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Multiverse 2

Page 9

by Chris Hechtl

Dazed Snowden picked himself up off the floor as the artisan went to the door to discuss the situation with Sal Quel, his foster father. Sal had stopped by to pick the boy up; he was unreliable to go home on his own. It wasn't the fear of his leaving that bothered them; the kingdom's guards would turn him back at the border. It was the awareness that his listless stupor kept him uninterested in worldly things. Therefore, they had to guide him through his day to get him to earn money. It was also for his own protection, though the lad would resent that if they ever told him. But his fine clothes and stupidity would make him easy meat for any of the muggers and hellions that lurked in the shadows and back alleys of the town's shadier areas. Fear of the boy falling into the wrong crowd was also a powerful motivator to put up with the annoyance of chasing him around. Sal had tried to find a guard for the lad, but none would meet his price. He reminded himself to raise it once more.

  Snowden heard the rumble of his foster father's voice. He was talking of something, and the artist's sharp voice spoke of their recent altercation. “Oh?” Sal rumbled in discontent, voicing his disapproval. “I'll have to punish the boy I suppose,” he growled.

  Such tones made Snowden shirk back in fear. He started to slink away but then changed his mind out of some sense of spite. He crept quietly to a corner to listen to the adults talk.

  He overheard Sal talking of the new twins that were supposed to come in. But the conversation quickly turned to Snowden and Kayla. He leaned closer to hear Sal describe how the boy was becoming too hard to handle. He grinned slyly in mischief. “The drugs wear off too quickly,” Sal rumbled in discontent.

  “And without the drugs he's incredible but difficult to guide; with the drugs he's easy to guide but his work is lifeless and doesn’t last long,” the artisan agreed.

  “We cannot find the right balance, and the priestess will not aid us.”

  “She knows?” the artisan asked in surprise. The lad burned with anger. He trembled. When he felt ice creep out to freeze the floor and walls around him, he immediately reigned in his temper. It was difficult, but he had to get it under control.

  “No. She doesn't know. She should never know. If she finds out we have been buying her supplies from her apprentice, she will be incensed. But the apprentice doesn't know what she is doing. Twice the boy's breathing nearly stopped.”

  “Perhaps it is best. If he passes then the girl will be easier to control.”

  “Don't be a fool!” Sal hissed. “They are twins! Their powers are linked. Should one die the other will surely lose their powers.”

  “Ah. I, um, had forgotten,” the artisan said, stroking his beard. “But the boy's lethargy cannot be tolerated. There have been too many mistakes.”

  “I know,” Sal sighed.

  Through his eavesdropping Snowden discovered that the foster parents resented the twins for their skills and interest in leaving … but he wasn't really surprised. He was hurt however by the blunt statements. He grew even more hurt when he heard that they were being paid by the king to keep him under control. “If they ever wish to leave the kingdom ….”

  “Do you think magic can hold them?”

  “I don't know. I don't want to find out, for Mari and I would be punished for failing in our duty to the king and country. Something has to be done however.”

  “Settle them down. Marry them.”

  “And then we will lose our control and income for good,” Sal rumbled.

  “Well, it is that or lose them in other ways. Eventually all birds must leave the nest, Master Quel.”

  “True, but, er, not yet if I can help it,” Sal said. “Tis not your concern, though I thank you kindly for the ear. I should go, gather up the lad, and begone. Tis going to be another cold one once the sun is neigh in the sky,” Sal said.

  Snowden frowned. He didn't want to be with Sal, not in his mood. His fatigue was momentarily forgotten. He left the building out the back way, slipping quietly into the darkening afternoon.

  On his way home, he covered himself with a cheap brown cloak he bought at a corner store. He didn't need it for warmth; he wanted it to keep his anonymity. He had felt eyes on him ever since he left the glass forge. He knew the guardsmen and bailiffs would be on the lookout for him soon.

  Once he had the cloak on, he felt invisible, like a fresh man despite the smell of the cloak. He watched in amusement as kids rushed by at play. Since they were going his way, he followed. He heard and saw them caper about in the street. At first he ignored them with lordly disdain of an “adult.” Then he heard them talking of his sister and himself. That made him break his stride briefly.

  He felt cold shame as they spoke of how the twins were so aloof, so high and mighty, but they were just tools. The four kids mocked the twins, pretending to be them and exaggerating their powers and mannerisms. They laughed and a shoving match near a puddle made them pause. Each pretended to try to shove the others into the puddle.

  For some reason their taunts and bald hurtful statements smarted to the quick even more than the knowledge of what the Quels were doing to him. It angered him, burning him with fresh humiliation. Not even his own kingdom appreciated him or his sister! Out of spite he iced the ground the kids were on so they slipped and fell. He grinned in savage amusement as they bawled, rubbing their heads and arses. A couple more slips and he was sated enough to continue on his journey home.


  When Snowden got home, Kayla was instantly contrite. She touched his bruised cheek, healing it for him. “Thank you,” he murmured.

  “What was that about?”

  He told his sister of the conversation between Sal and the glass master, but Kayla didn't believe him. She gave him the cold shoulder since he'd been working with ice and the cold repelled her. When he warmed, due to her presence, and she cooled, they became normal.

  She told him that the new kids were not coming. He stared at her. “Why not?”

  “They were stillborn. The mother died as well,” Kayla said, looking away in sorrow.

  “Ouch,” Snowden said, now uncomfortable.

  He heard Sal stomp in and shake off the cold in the entryway. Their foster mother told him Snowden was already home. He let the matter drop as he went to bed and pretended to sleep when Sal came to check up on him. His sister had her back to him, looking out the crack between the shutters. He knew she hated the winter, hated being closed in but he loved it. He felt her pain though, so he closed his eyes and tried to fend it off. Finally his fatigue caught up with him, and he fell into a troubled slumber.


  On the last night and the height of the festival, the adults got smashing drunk. For the older kids it was an amusing and trying time, amusing to see the adults drunk, and even more amusing to have malicious fun with them. But it was trying since they were expected to look after the holdings and little ones while their parents were away and even more trying since the parents came home with hangovers. Some were brutal drunks. Those that had hangovers made messes and expected the older children to clean up after them, as was their due.

  The foster parents came home drunk and barely able to stand. Sal passed out once they were inside their room, slumping to the bed. His wife had tugged off his boots and cloak then went to visit the bedpan. When she came back randy and ready for some sex, he was out cold snoring. She kicked him in contempt and then ran a frustrated hand through her hair. She shrugged out of her own winter clothes and then decided to check up on the teens.

  She giggled, which woke the twins. Snowden waved his sister back to her warm bed and went to check on things. He let out a suffering sigh and climbed down the stairs only to be assaulted by the smell of liquor and the intoxicating smell of a woman perilously close to him and nearly naked despite the chill in the room.

  “My dear lad, it's high time we introduced you into the real right t' turn ye into a mannn,” she slurred, grinning as she wrapped her arms around him. He felt alarm as she tried to kiss him. He turned his cheek so the k
iss landed there. She managed to break off before she stuck there. “My woy, ur soooo chilly! Ole Mari knows jus' how to warm you up,” she leered, hands moving clumsily but insistently to his belt. One got under his tunic and started to feel him up.

  “Now wait, um …”

  Kayla had been listening from the top of the stairs. When she realized what she was hearing, she was horrified enough to storm down to intervene.

  The drunken foster mother tried to seduce Snowden, but Kayla intervened before her stepmother's rash act forced her brother to do something stupid, or Sal for that matter. She was desperate to keep things from getting out of hand, but she was also thoroughly disgusted.

  Snowden was bewildered by everything that had happened. It was all happening so fast; things were spinning out of control. Emotions roiled within him; the most powerful was teenage lust, though he barely recognized its first appearance. He was tempted by the opportunity to prove his manhood but knew traps were there lurking in the distance. Still, his raging hormones had taken him to the brink before his sister had dragged him back to reality. He was uncertain if he resented her interference or should thank her for it.

  For her part their foster mother was angry. She was confused and concerned that the duo would have incestuous sex together. Her accusation made Snowden forget about the seduction attempt as contempt and anger replaced his lust. However, Kayla took him firmly in hand and led him up the narrow stairs to their room by the arm.

  The next morning Mari was hung over and spiteful. She angrily slopped about with the morning porridge, burning the clumps. Sal was also in a foul mood due to his own hangover. He remembered little of the night before and was glad for it. He had wanted to sleep in, as was his due, but his impertinent wife and the urgent need to visit the jakes had quelled that desire firmly. He'd expected her amorous advances, but his throbbing noggin prevented him from getting it up. She'd made her anger at that failure well known.

  How he regretted the drinking now he thought as he clutched at his aching head. And the fat ear from the sow of a woman banging about with the pots and pans. He swore she was doing it out of spite for him.

  “They are doing something, something wrong. We erred in leaving them together,” Mari snarled, slamming a bowl down. She looked up to the ceiling. “We have to split them up, Sal,” Kayla overheard.

  She sucked in a breath in surprise at that.

  “But …”

  “It must be done. For the good of the kingdom. We must tie them here to the land in case they flee on their stupid adventure come spring. I'll put a word in with the Lord Chamberlain once he is awake. We must act now before it is too late and we both suffer,” she said.

  Sal eyed her through bloodshot eyes but wisely remained silent.

  “Eat your porridge before it gets cold,” she said.

  “What about them?” Sal asked as he lifted the wooden spoon. The thing felt like it weighed a ton. He didn't want to eat the burned mush but knew better than to argue. He was certain that it would weigh heavily in his gut all day or make him sick just from the smell.

  “Them? Let it get cold. They will soon not be our problem,” she said coldly. “Now eat. We have work ahead of us.”

  Kayla bit her lip and went upstairs to wait for her brother to wake.


  “You see?” Snowden hissed to her later that morning as they did chores. “We will be trapped here. They will lock us away and work us to death. Breed us to someone so they can have more like us,” he told her insistently.

  “The king …,” she stopped when Sal stumbled nearby.

  “The king doesn't give a damn about us; don't fool yourself for an instant,” her brother whispered when Sal left. “We have to leave. The sooner the better.”

  “You're wrong,” Kayla insisted. “You'll see. It will work out in the end. The king and kingdom aren't like that,” she insisted.

  “Ah, Sister, I wish I was so blind. But I have to see for the both of us,” he said sadly. She flinched, cut by his remark.

  “Come on you two, get ready. The king wishes you to be there.”

  “Why?” Snowden asked.

  “It is for his majesty’s pleasure. You best learn to abide by it,” Mari stated.

  “Great,” Snowden said, eying his sister. She opened up her chest and pulled out the gown she had always worn for the ceremony. “I'll, um, leave to let you get dressed,” her brother said uncomfortably. She didn't bother to look over her shoulder to smile her thanks. She just touched the green gown with her fingertips wishing it would all be all right.


  At the ending ceremony of the festival in the late afternoon, his majesty insisted the twins be present. Kayla was cautious about being there, in her best gown despite the chill in the air. Snowden was in a uniform of sorts, proud of it but firmly wedded to the idea of it being the last time he would be at the festival ever again.

  Most of the adults were quiet. A page quietly pulled the twins aside and passed on a slip of paper. Kayla wasn't that good at reading so she silently passed it to her brother. He frowned but then nodded.

  “What does it say?” she asked urgently.

  “The king wishes us to warm the halls and great room as well as the courtyard.”

  “You mean me, right?” Kayla asked wearily.

  “I can help by transferring winter's ire elsewhere or absorbing it for myself,” he said. “Something tells me we'll need it soon enough,” he said.

  Kayla looked at him with a disapproving air but was silent. They worked quickly to first stop the biting wind in the courtyard and surrounding area then magnify the sun's rays to heat the stones. Fire elementals were also working the area, warming the stones and starting fires in fire pits for the crowd of revelers.

  Jugglers and other entertainers were already working the crowds. Snowden poked Kayla, nearly breaking her concentration. When she finished her work, she turned a glower on him but he merely pointed to a pair of children. She turned and then scowled when she realized they were intentionally bumping into someone while a third slipped in from behind to steal from their mark. She inhaled, ready to object, but he poked her again. She turned to look at him, but out of the corner of her eye, she saw a pair of eagle-eyed bailiffs move in to cut the cutpurse's escape off. Each of the thieves were caught. Their ill-gotten gains were pocketed, however, not turned over to their victims. She frowned again, then bit her lip.

  “Now that everyone had had their chance to pay the porcelain gods their due and the hangovers are in retreat, we may commence with the ceremony,” the king said, replenished in purple dyed furs and gold jewels. His jokes sparked a murmur of amusement and titter at those that had overindulged and were still paying for it. “Now is usually the time we thank all of you for coming and to urge you to attend this summer's event. It will of course be better than the year before; though like you I think I'll try not to over indulge.” There was a smattering of amused chuckles and some applause. A lord groaned. “Well, I did say try,” his liege said with a grin, earning a full laugh from the crowd.

  “But as I said, I have another purpose here,” he said, turning to the twins. “I have just come from a meeting with the lords. We have accepted the lifetime contract your guardians have signed on your behalf. The twins will serve in the best traditions and interest of the kingdom,” he regally informed them. There was a small smatter of polite applause. The king waved it away. Snowden noted the guards nearby. His jaw tightened, but he didn't react.

  He also noted the high priestess and other magic wielders were watching them warily. He reminded himself now was not the time or place. “… For you, it will be a labor of love, improving our kingdom. I expect great things,” the king said with an indulgent smile. “And one of your first duties will be to the future of our fair lands. You will be bred to the best to continue your bloodlines. That way you and your children will serve in the best traditions and the interest of the kingdom for generations to come,” he
said, sounding pleased with himself. That made the crowd murmur at first then break out into thundering applause.

  Snowden was enraged but did his best to hide his ire. He took a moment to glance sidelong at his twin and saw her standing there. The girl was shaken and still as a statue. She was horrified to see her brother had been telling the truth all along. If they didn't leave, they would be forever trapped to be used and abused. This was the last straw she thought, to be used as a brood mare! Her temper started to flare, but her brother's touch cooled it before it became a full-blown tantrum.

  The Lord Chamberlain, an older man the twins thought of as a friendly uncle, introduced the horrified twins to their intended first mates, a portly balding lord and a fat countess with a beak for a nose. Both were old but loyal subjects of the king. They had bid for the right to breed with the twins since their children would have the potential to inherit some of their powers.


  “What do you mean no?” the lord demanded, eying Snowden. “You will do as you are bid, young man, or face the consequences,” he said, hitching his thumbs into his wide belt as he leered at his sister.

  “I said no,” Snowden said, moving to protect his sister. He stepped in front of her trembling form. He lifted his chin. “We have both reached our majority and were not consulted on the contract. We did not sign for it, so we are not bound by it and you know it,” he stated flatly.

  “Son, be at ease. It will all be all right,” Sal said from behind him. “Here, here, have some ale. You'll love it. It is high time the countess made you a man. I can see of no better woman doing so,” Sal said with a nod to the countess.

  “You will not get me to shut up. Not this time,” Snowden said, turning on Sal as Mari came up to stand with her husband. “No. Not this time or ever again.”

  Sal started to swell in righteous anger. “While you live under my roof, you will show me respect and do as you are told!” he snarled.

  “Please. For pity's sake, don't make a scene,” Mari urged, taking Kayla's hand. It will be all right, child. I promise. A bit of pain but then a happy glow later. Everything will be fine in time. You'll see. You just need to trust we have your best interests at heart.”


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