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Me and My Ghoulfriends

Page 17

by Rose Pressey

  "You're sick. You can't have margaritas. Anyway, I'd love to, sweetie, but I have a hot date. Bob's taking me out to dinner. And then who knows what will happen next."

  I tried to hide my disappointment, but it was hard. I couldn't let Mindy know what I was thinking. The negative thoughts that filled my mind would only make her sad. In my mind, it seemed as if everyone had a date but me, except for the ghosts, of course. But that didn't count. Nonetheless, I told myself I didn't need a date, but in reality I'd gotten used to the few rendezvous with Callahan, and I missed that feeling. I was really starting to like having someone to be with, someone who seemed to care about me. Not to mention his luscious kisses.

  "Are you all right? I can cancel. Robert would understand,” she said, eyeing my face.

  "No, no. No way. I can't let you do that. I just thought you didn't have anything to do tonight, that's all. I was trying to be a good friend.” I gave her a bright smile.

  I wasn't sure if she bought my act, but she smiled nonetheless. “I need to clean my house anyway. My kitchen is a mess."

  "If you're sure?"

  "I'm sure. Now scat. Get out of here and get ready for your date. And have a great time. I'm finishing up here real quick, then I'm off. I think I'll close early."

  "That sounds like a good idea. Please be careful. I worry about you. Do I need to follow you home?"

  "No, I don't think that will be necessary. I have Abe, Mr. Haynes and Vivian to go with me."

  Mrs. Williams looked at me. “And Mrs. Williams, for whatever that's worth.” I gave her the eye.

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  Chapter 20

  It had been some time since my last date with Callahan. No more bringing me my favorite lattes. Sadly, he didn't even look my way anymore. As long as I lived, I'd never understand men. There was no denying one thing, though. Callahan appeared to be walking around town on autopilot. Lately, the only place I'd seen him go was across the way to Brianna's boutique.

  Brianna, the mere mention of that name made me cringe. The one guy I'd found in years that actually intrigued me, and he'd turned out to be a snake in the grass. Actually, I'd decided I really shouldn't be all that surprised.

  And despite what Mindy thought, it wasn't just his looks I was interested in. Okay at first, yes, it was all his looks, but after talking to him, I'd realized he had a boyish charm that was irresistible, but also the perfect amount of manliness, as well. In no way was he immature like others I had dated.

  My other dates had been twenty-something going on twelve. And, as much as I hated Brianna and couldn't stand the sight of her, I felt it wasn't her that I should blame. If Callahan hadn't chased her, I was sure he would have chased after any other skirt that had come along. Just wait, Brianna would see soon enough.

  He'd dump her when someone else came along. All he needed was for a shorter skirt to come his way, and she'd be history. All the same, I knew Brianna had dished out her fair share of dumping to others as well, so I guessed that would be her payback. What goes around comes around. But what about me? What was I being paid back for?

  I had never treated anyone with such disregard. But ... time heals all pain and I was moving on. Or at least I was trying to. If only I could get Mindy to drop the subject.

  Again, she was paying me a visit to talk about none other than the two lovebirds. Even after she'd promised she'd drop the subject. She couldn't resist it.

  "Have you noticed Callahan lately? Something is seriously different. It's very noticeable now. I can't put my finger on it. He just looks strange. Even more unusual than he did before.” Mindy furrowed her eyebrows.

  "I may have noticed,” I said dispassionately.

  "He's walking around in an almost zombie-like state. It's weird. I've never seen anyone act that way."

  I nodded in agreement. I couldn't deny what I had seen. “He does have a dazed look in his eyes. He never even looks over here anymore, when he walks past. It's his loss, though. He doesn't know what he's missing. I knew he was too good to be true when I met him."

  "He must be completely insane to not be with you, and to choose her over you. I can't believe anyone would want to be with her."

  I slumped my shoulders and sighed.

  As Abe stared at me from a distance, I could tell he recognized the dejection in my eyes. Slowly, he made his way over, reached down, and put his arms around me. Needless to say, I was not expecting it. I felt a shiver from his cold touch as he gave me a big hug. That was rare. He'd only done that once before, when I'd fallen down the steps. He'd enfolded his stiff arms around me, given me a big hug and then a nice pat on the head. I got the impression he wasn't one for sappy emotions.

  "I don't know, Larue. Something just doesn't seem right about the whole situation. I mean, I know you've seen his eyes. There's this darkness about them. I think they've actually changed colors. It's like the lights are on, but no one's home."

  I had to admit, when I'd gone to get coffee that day, he'd looked strange. I had no idea what could be wrong with him. I mean, what would cause someone to have a blank stare? What would possibly happen to make him seem so devoid of emotion?

  "I wonder if something is physically making him look and act that way? He could be sick, hence the change in eye color. Maybe I should research illnesses on the internet?” I tapped my finger on the counter, mulling over the thought.

  "What are you going to type in? Guy doesn't want to date me and has a blank look in his eyes?"

  "Smart ass! I guess you do have a point.” I giggled.

  "Speak of the devil.” Mindy pointed to the front window to Brianna's shop across the street.

  I felt like we were two old hens gossiping, but unfortunately, everything that was going on seemed so strange. I guess I couldn't help but look when I saw her.

  I slid off my stool, and Mindy joined me as we slithered toward to the window.

  Mindy tripped on a display on her way over. “Damn,” she blurted out. “I'll pick those up in a minute,” she said as I looked back at the books on the floor.

  She joined me beside the window.

  "Wait a minute. I thought you didn't want to spy anymore."

  I flashed a cross look at Mindy. “I'm not spying. I'm just looking out a window, that's all. Nothing wrong with that."

  "Right. Whatever you say.” Mindy nodded.

  We watched as Brianna turned the sign on her front door to read closed, and then she practically skipped across the road to Callahan's. As she flounced by, she glanced in the store and saw Mindy and me with our mouths gaping open as we stood motionless at the front window, our faces pressed firmly into to the glass. She gave a smirk and then laughed. We couldn't hear it from inside the store, but I imagined it sounded something like the laugh from the Wicked Witch of the West.

  As soon as she'd gone, Mindy picked up a book and glanced through it. After a second, she set it down and said, “What do you know about this guy anyway?"

  "What guy? The author of the book?"

  "No, silly. Callahan."

  "Oh, right. I don't know much really, I suppose. He moved here from Louisville. His parents live there still. He has brothers and he likes to workout. That's about it, I guess."

  "That's all the info he has told you?"

  I nodded. “Yeah, that's it."

  "That's not a lot of information. Is he hiding a secret or something? Why did he move here? I mean, why would someone want to come here if his family wasn't from here originally?"

  "I don't know. He said he'd always wanted to live in a small town. Makes sense I guess. Plenty of people want to live in small towns.” I shrugged.

  "No, it doesn't make sense. Who in their right mind would want to move here? Magnolia of all places.” Mindy picked up another book.

  "On come on, this is a great little town. Lots of history around this magnificent town. Plus, we live here. It can't be all that bad.” I continued looking out the window at the cars driving past. A few people sauntered down the sidew

  "There is nothing to do here. It's boring.” Mindy set the book down.

  "There's always pole dancing. That's not boring,” I said, with a smirk.

  Mindy shot daggers at me again. “I'm going to ignore that comment."

  "Whatever you need to do,” I said with a cynical grin.

  Mindy moved to another stack of books. Her curls bounced with every step she took.

  "So, he moves here and sets up a coffee shop, then starts dating women all over town. The rat,” Mindy hissed.

  "I don't think he was dating women all over town.” I paused. “Just women that work within a one block radius."

  Mindy laughed. “Well, that's much better then."

  "Yeah, he's a real gentleman."

  "Aren't you suspicious of the way Brianna has Callahan wrapped around her finger? Don't you find that odd? I've never seen a man so devoted before. I've seen love-struck guys before, but never like that."

  "I have to agree I haven't, either. But whatever floats his boat.” I didn't want to think about the reasons why he was so dedicated to her. It probably had something to do with the bedroom, and that thought made me cringe.

  After a moment of silence as we pondered the thought, Mindy asked, “What are you going to do about your ghostly friends?"

  Mindy nodded her head to the side then looked around as if she would be able to spot them for the first time ever.

  "I don't know. I think I'm stuck with them until the end of time,” I sighed. “I don't know why all of them are being so stubborn. I know why one is, just not the others."

  "Have you asked them?"

  "Yes, and I get reasons I can't really solve. Except for Mrs. Williams, she just wants me to talk to her husband, and he has barricaded himself in his home. He won't talk to anyone. It's kind of hard to talk to him in that situation. I can't exactly stand on his front porch and yell, ‘Hey your dead wife wants to talk to you through me. Can I come in?'” I chuckled.

  "I do see your point. Maybe you could break into his house?” Mindy's big brown eyes widened with that suggestion.

  "Um. Somehow I don't think that would be such a good idea. I'm pretty sure that action would be frowned upon by the local police department."

  Mindy pondered the thought for a second. “I guess you're right.

  "I plan on trying again, though. She won't leave me alone about it, and you know she's been scaring the customers. You saw with your own eyes what she's capable of. I have to try again. I have no choice."

  "Have they been over to upset precious Brianna any more?"

  I nodded. “I'm pretty sure they've been over there harassing her, because I've spotted them in her store floating around. Or rather, Mrs. Williams was the one I caught a glimpse of, specifically. As you know, Brianna somehow thinks I am responsible for all the mysterious things happening."

  "Well, you are to some extent,” she guffawed.

  I laughed. “Yes, but she doesn't know that."

  "Let them keep it up. She deserves everything they do."

  "Yes, she does deserve it, but she's really pissed at me because of the antics. I don't need that, do I?"

  "She's off her rocker. You should file a restraining order and have her arrested."

  "I think that would cause her to be even madder than she already is. If that's possible."

  "How are you feeling, by the way?"

  "I'm okay. Whatever was wrong is completely gone now."

  "I still can't understand how that happened. I mean, you say the package had your mother's name on it and then suddenly it didn't. How is that possible? Words can't just disappear like that."

  "I don't know, I just think maybe I was sick already when I ate it. I guess I imagined what I saw."

  Mindy gave me a suspicious glare. “Sounds like there's some mumbo jumbo going on if you ask me."

  I flicked her a look of exasperation. “I don't know about mumbo jumbo, but I can say I'll never eat anything that's sent to me again.” I laughed.

  "Good idea."

  "I don't know how much more I can take of Brianna, though,” I said as she strolled back across the street with Callahan on her arm.

  "Maybe she thinks you'll get sick of it and leave town?"

  "She's got another think coming, if she thinks that. I refuse to leave town, I was here first. This is my town, and I'm not going to move away because of her. She's just going to have to get over it and leave me alone."

  I stared ahead, absorbed in my thoughts.

  "I'm out of here.” Mindy snapped me out of my musings.

  "I'll call you later,” I said.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter 21

  So, the time had come. I had to convince the gang to move on. They just couldn't stay with me forever. Abe had been around for quite a long time, and it was about time for him to move on.

  "Don't you want to see Mary?” I asked him.

  He shrugged his shoulders. That wasn't the response I was looking for.

  "What about your children? I know you want to see them."

  He nodded. “Although I hope they're still not as rambunctious.” He laughed.

  "Yes, that would be nice.” I laughed. “Okay, so you want to see your children. What about your mother? You want to see her, right? You said she died when you were eight years old?” I had turned into an Abraham Lincoln buff after his long stay with me.

  "My mother said she would never see me again. Those were her words to me on her deathbed. I often wondered if that were true. I spent my whole life thinking about her words and if I would ever see her again.” He stared out the window, lost in thought.

  "Now you know the answer to that, don't you?” I said.

  "Do I?"

  "Of course. If you allow yourself to finally cross over, she'll be waiting for you. You wouldn't be talking to me if there weren't an afterlife.” I patted him on the back for reassurance. Although I was never sure if the ghosts could feel my touch, it was the gesture that counted.

  "I suppose I really can't say why I'm still around. I really don't know."

  I was running out of options. I thought I might have to get him in my car and drive him back to where I found him. But I hated to do that.

  I plopped down in the big leather chair and called everyone over to me.

  "Guys, it's time for you to cross over.” I clapped my hands together for emphasis. Vivian looked at me funny, and suddenly I realized it was because I had called her a guy. It must have been hard for her to understand all the latest slang. At that moment, they all glided over and huddled around. A gathering of ghosts.

  "You can't stay with me,” I said giving them a stern look.

  It was hard to be harsh with them, but it had to be done. I felt so sorry for them. Abe's wide smile had suddenly faded to a more introspective one.

  "Besides the fact I need privacy, before long I'll be going on another investigation, and you all know what happens then. There's not enough room here for any more spirits.” Most of the time I managed to bring another spirit back with me from an investigation, and other times the spirits just found me. Space was running out for any more spirits.

  "My energy is drained, y'all. I don't know how many more of you I can have hanging around me.” They were sucking the energy out of me. “I'm just tired. Don't you all want to be with your families for eternity? I know you'd prefer them over me."

  Mrs. Williams let out a snort. “Don't even talk to me about not being here with you. You know I don't want to be with you. Listening to your whining about that silly man next door is driving me crazy.” She gestured toward Callahan's shop. “But I swear to you I will haunt you for the rest of your life if you don't speak to my husband. You can count on that.” She spewed venom with each word.

  I released a pent-up breath and rubbed my temples. She was giving me a headache.

  Mr. Lincoln said, “You've come to be like a daughter to me, and I'll fret about you if I leave.” He had a sheen of tears in his eyes.

  "Mr. President, I promise you I'll be fine without you.” A tear formed in the corner of my eye. I couldn't believe the President actually cared for me like that. That was crazy as far as I was concerned, I mean, for him to worry over little old me. “I was fine before we met and I'll be fine afterward. Really."

  The fact he felt I was like a daughter to him made me exasperated. I had never had a spirit be so persistent and not want to leave like this gang. Maybe I was losing my touch.

  Vivian was standing next to Abe. The two of them had grown close, since they'd come from the same century. She looked so sweet and innocent, just like a child, a scared child. Although she wasn't a child at all; she was roughly my age.

  Most of the time when I wanted a spirit to attach itself to me, it never worked. Now that I didn't want them they wouldn't leave me alone. I had tried to get Elvis to attach himself to me, but no such luck. I'd even made a special trip to Graceland looking for him. I supposed he'd crossed over. Unless ... maybe he really wasn't dead after all.

  The bell tinkled and I popped up to help my customer. The one time I got my mind off everything was when I was helping someone look for a book. After the woman left with her book, I headed back to resume my conversation with the gang.

  I clapped my hands together again to get everyone's attention.

  "Now, we're going to do a little exercise. Is everyone ready?"

  "I don't exercise.” Mrs. Williams quipped.

  I continued. “Everyone picture the light, and then envision your loved ones. Clear your minds of all other thoughts and try to envision the bright ray, and then when you do, walk toward that light.” I pushed my hands forward like I was pushing them toward the light.

  I felt like I was leading a class. How to Cross Over 101: Walking into the Light.

  After a few minutes passed, I asked, “How are you doing? Can you see the light?"

  Everyone shook their heads no. What was going on? I really was losing my touch! Lately I had been feeling drained and I was sure it was because all of the spirits were clinging on to me so strongly.

  "Let's try this again shall we? One more time. Envision the light. Concentrate,” I coaxed.


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