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Dark Matter

Page 6

by Christie Rich

  “I know how I feel.”

  He cocked his head. “Do you really?” His stare deepened, and I couldn’t look away from him even though I tried.

  My eyelids felt heavy. A slow spreading warmth saturated my chest before a sinking sensation anchored my limbs. My resolve was fading fast into the slippery distance. “What are you doing to me?” I whispered. I honestly wondered if this was what it felt like to be wasted.

  He slid his arms around me, pulling me closer. The heat of his breath caressed my skin, sending gooseflesh rippling along the back of my neck. I knew I should be objecting to this, but I couldn’t find the will. “Poor, Rayla, you really are an innocent one.”

  “Mmm-hmm,” I purred even though I was hazily aware that he hadn’t actually asked me a question.

  He chuckled, low and seductive. I watched him come closer as if I was dreaming this whole thing. I let my eyelids fall when the softness of his lips met mine. Taking in the sensations slowly, I breathed him in.

  The warmth in my chest exploded through me. He pulled me in tighter, groaning. Molding me to him, his hands slid up and down my back. I never wanted him to let me go. His kiss made me forget about everything and everyone. I was carried away to a silent place where he and I were the only people that existed. Too soon his lips left mine. He whispered, “I never thought to feel this way again.” He swallowed hard. “You taste just like her.”

  It took a while for the full effects of his words to slam into me. “Wait? What? Who are you…” The fog in my brain was swept away by the reality of what he had said. If he couldn’t have my mother, he would settle for me? I pushed at his chest and then his face to get him to move back. “You think I will be your second choice?” He looked at me through dispassionate eyes. I stood up and shuddered. “Just—eww. I don’t know what happened between you and that other girl, but I am not her!” I felt betrayed although I didn’t even like him. Squaring my shoulders, I hissed, “Get away from me, Jett. I never want to see you again!”

  Finn came barreling onto the terrace, his face ruddy. He took one look at me and rushed Jett, slamming him in the chest. Jett staggered backward, but righted himself easily. Cassie ran over to me. She didn’t say anything, but she didn’t have to. Her features were clouded with worry.

  Jett smoothed his lapels then narrowed his eyes at Finn. “This is how you treat your guests?”

  Finn gave him an equally turbulent expression. “If you were any other person, I would have you removed to the dungeons. We had an agreement.”

  Jett laughed. The dark sound reverberated through me. I couldn’t keep myself from shaking. Even my teeth were chattering. Cassie pulled me against her side, wrapping a thick shawl around my shoulders.

  Jett glanced over at me. His eyes belied his smooth exterior. He was seething inside. “She is mine! I have every right to do whatever I like with her.”

  Finn stiffened. “Maybe in your own lands, but not here. Rayla is under Ignisian protection.”

  Jett smirked. “Is that so? You think I haven’t seen how you look at her?”

  Cassie’s arm dropped to her side. I gave her a questioning look, but she only stared at me with hurt in her eyes. I shook my head, tears blurring my vision. I hated hurting her, but how could I help how Finn felt about me?

  Finn let out an ironic chuckle. “At least I am attempting to fight for what I want. You, on the other hand, let another man claim the woman you loved.”

  “I didn’t have a choice,” Jett bellowed.

  Finn stepped closer to Jett, angling his body between us. “You could have challenged him. It was your right.”

  “I was not strong enough at the time, and you know it.”

  I peeked around Finn. “Why not?”

  “You stay out of this,” Jett said. The look he gave me nearly took me to my knees.

  I wasn’t about to let him intimidate me any longer. Since they were throwing the term out there, I took my shot with it as well. “I have a right to know,” I said firmly.

  Jett shook his head. “You have no rights in this place. The sooner you accept that, the easier your life will be.”

  Finn’s eyes grew wide and then narrowed at me as if he just realized Jett’s statement was true. He turned toward Cassie. “Get Rayla upstairs while I deal with this.”

  Jett took a step toward us. “I have not traveled all this way to allow you to take her from me.”

  Cassie seemed unsure what to do, but she pulled lightly on my arm. “Come on. Let’s go.”

  We started toward the door, but Jett blocked our path moments before we entered the great hall. He shoved Cassie aside then clamped his arms around me. His voice came out gravelly. “I think I will just leave with what I came for if it is all the same to you.” He backed away from Finn, scanning the area for other threats.

  This couldn’t be happening. I could barely breathe, but I was able to twist my head around enough to see Heath standing in the doorway. His face was contorted with such emotion he looked as if he could call down the wrath of God, but he didn’t move. “Don’t let him take me,” I managed to get out, although it was barely audible. I tried to call the elements to aid me but for whatever reason they wouldn’t come.

  Heath seemed to awaken from a deep sleep and rushed toward us with Finn and five other men on his heels. I thought one of them was going to tackle Jett with me in his arms, but they just circled us. Finn’s palm glowed bright red and a wall of fire surrounded me and Jett. The heat of it made me gasp for air.

  Jett turned me in his arms and buried my face protectively against his chest. Even though I was terrified of him I could have easily stayed in his arms forever. Whatever he had done to me had made a lasting impression.

  I heard a rumble and coughed as smoke threatened my lungs. When I looked up, a perfect dome of dirt encased us. Intense pounding sounded through the barrier. Jett looked down at me. His eyes were a bit sad but still determined. “I am sorry about earlier, Rayla. I had not meant to get that carried away. You are so like her, and yet, not like her at all. Even though you probably won’t believe me, I fully understand that you are not your mother…” He didn’t say that he wished I was even though he might as well have. His longing for her was still clear in his eyes. He took my shoulders between his hands. “Your life with me would be enjoyable. I am not the monster you have imagined me to be. Perhaps I should have lied to you about my reasons for wanting you, but I believe in being upfront with my motives. Even though I can’t say I love you at this moment, I now know I could.”

  Someone’s fist broke through the dome and the whole thing cracked like a splintered eggshell. It was only a matter of moments before the dome would come crashing down around us. I had to stall. I couldn’t allow Jett to take me. I couldn’t live with him for hundreds of years knowing he would always imagine I was my mother. Fear and hurt tightened my throat. I couldn’t speak.

  Was it possible my mother loved this man? Was there a redeeming part of him I couldn’t see? I stared at him searching for answers I would never find in the depths of his eyes.

  He touched my cheek. “I must go, but make no mistake, I will return for you. You are hers, and, therefore, you are mine.” In a flash of green light, he was gone.

  The barrier shattered the moment he disappeared, filling my senses with his scent. Dirt rained down on me, covering my hair and my dress.

  I was shaking so uncontrollably that I didn’t care who lifted me into his arms. It was only later I realized that Heath was the one carrying me back to my room. It was impossible for me to mistake him for someone else. He kept murmuring about how Finn was not suitable to represent his kingdom and how he was going to torture Jett the first chance he was able. How Jett had ruined what was supposed to have been the best night of his life. There was more meaning there than I had desire to explore. Let’s just say that Jett may have done me a huge favor.

  Heath kicked my door open and said some strange words before he lowered me onto the bed. I suddenly felt as though I
had just gotten out of a shower. My face was no longer covered in dust, and my hair was slightly damp. I was also wearing something different. It slid over my limbs like silk, but covered me like a track suit. I was too out of it to really care.

  I felt his body lean across mine and his breath warm my neck. “I wish I were better at this stuff, but I assure you…” He laughed lightly, his cheek nuzzling against mine. “I’m good when it counts.”

  When his lips brush my ear, my entire body sizzled for more. “Heath,” I warned, but there was no strength to my voice.

  “Don’t worry, my little warrior.” His lips blazed a trail of fire to the hollow of my neck where he buried his face and inhaled deeply. His five o’clock shadow tickled my skin when he smiled. “The only way I would ever claim you is if and when you are completely aware of what is happening.” He laughed softly. “What fun would it be to take you now?”

  I tried to roll away from him, but I was barely coherent as it was. I opened my mouth to tell him that he would never succeed, but it only came out as a moan.

  “I know, sweet one,” he soothed. “You must save your strength and prepare yourself…” He ran his hand over my hair in an unnervingly intimate gesture before he pulled back slightly, inhaling slowly. His tone lowered dramatically when he spoke. “Because once I conquer Finn…I’m coming after you.”

  The finality of his declaration made my breath hitch. Heat rushed through me, claiming everything within me as his own. I cringed at the unwanted feelings of longing that blasted through my heart.

  His weight shifted away from me before the slow thud of his shoes striking against the floor signaled his retreat. The door squeaked open then closed, leaving me to the overwhelming silence.

  I had no idea what was wrong with me, but I seemed to have a hard time staying conscious whenever Jett was around me for very long.

  Chapter Six

  Someone was shaking me. I groggily lifted my eyelids. They refused to stay open, but I managed to say, “What?” before they drifted closed again.

  “It’s been two days since the ball. You have to wake up!” It was Cassie. The frantic cadence to her voice jolted me awake, but now I felt dizziness claim me as if the world was just seconds from going topsy-turvy. “We can’t leave if you don’t get your butt out of bed.”

  Leave? I recalled something about that. I needed to leave for some reason. I was worried about something, but I couldn’t quite remember…I lost my train of thought. My eyelids would have required braces to keep them open at that point.

  Someone else stomped over to the bed. The sound of his voice reverberated around me. “Rayla.” It was unmistakably Finn. “Get up! They are holding the tournament tomorrow and unless you want to find yourself bound to Heath, you had better fight to wake up.”

  “Isn’t there anything you could do to help her?” Cassie asked. She slid away from me and lowered her voice, but I still managed to hear what she was saying. “What exactly is wrong with her?”

  “This is Jett’s attempt at keeping her from being claimed before he returns with the Royal Guard. He’s a master of subliminal control. In effect, Rayla is under sedation.”

  Cassie groaned. “There has to be a way to break the spell or whatever it is.”

  “I could try, but I would risk too much to do it. We’re better off leaving her here. Don’t you see? It would be easier for us if I wasn’t around her all the time.”

  “She’s my best friend, and I won’t see her miserable because of me. I would rather you claim her than have someone else have control of her power.”

  Anger saturated Finn’s reply. “How can you say such a thing? You know how difficult this has been for me to fight.”

  I tried my hardest to tell Finn that there was no way he was ditching me, but my lips refused to move. Feelings rushed through me. It was all returning. I had to get to Zach. I had to find Luke. I forced my eyes open. “Don’t you dare leave me here,” I managed to say, but my voice was so soft, I wondered if they had been able to hear me.

  Cassie whirled around. Her cheeks lifted in a relieved smile. “I knew you could do it.” She sat next to me and helped me to sit up.

  For one brief moment, Finn looked at me as if I were his whole reason for existing. Then his eyes held only one thing for me: contempt that was moments away from morphing into hatred. He stepped back and crossed his arms over his chest.

  I turned away from him and glanced at Cassie. I had never seen her look so hopeful.

  “Do you think you can stand up?” she asked.

  My head was still woozy as if I was in the haze of a dream, but I pushed myself to the edge of the bed. When I rose to my feet, I staggered. Cassie put her arm around my waist and waited for me to lean into her. She helped me pull my boots on then led me over to Finn.

  He seemed absolutely shocked that I was actually standing. I glared at him, angry that he wanted to leave me here. “What are you waiting for?” I blurted.

  He gave me a once over then a smirk before he turned on his heel and walked away. I was surprised when he didn’t lead us out the door. Instead, he took us into my sitting room. Looking as intimidating as any medieval knight, he stood before the fire pit. His hair shone almost as bright as the flame below, matching the color of his eyes. Cassie brought me next to him.

  He looked at the two of us and cleared his throat. “We will only have one chance at escape. The way is treacherous, and I will not be able to use my power to aid either of you. I need you both to understand what you are risking by doing this. If we are caught, I will most likely be imprisoned and you will be dealt with swiftly.”

  I closed my eyes and prayed for strength. Then I claimed Finn’s gaze, not allowing any doubt to creep into my expression. “Let’s just get moving.”

  He nodded before he knelt by the fire pit. Seemingly searching for something in particular, he ran his fingers over the stones. His hand brushed one area and stopped. A small smile curved the corners of his mouth. “I hope you two are up for this.”

  He pushed a nondescript brown stone inward, and the whole fire pit slid away as if on a stage. A gust of sweltering heat blasted into us. I gasped a hot breath but was determined not to complain about the sulfuric odor. Finn led the way down the circular staircase. I heard the soft hiss of the entrance closing behind us and hoped that a certain man did not know about this passageway.

  We kept descending into the depths of the earth. It was slow going at first, but after a while, I felt stronger as if Jett’s enchantment could no longer reach me. That thought brought a hopeful smile to my lips. At least I no longer had to use Cassie as a crutch. Just how far down were we going to go? And for the life of me I couldn’t figure out what was so great about underground tunnels that made the fae and the Order both use them.

  Sweat was running down my back in tiny streams. I unzipped my jacket, but it didn’t help much, so after a while I took it off and wrapped it around my waist. I pulled the hem of my tank top out, letting my skin breathe a little. It was soaking wet as if I had been in a sauna for hours.

  To my utter relief, we finally reached the bottom of the stairs. A small door was set into the wall. I swallowed hard and gritted my teeth, inhaling slowly.

  It was official. I was claustrophobic.

  Finn had to crouch to even get through the door. I tried not to think about how far down we were or how long we would have to travel in this place to see sky again. The air became so thick with sulfur that I had to cover my nose. At one point I even wondered if I was going to die down here. Every part of me was screaming for water, but I didn’t dare complain about being thirsty. Finn was just waiting for an excuse to leave me in this place to rot.

  Cassie was in front of me. She kept glancing back, giving me small smiles as if she were proud of me.

  My body was still pretty weak, but I was hopeful for the first time since I got here that I would be able to leave. After what seemed like forever, we reached another door. I tried not to get too excited about bein
g able to breathe fresh air again because for all I knew we were headed somewhere worse. When I looked a little closer it occurred to me that the door was a solid metal slab. Where was the knob?

  Finn murmured a couple of words in a language that sounded as old as time before the door groaned and dust spewed out all around us. We all started coughing. I couldn’t see anything, but I felt Cassie’s small fingers curl around mine. We walked tentatively through the opening.

  Great. It was even hotter. Cassie stopped cold and let out a yelp. I barely managed to avoid her. Finn swore.

  I heard a low growl that was definitely not from an animal. “I knew you would try something like this,” said a voice that had grown familiar even though I didn’t want it to. When the dust settled, I peeked around Finn’s shoulder, hoping I was mistaken. Heath turned toward Finn, his face contorted in furor. “I was right. You are too much of a coward to face me.”

  He stood only a few feet away from me, and I was finding it hard to resist the natural pull his nearness caused. The anger fled his eyes when he glanced at me. He smiled, warm and inviting. I felt the blood drain from my face. What next?

  Finn took advantage of the distraction and lunged at Heath, letting out a guttural scream. The two men went sprawling, fists flying at each other in a battle as old as time. I just wished I wasn’t the reason they were fighting. I was a little surprised that neither of them was using his power, but Finn had implied that they couldn’t access it down here. This was a test of pure strength, and I wasn’t certain which of them would win.

  Cassie shouted repeatedly for Finn to stop. I couldn’t say a word. How had my life come to this? I wanted to do something, anything, but I had no clue what that would be. In the end, I just stood there gaping. They were both strong, capable men who seemed equally matched.

  Finn caught Heath off guard and threw him to the ground, but Heath was able to roll away then jump to his feet before Finn could pin him down. His chest was heaving, and his face was a little ashen.


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