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The Uprising (Moonlight Wolves Book 3)

Page 49

by Jasmine B. Waters

  “Actually, I completely forgot about that,” I said. I bit my lip.

  Mom laughed. “I’m not surprised,” she said. She sighed. “I hope you kids won’t have to repeat the year.”

  I groaned. “Me, neither,” I said.

  “Still, you should try getting back into the swing of things, honey,” Mom added. “I know it’s hard – things were pretty scary for a while.” She smiled sympathetically. “But it’s all over now, and I’m sure everything will be fine.”

  I nodded. “Yeah. I’m sure you’re right.”

  “So, what’ll it be? Are you coming?”

  “I think I’m going to take a walk,” I said. I rolled off my bed and pulled on a pair of loafers. “Maybe go see Monica.”

  “Weren’t you just with her?” Mom narrowed her eyes. “You girls aren’t getting into anything untoward, are you?”

  I laughed nervously. “No, I meant Steven,” I added, looking down so Mom wouldn’t see that I was blushing. “We’re fine. You know – just drama with her boyfriend, that’s all.”

  “Oh,” Mom said. “Well, you girls are at that age.” She sighed. “Given any thought to college?”

  I narrowed my eyes. “Mom, that’s like, years away. Why?”

  Mom looked guilty. “Well, now that you mention Steven – he dropped some things off at the house for you.”

  “Like what?”

  Mom handed me a few colorful, glossy pamphlets. They were all for local schools – Monadnock U, a couple of places in Vermont.

  “Why did he leave these here?”

  Mom smiled. “I guess he likes you, and he’s getting ready to graduate,” she said. She shrugged. “Maybe he’s hoping you’ll pick the same school.”

  I blushed uncomfortably. “Okay,” I said. “Thanks.”

  “You don’t…want to talk about this, do you?” Mom stepped closer. “You know, Elizabeth, you can always come to me. I want to know how you’re feeling.”

  “No,” I said quickly. “I mean, I’m fine. Thanks, Mom.”

  Mom nodded. I could tell she was uncomfortable – heck, probably almost as uncomfortable as I was feeling. She set the brochures down on my bedside table, patted me awkwardly on the head, and then walked out of my room.

  I stared at the pamphlets for a few seconds before grabbing them and flipping through. Steven hadn’t left a note, or anything like that but I was hesitant to call him – was he always going to be this eager? How long would it take for Monica’s spell to wear off?

  God, why did she do that, I thought angrily, crumpling the glossy papers into a ball and throwing them into the trash.

  Curling up into a ball, I pulled the covers over my head and went to sleep.

  When I woke up, it was getting dark outside. I could hear from the chatter and bangs downstairs that Mom and Aidan were back – likely getting dinner ready. Even though I’d been asleep for hours, I still felt tired and achy. Maybe I’m getting sick, I thought, wrinkling my nose as I climbed out of bed and pulled on a sweater. Great. That’s the last thing I need right now.

  Downstairs, Mom was banging around the kitchen while Aidan sat at the table, a thick booklet laid out in front of him. Mom beamed when she saw me.

  “Hi, honey, you missed a great time at the lake – lots of people were there, we had so much fun. Didn’t we, Aidan?”

  “Yeah,” Aidan grunted. He didn’t look up. “This isn’t fair, Mom,” he whined. “It’s not fair! I didn’t miss so much school on purpose!”

  Mom gave me a guilty grin. “Honey, the schools all sent over these books, for catching up,” she said. “Yours is in the hall.”

  My heart sank as I walked into the foyer and saw a book, probably twice as thick as Aidan’s, perched on the hall table. I grabbed it and feigned a grunt of pain as I lugged it into the kitchen.

  “Think of how nice this will be,” Mom chirped. “They’re not going to make you go through the summer sessions after all!”

  I rolled my eyes as I flipped through my book. There was a huge section on geometry, which I hadn’t even taken yet, as well as three hundred pages of reading on modern European history.

  “They probably just don’t want to pay the teachers through the summer,” I snapped, flipping through the pages. “Aidan’s right. We shouldn’t have to do this crap.”

  “Language, Elizabeth!” Mom put her hands on her hips. “And I know, it’s not exactly fun. But honey, life isn’t fair. Besides, wouldn’t you rather go back to school than deal with that awful curfew?”

  I frowned. “Neither sounds particularly appealing,” I said. “Besides, how the heck am I supposed to get all of this done before school starts?”

  “They probably won’t care if you don’t,” Aidan said moodily. “There’s no way the teachers are going to have time to grade all of these. They’re just covering their asses.”

  “Aidan! Language!”

  “Sorry, Mom,” Aidan said glumly. He heaved a huge sigh.

  I stared at my younger brother, wondering if it would ever be possible to have a “normal” relationship with him. Aidan was only two years younger, but now that we were both teenagers, those two years felt like a wide gulf. And honestly, when I looked at him, it was hard to fathom that Andrea was only one year older. She and Aidan were about as different as two human beings could be.

  Looking at Aidan also reminded me of Andrea and Steven. I shuddered, wondering how it feel to be attracted to your own sibling.

  “Elizabeth?” Mom was staring at me. “You okay? You’re spacing out again,” she added.

  “I’m fine,” I lied. “I’m going to take this over to Steven’s, I wonder if he got one, too.”

  Mom nodded. “Maybe you can talk about college,” she said, raising an eyebrow.

  I flushed. “Maybe.”

  I had no intention of even bringing up those stupid brochures, but I had to admit that I was kind of curious. Running upstairs, I changed into a nicer pair of jeans and brushed my hair before sticking my giant workbook in my backpack and leaving. Mom was right – it was nice outside, I could actually tell that spring was on the way.

  It felt strange to be outside, alone and unaccompanied, as I walked to the D’Amicos house. Maybe Mom was right about that, too, I thought, skipping to the side to avoid a puddle. Maybe I just got used to living in a police state – maybe things really are going to be better.

  But somehow, knowing that Monica’s magic was behind all of this just made me feel weird. It was like looking at a model home, or a fake little village in a train set – something about it was almost creepily off from the real world. I shivered and wrapped my arms around myself, walking faster until I was almost panting.

  I was walking up the driveway when Steven opened the door. He saw me and grinned, his cheeks going red.

  “Hey,” Steven said. “I had a feeling you were coming over. What’s up?”

  “Did my mom call or something?” I rolled my eyes. “I just decided to leave now.”

  Steven shook his head. “No,” he said, still grinning. “I just knew. We’re meant to be, Elizabeth.”

  Ugh, I thought as I trudged up the driveway and onto the front porch. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all.

  Mrs. D’Amico was bustling around in the kitchen. As usual, she barely looked my way as Steven led me inside.

  “Mom, can Elizabeth stay for dinner?”

  “Oh, I don’t need to,” I said quickly. “I’m sure my mom expects me.”

  To my shock, Mrs. D’Amico turned towards me and smiled. It was so strange – I’d never seen her look at me with anything other than complete disdain.

  “That would be nice, Elizabeth. Steven talks about you so often! Don’t you go breaking my little boy’s heart,” she added, wagging a finger in the air.

  “Um, okay,” I said nervously. “I’ll have to call my mom and ask if I can stay, though.”

  Steven pressed the kitchen phone into my hand. “I hope she says it’s okay,” he added fervently. “I real
ly want you to stay, Elizabeth.”

  I blinked.

  “We’re having yumasetta, Amish casserole!” Mrs. D’Amico chirped. “Very healthy, Elizabeth, I’m sure your mother would approve.”

  As discreetly as I could, I reached behind my back and pinched my arm as hard as possible.

  “Ouch!” I yelped.

  “Elizabeth!” Steven looked at me with ghastly concern. “What’s wrong?”

  “Um, nothing,” I lied. Glancing down at my arm, I saw a faint purple bruise beginning to form. “I just hit my arm earlier.” Steven gave me an alarmed look and I forced a smile. “It’s really nothing,” I added quickly. “I’ll be fine.”

  Steven and his mother stayed in the kitchen as I went into the hall to call home. Staring at the photos on the wall, a chill came over me.

  There were no photos of Andrea.

  Nothing – not even family portraits that I could have sworn I’d seen before featuring her round face. My stomach twisted and churned and my fingers were cold and numb as I dialed. When my mom answered, she sounded far away.


  “Hi, Mom,” I said patiently. “I’m at Steven’s, he wants to know if I can stay for dinner.” Please don’t say yes, I added in my head. Please, don’t.

  “Oh, sure! You know, this works perfectly – Aidan has a little friend he wanted to invite over, but we wouldn’t have had enough.”

  I suppressed a groan. “Okay. Thanks. I’ll be home right after,” I said.

  “Oh, no rush! You can stay as late as you want!”

  “Thanks, Mom,” I said through gritted teeth. “See you later.”

  When I hung up, I whirled around and gasped. Steven was standing right there, staring at me with hunger in his eyes.

  “She said yes,” he said quickly. “She must have, right?”

  “She did,” I said. “But she wants me home pretty early, sorry I can’t stay late.”

  “I’ll drive you home,” Steven said quickly. “Don’t even worry about it.”

  Dinner was chilling. I pushed the mixture of ground beef, American cheese, and noodles around on my plate. I had less than zero appetite – I couldn’t stop glancing over at the wall, searching each photo for Andrea’s chubby face.

  “So, Elizabeth,” Mrs. D’Amico said. She smiled. “Steven tells me you’re thinking of going to college at the U of Vermont, like he’s planning. Is that true?”

  “Oh, I don’t know,” I said. A disastrous feeling came over me and I gripped the table hard so I wouldn’t faint. “I haven’t really thought about it yet. I mean, that’s two years off for me.”

  “That’s not what Steven said,” Mrs. D’Amico replied. She smiled again and I shrank against the back of my chair.

  “We can talk about it later,” I said, glancing at Steven. “I just don’t really see the point of deciding, at least not right now.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I winced as Steven tightened his grip around his fork and stabbed at his dinner.

  “Excuse me,” I said, pushing my chair back and standing up. “I’ll be right back.”

  Leaving my napkin on my plate, I scurried to the downstairs bathroom and sat down on the toilet, still fully clothed. Burying my face in my hands, I could hardly keep from hyperventilating.

  Why did you do this, I thought angrily, picturing Monica’s smug smile in my mind. Why would you deliberately make things so difficult for me?

  I stayed in the bathroom for so long that my thighs went numb, pressed against each other on the porcelain seat. I could hear footsteps pacing back and forth in the hall outside.


  I groaned. “I’ll be right out,” I called loudly. “Just give me a second!”

  Rolling my eyes, I got to my feet and flushed the toilet for effect, washing my hands until my fingers were numb from the cold water.


  “I said I’m coming!”

  When I left the bathroom, Steven was standing there, looking worried.

  I forced a smile. “We should probably get back to the table,” I said. “I don’t want to make your mom worry.”

  Steven shrugged. Behind him, my eyes caught sight of a family photo – again, there was no sign of Andrea. A chill ran down my spine.

  “Look, Elizabeth, I really want to talk about schools,” Steven said urgently. He stepped closer and took both of my hands in his own. “I know you think it’s too early to start deciding, but you’re wrong.” His eyes burned bright with intensity.

  “Well, I’m only fifteen,” I said softly. “Steven, I’m not due to graduate for another two years – and that’s even if I somehow manage to pass this one!”

  Steven glared. “I just think it’s important that we’re close together,” he said. “Don’t you?”

  I sighed. “I know you do, Steven,” was all I could say. “I know you do.”

  Chapter Two


  I knew that I should’ve been grateful for the chance to go back to school – after months of being cooped up inside my parents’ house or the coven, just getting to be outside by myself was exciting. But everything had changed – now that I was Steven’s girlfriend, school was a completely different experience.

  I could hardly go anywhere without a group of girls staring at me and whispering in hushed tones under their collective breaths. It was insanity – I’d never even been noticed before.

  And now, I was suddenly popular.

  “God,” Monica sniffed as we walked down the hall. “You’re turning a lot of heads.”

  I bit my lip and flushed. “No thanks to you,” I muttered.

  “You should be enjoying this,” Monica said. She cocked her head to the side and smiled. “I thought this was, you know, the goal.”

  “We’re so past the goal that I don’t even know where we’re going,” I replied, pushing past her and into class just as the bell shrieked above my head.

  Monica followed behind me, holding herself stiff and upright.

  “Hey, Hartsell!”

  I looked up and narrowed my eyes. A group of jocks – Steven’s friends – were sitting in the back of the room, motioning for me to come over.

  “What is it?” My legs were unsteady as I walked closer. Despite the fact that everyone seemed to genuinely like me, I couldn’t get past the idea that they were making fun of me. I’d spent most of my life being what Monica not-so-affectionately referred to as a “try-hard.”

  Now, the idea that I was genuinely liked on my own…well, that was unfathomable.

  “Party tonight,” one of them – Greg, maybe? – said, grinning. “You and Steve are coming, right?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know,” I said, feeling more lame and awkward than ever. “He hasn’t mentioned it to me.”

  The guy grinned. “Well, too bad, you’re coming,” he said. “We want D’Amico there.”

  “Okay.” I shifted my weight from one foot to the other. “So I’m gonna go sit down, okay?”

  “Stay here,” the guy said. He shrugged and lifted his mass off the small desk, rearranging his legs. When he was standing, I saw he was more than a foot taller than I. I flushed – I still wasn’t used to being in such close contact with guys since they’d gotten so tall and burly. It seemed like yesterday that I’d been the tallest person in my class.

  Just as I was about to say something about Monica, the second bell rang and the teacher strode into the room. Flashing Monica a guilty grin, I sank down into a chair at the back of the class. It felt almost like I was breaking some kind of rule – I’d never sat in the back before.

  Sorry, I thought when Monica glared at me. I shrugged. You did this, I added silently. So don’t be too mad

  But when class was over and the bell rang again, Monica leapt out of her seat and ran. She was out of the room before I even made it to the front of the class.

  Greg (or whatever his name was) punched me on the shoulder.

  “Yo, your friend – she pissed?�

  I shrugged. “I don’t know,” I said.

  “She can come, too,” Greg said. “I mean, she’s had parties before.” He wrinkled his nose. “Just make sure she’s cool.”

  I rolled my eyes, knowing full well that Monica wouldn’t be interested at all.

  “Sure,” I muttered. “I’ll ask her.”


  After school, I did my homework as quickly as I could, then wolfed down some dinner and took a long shower. By the time I got back to my room, my mom was standing there, looking out the window with her hands on her hips.

  “I’m going to a party tonight,” I said. “I hope that’s okay.”

  Mom nodded. “I’m glad to see you doing things again,” she said. She gave me a sly smile. “Is Steven going to be at this party?”

  I flushed. Whenever Steven and I were apart, it was almost easy to forget how crazy he’d gone.

  “Yeah,” I said after a pause. “He’s picking me up.”

  “Well, just be home before two,” Mom said. “How’s school going?”

  I frowned. “I can’t believe you’re letting me go this easily,” I said. “I mean, I’m not complaining.” I swallowed hard, still clutching the towel around my damp body. “But it just seems kind of strange.”

  My mom laughed nervously. “I know,” she said. “I feel it, too, honey. But…” She trailed off, biting her lip. “You’re growing up. And this past year has been really hard on you, I know it has.”

  I nodded. “Yeah,” was all I could manage in response. “You’re right.”

  “Is Monica going?”

  Crap, I thought. I completely forgot. I must have looked guilty because Mom let out another nervous little laugh.

  “What, she doesn’t like Steven?”

  “It’s not exactly that,” I said. I swallowed. “I should call her. Maybe she’d want to come.”

  My mom nodded. “That would be nice.” She gave a little shrug as she walked to the door. “I’ll let you get dressed. Sorry if I was hovering, honey.”

  Mom left, closing the door behind her. As soon as I heard her moving down the stairs, I threw off my towel and grabbed a fresh pair of underwear from my drawer. Then I got dressed in my favorite black jeans and an off-the-shoulder top. I’d barely finished running a brush through my still-damp hair when I heard Steven’s knock on the door.


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