Under Pressure
Page 10
A chill raced down his spine.
Could it be possible he was getting pay back for all the times his lovers had confessed their undying love and he’d felt nothing but guilt.
Hearing the faint sound of a door opening and closing at the end of the hall, he lifted his head and listened closer. If one of the hands were returning, he’d hear their heavy footsteps. He knew each of their booted sounds, had learned them while lying awake many nights since he’d come to work at Rhinestone.
He couldn’t remember the last time he’d slept through the night.
A faint knock came on his door. His heart skipped a beat.
Pushing to his feet, he padded barefoot across the cold cement floor. His door didn’t have a lock on it, so when it opened an inch or two, he stopped in the middle of the room and waited. None of the guys would dare walk into his room without first getting permission. For several reasons.
He smelled her scent before she stepped into his visibility. Jewels.
His heart pounded against his ribs. A mixture of anger and rejoice slipped through his veins. Anger because she hadn’t bothered with him for days. Rejoice because he’d missed the hell out of her—as much as he knew he shouldn’t.
Her chin lifted and their gazes met. Her long hair hung in wet tendrils, surrounding her heart-shaped face. Her eyes were wide and full of mischief.
She was the best thing he’d seen. Yet he wouldn’t allow all of his frustration to fade so easily.
“Are you lost?” he bit out between tight lips.
“I waited until it was dark so no one would see me,” she whispered.
“Again…you lost?” He realized he was angrier at his rising blood pressure and cock than he was at her.
“No, I’m not lost.” She reached up, unzipped her jacket and pulled it off. Droplets of water dripped to form a puddle around her booted feet. “Damn, some storm we’re having.”
He skimmed the thin top and cut-offs that stopped at a delectable place on her thighs. Right at the spot where he’d left a finger bruise on her delicate skin. He hadn’t marked her on purpose but when he’d apologized, she’d shrugged it off with a grin. He reminded himself he’d have to be careful with her pale skin, but it was unlikely they’d wind up together again.
However…she was here now.
His breathing labored.
A warning splashed through his brain, but he knew he wouldn’t turn her away.
“I was in a meeting today and your name was mentioned,” she said.
“Is that right?”
“I’m a member of the local fundraising committee for ranchers, and I found out some very interesting information.”
“Are you going to spit it out or should I guess?” He wasn’t ready to soften his tenor.
“I heard you agreed to be one of the bachelors for the Rancher’s Gala auction.”
Did he sense discomfort in her tone? “I was asked. I agreed. No big deal.”
Her sigh bounced off the walls. Lightning struck the sky, illuminating her face and he could see her frustrated expression. “I just didn’t think you’d be involved in doing something for charity or I would have asked for your participation.”
“That’s quite an assumption. Back in my rodeo days I did a lot for charity.” Something else she didn’t know about him.
“I hear several of the women have their sights set on bidding the highest for you.” He could hear the quiver in her voice.
“Isn’t that a good thing? There are a lot of young kids out there who’d love the opportunity to visit ranches, ride horses and learn how a ranch is run. I’m willing to do whatever I can to help raise the money.” He shoved his hands into his front pockets to fight the urge to touch her.
“Yes, but-but—”
“Just say it, Jewels.”
“I won’t be able to bid for you.”
At least she was being honest. He’d give her that. “I didn’t think you would.”
She took a step closer. “I was shocked.”
“Should I have asked your permission first?”
“That’s not what I’m suggesting.”
“Is that why you snuck in here, to ask me why I agreed to join the auction?” He went to his dresser and lit another candle. Not that he needed more light—but he wanted to see more of her—every expression flitting across her face.
He turned back, and she had moved closer to him.
Her eyes were penetrating with a hint of intuitiveness that always got him right in the gut. A smile turned her pale pink lips and his chest constricted. How could she do such remarkable, amazing things to him? She made him ravenous, something he’d never experienced. This was only lust, that was all.
Nothing more—certainly not feelings.
Nope—he wasn’t in this for an emotional ride.
She then touched him—not only touched him, but reached into his soul and grasped him into her hold. Her fingers swept across his chest with a light, feathery touch.
He groaned. Loudly. She blinked.
How could he be this needful with a simple touch?
She didn’t stop there. Jewels nuzzled her nose against his neck. “You smell so good. I love your scent.”
His hands were still stuffed into his pockets, but with his growing hard on, he was quickly losing space in his jeans.
“Spark?” Her raspy tone dragged him through an internal war.
He turned his cheek, his nose brushed against her hair. She lifted her chin and her breath smelled of strawberries, and was warm against his lips.
He wanted his mouth on hers, everywhere, especially in the places that quivered and trembled under his tongue.
Yet he didn’t move.
Uncertainty swept through her. Could she tell him she wanted to come to the hand quarters way before today? Seeing him now, shirtless and sexy, her fingers ached to touch him and she realized she’d waited too long.
When she’d heard several committee members discussing Spark and how they wanted to bet on him—and would empty their savings accounts—she’d been shocked at the niggling jealousy in the pit of her stomach. She had no right to Spark, nor reason to feel anything, but then why did she? Her chest constricted.
She moved the tips of her fingers to the back of his neck, to the soft hairs that tickled her palm. At the sight of his big, brawny body, she forgot all the cares in the world. The connection had grown stronger.
The sexual need thundered through her, matching the rumbling of the storm outside.
But there was so much more between them than she’d bargained for.
And she relished the need spiraling through her, leaving a sweet poison in its wake.
“I didn’t come just to touch you,” she whispered. “I wanted to see you too. Are you happy to see me? A little?”
One thick brow curved. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. I ache to touch you, explore you, but I should face the facts. This can’t go anywhere.” His voice sounded forced. It was hard to believe the sound came from him.
“Is that the draw between us? This is taboo, making it so much sweeter?” She didn’t want to believe that the binds keeping them apart were also the magnets pulling them together.
“If only it were that easy.” His breath warmed her cheek.
Before logic spoiled her action, she took a short step back, grabbed the hem of her shirt and dragged it over her head. Her braless breasts chilled in the cool air, bunching her nipples into hard nubs. She watched his expression, saw his jaw tighten. He pulled his hands from his pockets and dropped them to his sides.
She stepped out of her boots. The floor was icy on her bare feet.
Unbuttoning her jeans, she pushed them off her hips, down her legs and tossed them to the side with her foot.
“You’re torturing me. Do you realize this?” His ragged voice tickled her nerve endings.
“I need you, Spark.”
His groan echoed off the walls and in one quick step, he was upon
her, crushing her to his chest and his mouth was on hers. His tongue slid between her lips and she opened to him, clinging to him, absorbing his warmth into her chilled body.
He picked her up, strode across the small room and dropped her onto the twin-sized mattress. She bounced, but grabbed onto the edge to keep from falling off the side. She chuckled. “How does a man of your size fit on this bed?”
“I’ve slept in worse places.” He tore his belt from his waist, tossed it on the floor, then stripped from his jeans. She was captivated with his beautiful body from broad chest, tapered waist, long legs, and his erection. Her inner thighs quivered in anticipation.
She laid back ono the cold sheet and opened her legs. He wasted no time in dropping to the bed and moving his body into the wide V she’d made for him. Grabbing his tight bottom, she clutched him, while bringing her hips high, swirling the tip of him against her core.
He grabbed something from the nightstand. She barely registered the tearing of paper and the swift movement of his hand as he slid the condom on his length.
“Now, Spark!” she demanded. He gave her no argument. He thrust deep inside of her in one thrust and she cried out in pleasure.
“My God, you’re so hot. I think you’ll burn me alive!”
“Faster! Harder!” she commanded.
Placing his arms under the backs of her knees, he pulled her hips high, positioning her legs over his shoulders. He touched every possible part of her with the tip of his head. “Like this, baby?” he whispered next to her ear.
“Yes! I want all of you.” She buried her nails deep into his broad back, and he arched.
“Ride me, sweetheart.” He lifted himself, holding her against him, and lowered his back onto the bed. “I want to see your beautiful body. Your nice tits. Your sweet pussy as I’m deep inside of you.”
At his words, every cell of her body raged for release.
Planting her knees on either side of him, she rolled her bottom over his hips, loving the sensation of his large cock spreading her aching muscles. Plowing onto him, over and over, she drove deeper and swirled her body around his tip. He buried his fingers into the skin of her ass, holding her as he stiffened.
He grew still, even his breaths slowed, and then he jerked twice.
The pulsation of him deep inside sent her over the edge. Spasms spiraled through her, one after another until she dropped, spent, to his chest.
“I’m sorry I didn’t come sooner,” she whispered. She could hear the loud thumping of his heart.
“It felt like forever.” His low, raspy voice and the impact of his words made goose bumps pop on her skin.
He threaded his fingers through her hair, massaging her scalp, until his even breaths told her he had fallen asleep. She listened for the longest time, imagining what it’s be like to fall asleep with Spark every night. She’d missed him over the last few days, and knowing this scared her.
She had baggage she needed to work through. She couldn’t give fully until she learned to trust. Spark deserved to be trusted. More than anything, she wanted to open up completely and give a part of her to him that she’d kept hidden, not just from Kiefer, but everyone.
She knew she should leave, but it felt too good lying in his arms, listening to his even breaths and gentle heart beats.
Just a while longer…
Jewels awoke, startled. The sun was coming up and she’d stayed with Spark too long. He was still sleeping and she didn’t want to disturb him. She shifted, sliding away from him, and she noticed the used condom had fallen to the bed. Quietly, she moved off the bed, pinched the prophylactic between her thumb and forefinger and carried it across the room to the trashcan and dropped it in.
Looking back at Spark, a chill raced across her warm skin. She wanted to crawl back next to him, but she couldn’t stay any longer. It would be a careless move on her part—someone might see her once it was light outside.
Waking up with him would only make things harder in the end.
Dressing, she slid into her shoes and quietly opened the door. With a look over her shoulder, Spark was still sleeping soundly.
The man could sleep through anything, she knew from the night she’d plastered wax strips all over his legs and he hadn’t moved a muscle. She was glad that the crisp hair had grown back.
Closing the door behind her, she tiptoed down the darkened hall, thankful that the moon was bright and the storm had long faded.
Chapter Ten
SPARK WAS BRUSHING a horse when he looked up and saw Jewels striding his direction. She looked beautiful with her long hair flowing in the breeze and the flimsy white dress, covering her legs to her ankles, slipped across her slender curves, teasing his memory.
Once she got closer, he saw the frown.
His chest tightened.
What now?
She’d slipped from his bed sometime before dawn that morning and he doubted she was coming back for a repeat, although he’d remained hopeful all afternoon.
“Is there a private place we can talk?” Her voice was strained.
Nope, no repeat for sure.
He nodded toward a patch of trees a few feet away.
Once they were away from prying eyes and ears, and she’d darted a quick glance over her shoulder, she nibbled her bottom lip.
“That’s not a good look. What’s wrong?” Concern rumbled through him.
“Dad called earlier and left a message. He said it’s urgent that he speaks to me.”
He was confused. “Okay. What’s the problem?”
“He knows about us.”
“But did he those exact words?” He never liked the assumption game.
“I haven’t talked to him!”
“Okay,” he said. “Then call him and see what he wants.”
“Somebody knows you and I have been sleeping together.” Her brows scrunched. “They had to call him and tell him.”
“We don’t know that, Jewels. And he hasn’t called me. Wouldn’t he have fired me?” He scratched his jaw.
“I know my father. I could hear the underlying meaning in his tone.” Wrapping her arms over her chest, worried lines appeared around her eyes.
He shrugged. “Don’t let this ruin your day. I think you’re just being paranoid.”
“Spark, are you missing the importance of this?”
“There is no importance to this.” He failed to see why she was so upset. “Sure, you may know your father, but until he cans my ass I’m not going to freak out.”
“But that’s just it! If Dad finds out you and I are sleeping together, he will fire you!”
“And it seems you’re more worried about this possibility than I am. If this is a real issue, I’ll quit.”
Her gaze narrowed. “Quit?”
“Yes. That would be a solution. And then we wouldn’t have to keep ‘sleeping together’ a secret. I get why your dad doesn’t want the line crossed between a hand and any of his daughters. I’d be the same, but if I’m no longer working his land what can he say?”
“But what? I like the job, but I enjoy your company a lot more.”
His calm attitude unsettled Jewels—especially when her heart was racing and her palms were sweaty.
And now, he was talking quitting.
That troubled her even more.
She sighed, several long seconds passed. He was waiting on her response, but what could she say? Did he want to continue their affair? Quitting couldn’t be an option, not when guilt would plague her.
And something more.
What if she never saw him again?
“You can’t do that, Spark. Quitting is not a choice.” Her throat constricted. “I knew this was a mistake from the very beginning.”
His eyebrow lifted, he looked down at her with a grim expression. “I’m not asking for your hand in marriage, Jewels. I just know for damn sure that I won’t allow someone to dictate who I see.”
Her heart stru
ck against her ribcage, her adrenalin increased. Her bottom lip quivered. “If we could just come up with a viable excuse. Who would do such a th—”
She looked up at him. “What?”
“Does it really matter who’s doing this? Maybe this is what we needed to wake us up. We can’t continue down the road of secrecy forever.” His penetrative stare burst through her guard.
“What are you really asking?”
He shifted and she dropped her gaze to his worn boots. When she looked back at him, a frown had burrowed his brow. “If you’re only looking for a screw, then I’m not the man cut out for the job. Hell—” he pushed his hat back on his forehead. “I don’t know what our future holds, but I do know it doesn’t include you and me sneaking around like we’re doing something wrong. I’m not ashamed of what we’ve shared. Maybe it’s best Stone knows the truth.”
“No, it’s not. You don’t know my dad.”
“I can’t do this anymore. I’d like to think I’m a man of integrity. I can explain to him that we didn’t mean for this to happen, but it did.”
“It almost sounds like you’re giving me no choice in the matter.” Her blood pressure skyrocketed.
“No, but like I’ve said, I don’t play games.”
“Are you sure about that?” Her tongue grew thick.
His jaw tightened. “What exactly are you saying?”
“It seems awfully suspicious that you don’t appear even slightly annoyed over the call. How convenient this is for you to force my hand.”
He cocked a brow. “Excuse me?”
“I didn’t stutter.” He watched her far too closely, making her head spin.
His teeth gritted. “Let me get this straight. You’re accusing me of having something to do with the call?”
Was that what she meant? Hell, even she wasn’t sure.
He wouldn’t do such a thing.
But he made her feel unreasonable things.
Wicked emotions.
She couldn’t give him what he asked for.
“I guess your silence speaks volumes.” His eyes pierced her—burrowing into her soul.
“I’m sorry.” Why did she have to sound like she’d run a mile—breathless and uncertain? “I can’t give you what you want.” She had to finish this before she changed her mind. Before she gave in to the twisted feeling inside—followed her heart down a path of danger. Following her desire wouldn’t be fair to him.