his lips, Alaric thrust his fist up and over his head, slamming it into Snake-Eyes’ head, over and over. In seconds, Alaric burst free, roaring like a lion, shoving his opponent back onto his ass. Butterflies exploded through my gut at watching how powerful Alaric stood, fighting for me. As crazy as it sounded, if we had sex now, I’d be willing to have his child. The adrenaline-induced hormones inside me were driving me insane with a desire I never expected at seeing Alaric fight.

  He swung back into the fight, just as Snake-Eyes delivered a round-house kick, his heel colliding into the side of Alaric’s face.

  Blood sprayed outward, splattering the basketball court. Alaric clasped his bloody mouth and wiped it clean, his expression twisting with rage, his shoulders lifting, as did his shoulder blades. He resembled a predatory wolf about to attack. “You fucking piece of shit.”

  Something was happening to lizard breath as his whole body trembled, and in a heartbeat, the serpent tattoo on his chest lashed out, mouth gaping open, fangs poised to bite. The thing was still attached to his body like it was him.

  “Watch out,” I yelled, just as Alaric threw himself backward, the fangs missing him by a sliver.

  “He’s cheating,” I cried out.

  Then the asshole turned to me, the snake sweeping in my direction, suspended outward from his chest. “Won’t be long before you meet king cobra.” He reached down and grabbed his groin.

  I scrunched up my nose and face. “I’d rather die.”

  Alaric rushed at him from the side, and both of them hit the ground hard. One hand snatched the serpent just behind the head, and the other grasped the asshole’s neck, pinning him to the ground.

  “Don’t you fucking look at her. She doesn’t exist to you, or I’ll rip your eyes out.” Alaric’s threat was a poem in my ears.

  The snake struck out of his hold, and I flinched against the metal fence at my back, knocking my head a bit too hard. Alaric threw himself up and after the thing. I couldn’t even look, and clamped my eyes shut as fear strangled me.

  Grunts and thumping sounds intensified.

  When I cracked open an eye, Alaric was down on one knee, holdin
g back the serpent with two hands, straining, his muscles bulging. The viper’s mouth stood inches from his face, while Snake-Eyes raised his fists for a final deathly blow.

  In a sudden shift, Alaric bellowed with anger and drove himself to his feet, swiftly kneeing the asshole in the balls.

  Everyone booed and boomed in protest.

  Snake-Eyes hit the ground, grabbing himself, while his snake slithered back over his chest, flattening into a tattoo.

  A sharp whistle cut through the racket, and the earlier older man stepped forward, making a T-sign with his hands to indicate break time.

  Alaric stumbled backward, his energy drained. He came over to me, blood smeared across his cheek from the busted lip. My heart drummed against my rib cage at the insanity of what I’d just watched. Snake-Eyes was a dirty fighter…of course he was, but my man was a fucking powerful god, and he’d demolish him. And now he just needed an incentive to turn the odds in his favor and end this goddamn fight, because no way in hell was I going to ever let a slithering snake charmer touch me.

  “He’s going down,” he muttered, the strikes he’d received clearly affecting his posture and endurance with the way he breathed heavily.

  “Alaric,” I coaxed with soft words. “I have a confession.”

  He stared at me with intensity and closed in, one hand propped up against the metal fence behind me, the other on my cheek. “Talk to me?” His voice was raspy and rough.

  “Seeing you out there fighting is making me so fucking horny. I’m so wet for you,” I gasped in his ear, sounding so stupid in my head and corny.

  His hand unexpectedly went straight to my heat, fingers groping my pussy over my pants. And I flinched as that wasn’t what I expected, but clearly, my corny confession lured him in.

  “Fuck,” he mumbled, nuzzling my neck, pushing himself up against me, practically dry humping me in front of everyone. And I melted against him, pushing myself to get closer. Something about Alaric drove me insane… Of course I knew it was related to him being an incubus, or at least I wish I could use that as an excuse since I’d been able to resist his allure.

  Everything I felt here was all me.

  “Go and win this, then I’m yours.”

  “You have no idea what you do to me.” He kissed me, and I gently gnawed on his lower lip. “You’re mine,” he murmured, and spun back toward the arena.

  The crowd burst into a cheering roar. And the two men charged at each other and slammed together in a thundering clap.

  This was different than the first round, where it felt like they had tested the waters of each others’ powers. Now, they moved so fast, their actions were a blur and all I caught were snippets of arms and legs, the grunts blending in with the cheering crowd.

  “Destroy him, Alaric,” I yelled out as his self-appointed cheerleader. Completely selfish on my part, and because the more I watched Alaric fight for me, the more I craved him.

  It happened so fast that time. Moments later, Snake-Eyes was tossed half way across the court and hit the ground so hard, I heard the snap of something in his body. I cringed as it sounded painful.

  He cried out, but he was moving.

  The spectators were counting down with me now, loudly.




  The dickhead pushed to his hands and knees, but he collapsed back down, falling face first.


  “Yes!” I shouted with exhilaration. Alaric won. And I wouldn’t become a snake charmer’s sex slave.

  Everyone broke into chatter, mingling about, excited by the entertainment they’d just experienced.

  Snake-Eyes groaned on the ground, trying to push himself up again, but he collapsed back down. Two of his goons swooped in and dragged him up by his arms and helped him out of the court.

  The masses started leaving and heading back into the building, all talking loudly, laughing and patting each other’s backs for what I could only imagine were successful bets on Alaric winning that fight.

  “Angel,” Alaric rasped, standing in front of me, scratched and bruised, but victorious. And just having him stand in front of me, claiming me as his prize, was enough to send ripples of arousal through my body like electric shocks.

  “You’re fucking incredible,” I groaned, lifting my head to look up into his spectacular eyes.

  He reached over to untie me from my fence, and once free, I threw myself into his arms, climbing up him like he was a damn tree. His large hands gripped my waist and lifted me with ease to reach his mouth. My legs and arms clenched around him like vines desperately needing purchase. His presence sent me straight to a world of desire.

  We kissed passionately as he slammed my back against the metal fence, his erection pressing to my heat. I rocked my hips back and forth, needing the friction to satisfy the growing desire.

  Then he broke from my mouth and licked my lips, making his way to my neck, his lips on my earlobe. I glanced over to the court to find we were completely alone. Just us and the concrete arena with a refreshing breeze blowing through.

  He growled as his hand dipped between us and slipped under the elastic of my prison pants and underwear. Fingers glided lower over my small mound of hair to where an inferno lay. Where I was spread open as I straddled his hips.

  Fingers played over my inner lips. I arched in his arms, so close to exploding it took everything in me to not come so freaking fast.

  He pulled at my lips, sending me into shudders. I moaned, my nipples hardening.

  “You have the perfect pussy,” he complimented me as he slid two fingers into me.

  My head fell back against the fence, my legs trembling as he claimed my mouth, kissing me heavily. His fingers worked into me, and damn, he had large fingers. When he tried to press another in there, I tensed.

  “Let me in, angel. I promise you’ll enjoy it.”

  I was too far gone to fight against being turned on. I eased and let him have me any which way, and shifted to offer him easier access.

  Slowly, he pushed another finger into me, and it slid in easier once he had the tip in. The arousal and pain of being stretched came at me.

  “I want my mouth and tongue on that sweet tight hole.”

  One second, I was moaning, the next, an orgasm slammed into me, ripping through me.

  He swallowed my screams, not releasing me, continuing to finger me, kissing me as I convulsed beneath him with the most incredible climax. Dutifully, he never stopped pleasuring me until I floated from my arousal.

  “Sweet Jesus,” I murmured, breathing hard.

  “This area is out of bounds,” a male’s voice boomed, stealing the perfect moment where I was losing myself to Alaric, where I needed him to fuck me.

  He deftly removed his fingers from inside me and out of my pants, then lowered me to my feet.

  “Alaric, the warden wants to see you.”

  “Fuck!” he looked over to me. “Come, walk with us as it will get you out of this sector safely.” We started walking toward the guards when he looked over and asked, “I’m curious. Why did you come and see me today?”

  “It’s stupid and none of this stuff was meant to happen, but I wanted to ask if you could get me a sketch set for drawing.”

  He blinked at me as though just realizing he’d just battled a snake charmer and risked his life for drawing equipment.

  I wanted to laugh at it myself when I considered what we went through, but I somehow doubted he’d find it funny. And I sure as hell wasn’t telling him it was for Seth and not me.

  Chapter 7

  I lay in my bed, absentmindedly watching water drip from the ceiling at the foot of my bed. The drip was new. I had long since given up on trying to keep anything in my cell dry. As soon as I would find a way to stop one drip, another one would start somewhere even more annoying. It was like my cell was cursed to annoy me.

  On second thought, it probably was cursed to do that. I would have to see what Keon knew about that.

  Keon… Just the thought of him made me smile. We were walking a dangerous line. What we were doing put both of us at risk. I had a feeling that the warden knew much of what happened in the prison and that he let certain things slide up to a certain point. It was just a matter of time before Keon and I were used against each other.

  But I couldn’t imagine giving him up.

  Alaric’s face appeared in my mind next. My body clenched just thinking of him. His fight with that snake charmer asshole who attacked me had gone a long way in softening my heart towards him. Not to mention the way his body had looked as he faced his prey, how he took up the challenge to protect me without hesitation. And then our kiss afterward sent tingles to the pit of my stomach. That man melted me on the spot.

  I called Snake-Eyes prey because there was no way to miss the fact that Alaric was a predator.

  “Squeak, squeak.”

  I sat up in bed and eagerly looked towards the hole in the corner of my cell.

  My little friend came scurrying out, dragging what looked like a scroll. I got off my cot and knelt down on the ground so that he could hop into my hand. It was amazing how he could haul things that were three, four times his bodyweight.

  “What do you have for me today?” I asked, stroking his back softly. The mouse preened under my attention, flopping in my hand to showcase his belly. I obliged him, and I swore that he purred under my touch.

  When I’d finally given him the attention he was looking for, he nosed the rolled piece of paper towards me.

  I unrolled it quizzically. My heart began to hammer as soon as I started to read. It was an invite to a dinner…from Alaric. Just the sight of his name made my body heat up. A dinner invitation, not something I had expected in a place like this. In a way, I almost had more freedom here than I had in my life before this. Any dinner invitations I was accepting prior to Nightmare Penitentiary consisted of dinners that had been carefully vetted by my mother and Julian. They served a specific purpose, whether it was to charm a business associate of Julian, or just to serve as arm candy to whatever vampire had been sent by Julian that day. Once I turned eighteen, those business dinners would have evolved…into more extracurricular activities for those clients.


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