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Taming the Omega (The Rogue Pack Book 4)

Page 7

by Samantha Cayto

  The alpha smiled. “Thank you. What’s your name?”

  When the boy didn’t answer, merely pressed his face against Caleb’s leg, he answered for him. “This is Seth, Alpha.”

  “I’m pleased to meet you, Seth. Can you tell me where you’re from and how long you’ve been out on your own?”

  Once again, Caleb had to do the talking. He gave what information he had about Seth having run away about a year prior. “I think he must be from one of the western tribes,” he added. “Is that right?” Seth nodded shyly, still hiding from Lorcan and still not saying a word.

  The alpha stood. “Okay, well it looks like he’s on the mend. I want Andrea to look him over, of course. And, he’s way too thin.” He scratched his chin and looked around. “The thing is, I can’t take chances with Joey newly whelped, Will far into his pregnancy and the other pups still so young and vulnerable.”

  Feeling Seth shiver under his hand, Caleb nodded. “I understand, sir. I can take him back to the cave we’ve been laying low in. I’ll need more supplies.”

  Lorcan shook his head. “No, that’s not a good place for Seth to recover in. I’m thinking maybe I’ll have a couple of sigmas clean out one of the storing sheds and dress it up as a kind of bedroom. The weather is warm and meals can be brought out, and you can use the male communal bathroom as needed.”

  He looked at Caleb, not Seth when he said, “How does that sound?”

  Caleb patted Seth in reassurance. “That sounds great, Alpha. I’ll help get that done.”

  Lorcan waved the idea away. “No, you stay here with Seth. I’ll see it sorted it out right now.” He nodded once emphatically. “You did well, Caleb. Thanks.”

  With that, the alpha hurried away, his long legs eating up the distance to the longhouse in no time at all. Caleb turned and knelt beside Seth, who was staring at the ground.

  “Hey, how are you doing? What do you think of the plan?”

  Seth shrugged. “Whatever you and the alpha say. It’s not for me to decide, only…” He raised moist brown eyes finally to look at Caleb. “Will you stay with me?”

  Caleb’s heart did a funny little flip at the question. “Of course I will.” Gathering the boy in his arms, he placed a quick kiss on the top of his head. “I’ll be with you every minute. I promise.”

  Even as he made the vow, he wondered what he was doing. He was hardly in a position to ensure that he could stay by Seth’s side. Not his call. Yet, he knew with a sudden fierceness that he would do just that no matter what.

  Chapter Seven

  “Your wounds are healing nicely, no need for any more salve or bandages, I’d say.”

  Andrea picked herself up from the fluffy pallet that dominated the shed’s floor and started putting her medical equipment away. She’d come out to give Seth his check-up once the sigmas had converted the space into a cozy bedroom. Sigmas being quick and efficient by nature, it had taken two of them no time to put Lorcan’s plan into action.

  Seth had docilely allowed Caleb to lead him into his temporary home and had submitted quietly to Andrea’s examination. He sat with his knee tucked up under his chin, not appearing to even listen to what was being said about him. His quiet worried Caleb.

  The healer straightened with her bag held in front of her. “You did an excellent job, Gamma.”

  Caleb hunched his shoulders, uncomfortable with the compliment. “Thank you, ma’am, but I didn’t do much.”

  “I beg to differ. Even with a shifter’s metabolism and the medicinals that I’d given you, I’d say those wounds are further along than I’d expect them to be.”

  Caleb felt heat creeping up his neck as he remembered the extra effort he’d put forth. He wrinkled his nose, debating how much to say. He didn’t want to embarrass Seth in particular, yet figured the healer needed all the facts.

  “Um, I did do something kind of unusual. I mean, it came to me as maybe helpful.” The healer stood staring at him, waiting for him to spit it out. “I licked him,” he finally blurted.

  “Indeed? You used your saliva on the wounds?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He looked away, unable to meet her gaze.


  “I thought maybe it would help. I know that when our kind mate, the male can heal the bite by lapping the marks.” He shrugged. “Figured it was worth a try.”

  Andrea’s expression showed how perplexed she was. “Yes, but it’s not because shifters in general can heal with their saliva.” She chuckled. “If only it were that simple. No, the reason it works with the mating bite is that somehow the mating process itself triggers a little used part of the salivary glands to excrete an enzyme that has healing powers.”

  She blinked up at him. “Do you understand?”

  Caleb scratched the back of his hot neck and shook his head. “Sorry, you kind of lost me with ‘glands’ to be frank.”

  Andrea smiled in response. “What I mean is, it’s somehow tied to the unique intensity of the mating process. Some interaction perhaps with the male’s hormones as he claims and marks his mate.”

  “Except that didn’t happen in this case. I didn’t mate with Seth.” Although simply saying Seth’s name in the context of mating gave his dick bad ideas. Thank the Gods, the sigmas had brought his stuff out so that he had jeans on. No sense startling the healer or Seth by letting his cock spring up.

  “Hmm. That is puzzling. Unfortunately,” she added with a sigh, “I have no way of testing any theories. We don’t have access to the kind of experimental equipment that humans use. And, I wouldn’t know what to do with it anyway. Your idea worked, though, and that’s all that matters.”

  She leaned over to speak directly to Seth. “You need to eat, dear, and get lots of rest. All right? Understand?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” came Seth’s muffled reply from behind his knees.

  “Good.” With a brisk nod at Caleb, the healer left the shed.

  Will came waddling in right after her. He carried a big wicker basket, chock full of goodies, on one arm and a short pile of clothing on the other. “Hi, Caleb.”

  “Hi, Will.” He immediately plucked the container out of the pregnant omega’s arms. “Here, you shouldn’t be carrying that.”

  With a laugh, Will gave him a brief hug. “Don’t be silly. I’m not helpless.” He patted his rounded belly. “This isn’t big enough to get in my way yet.” Turning his attention to Seth, who peeked out from over his kneecaps, the boy said, “Hi, there. I’m Will.”

  Seth stared at the too-cheerful and obviously pregnant omega with instant suspicion. Who was he exactly, other than someone that Caleb obviously knew well and fondly? A nasty feeling came over him, one uncomfortably like territoriality. His heartbeat ticked up and his lungs strained. This omega was intruding on Seth’s space, except that the shed didn’t belong to him, so that made no sense. There was something more to his reaction, although he couldn’t put his finger on what. He tracked the way the omega’s body brushed up against Caleb, and before he could help it, he growled. The other omega backed away immediately, a hand protectively on his baby bump.

  “Hey, now! None of that.” Caleb put himself between Seth and the boy. Then he snapped his fingers. “Be quiet.”

  Seth’s growl cut off abruptly, his vocal chords obeying the command before his brain even processed it. Sheepishly, he blinked up at the gamma.

  “Will is an old friend of mine. He’s also the mate of one of the pack’s betas. I know you may be scared and still hurting some, but not so much now that you can be excused for that kind of aggression. You show Will the proper respect. And, remember you’re here on the alpha’s sufferance. If he thinks you’re a danger to any of the pack members, you’d be lucky if he only kicked you out. Understand?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Apologize.” Caleb stepped aside so that Seth could see Will clearly, although the gamma didn’t move away.

  “I’m sorry,” he choked out because he was and didn’t know why he’d acted so stupi
dly. All the omega had done was bring him food.

  And he’d been too familiar with Caleb.

  The stray thought didn’t help him any. If anything it added to his sudden misery. He had no claim on Caleb. Yet the knowledge that this omega, Will, belonged to another shifter eased the unexpected tension in his chest. Which didn’t make him feel that much better overall. It only served to shift the discomfort up to his head and confuse him even more. It shouldn’t matter to him whose pup Will carried, but it did.

  Will gave him a tentative smile, which was a surprise. A beta’s mate was high up in the pack hierarchy compared to an unmated omega. He didn’t owe Seth any favors. In fact, Seth would be lucky if this boy didn’t complain to his mate. The beta could tear Seth to pieces for showing such aggression. Not even Caleb would be able to intervene, either.

  “It’s okay, Seth,” the omega said in a soft voice. “I’m kind of new to the pack, as well, and I know how scary it can be. I brought you some clothes that I hope will fit.” He placed them on the edge of the pallet, careful to stay out of Seth’s reach.

  Seeing that caution caused Seth to feel ashamed. “Thank you.” He sniffed and ran the heel of his hand across his face. “I’m really sorry I acted that way. I wouldn’t have hurt you or your pup. I’m just out of sorts I guess.”

  Will gave him another smile. “No surprise given that you’ve been injured and trying to settle in an unfamiliar place.” He patted his belly. “I’m extra skittish because I’m breeding. You know how that is.” He paused and licked his lower lip. “Or, maybe you don’t,” he added with an awkward shrug.

  “No, I’ve never been bred.”

  He lowered his gaze and rested his cheek on his knees. That was probably going to change soon, though. If he was kept by the Rogue Pack, he’d go into heat eventually. From what he’d seen of Lorcan, the alpha was very powerful and virile. Seth would bet the guy sent pack members into heat easily, and if it happened to him before he left, someone would claim him.


  No. He put that thought aside. He didn’t want to be bred by anyone, not even Caleb. No matter how cheerful Will appeared, bearing pups was a painful process—from the mounting to the delivery. And, sometimes shifters died during whelping, especially small omegas like himself. Better to live alone than to become the property of some big, domineering beta or gamma who’d use him without a care and easily replace him without a second thought if he died.

  Caleb wouldn’t be like that.

  He put that thought aside, too. He couldn’t afford to waver in his decision made long ago to live on his own, by terms he set for himself and not the dictates of others. He would take what Caleb and the Rogue Pack offered in the way of help and sanctuary in order to heal. Then, one way or another, he’d find the opportunity and strength to run again before it was too late.

  Resolved, he reached over to pick up the clothing Will had brought. The short stack contained a couple of T-shirts and two pairs of jeans. He smiled as brightly as he could manage at the omega. “Thanks, Will. I haven’t worn clothes in so long. I can’t wait.”

  “You’re welcome.” The omega gestured toward the basket Caleb still held. “Andrea said you need lots of well-balanced food. I didn’t know what you liked, so I put a little of everything I could get my hands on. Put it down, Caleb. I bet Seth’s starving after his journey.”

  “Right.” The gamma didn’t so much put the basket down, as sit himself onto the pallet next to Seth. As usual, the large body gave off a comforting warmth.

  Seth wanted to snuggle up against him, but resisted. Rather, he sat quietly and intently as the guy pulled out first a large square of cloth that he lay onto the pallet like a kind of placemat. Then came some sandwiches that looked and smelled like ham and chicken salad, pieces of cheese and cut up vegetables, and…”

  “Cookies!” He reached for one of the treats only to have Caleb grab him by the wrist.

  “Uh, uh,” the gamma admonished. “You need nutritious food first. You can have a cookie after you eat a sandwich and some veggies.”

  Seth frowned back at him.

  “Okay, then,” Will said, backing up. “I’ll leave you to your meal. Nice meeting you, Seth.”

  Seth and Caleb sat with their gazes locked, Seth still reaching for that cookie, and Caleb still holding him back. It was a stupid contest because no way an omega was going to outmuscle a gamma. He really wanted that cookie, and it wasn’t fair that Caleb was stopping him.

  The gamma sighed. “I’m only doing what’s best for you. You’re underfed and recovering from the attack. Filling up on junk food isn’t going to help. Please stop fighting me. I’m trying to take care of you.”

  Pulling his hand back, Seth gave up and grabbed one of the sandwiches. He made a show of taking a big bite, and Gods, it was delicious. Smoked ham with a grainy mustard on whole wheat. Because he hadn’t had decent human food for a long time, it was really a treat in and of itself. It certainly surpassed the garbage he’d pilfered occasionally from human trash cans and even the stuff Caleb had fed him back in the cave.

  He wasn’t about to admit that to an overbearing Caleb, however. “Yeah, I know,” he said around his mouthful of food. “You’re the gamma, so you know better than I do what I need. I’m only a lowly omega, and everyone knows that I’m good for nothing except sucking cock and sticking my ass up for mounting.”

  He swallowed and took another big bite. Tears threatened to spill, so he looked away and focused on his food. For a minute or so, the sounds of his noisy chewing were all that filled the shed.

  “Hey.” That gentle voice Caleb used when he wasn’t mad was back. “Who says that’s all omegas are good for?” Fingers lightly caressed Seth’s head. The touch caused him to close his eyes briefly to savor it. “Did I ever say that?”

  Seth shook his head. “No. It’s implied.” He took another bite to give himself something to focus on other than the soothing caress that was causing his dick to wake up. Shit, he really should have put those jeans on.

  “I didn’t mean for it to be. I don’t intend to be so high-handed. I’m only trying to help, and being out on your own so long can make it hard for a shifter to go back to pack life. It’s easy for our kind to turn feral.”

  Cramming the rest of the sandwich into his mouth, Seth hung his head. He didn’t know how to respond. Even though he was determined to live on his own, part of him wept at the idea of becoming as Caleb said, feral. Shifters were social animals. Being unable to interact with others of his kind was a frightening concept. But was it more so than having no control over his life within the pack? He didn’t have an answer to that.

  “I’m so tired.” It wasn’t only physical. He was worn out from the swing of his emotions and the daunting future he saw looming.

  Caleb, however, chose to take him at his literal word. “Of course you are. It’s been a long day already, and you could do with a nap. How about a cookie first?”

  The treat floated into Seth’s view. He could smell the sugar and vanilla, such a simple combination and yet so wonderful. His mouth started watering. He plucked it out of Caleb’s hand and bit off half. “Oh.” The pleasure was almost as good as the orgasm Caleb had given him. He moaned as the piece of cookie melted on his tongue.

  The next thing he knew, he was leaning against Caleb’s bare chest, the gamma’s arm wrapped around his chest.

  “Relax. Let me hold you up.” The gamma’s warm breath tickled Seth’s ear. “Eat some more.”

  Seth popped the rest of the cookie into his mouth, but this time, his moan had as much to do with the feeling of resting up against Caleb as it did the food. His cock rose between his bent legs, not completely obvious, yet hardly hidden, either.

  “Have some water.” An open container was pressed to his lips, and Seth took a long swallow. “May I have another cookie?” The request came out in a strangled whisper.


  Why am I torturing myself?

  As Caleb handed the
cookie over to Seth, he gritted his teeth against his burgeoning arousal. Holding this boy was a big mistake. Hard enough to keep his objectivity when they were merely in the same small—make that tiny— shed together. Placing this sweet, soft body up against his was over-the-top stupid. Once again, he was thankful to be wearing pants. The throbbing ache of his dick was a fair penalty for his unwarranted and inappropriate reaction.

  The more Seth said about the life of an omega, the more it became clear that he’d been treated badly by his old pack. The fact that he hadn’t been bred yet only confirmed that he was a virgin. But he wasn’t an innocent, not entirely given the expert way he’d sucked on Caleb’s cock. All of the pieces added up to a puphood not dissimilar to what Caleb now knew about Will’s history. And, the knowledge made him furious. No wonder Seth had run away. He’d been abused and had expected worse. It must have been terrible, too, for him to risk living on his own.

  He would not add to the boy’s bad memories by taking advantage of him. It didn’t matter if the omega appeared to be aroused, either. That was none of Caleb’s business, and could be purely a mechanical reaction anyway. It meant nothing. If easing Seth’s fatigue meant driving himself mad with unspent need, then tough shit. He was a gamma, and gammas could take any amount of pain and punishment. Although he’d rather be bitten to the bone than suffer his cock mashed up against his fly. Gods, this was a misery.

  Seth ate the second cookie more slowly. Each time his lips wrapped around the dessert, it reminded Caleb of how he’d done the same with Caleb’s shaft. He groaned at the memory, only a little before he bit the sound back. Too late, though, for Seth not to hear.

  The omega froze. “Are you all right?”

  Caleb tried to answer. His voice caught in his throat. He swallowed hard and tried again. “I’m fine.”

  “You don’t sound it.”

  “I, ah, want my own cookie.” So saying, he grabbed one and stuffed it into his mouth. Well, at least that would muffle any noise for a moment. They sat quietly munching for a few more seconds.


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