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Me and My Ghoulfriends

Page 23

by Rose Pressey

  I braced myself for any psychic energy that might come my way. I didn't know what was in store for me. To my right, I heard a woman's voice. I turned to look in her direction. She was a short older woman and her cropped stylish hair looked out of place in the surroundings. Wearing a sweater and pants she, like Karyn, also didn't look like a witch. When was I going to drop the green skin and warts image I had in my mind of what these people should look like?

  Karyn led me to my position and let go of my arm. I wondered if I could outrun her if I needed to. I eyed her up and down. She looked fast, with her long legs, so I concluded I'd probably lose in that race.

  The older lady was now a few feet in front of me. In a low, courteous voice, she said, “I call to the powers of the North."

  Another voice on my right rang out. “I call to the powers of the East."

  Then another, “I call to the powers of the South,” and another, “I call to the powers of the West."

  A chorus of women's voices rang out in unison, “Please join in our rite, do witness our pledge and grant us insight. Lend us your energy to this ritual that we work tonight. So mote it be."

  Wow, they didn't waste any time getting started.

  Karyn nodded at me, then said, “Place the salt in a circle and make it wide all around this area.” Carefully, she handed me the black velvet bag containing what I assumed, and what looked to be, salt.

  My heart was pounding loudly in my chest as I clutched the bag and did as she instructed. Even as I did it, I still had my doubts. I wondered if I could trust her to tell me the truth. After all, she'd been friends with Brianna at some point. How did I know she still wasn't?

  This could be Brianna's chance to finally get rid of me. For all I knew, I could be performing a spell on myself, and Brianna would have the last laugh, finally rid of me, just as she wanted.

  Anxiety surged through me as I walked a circle around the area, dropping pinches of the salt as I went, just as I had been instructed. Hesitantly, I looked up at Karyn and, once again, she nodded in approval. Silently, she was letting me know I was doing exactly what she wanted me to do.

  "Just as you did before, take your fingernail and trace his name on the candle. Then, place all of the candles around the circle, all six of them."

  Slowly, I traced Callahan's name in the candle, shaking off the excess wax when I was finished. My breathing was rapid. What if I did exactly as I was told, and all of it still didn't work? Looking around at the faces intently watching me, I made the same path with the candles as I had with the salt, at that point placing all of the candles along the circle. Goose bumps rose on skin.

  "Now, light the first candle and, from that, light the others. Be careful, and don't let the flame extinguish."

  With fumbling hands, I took the long lit matchstick from her hand. Gracefully, she moved back to her position, just outside the circle. I had to force myself to move and walk forward. One by one, I lit the candles I had placed in small dishes around the circle. The glow of the candles was casting an ominous-looking flicker around the ring of witches. Shadows filled the hollows of the faces, engulfing me.

  "Now you must stand directly in the middle of the circle you've drawn,” Karyn ordered when I'd finished the task.

  I took in a deep breath and moved back to the center of the circle I'd made. When I reached the middle my legs instantly seemed to be glued to the ground.

  As I stood, frozen in one spot, the wind picked up, a powerful gust swooshed wildly around us. A rumble echoed on all sides of us, encircling us, and enclosing around us. My hair whipped madly all over the place as the wind grew and swirled dust and leaves as though we were now in the middle of a tornado. Only we weren't moving. The wind wasn't lifting our bodies as it would in a tornado, and the trees high above were still, as well.

  I'd seen a lot of things while chasing ghosts, but I'd never seen anything like this before. I'd watched objects move on their own, and other unexplained events, but in that moment, it was like we were trapped in our own little world, out there in the middle of the woods. Far away from the bustle of the normal world. Amazingly though, the candles remained lit in spite of the intense wind.

  "Larue,” Karyn shouted, above the noise of the wind. “Repeat the words I taught you."

  I paused, wondering if I'd get it right. I wasn't a witch. How did they expect me to do this? I was a ghost chaser, a medium. They were the witches. Why was I the one doing this?

  She'd told me, though, that I had to believe in order for it to work. I paused, lost in my self-doubting thoughts. I didn't want to see Callahan as a zombie his whole life. If I couldn't have him, that was fine, but he deserved a say in whom he loved. And I was determined to see to it that he got that say.

  I heaved a sigh, and then caught my breath, letting it out slowly. Carefully, I wrapped my mind around the words we'd practiced, the words she had painstakingly helped me memorize. Karyn had comforted me saying it would only work if I believed the words, and that memorizing them would help with that.

  What had I gotten myself into this time? Why was I always in these types of crazy situations? Please let this work. I let out another deep breath. It was probably obvious I was stalling, and I could tell everyone was growing impatient waiting for me to start.

  After all the practice, I knew what needed to be done next. A surge of power shot through me. I had to do the spell for Callahan. I had to make it work. Placing the ingredients that were laid out on the ground before me into the bowl, I said each word at the exact time I was supposed to, with more confidence than I ever knew I possessed. My breathing was heavy and my heart raced.

  I parted my lips and let the words flow from my mouth. “Break the spell that binds. Love and lust shall not be confined. Unleash the dark from this being and grant them freedom from the love that constricts."

  The wind still swirled around all of us as I finished speaking the words. I looked around with uncertainty and noticed everyone was motionless, except for their hair, which was whipping about uncontrollably. Then, with one giant whoosh, the wind ceased just as quickly as it had begun.

  One by one, I looked around at the faces surrounding me. They were all smiling at me. I had survived. I was still there. At least for the time being. I hadn't been turned into an animal or anything.

  Mindy would be pleased to know they didn't burn me at the stake after all. They had embraced me as a friend and trusted me. And I knew deep down they weren't into black magic like Brianna was. I let out a huge sigh. It was good to know it was over.

  Karyn moved over to where I stood. “The spell has been broken, Larue. Brianna will be dealt with accordingly, you can count on that. She will no longer be able to perform any type of magic. Her days as a witch are over."

  Wow, by the look in Karyn eyes I was glad I wasn't Brianna. I really hoped what she was saying was true. But how did she know the spell was truly broken? I supposed as soon as I saw Brianna and Callahan again, I would know. But maybe he really was in love with her without the spell, although somehow I doubted that. I gave Karyn a smile and didn't speak. No words were necessary.

  "You did a great job tonight. You should be proud of yourself. If you'd like to join us in one of our meetings sometime, we'd love to have you,” the older lady said as she drew near.

  "Thanks. I'll think about it.” I nodded.

  Karyn reached out to me and I embraced her as she gave me a hug. I was pretty sure I'd had my share of witchcraft for a lifetime. Still, I couldn't believe what I'd done. I drove home in a kind of a daze. Was what had just happened all a dream?

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  Chapter 28

  The sun had just peeped up over the horizon, and the cool air was attempting to warm as I shuffled to my car. I tugged my coat tightly around my chest as I slipped in behind the wheel. It was just the two of us, Mrs. Williams and me. The others had crossed over.

  Mr. Haynes had remembered his old Army friends and decided they'd be more fun to hang out with th
an I would. What had taken him so long to think of them, I wasn't sure. Apparently Abraham Lincoln had decided it was time to leave his beloved United States and see his mother again. Honestly, I think after the spell on Callahan was gone, they realized how boring it was hanging out with me. Even Vivian gave in and left to find her husband.

  I had complained about them, but I soon realized I was a bit sad that they'd gone. Only one more thing and I'd be rid of ‘Annoying Beth’ as her husband called her as well. Perhaps I'd warmed up to her sarcastic demeanor after awhile, but I could say that I wouldn't miss her early morning concerts in my bedroom.

  Having someone bellowing out the lyrics to Mr. Sandman was not my idea of how I should start the day. I could think of a million ways I'd rather be roused from bed.

  Mrs. Williams was perched next to me in the passenger side, giving out directions to her former residence. I'd already been to her home, so it was just like her to feel the need to tell me again. She simply enjoyed ordering me around.

  "Are you sure it isn't too early for him? He may still be in bed."

  "It's not too early. Just go, for heaven's sake. Before you change your mind and start whining about something else. You're driving me crazy. It's no wonder you can't find a husband."

  I raised an eyebrow. “I'm driving you crazy? Well, I beg to differ. All you do is complain, and as a matter of fact, I don't see how you ever landed a husband. I think it's the other way around. Plus, you have the worst singing voice I've ever heard, by the way."

  She laughed. And I couldn't help but join her in her laughter.

  The streets were empty at that time of the morning, so the short drive was a quick one. I steered my car up in front of the house. I didn't have the nerve to pull into the driveway. I thought if Mr. Williams was anything like his wife, he might chase me away with a gun.

  "Well, don't just sit there. Go talk to him,” she snorted.

  Mumbling under my breath, I slid out from the car and made my way up the path in front of the modest ranch-style home. Leaves were everywhere on the lawn. You could tell no one had bothered even attempting to rake them.

  I rapped on the door, waiting for any noise that would let me know someone was around, but all I could hear was Mrs. Williams tapping her foot impatiently as she stood next to me. She was standing a little too close for my comfort.

  "Would you please step back? You're invading my personal space,” I snapped. I made a circle around my body with my hands, letting her know where the boundaries were.

  "Fine!” She took one step backward, which didn't help much.

  "Mr. Williams, please are you there? I need to talk to you. I know you can hear me.” After a moment of silence, I could hear someone shuffling beside the door.

  "Mr. Williams?” I said again.

  "I told you last time to go away. I don't want to talk with anyone. And I don't know who the hell you are,” the grumbling voice barked from the other side of the red door.

  "Mr. Williams,” I said lightly, not sure how to proceed with what I was about to tell him. It was now or never.

  Mrs. Williams nudged me in the side.

  "Ouch. Don't do that,” I whispered.

  "Tell him that a month before I died he bought me an emerald pendant."

  "All right, just give me a minute.” I glared at her.

  "Mr. Williams. I know you can hear me and I'm sure you must be wondering what I want and why I keep coming to see you."

  "I'm calling the police."

  "He's calling the police. I don't need that. I'm out of here. I don't want to go to jail,” I said. I turned to walk back down the steps.

  "You aren't going anywhere. Hurry up and talk to him. He's too lazy to walk over and grab the phone to call the police. Trust me."

  I wasn't so sure I should trust her, but I knew I needed to try anything to get her off my back. I turned back to face the door and give it one more shot.

  Leaning in close to the door I said, “Mr. Williams I'm a medium and your wife is here with me."

  I heard a loud crash from inside the house.

  "Are you all right, Mr. Williams?"

  "Tell him about the necklace.” Mrs. Williams prodded.

  "Your wife is here standing next to me and she wants me to tell you that you bought a necklace for her a month before she died."

  "It had an inscription. It said, ‘To my little bug.’ That's what he called me."

  I just looked at her and then smirked. “Little bug?"

  She poked me in the side again.

  "Okay! Okay! I'm telling him. Mr. Williams. She said it had an inscription on it that read,” I paused, “'To my little bug.’”

  The doorknob rattled, and the next thing I knew, the door had cracked open ever so slightly. I could see just a small amount of Mr. Williams’ head. A few tufts of mussed hair stuck out from the crack.

  "Thank you for talking to me, Mr. Williams."

  He was silent. He stared at me with his dark eyes, circles surrounding them.

  "I realize this is all very strange. But it's just that your wife is here and she won't leave me alone until I talk with you.” I gestured beside me. “She wants me to tell you she loves you."

  I prayed he would listen to me. If he didn't, I would be stuck with Mrs. Williams for the rest of my life. Talk about hell on earth.

  "How did you know that?” He frowned.

  Duh, I'd told him I was a medium. Why was he not listening to me?

  "I told you I'm a medium and dead people talk to me. Like I said, I know it's hard to believe. But you have to believe me."

  "I don't have to believe you, Miss."

  "No, you don't have to do anything. But your wife wants me to tell you that the two of you kissed under the maple tree at the park and that was your first kiss."

  "No one knew about that. It was our secret."

  I nodded.

  "Your wife wants you to know she is fine, and you don't have to worry about her. She wants you to be happy until you are together again. She loves you very much."

  He fidgeted and stared at me. I knew he was confused and not sure what to think about what I'd just told him.

  "I'm very sorry for your loss, sir.” I stepped off the porch. As far as I was concerned, I had kept my end of the bargain. He slowly closed the door, and as I hopped in my car I saw Mrs. Williams float through the door after him. I wasn't sure if she was crossing over or not, but as long as she stayed away from me, I didn't care what she did. I'd had it with her. Good riddance.

  All was quiet around the town. There was only a hint of traffic. To say I was apprehensive to see what the events of the previous evening would produce would have been an understatement. Engrossed in my work, I almost missed seeing Karyn's Mercedes speed up in front of Brianna's store.

  Two other black four-door sedans followed and pulled directly up behind her. Karyn unfolded from her vehicle and confidently strolled into the store with her head held high. She was a woman on a mission. Apparently, Brianna had slipped in minutes earlier and I hadn't even noticed her. Within no time, Karyn emerged from the store with a smile of satisfaction splashed across her face.

  Brianna was walking inch by inch in front of her. It was obvious Karyn was escorting her out of the store. The three men, all dressed in smart suits, followed directly behind the women. All in a single file.

  Wow. They looked like the men in black, for sure.

  One man pulled a key from deep within his pocket and locked the door to Brianna's store. The other one grabbed Brianna by the arm and escorted her to the black car sandwiched in the middle. Her face was painted with a scowl unlike any I'd ever seen. Luckily, she never looked over in my direction.

  Karyn skipped across the street and pushed on the old door, entering Book Nook. As she strolled toward me, I noticed her suit fit her perfectly. No doubt it was tailor-made just for her. I wished I could afford such luxuries. I'd have to sell a lot of books for that. Karyn's delicate perfume lingered lightly around the space as she stood i
n front of me.

  "Hi, Karyn. How are you?"

  "Hi, Larue. I'm all right, considering the circumstances. I guess you saw Brianna?” Her blue eyes matched her suit flawlessly.

  "I did. What are you all doing to her? Is she going to jail or something?"

  "We're giving her the option of leaving town. We certainly don't want her kind here. We'll make it easy on her and let her choose where she wants to go. If not, we'll choose for her."

  I had no idea they had that kind of power. Had they been running Magnolia like that all my life? I made a mental note to never cross them. I wondered exactly how much influence Karyn had in town. Exactly how many people were involved in this coven?

  "Wow, I'm not sure what to say. Thank you again for helping me. I shudder to think what would have happened if not for you."

  "Thank you for finding me and making me aware of the situation. We couldn't have helped him without you. By the way, how did you find me?"

  On no, I was afraid she was going to ask me that. How was I going to explain? An old dead woman told me. Of all people, I knew she would understand, but I wasn't ready to tell her just yet. I wanted to wait until just the right time.

  "I heard about you through the grapevine. I can't remember exactly."

  That earned me a narrowed eye gaze.

  She paused. Luckily, she didn't press for more details. “Well, I'd better get out of here. They're waiting for me.” She glanced out the window to the waiting cars. Tinted windows prevented insight into what was going on inside the vehicles.

  I was afraid to ask who they were.

  I nodded. “Sure, I understand completely. Thanks again for everything."

  "We'll talk soon.” She reached over and hugged me lightly.

  "Bye.” I said, as I hugged her back.

  I wasn't sure what she wanted to talk about, other than maybe witchcraft. However, maybe she was just being friendly. I shouldn't read too much into every word someone said.

  Later that morning, I had just finished stacking the new-releases display when Mindy bounced through the door. She was in her usual workout attire, which thankfully didn't include pasties. Just a Juicy Couture set.


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